The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

Chapter 8 - Set off

Nivea lay silently on the bed, her pretty big eyes staring up at the high ceiling, but there was no obvious focal length. Her wound has been healed by Tiffalio and has now begun to heal. The wound under the bandage spreads the itching sensation of body growth and is stimulating the girl’s nerves. This taste is actually not good, but Nicole seems to feel nothing at all. At this time, she was already confused.

The door of the room was gently pushed open, and a person was walking towards the bed; his movements were light, but Nicole Ciri still felt the other person’s presence.

“Nico …” Lu Xi’s voice rang by the bed.

The girl pulled the quilt and covered her head.

“Nico, it’s me.”

“I can’t see, I can’t see, I can’t see, Lu Lu or something, I hate it the most!”

“Uh, don’t want to see it if you don’t want to see it, but I still have to say: Nicole, I’m going to Nadia tomorrow …”

“Can’t hear, can’t hear, can’t hear, Nadia or something, the most annoying!”

Lu Xi jumped up, grabbed the quilt in one hand and tried to lift it, but Nicole grabbed the two corners of the quilt, just not to expose his face. After stalemate for a long time, Lu Xi took a long breath and gave up trying to sit down.

“Look, I can’t even match my strength, it’s a waste material. I can’t really let you protect me for a lifetime?”

“Isn’t it okay …” The girl exclaimed half of her face from behind the quilt and whispered.

   “Of course not!” Lu Xi jumped up again, and Nicole quickly covered the quilt back.

“Fortunately, I am still a man, although a bit of a house … er, but it is not waste wood! Protected by girls, what is it! Looking at a certain amount of volumes, how can there be such a protagonist!”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about at all.”

“Uh, in short, if I can’t become stronger, and can’t protect you in reverse, then I will become a fake woman, a yin and yang, a sissy …”

“Aren’t there anymore?”

“Yes, there is no more! Kouhu, who taught you this?”

“Aren’t you a big liar?” Nicole said.

“Hey, food can be eaten arbitrarily, people can also be hacked, but the words can not be arbitrarily talked about, how can I become a liar.”

“Big liar! You said that when you saved enough money, you would take me to travel around the world, to eat all the sweets and pastries in the world, to see all the forests and seas in the world, to the end of the world, to watch the sunrise and sunset … “

“Stop and stop!” Lu Xi suddenly grew bigger, “I don’t remember what I said about Qiong Yao.”

“What is Qiong Yao? Can it be eaten? Ah, forget it, in short, you just said it!”

“I do not have.”

“you said before.”

“Really do not have.”

“Just said it!”

“Okay, okay,” Lu Xi raised Fu Yin’s forehead. “Just as I said. But, you have to know: traveling around the world is expensive. Transportation, accommodation, and equipment and supplies, These are all money. And the prices everywhere are so expensive, let ’s say Nadia, a Chinese cabbage costs thousands of dollars … “

Nicole finally stretched his head out from behind the quilt.

“The money I have saved is not enough for both of us to go to Auckland. So, I have to think of a better way to make money!”

“So, Lu Lu wanted to make money, didn’t he want to leave me?”

   “Well, that’s right. Even if you protect me, you have to admit that it is a man’s responsibility to make money to support my family?”

“But, are you not a shareholder of the company? There is a big dividend every year.”

“Oh? This … the business is not easy to do now! You see that this time, there will be a loss in the next quarter. If we no longer find a way to expand our new business, we will be dragged by the company sooner or later.

“That’s right …” The girl’s attitude finally began to loosen.

“So, I am going far away now, one is to become stronger; but the most important thing is to accumulate activity funds for our future plans!”

“Well, is that true? I always feel that you have been cheated.”

“That’s how it is. Where do I dare to deceive the beautiful, kind, and wise and smart Miss Nicole?” Lu Xi shook his tail and kept climbing.

“Well,” Nicole Ciri finally nodded hesitantly, “But, you have to write to me every month, no, every day!”

“Is there a postal service between Norda and Nadia?”

“Do you write!”

“Write, write …”

“Maltose must be sent to me every week!”

“It’s broken long ago.”

“Can you send it !?”

“Send, send …”

“Must every time …”

The next day, the sun was still far away at the end of Linhai, but Lu Xi had already carried the parcel on the suburban road early. Here, he also meets a character who is not expected and unreasonable.

“Why are you here?” Lu Xi looked at the young man with blond hair and a bright smile, and finally suppressed the urge to cut people.

“Haha, Lucy Wuyou, as a noble person, a person who is free from low-level fun, I have decided not to disturb the peaceful daily life of the beautiful elf friends, and I am ready to return home. Master Orusello has promised Let me catch a ride to Glenrow. “

“In other words, I still have to face your face for at least a week? This is simply torture!”

“My friend Lucy, this is the blessing of the gods on our friendship and bondage, so please accept your fate.”

Lu Xi ignored him, his attention had shifted to the other side of the square. Accompanied by a few elves, Olusello, his current boss and perhaps his future teacher, came over. He just wore a very ordinary coat with a cane in his hand.

The elf headed by    saluted Orusello, it was Carofendal Eagle Eye. UU reading

“Master, we will deliver it here. Ms. Tiedlite and His Excellency Tiffario entrust me to convey to you the apology that they cannot send it away.”

“They have a lot of abilities, but they are no better than me.” Olucello smiled, “So, I’m leaving now, you back away.”

After the elves pushed away a few steps obediently, Orusello gently tapped the ground with his cane, and a huge blue magic circle suddenly appeared on the stone road among the forest.

In the ripples of the magic ripples, a four-wheeled horse carriage with four armored horses appeared out of thin air. In the driver’s seat was a knight who had his head and face wrapped in armor, and saluted Orusello in his position.

“Master Orusello’s Protoss Chariot, I didn’t expect that I could see it with my own eyes.” Olivier whispered.

“Two boys, get in the car!” He said that he had pulled the car door and walked up.

Lu Xi was just about to get on the bus, but saw Carofendal walking next to him, and whispered: “Come on when you go to Nadia. The next time you meet, can’t be as weak as the current.”

“Relax brother Ying, you have to take care too” Lu Xiqiang cheered and hugged each other, “Neither Samir nor Haldir could come back. Say goodbye to them for me. In addition, all my shares in the company stay Give Nivea, I will let her send you the dividend every month. “

“Forget it.” When it comes to “dividends”, Hawkeye seems to remember something terrible, and suddenly trembles out of control. “Or leave it to your wife for your own use.”

The carriage drove past in the eyes of the elves. The elves stopped their work and watched the carriage go away. They knew that the child they loved would eventually return to their own world.

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