The Crystal Palace Of Heaven

v8 Chapter 1715 - Rose Trial

“According to the testimony before the dismissal, the so-called State of Emergency Committee already had a conspiracy to seize the supreme power of the Federation and continue to maintain its violent rule! They are despicable traitors! Shameless nationality! The Federation is a free and high civilization Because of the existence of this group of blood-sucking codling bugs, the people of the Federation have always lived in a fierce and fierce life, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh data mahjong humongous humiliating humiliating humiliating humiliating humiliating humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming humming me There is a literati who has no power, and there is a young man who dares to be angry but not dare to speak. Ooooo, I am guilty! I guilt in front of the goddess! “

The handsome and painful runny in the court is like cuckoo crying blood. Probably because he was indeed a handsome and gentle uncle, who was particularly motivated when he cried, so he also gave empathy to many of the crowd and began to cry.

It was probably everyone ’s response that made him very satisfied, and Mr. Soldino was more excited. His voice suddenly increased, as if every character was full of complaints and shouts: “I thought of the false speaker of the Emergency Committee, he asked I publish them in the newspaper every day and wash them. I ca n’t resist! I ’m guilty! Here is the record of our conversation. ”

“Shameless …” Sehiriu sighed in the middle of the front row of the auditorium.

“Shameless!” A few observers sitting behind and next to her “watching the masses”-in fact all rich businessmen and celebrities in the cultural world-presumably heard her words and suddenly shouted loudly, attracting the crowd behind Coax.

Mr. Soldino was even more excited: “Bang Bing Biao Bing Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao Biao, he said, he also asked each of my editors to give him a hundred praising articles every day for him to choose!”

“He also said, he also said, if I don’t pay, he will preach that I don’t flush the toilet! Boom!”

“Does he still say my girlfriend! Boom!”

The common feelings in the auditorium are even heavier, and Sehiriu even heard many people

“It’s really a person …” Sehiriu couldn’t help but sighed again.

“Yes, it’s simply the talent of the shameless world! The king of the kingdom of thieves!” Someone echoed. Sehiriu remembered that it was a rich businessman, as if he was a supporting supplier of peripheral engineering contractors of the Violet family.

I do n’t mean that! Sehiriu just wanted to tell, but heard someone shouting loudly: “Down with the thief!”

This man is a somewhat famous writer, remember to be a famous work is remembered as “Road of Heroes-The Battle of Kellingers”.

“Hanged them! No, beheaded! Showed and chopped to feed the goblins!” Someone clapped the table vigorously, as if it was a middle-level bureaucrat of a shipping firm, whose voice was so ambitious and full, but the person was actually quite enchanting, It is said that it is a bit unclear about the relationship with the former shipping chief, an old man who died in the Orentian family a year ago.

Sehiriu felt that he was still not talking. She couldn’t help but look at the three black-robed priests on the opposite observation seat-Scria, the bishop of Udon, the goddess of judgment and justice, and the two priests with swords. The Bishop Your Excellency, who is known for his fairness and solemnity, was grinning very hard at this time, as if all the folds on his face seemed to be smiling.

This is clearly a ridiculous farce with low IQ, and it will be a shame for the Federation if it is passed out! Sejiri, who was particularly responsible, wanted to get under the table for a while. She now thinks what a wise move Lu Xi is not coming.

“Wow! Unexpectedly, the accused turned out to be such a shameless man!” An old judge sighed with emotion, and his face was full of interest. A pair of “What else do you want to say, I want to continue listening “Expression.

“Cough cough cough …” Sexilu began to cough, although this trick is very old-fashioned, but at this time she can only use this trick.

The old judge just woke up like a dream and coughed awkwardly, knocking **** the table in front of him with a small wooden hammer: “Silence! Silence! Hmm, defendant, do you still have anything to say?”

Turner Willambat, who had been standing on the dock, opened his eyes and glanced around with haughty and cold eyes. It’s much more useful to listen to Xi’s calmness than the few “quiet” sounds of the judge. Even Mr. Soldino in the witness stand lowered his head and dared not to look at him. He whispered a few times but said nothing.

The only person in the audience who could keep his eyes on Turner without falling into the disadvantage was Sejiri. However, Turner’s eyes only stayed on her body for a moment, and then quickly moved away.

In any case, Sehiriu is just an episode. Although Turner Vilambat had lost all his power, strength and wealth, he was pressed onto the stands like a display card in a zoo. However, his body was still tall and proud, and he had never lost his system.

He sneered and raised his chin to the solemn Sorzino: “It’s a ridiculous farce! I still remember that when this clown ran to my house begging me with an expensive crystal plate, it really looked like a Dog! “

He pondered for a while, and suddenly turned to Sehiriu again, said quietly: “Does he think that putting me in such a place to humiliate can subvert our influence? Then, why didn’t he dare to appear in person, in person? Come and face me? Power and prestige are maintained with awe. There are many jokes and there is no awe. Does he not understand? When he insults us today, one day, someone will subvert him. To reproach him in this way … or to say that he and your descendants? Do you understand? Miss Moore, you and your man are stupid! “

There was an uproar at the scene, and the judge couldn’t keep quiet no matter how he knocked on the table. The three priests in the Observatory continued to watch the show with great interest, but the well-known “judge” Bishop Scria had a deep eyes, opened a document on the table, and seemed to be ready to speak. .

Sehiriu opened the mouth before the bishop: “You misunderstood him, Master Verambart, but also the power and prestige. I don’t expect you to understand the meaning of the latter. After all, it is our and Your most fundamental disagreement. I ’m just talking about the former … It ’s not good to hear, but he is not afraid to face you, but feels that you are really not important. ”

Turner Verambart waited in disbelief for his eyes, “… you, what are you talking about?”

“Compared to the follow-up political situation in the Federation, the lives and well-being of tens of millions of people, how to rebuild their homes, how to compensate for the losses they suffered in the civil war, and how to let them live and work again, are really not important compared to your results. In fact, I have a lot of things to do here, and I did n’t have time to come. However, I think that since everyone treats me as a representative of Lu Xi, it ’s polite to send you over here. For the time being, I can do a little bit of responsibility for him. “

Speaking of this, Sehiriu shut his mouth. She felt that it was enough at this point. However, I did n’t expect that Turner Verambart over there seemed to have been taken away all decent and arrogant, and made a nearly hysterical roar: “No, he is afraid of me! He does not dare Face me! “

“What about you? What qualifications do you have to judge me! I am the legal speaker of the Federation, the highest legal head of the Federation, and I am …”

“The lich, or the behind-the-scenes investors who had been together with the remnants of the plague king, were they released, weren’t they?” The Bishop of Scria interrupted him. He picked up the papers on the table and patted them lightly: “We got a lot of decisive testimony from the captured necromancer, and we just checked it up and there will be more decisive evidence soon. What. “

“… you, I … when did your Great Sanctuary become Belencaster’s dog?”

This is a typical life attack of a barking dog, and it has no effect on the Bishop. He no longer went to see Turner, but nodded in the direction of the judge: “Of course, in the final analysis, I am only responsible for listening and deliberation, and provide the court with a little advice.”

“So, this court sentenced, Turner Verambart, treason was established! Murdered the legal head of the Federation, convicted! Convicted of the Devil’s Paralympic Party, convicted! Arsonist, established! Public security violation … death sentence! Immediate execution! “Your judge started knocking on the table, a pity on her face, probably because you didn’t hear more secret gossip from the doormen and nobles.

Sehiriu got up and left, and all the onlookers and court guards hurried to make way for her, just like giving away a … well, queen.

The Student Council Chairperson is actually not very used to this, but her mind has shifted to the welcome meeting that will be followed by representatives from various celestial zones.

It doesn’t matter how the sentence is executed later. To put it bluntly, this public trial is to make a legal and reasonable tone for this civil war, so that it can be regarded as a complete end of the civil war.

What really makes Tena Verambart heartbreak is that although he is not the only person sentenced to death in the court, there are Linno Upster, Mesen Orentian, and Caris Kay Ringers and other housekeepers accompanied him on the road, but Violet Vilambat was the only family whose property was confiscated.

The Thousand-year-old Austrian family, the famous Violet Vilambat family, is completely destroyed. When its resurgence, it has no connection with the federal political stage … Well, if they can really resurrect.

In fact, the same thing that has lost everything is the Dandy Lane family, but this one can talk about things that are either dead or missing, and only the old and small small groups are shaking.

Sejiriu, the softest of her friends, was a little unbearable, thinking of how much he had and the missing general Admiral Harda Dandyline, and secretly stuffed the other party’s sixteen-year-old daughter with a sum of money. The girl who had lost everything overnight expressed her feelings of hatred, gratitude, helplessness, and relief, and then took all her family and left Eliashar.

The only one of the gatekeepers who escaped the death was Lukar Mensius, who was sentenced to a symbolic sentence of ten years ’imprisonment, but could be confined to a prison in the country to serve his sentence, and spend his old age with his daughter and grandchildren. .

Many people do not understand, but Lu Xi insists on this. In any case, Marshal Kyle Mencius and himself once again had a friendship of robes fighting side by side, and even regarded as a life-saving grace, he really could not turn his face and deny it, and immediately attacked his family. He really sincerely hoped that the men of the Mencius family would keep their duty from now on; however, if they really had to die, they would not be sorry for the Marshal Mencius.

In addition, a large number of bureaucrats, officers, and parliamentarians of the State of Emergency Committee and the gate faction were cleared step by step from the federal political stage, either expelled, imprisoned, or confiscated property. Of course, all their dispositions have gone through a “reasonable and legal” court trial. This process lasted for nearly three years, and there will be a special “Second Berencaster Prison” or “Rose Trial” in later generations. There are historical nouns.

Of course, in the course of this trial, the new federal government has cultivated a group of fairly capable legal officials, which has laid a considerable foundation for future institutionalization.

However, we must also know that the really smart nobles belong to the nine-headed bird. In addition to the demise of Vilanbat and Dandy Lane, the rest of the family has already made a stubborn survival, and even the severance of the head is required to prepare for life. And as clever as Lu Xi and his friends also understand that if you want to really kill all the surnames Orentian, Kellinger, and Ils, then you have lost your righteousness. .

Not even all evictions are possible. During the civil war, these families were born, and there are still a lot of people fighting under their own command.

All in all ~ ~ In the future Federation, parliamentarians, bureaucrats and officers who were born of these old gates are still emerging, but in the subsequent series of reforms of the federal government, they have indeed lost all, at least on the bright side. Privileges, and will be subject to the vigilance and invisible discrimination of all federal executive groups.

In the subsequent history, with the development of the times, the civilization of this world has embarked on the sea of ​​stars, the moment when the Confederacy has ceased to exist, the Federation has never born a supreme head who was born an old gate.

However, this is all afterwords.

In fact, as Sehirio said, Lu Xi is not unlike facing Turner Verambart. Compared to the end of an inconspicuous so-called “enemy”, he has more Important things to do.

For example, what attitude should he face Master Palon Avalal.

What should he do to deal with the political allies left by Master Russell, such as Admiral Agro who has just been released, such as Lieutenant General Makarov, the commander of the Dark History, such as Governor Anros.

How much do they know?

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