406: The Devil’s Dessert (1)**

Chapter 406: The Devil's Dessert (1)**

Tsubaki Shinra was worried. Her King, the Student Council President, was dozing off. It wasn't like her, whatever happened in that meeting between her, Rias, and that new Sensei had Sona out of her psyche.

Tsubaki wondered what she could do for her King while sitting with an intent frown on her face. While sitting on the couch that faced the window, she watched Sona who was sitting on the railing of the window. It was entirely too similar to what Rias had been doing just this morning.

It was around that time when Sona's phone rang with a notification. It was kept on the table in the far, and it wasn't the phone they used for the human world. It was a magical phone that only rang when somebody from the underworld tried to contact them. 

Tsubaki quickly went to retrieve it, in the hope to give Sona something to focus on. She was surprised when she picked up the phone and realized that wasn't the only notification in the last hour. There were many others, and mostly they were DMs. Tsubaki wasn't in the room until a while ago, and Sona was too distracted to notice.

Something serious must be going on for there to be this many messages. She quickly walked to Sona and gently called her.

"Sona. There seems to be something going on in the underworld, you have a couple dozen messages."

Sona stopped looking at the moon, which she was doing while chewing on her lips and turned to Tsubaki. Tsubaki felt pain as she noticed her King's reddened lips. What was she thinking so intently about that she didn't care to bleed? Her expression had been one of confusion and hesitation this entire time, and only when she silently took the phone from Tsubaki did her expression change.

The moment the phone opened with her Face ID and she clicked the single link she had been sent by countless people, asking her details for what was going on, or if she even knew about it, Sona's expression took a turn. Her confused expression turned into a solemn frown until she looked as if she had been backstabbed.

That was a solid expression, and now it was Tsubaki's turn to be confused. Curious, she peeked into the phone and frowned.


She asked out loud in surprise. Why was Serafall Leviathan, the Satan, out with their Sensei? Tsubaki knew their new Sensei was a strong dragon, but just being strong didn't mean one could just hang around with Satans.

Also, they seemed very… intimate. Neji's hands weren't exactly shy as they held around her abdomen.

Tsubaki was startled when Sona pulled the phone to herself and quickly started dialing a number. Sona's expression was once again that of confusion, Tsubaki assumed even Sona herself didn't know what she was feeling right now, why she was calling her sister right now.

Yet, she called and the phone rang. It was picked up in under two seconds.

["Hey, Sona-tan! How are-"]

"Sister, why are you with him?"

Tsubaki shivered at the tone of her King. It was filled with anger and disappointment, with a tint of sadness layered with a gasp of pure heartbreak.

Tsubaki could only stare wide-eyed, seeing her strong and serious King acting like the high school girl she was. Tsubaki could say nothing as the phone call was cut from the other side and an angry Sona crumbled it under her fist.

* * *

Neji watched Serafall stay crouched down, hugging her knees as she stared down at the ground. He and Grayfia stayed silent for a minute, uncertain what to say, as the Satan girl continued mumbling something under her breath.

Finally, her head snapped to look at him in blatant helplessness.

"Hey, what should I do?"

She truly looked like she was panicking. In his mind Neji couldn't properly comprehend what sort of girl she was. Here she was asking him to play with her sister's heart just a few hours ago, and now she was almost crying because that was exactly what had happened, but in a different manner than planned.

Neji's brain, which was like a supercomputer at this point with all that points in INT and WIS, helped come out with a lot of unique scenarios. To just go and apologize to Sona for being one of the top options.

Sona was a smart girl. If Serafall explained that Neji had come to look for some people, and they just happened to get some drinks and get drunk, she would understand. It wasn't as if it was entirely a lie either, so it would be easy to buy.

Neji decided to let her know about that, but telepathically. There was no need to pull Grayfia into this mess.

<<Hey, can you hear me? I think we can just go and apologize to her, just say this was just a drunken mistake.>>

Serafall blinked, looking into his eyes as she recognized the telepathy. Her eyebrows knitted together, and Neji realized she couldn't reply back with his Gamer’s Mind. A spiritual help from Sisty quickly fixed the problem as Serafall's voice rang in his head. 

<<No way. That won't work, I don't think it will. She is too… stubborn and smart to buy that. She will just get more furious.>>

She stared at him hopelessly for a few more seconds, and then her pleading eyes lit up suddenly. She gave him a shaky grin.

<<Hey, I know! Let's do it this way.>> She got up, walking to him. <<We can trail this mistake backward. We can reverse-run our plan. We can make this situation a mixture of the two I proposed. We already broke her heart, now we just have to give her a guilty pleasure that she would fall for. Like mine. If I want to see my sister taken away… it'd be cute if she came to bear the same kink. Or maybe she would have a kink to see her lover being taken away? It would hurt since it's her sister… ah, dammit. Anyway, I am just saying if we fuck and make her watch? Or send her a clip, same thing. What do you think?>>

Neji stared at the girl in silence. Was she really Sona's sister? She was crazy, and despite her masochistic kinks, she had a nasty sadistic side.

Worst of all, Neji didn't hate the idea. It was that Ingvild Leviathan girl to blame, honestly. He was too relaxed right now, that for once he felt a little in need of female companionship.

He did tell Sisty that it'd take someone special if he were to have a go in this world. A cute magical girl Satan who gave him a cute date seemed to fill that box, though perhaps that Ingvild girl was the one to fill it more. For a moment, the darker side of his head wondered what it would feel if she moaned in his ears. It was bound to sound euphoric.

'For another time.'

Neji found it a little funny how he thought earlier that he would move with Serafall's request after he found someone special. Who would have thought she would fill that box herself?

"Doesn't sound half bad. It might work."

Neji decided to let go for once. It had been more than a week, and he doubted this relaxed state would last very long for him. So he should relax a bit more before the song's effects wear off.

Grayfia was paying close attention to his words, trying to understand the situation.

"Alright then!"

"Were you two talking via telepathy?"

Serafall cheered with a drunken blush as Grayfia asked, but she ignored the maid and walked to Neji.

Neji caught her as she jumped. He put his left hand around her waist and pulled her closer. It felt good to be holding someone like this after so long… although it was just a week. He used his right hand to lift her chin up and make her look into his eyes.

"I won't listen to any regrets later, saying you were drunk and made a mistake."

"Hey, I am not that drunk."

Somehow Neji didn't trust that. Serafall let out a giggle, and then began to chant a spell. It was a teleport spell, as magic circles spun above their heads.

"Wait! Where are you two going?" The super maid yelled, and Serafall nearly just teleported away without answering.

However, her drunk head just got an idea. She grinned at Grayfia.

"We are planning to record something, but we lack a cameraman. You didn't really earn many favor points from Neji tonight, but he might be willing to help Rias out with at least the incoming Rating Game if you tag along and be our camerawoman."


Neji called her, looking at her with a frown as she let out her puppy eyes.

"Please? Pretty please~?"

Neji knew what she was trying, why she wanted Grayfia there. She's one naughty devil and she wanted to do naughty things. Neji didn't believe it would work, but if it did… Well, it would be fun. He doubted this relaxed state would last long, so he may just enjoy it while it lasted. So, he gave Grayfia a curt nod.

"All right, sure. It won't be that complicated to help Rias anyway."

"I am coming."

The drunk maid didn't think much of the situation, not even aware to ask what they wanted to record, as she just nodded and stepped into the magic circle.

The magic circle flared purple and the giggling Serafall teleported them away.

* * *

The three of them appeared in a room. It was a royal bedroom situated on the top floor of a multistory castle. The windows were large, and the room was decorated in an intertwining color of red and blue, with an occasional pink here and there.

Serafall was a few feet away from Neji, but the short Satan girl had her chest pressed against his. There were no words exchanged as she simply pushed him on the bed and jumped on top of him.


They both heard Grayfia's startled gasps, but Serafall was too busy tearing his clothes apart to care. When his shirt was torn to shreds, revealing his muscular chest, a gasp came from Serafall too.

"Now what is this?"

Her pink eyes lingered on the cold, mostly transparent mark on his body. That was the [Mark of Divinity] that Neji attained in his last words. They were currently inactive, and so the electric blue color was almost transparent now. It looked like a beautiful tattoo regardless.

Then, there was his muscle. Serafall trailed her fingers down the Divinity Lines, feeling a little zap from there, and then she felt the rocky muscles on his chest.

"You are hot, you know that?"

That was funny. Neji didn't say anything and allowed the girl to lock eyes with him, before she bit her lips and leaned over. Her lips fell over his, and her tongue slipped into his mouth. Her hands held him by the face as she kissed him deeply.

Neji's hands began to move too. They ran down her back and stopped on her firm backside, groping them to get a feel for the special pair of devil butt, that few if any alive had felt in the whole world.

With a gentle spank, her clothes teleported into his inventory. She could play the rough role for now, he didn't like useless waste of clothing as she did.

Serafall going bareback naked seemed to be the final nail as Grayfia really yelled, noting that the situation was outrageous despite being drunk.

"S-Serafall! What is the meaning of this?"

Serafall continued kissing Neji for another five seconds, seemingly addicted to his tongue, until she was forced to pull back when she sensed another yell coming.

Sitting up, all naked and alluring, Serafall gave her old friend a smile.

"Oh come on, I'm a Satan." Serafall told the Strongest Queen. "I can fuck whomever I want to, just because I don't do that often doesn't mean I don't feel lust. Grayfia, don't pretend as if you wouldn't want your body resting on top of these fine abs if you weren't married."

"I would not!" Grayfia yelled.

"Right, I forgot how prude you are."

"B-be quiet! I'm not questioning you for sleeping with some guy, you are old enough to decide for yourself. Even if it's extremely careless of you- hicc!- as a Satan to sleep with just anyone! I am asking why would you have no shame and call me along?!"


Serafall facepalmed, her regret visible.

"That's right, I forgot the camera! We were going to continue at this rate if you didn't remind me. Thanks, Gray!"

Then she stormed off, her naked buttocks jiggling as she ran. Both Grayfia and Neji stared at her vanish, though for obviously very different reasons. Grayfia glared and Neji appreciated the sight.

The shorty returned soon after, with a thick camera at hand. It looked professional.

"Just give her a phone, that's too much."

When Serafall was about to hand Grayfia the thing, Neji suggested. Serafall paused, frowning, before looking at him intently.

"My phone is gone along with my clothes."

"Oh, right."

Neji raised his palm flat and a golden portal dropped Serafall's phone in his hand. He tossed it over to Grayfia, who still looked very displeased.

Serafall put her big camera away and jumped back to the bed, but this time Neji caught her midway and pushed her beneath him. Her hands locked above his head as he looked at her in the eye.

"Dammit, I am only doing this for Rias…" Grayfia seemed to mutter something, but the two of them were too busy to care.

Neji leaned down and his nose touched hers. She gave him a cute grin, and Neji rubbed his nose with her.

"You are cute."

"How original."

Neji bit her nose, and that to her seemed very original as she moaned in light pain.

Then, Neji leaned another inch and kissed her. She gracefully accepted him, trying to free her hands, but was annoyed when she realized he wasn't letting go.

"It feels fun- ahh- to pin down a Satan and ravage her like this?"


They spoke in-between short kisses, before locking into a long, tongue-numbing kiss.

At their level, they didn't really need to breathe. They could survive in space without air, their bodies were too strong. For once, Neji too didn't need to be in consideration of his strength and perks because she wasn't weak. They kissed for tens of minutes, with Serafall soon realizing that maybe she liked being held pinned, and ravaged.

The kiss finally ended, letting out a loud plop and a trail of saliva connected their lips together. They both pulled the string and locked themselves in another, shorter kiss.

When this kiss ended, with both their lips glossy with saliva, Serafall giggled out a moan.

"You are… good. So you're not a hermit, after all?"

"I thought it was obvious," Neji smirked. "Unless, I don't know, if there are hermits who can't drink, but can fuck as long as it's to discipline naughty devils like you."

"Naughty?" She gave a mischievous smile, once more trying to free herself and failing. "I am older than you, I'm pretty sure, even if I act like a brat. Calling me naughty is very disrespectful you know? Should I punish you for it? Ugh- why are you so strong?"

Neji was sure she was older than him too, and a quick [Observe] told him that she was 559 years old. Neji was actually surprised that she wasn't older than that, it meant the events of the Devil Civil War were closer than he thought they were.

Nevertheless, she was nothing more than a little girl currently trapped under him.

There was something odd, though. He was somewhat sadistic and liked to take the more dominant role in things, but with this devil it felt particularly more engaging. When he was letting her take the lead a while ago, something within him felt odd. It felt displeased. After a second of consideration, he had a perfect guess.

The G.O.D transition. It made him more pleased than usual to dominate her, than the other way around. He hadn't thought of this before, but maybe just fucking her brains out would push his Progression Bar to 10%.

Deciding to be a bit more aggressive than usual, Neji spat on her face. Serafall was startled, and even Grayfia flinched on the side. The girl pinned beneath him gave him a furious look, before withdrawing under a blush.

"Damn, why did that turn me on? Yuck, don't spit again."

Neji spat again. Her eyelids fluttered and she moaned. She bit her lip and looked up at him, glaring, but this was a lot less intense than the last one. She looked like a puppy.

"I said don't- ah!"

Neji's right hand smacked her on the face, while his left kept her hands locked. She once again looked furious with her head tilted to the side before her widened eyes dropped and she looked at him much more submissively.

"You're… making me wet." She let out a lovely gasp. “Do me already.”




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