412: Teacher-to-Teacher (2)

Chapter 412: Teacher-to-Teacher (2)

A single classroom in Kuoh High School lit up for a brief moment, as a nine-tailed foxy woman appeared beside the teacher. Besides the real teacher, to be precise, because a clone of the exact teacher was continuing with class and the students too were paying attention to him, as if there was nothing odd going on.

In one corner of the classroom stood the real Neji, as Midnight –Nemuri Kayama– made her appearance after a flash of light. She blinked, looking at Neji, as she turned around to take a look around the classroom.

"...Japan?" she asked.

Her spiky purple-black hair flowed gently as she moved her head, and her new purple eyes observed the scene with serene curiosity. The nine tails behind her swayed as well, while her fox ears twitched every now and then. Her voluptuous figure, barely constrained by her maid dress, would have allured all the students if they weren't under a Genjutsu.

[Image Here]


Nemuri looked at the clone of Neji that was teaching the class. "You're a teacher now? That's... funny. Everyone must be under a spell of some kind since they're not looking at us."

"They are," Neji told her, he didn't add anything else.

He was unsure how to take this conversation; the last time they made up, she cried in his arms back when Heaven I in Naruto was a flying fortress. Then he sent her away to the Arcane Plane with two other girls. Now... he was a bit different than before, he was unsure how to lead this talk.

Midnight noticed it, sadly. She stared at his face and licked her dry lips in tension. "You didn't have to meet me right now when you're taking a class. There isn't really a particular reason I am here for."

"It's fine." He could have guessed that. There was no reason for her to come here, other than...

"I just... wanted to check up on you, you know?" She fidgeted as she admitted it, rubbing her left arm with her right hand as she looked away. "You came to meet Raven a few days ago, I took a peek back then. You look... you don't look good recently."

Neji smiled. She was just here to see him? That felt oddly touching. Their chemistry from the academy was gone now, but for a moment he saw hints of that back on her face again. Also, she didn't want to say he looked depressed.

"Well, things happened." Neji shrugged.

She looked into his eyes, hesitating. "Do you want to talk about it? It's strange... You are a teacher now, I have no idea how much time has passed for you, it may be years or months, but... I still consider myself your Sensei. So if you need someone to talk to, I am here."

Neji didn't want to talk about it. What'd talking about it even do? It won't solve the problem. He was stuck with this and he had to solve it himself.

"Ah, I don't think I want to talk about it. But we can talk about other stuff. It's Japan, you know; we can roam around a bit if you want." He said as she stared at him.

She smiled. "Are you sure you want to show a person who lost her home, a replica of that home where she can't live?"


"I'm joking. Let's go, where do you want to go?" Midnight hesitated and then walked to him, locking her arm around his elbow.

Neji wondered for a moment if he should go back on his words, but decided not to. With a simple thought, he teleported away from the classroom, and into the streets of Japan.


"People won't notice the tails?"

"I put an active Genjutsu around us. We are just a normal couple walking."



Neji walked beside Midnight, too close to one another to be strangers yet an awkward distance between them.

Midnight smiled a hint of amusement on her lips at his reaction.

"It's fine, you just used a figure of speech. Since they can see my maid outfit, there shouldn't be any weird misunderstandings. Ah, or did you hide the dress?"

"It's there..."

Neji looked at her again, at the maid dress she was rocking.

It wasn't meant to be punishment for her and Toga, but mostly for Lady Nagant, that they had to work as maids in Yue's castle. That was why she was wearing that dress; a fox girl maid looked awesome.

For just a second, he imagined Kimi and Nemuri together in this outfit, senpai and kouhai both working as a maid. Then, he stopped those thoughts and sighed.

"You're sighing a lot these days."

"Things happened."


She looked on the ground and followed her toes as she walked. People still looked at them even if her tail wasn't visible, the two of them stood out. She turned to him again and looked into his eyes, she had to look up a bit to do that.

"You're tall."

"I've been the same height you met me last time in the ninja world."

"Oh. Well, you were cheerful then, so you still seemed like a kid to me. Now you're all silent, which makes you appear... bigger."

"Things happened."

She gave him a dirty look this time, now that he repeated that line for the third time.

"Any plans to fix that, then? I can only ask that since you don't plan to tell me what the things are."

"I'm trying to fix them. I'll take a more... active approach starting tomorrow. Intuition tells me today's the last day of peace, so it's my last day as a teacher too."

"Hmm, that's good." She paused. He did the same as they stared at one another. "You haven't found senpai, have you?"

She was talking about Kimi. "No. It's not just about her though, things are just a bit more complicated than usual. If she was here, then maybe I'll find everything easier."

"I see. Which girls have you found yet?"

"Rumi and Ryuko."

Midnight nodded and continued her walk. Neji found the situation a bit confusing but he followed anyway. A bit later, while they were talking about more normal things, like their surroundings, what year this was, etc., the mood was a bit lighter.

"Yeah, the technology here isn't that behind our world. Since more wars happened after Quirks became a thing, technological advancements slowed down. I remember some scientist guy claimed if Quirks didn't become a thing, we would be exploring the cosmos by then." Nemuri explained as Neji brought two ice creams from a vendor nearby.

"Sounds like a possibility. People got too caught up in the hero-villain business, not that it was unavoidable, and things slowed down." Neji handed over an ice cream as she nodded.

"I guess."

Then they began to walk again. After two hours of walking around, both of them were a bit easier around each other. Midnight once again tried her luck.

"Wanna talk about your time recently?"

"No? Why are you still on about it?"

She scoffed. "Whatever. Anyway, take me somewhere else. We have walked enough. I wanna go to a karaoke place."


Neji teleported them away from the streets and into a karaoke bar. The two of them fell directly on top of a couch inside a karaoke room, while Neji used Jogan to shoot the owners with Genjutsu to let them know this room was occupied.

It was a room colored purple and red, and the dim lights on the ceiling were of the same color too. It created a sort of vibe, as gentle music entered from outside. In this situation, Midnight appeared quite alluring.

They sat on the couch, but Midnight didn't grab the mic kept on the table before them. Neither did she tell Neji to pick it. Instead, she gently put a hand on Neji's thigh and spoke.

"How many girls are you with right now?"


She smiled wryly. "Don't play stupid. I am curious."

"I am not going to answer that. Because it doesn't matter when I'm with one particular person." Neji told her straight.

"Huh. Well, you said you're God now, if I can believe that, I guess I can also believe you have the power to focus on one girl as if you love only her." She said, almost in a sarcastic tone, but she meant it.

She leaned to his side, there was no gap between their bodies now. Neji put his arm around her, resting it on her waist.

Midnight looked at his hand and smiled. "I thought you'd take the sign and touch me more boldly by now."

"You don't want that."

"How do you know that? Are you reading my mind right now?"

Neji just smiled. "I don't need to read your mind to understand these signs. You would let me if I lunged at you, but you don't want me to. Well, not from me anyway. You want your student Neji to be back, the bold little boy who flirted back without caring about any consequences. God Neji isn't your type."


She leaned further back into him, even as he leaned his back on the wall and accepted her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I forgave you, I already told you that day." She said as Neji nodded, his chin resting on her head.

"You did. Thank you."

"Then why do you think I don't want you as you are?"


She held my arms that were around her, her body's heat was warm. It was pleasant. Her body rested above his, and it too felt pleasant. She was so soft, so alluring.

With a smile, she turned her head upwards to meet eyes with me.

"Maybe it's you. Maybe it's God Neji who doesn't want Maid Midnight. He wants his Teacher Midnight back, but sadly that's just a fool's dream at this point. Things can't be as they were, can they?"


"Why not, though?"

She asked and Neji frowned. He was sure she understood, so why did she ask such a- Ah.

"You're God, you said. You are so, so much more powerful than the strongest of heroes back from our world. You can wave your hand and people are revived, I heard back in that ninja world. Why not, then?"


"Can't you bring them back? Can't you bring the entire world back? That planet, or universe, whatever it is?"

Neji stared at her with his lips parted, ready to say something but unable to find any answer. How could he? He was so...

"I am not saying you have to do it now." She suddenly added. "You're on a mission. Finish it. Then... bring them back. Bring us back, back to how it was between us. One day, when you're strong enough, revive that entire universe and let us continue our lives. Can't you do that?"

She was smiling, yet tears trailed down her eyes. Her tone was firm yet shaky. Filled with hope. She missed her home, her family and friends, but by far, at least right now, she missed the old Neji like never before.

Neji closed his parted lips. He wondered.

He was on a journey to get rid of the Primordial God from his back. Ideally, he wanted that guy to die, but if that were to be impossible, he wanted to get strong enough that the Primordial would just leave him be. Which meant, power on the scale of the Omniverse. If he grew that powerful... couldn't he bring back a single dead world?

Neji didn't have a true goal. He never did. All this time, it was a desperate desire for survivability. He just wanted to stay alive from the hands of his enemies. But what after? What would he do after that?

"A goal..." he muttered. "That sounds like a fine goal, Midnight Sensei."

He called her by her old titles as she blinked, her eyes going wide for a moment just as he pressed his lips on her from above. Her body shivered above him, shaking in a pleasure that ran from her body and to her soul.

Neji's hands felt her waist and her breasts, while his lips felt hers. His tongue felt her own, and his body took in the warmth of hers. He twisted her around to press her down on the long couch, kissing her from above, his knees pressing between her legs as she moaned for him, moaned his name, and shivered in pleasure.

In the next moment, they both teleported and Neji sat on the couch, with her sitting on his lap, facing him and her arms around his neck. They kissed, the sloppy sounds filling the entire room as she ground her ass against his crotch, his hands feeling her soft buttocks and spanking her, earning a sweet sound from her lips.

Finally, the kiss ended as she looked into him with a sultry smile. "I have wanted to do that for a long time. I'll postpone the rest of the meal for later~? When you are done with this ultimate goal of yours."

Neji leaned over to bite her nape, kissing it and earning an ear-numbing moan from her. He pulled back and nodded.

"I won't keep you waiting for long."

"Heh? We will see about that."

Then, they kissed for one last time. Neji didn't use any skills, she would go mad and start begging if he did, and just finished her off with mere experience.

Neji sent her off, back to the Arcane Plane, and told Sisty to register the time there into 1:1 with his time. He wanted her to feel the same amount of time that he would feel so that they could rejoice together. Oh and, it'd make Yue's sleep end faster.

Neji walked out of the karaoke place with a new conviction. A new sort of air around him. He still looked the same and still felt down, but now that he had a grander goal beyond just finding his girls, beyond just dealing with the Prime Gods... he felt a lot better than before.

With that, his intuition that today was the last day of peace also grew stronger. Not that he minded it. He welcomed it, and he prepared himself even if the world were to end.




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