424: A Godly Fact

Chapter 424: A Godly Fact

Everything was white. There was nothing as far as Neji’s eyes could see.

The moment the Progress Bar hit 50 percent, Neji’s surroundings vanished and he found himself in a white void. He couldn’t even see his own body.

“Where the hell is this?” Neji muttered, and then quickly corrected himself. “No, this is not hell. How interesting.”

Something clicked and his body became visible within this vast white void. However, when he looked around, he still saw nothing but an endless expanse of pure white.

As he turned to look behind him, he noticed a shimmering golden gate. The gate seemed to beckon towards him, suddenly rushing forward and devouring him. Neji didn’t feel any threat, however. With a sense of curiosity, Neji passed through it. On the other side, he found himself surrounded by what appeared to be… memories?

He saw images of the creation of the world, the Big Bang that created the universe, and slowly over time, gave birth to planets, stars, and Gods. Gods were on par with stars and planets, those celestial bodies wielded less energy within them compared to what existed within the celestial beings.

Gods came, Gods met, and Gods scattered across the universe. They occupied their chosen planets, obscuring them with a veil of dimension magic so that others couldn’t just come and go.

After billions of years, the hot globe that was Earth calmed down to give birth to life.  Some Gods who had never chosen planets decided to occupy this land, stabilize it, and own it. The humans of this earth would later call these Gods the Primordials.

Shinto’s Kuninotokotachi, Hinduism’s Brahma, Mayan’s Human Ku, Norse’s Ymir, and lastly Greek’s Gaia. They were the only Gods who worked to shape the earth and its surrounding solar systems to fit the perfect mathematical equation so that the planet wouldn’t just get hit by a stray meteorite and be obliterated. Though that failed once already.

There was another God other than these guys, the one whose orders they followed until the meteorite destroyed all dinosaurs and the dissatisfied Gods left from under him to form their own followers. It was the Big God, the God of the Bible.

Through God’s memories, Neji saw the birth of all living creatures, and the rise and fall of civilizations. He also witnessed moments of divine intervention, where angels descended from heaven to help humans in times of need. He was amazed by what he saw and felt a sense of awe at the power of God; the power that was now his.

As he continued to walk through this realm of memories, he encountered scenes of human suffering and pain. He saw wars, famines, and natural disasters that had plagued humankind throughout history. Then, he also saw wars that humans thought were myths, or those that humans outright didn’t know about. The Battle of Kurukshetra, The Mongol Invasions, the Titanomachia, were the most dramatic.

Battles between Pantheons, battles between Gods and Devils. The world cried when divinities fought. Despite those moments of darkness, Neji also witnessed acts of kindness, love, and compassion that brought people together. Always, the Biblical God was there to stabilize the world, and to keep humans safe and happy. 

Through it all, Neji felt a sense of connection to something greater than himself. He realized that humans here were all part of something much larger than themselves. As the memories washed over him, he began to understand the true nature of God and his role in the world. 

Currently, Neji was watching a scene where divine intervention was saving a tribe that was sure to fall otherwise. To mere disease, viruses. Sadly, Neji doubted he would live the same with these powers. He had a personal, much selfish plan with this kind of Omnipotent power.

“Just,” a voice that didn’t belong to him called. “Don’t hurt humans, alright?”

Neji turned back in surprise and found a man staring at him, with a kind smile on his face. He was a man in his 30s, with long brown eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive skin, and he wore a golden-red robe around himself.

“...Jesus Christ”

“Hey there.”

* * *

If there was anybody who could threaten Neji's current progress by inheriting God's powers, it was Humanity's Lord and Savior. 

While Neji was the successor, he was the son. He could fight Neji for the 50% he had taken; that threat would remain unless Neji reached 100%.  

Thankfully, the golden man didn't have any plans for that. He had been silent for a long time anyway, despite God being dead he hadn't taken the throne. Ruling wasn't his specialty.

Instead, he wanted Neji to make sure that the world didn't fall. He had sensed those outsider beings too, and knew someone had to stop them. He didn't order Neji, but he made a simple request. To make sure that humanity didn't perish.

The Good Shepherd excused himself after that and allowed Neji to return to reality from the realms of memories. He still had not explored every memory, but he decided to do it later. 

Neji's 50% progress was secured, and now he had to move ahead on a larger scale to progress the other 50%. Just killing devils and other Gods wouldn't do much help now, now he would need followers.


So after returning to reality, Neji spent a day moving around churches around the world, meeting Popes and then gathering the most influential church heads around the world in a single table.

It wasn't hard to overwhelm people's minds into making them believe, into making them accept, if you were a living divinity. Neji wasn't lying either, he was 50% their God.

Currently, Neji was inside the St. Peter's Basilica church of Vatican City. He sat on a large chair behind a round table, while 12 church heads from around the world sat across the table. He successfully persuaded them and was holding a meeting, planning on how to expand his name more, on how to make people believe.

It was about then that one of the younger church heads spoke out. "I don't know how to say this, but…" he gulped. "I saw that video stream of yours, my lord, and I saw you groping that black-haired girl near the end. You also seemed to have a prior relationship with one of the devils. What's that about?"

This man wasn't the only one, he realized. The other church heads were also curious about his close relationship with Ingvild and Hinata. After a moment of thought, Neji wore a serious look and decided to remind them of a fact.

"I am God," he reminded them. "What says I can't enjoy women? Actually, I know." As the church heads blinked, about to speak at first but pausing when he seemed to have a new idea.

Neji pushed his throne away from the table, allowing some space for a person to sit before him. Then he looked at one of the seats, at Tsurugi no Otome, the woman who ran the Romanian church. "Come here, girl. Kneel before me. Let me remind you humans what the hierarchy of creator and creation is."

“What for, my Lord…?” Tsurugi sounded hesitant before she paused. “Yes, right away.” A look of thrill appeared on her face when she realized what would happen if she went to him; so she quickly left her seat, rushing to him. Her twisted mind of a devoted follower allowed her to realize what level of grace this opportunity was.

Neji watched as Tsurugi approached him, her hips swaying in a seductive manner that made him smile in anticipation. The others stared, confused, weary, and worried if what they were guessing would truly happen. 

Neji admired how Tsurugi's pale blue eyes revealed the allure of her fanatic mind, as she knelt down between his legs.

Ten minutes later, as Neji had intended, the scene convinced the gathered people that, naturally, any rule that applied to humans didn't necessarily apply to God. That's what made him God, Divinity, he shouldn’t be bound by any morals.


The meeting ended after agreeing on the next preaching sessions. The churches would focus on spreading Neji’s name, and if they deemed fit, they would call for him in their heart and call forth miracles as well. The twelve church heads received blessings.

Like God before, the new G – Neji – was going to be helpful to his followers; except his helping sessions would be much more active and frequent. For he needed people to know who he was.




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