The Cursed Prince

Chapter 152 - Resolving Conflict

Because Mars worded his request in such a way, Ellena really couldn't say anything else. She heard it loudly and clearly, even though the words were uttered in such gentle tone, that the prince saw her as a sister.

Her love was one-sided and her devotion, though appreciated, was unrequited.

She felt like a fool.

Was it really because she returned too late?

No... Mars repeated that he loved her as a friend then, and he loved her like a sister now. He just wasn't romantically interested in her.

Even back then, when he asked her to be his nominal wife, there was no talk about his feeling, if he ever had any romantic interest in Ellena.

Should she take her cue and leave?

Ellena was wondering if Mars was now romantically interested in Emmelyn, the girl he got pregnant based on an agreement.

The prince didn't say that he loved Emmelyn and wanted to marry her when he explained his situation. From the very beginning, his main concern was his heirs. He needed children to continue his family line.

It was more to do with politics. They needed to ensure The Strongmoors had successors to take over power when the time came.

Many kings had concubines to address the issues of having enough heirs and spares. They would have many children to keep power within their family. King Jared was an exception because he loved his wife too much to hurt her by talking multiple wives or concubines.

Plus, who could say that if the king took concubines they wouldn't bear cursed children too?

However, with Mars, Ellena couldn't really tell what he wanted. The prince had been alone for most of his life. He only had male friends and cousins and one female friend, that was herself.

Mars never had the opportunity to court a woman, like most men his age had. He might not even know how. So... maybe this woman was really only a tool for him to conceive children?

"Your Highness..." Ellena lowered her head and finally replied to Mars' request. "You know I will always support you. You have my loyalty and utmost dedication."

Mars let out a relieved sigh. He was glad that Ellena decided to respond that way. Now.. at least he could buy time to resolve any potential conflict.

Meanwhile, the king observed their interaction with interest. He understood what Mars was doing. The prince was his son after all. King Jared cleared his throat and spoke.

"As my son has explained, he is expecting his first child. Now, we know that he is no longer cursed because he could touch women. However, we don't know what will happen to the child, whether he will be affected by the curse or not. The crown prince made a valid point last night when he told us that he needs to wait until the child is born to see if he will be born healthy and strong."

The king added, "Thus, I think there is no need to push for a wedding with anyone until the baby is born and we can make sure everything is well. As for you, Lady Ellena, you have done a great service to this kingdom. I will see that your family got the reward you deserve."

He looked at Ellena and showed his rare smile. The king was not a warm person. He mostly kept things to himself and didn't smile often.

So, seeing that he smiled at Ellena while giving his decision, everyone in the room knew that the king was sincere and serious about his words.

Ellena looked at the king and then the queen. She knew that the monarchs would always take their son's side. It was Mars that she needed to win, then his parents would follow suit.

The girl bowed her head deeply and replied with a hoarse voice. "Your Majesty is very wise and kind. I am grateful for your kindness. I am just a humble citizen, trying to serve my country with all my heart. Thank you."

Mars felt a burden in his chest relieved temporarily. It was such a delicate situation. He hoped that he had handled it properly.

Right now, he could avoid a crisis. He didn't know to what extent was the relationship between Ellena and the witch. He just hoped he could get Ellena's trust and finally found more information about the witch.

Mars wouldn't let the witch go after harming him and his family... and for what she might have made Ellena do to get the curse lifted. However, the only person who knew the witch's whereabout's was only Ellena.

Mars didn't think Ellena would divulge the secret. She might be threatened by the witch. Or, it might even be the opposite. The witch might actually have a good relationship with Ellena for whatever fucked reasons.

Mars didn't know exactly what happened, since Ellena refused to open up to him. Therefore, he needed to play his cards right and buy time. If Ellena was threatened, then he needed to find ways to get to the witch and kill her, to get rid of her power and curses, once and for all.

If Ellena was already influenced by the witch, like she said she worked for four years to serve the witch, then Mars should be careful not to offend her. He didn't want Ellena to target Emmelyn and their baby.

Either way, he should tread lightly and with caution. The only key to get complete peace of mind is by killing the witch.

Until that happened, he should shield Emmelyn and their baby from any danger.

"Ellena, thank you! You make me very happy," he said to Ellena with a broad smile. "I was mourning you for years, but now you are back, my heart is at peace. I've missed you terribly and I can't wait to catch up with you and Edgar and Gewen like in the old days."

Ellena finally raised her face and looked at Mars. Their eyes locked. She was mesmerized by his warm smile.

This was the smile that she had been missing for years. When she suffered under the evil witch, she kept reminding herself that she was doing it for this man. And it was all worth it.

Yes, it was time to catch up properly, she thought.

"I am looking forward to it, Your Highness," she said with a smile and gleaming eyes. "I miss you lots too."

Mars nodded and patted her on the shoulder. "I should invite you all for a drink. I'll send the invitation tomorrow. I will have Edgar and Gewen joining us."

"That will be wonderful," Ellena replied.

The king admired his son's way of resolving conflicts. He looked forward to seeing how this would pan out in the end.

My son would be a good king, he thought to himself.

King Jared's mind went back to thinking about retirement. He was only in his 50's but it was not easy to rule such a big empire. He thought a younger and stronger king was what this kingdom needed.

Maybe, after Mars got his first heir, they could announce King Jared's abdication and the crown prince could ascend the throne.

King Jared and his wife could enjoy an early retirement. He would spoil her to bits after having to endure so much pain and tragedy in the early years of their marriage. That's the least he could do.

"Hey... this is such a happy day, let's try the new tea my butler prepared for today," Queen Elara suddenly chirped. Her voice was crisp and happy. She smiled so brightly and lifted her teacup. "This tea came from Atlantea. It's the best tea I've tried so far in my life."

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