The Cursed Prince

Chapter 226 - The Unexpected Development

"How could you do this to me? After everything that we went through together, and after all that I have done for you.. now, you're threatening to kill me?" said Ellena with tears dripping down her cheeks non-stop.

Her voice was very hoarse when she continued. "So, you have decided to throw me away, someone who is loyal to you and did anything for you... and chose someone who came here to kill you... This is so heartbreaking..."

Mars, who was still hugging Emmelyn tightly, felt his heart skipped a beat.

Ellena's words just now made him feel panicked.

How on earth did Ellena know that Emmelyn came here to kill him???

He didn't even tell Edgar and Gewen about it. He only told them in Southberry that Emmelyn was a princess from Wintermere, but he omitted the fact that Emmelyn came to his castle and disguised herself as his servant to kill him.

"What are you talking about, Lady Ellena?" Mars asked her with a stern expression. He pretended not to know what Ellena meant.

Maybe Ellena didn't actually know the truth and was just guessing? She was, after all, really smart.

Now, Mars became worried. If Ellena knew, there was a possibility that his father would soon know too.

Then, Emmelyn's life would be in danger.

Gosh.. maybe it was time to reveal to his parents that he and Emmelyn were already married.

Mars didn't expect that today's event would be the catalyst for them to take that next step.

If Ellena found out about what happened between Mars and Emmelyn, that Emmelyn came here to kill him, and finally ended up being his wife, Mars realized there was no other way but to come clean to his father and fight for his love.

Right now, Emmelyn was already his wife and she was carrying their child. It was Mars' responsibility to protect them and make sure both his wife and child were safe.

"I know that she must have disguised herself as a male servant to get close to you and find the opportunity to kill you," said Ellena. Her eyes were directed at Emmelyn with so much hatred.

"When she failed, she decided to seduce you so she could get even closer to you, and later she would kill you or your parents, when you least expect it. I can easily see through her scheming plans..."

"Lady Ellena, watch your mouth!" Mars roared. This time, he thought Ellena had crossed the line with her words.

Mars could feel Emmelyn tremble in his embrace. She must be utterly pissed off by Ellena and wanted to free herself from Mars so she could hit Ellena.

Mars kept hugging Emmelyn tightly and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. He whispered. "Sshh.. don't let her provoke you. It's not worth it, Honey.."

Seeing how much the crown prince treated Emmelyn dotingly, Ellena felt the fury and pain in her chest become magnified. This was not fair!

She was supposed to be the one whom the crown prince treated with such tenderness... not this foreign woman who wanted to kill Mars!!

"I can't believe such a smart man like you can be deceived by a woman..." Ellena snorted. "What was it that makes you so infatuated by her? Was the sex so good that you got addicted to it? You do know that with the curse lifted, now you can have any women you could ever want? So.. why her?? Why did you choose the enemy?!!"

She screamed her last sentence because she was really angry. She thought it was not fair.

Now that she realized there was nothing more for her to hope for, Ellena lost whatever reservations she had left.

She insulted Emmelyn and threw whatever thoughts she had about her and Mars. She didn't hold back one bit.

"Lady Ellena! Watch your word!" Finally Mars couldn't take it anymore. He bent down and picked up his sword from the floor and pointed it at Ellena. "If you dare say another word... I will—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mars got the shock of his life.

"You will regret this..." whispered Ellena despondently before she charged toward the crown prince.

Ellena pushed herself toward his sword with her eyes closed, seemingly surrendered to her unlucky fate, and embraced death.

Mars was so shocked to see blood seeped from Ellena's stomach, into her beautiful dress, where his sword stabbed her.

He never meant to hurt her, and never in a million years, he thought Ellena would hurt herself.

He thought she was bluffing!

Mars instantly pulled his sword but the damage was done. Ellena fell down to the floor with her bloodied dress.

Gewen and Edgar screamed and jumped in unison to catch Ellena's body before it hit the hard stone floor.

"Oh my god!"

"Ellena, what are you doing??!!!"

Mars was stunned at the unexpected development. He dropped the bloody sword from his hand and it hit the floor with a clanking sound.

It was deafening.

Even Emmelyn, who was distraught and upset earlier, was frozen in her place. She pressed her lips in shock.

Emmelyn really didn't expect Ellena would rather die than break her promise to the Bellevars.

For a moment, she forgot about Killian.

When everyone was shocked by Ellena's action, Killian took advantage of the situation and quickly got out of the castle.

Only then Mars was moved from his shock. He quickly shouted at his guards to arrest Killlian.

"Don't let him go! We need him to take us to the witch!"

Edgar was awakened from his shock and quickly got up to chase Killian, while Gewen tried to check on Ellena's condition.

"She is still breathing..." Gewen mumbled unclearly. Then, his expression turned wild and he looked around like a madman, shouting for help. "Call a doctor. Call Mr. Vitas... QUICKLY!!!"

There was a commotion in the crown prince's castle. Emmelyn suddenly remembered that her brother was trying to escape and Edgar was chasing him.

She immediately screamed and demanded Killian be released.

"Don't touch my brother!! Let him go..!!!"

Mars had to choose between checking on Ellena and calming down Emmelyn. So, he instantly hugged Emmelyn and lifted her body. "Sssh... Honey, don't scream. Killian will be all right. Edgar is just taking him to talk. I promise, we will not hurt your brother."

"Let... me..?go...!!" Emmelyn tried to free herself from his arms but she was not the man's match in physical strength.

Mars held her tightly and walked with Emmelyn in his arms, toward their chamber. He thought Emmelyn needed to calm down in a private place, and she shouldn't see what happened to Ellena.

This could make her shocked and stressed. Mars couldn't let it happen.

"Gewen, please, take care of Ellena," Mars turned toward Gewen and said to him in a dejected expression. "I will take care of Emmelyn. Once she is better, I will come to you. You can bring Ellena to one of the chambers on the first floor, Roshan will show you the way."

Roshan had arrived with a pale face. He nodded weakly. "Yes, please follow me, my Lord."

"Send someone to get Mr. Vitas," Mars told Roshan.

"Yes, Your Highness." The butler bowed down deeply to show that he understood what he needed to do.

The man was distraught by what happened, but as an experienced butler, he knew how to keep his composure.

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