The Cursed Prince

Chapter 259 - Kick

After they had finished having breakfast, Mars went to his study to write the letter to the king, explaining that he wanted to take one week break.

It was not a request, but more like a statement.? He thought the king must understand his situation and let him be, after what happened between them last night. If not, his mother would set his father straight.

He could see from what happened in Grey Tower that it was his mother who made the king release him. He was certain that this time his mother would talk to King Jared and ask him to let their son have a well-deserved break.

Mars believed both he and his father needed time to think and be away from each other. The only thing that might need his attention was having Elmer the Wizard help them hunt the witch, now that they already knew where she lived.

However, Elmer lived quite far away from the capital and he wouldn't arrive here within this week. So, Mars really didn't have anything urgent to do until the wizard was here.

As for the Prestons and Ellena, he believed his father must have handled that part better than him. King Jared already said that he would assign General Frey and his Golden Knights to 'protect' them.

So, now the Prestons were well monitored, and they wouldn't be able to do anything suspicious without the king's knowledge.

That means, Mars could just focus his attention on Emmelyn and their baby. She must be feeling so sad and distraught these days.

Gosh... he felt like a failure of a husband.? They had only been married for a week and she already suffered so much.

The prince put his stamp on the letter and gave it to his butler to send to the royal palace. Roshan, who was standing in the corner, accepted the letter and bowed down to take his leave. He would send the letter personally, on behalf of his master.

After she saw Roshan leave the prince's study, Emmelyn went inside and sat on Mars' lap. She didn't say anything.

At that moment, she just wanted to be with him and shared her grief. No words needed.? Mars hugged her waist and let her sit there for as long as she wanted.

When he was deep in his thoughts while his hands were rubbing her stomach, suddenly he was startled by a movement.

"Hey..." He gasped and let go of his hands out of reflex.

Emmelyn felt that too. She turned to him with widened eyes.

"Did you feel that?" she asked in a whisper. Her tone sounded pleasantly surprised.

"Yes..." Mars was also shocked. He put his hands on her stomach again, to try to feel the movement again.

Nothing happened.

Was he imagining it? No, can't be, right?

Just now, he felt something kicking his hands from inside her stomach.

"What is that?" Mars asked her. "Have you experienced it before?"

Emmelyn shook her head. "No... this is the first time."


They exchanged glances and locked eyes. There were confusion and excitement on their faces, mixed together. Was that a kick from their baby?

It's already in its 5th month, so maybe it is already big enough to move around and kick?

Just when they were wondering, suddenly Emmelyn felt her stomach moved. Mars felt it too. He was so shocked, but this time he didn't remove his hands.

"Whoaaa...!!" He gasped again.

They focused all their attention on the movements in Emmelyn's stomach. Both their faces looked mesmerized and excited.

"I think it's the baby..." Emmelyn whispered.

Slowly tears formed in her eyes. During one of the toughest times in her life, suddenly she felt like the baby was giving signs that it was here with them.

She felt less lonely all of a sudden.

"Is it normal?" Mars asked Emmelyn worriedly.

He was a first-time father, so he really didn't know what to expect. Athos gave him some clues and insights, but he didn't mention baby kicking like this.

Athos only said after they were born the babies would sleep most of the time in the beginning and woke up at night with the sole purpose to make their parents suffer by lack of sleep.

He also said the expectant mother would experience some mood changes and might crave weird things. And, of course, they would become fat and eat a lot, since they ate for two.

Nothing about babies moving around before they were even born.

So, Mars became worried.. Was this normal?

"I don't know either..." Emmelyn was now feeling worried too. She looked up to him, her eyes were gleaming with tears. "What if it's something bad? What should we do?"

Mars swallowed hard. "I don't think it's something bad."

"How do you know?" Now, Emmelyn was on the verge of crying.

"I.." Mars didn't know. He never had a pregnant wife before and he was not so knowledgeable about pregnancy and babies, except for whatever other people told him. Finally he said, "I will call Mr. Vitas."

"Please call him as soon as possible," Emmelyn begged him. "I want to be sure."

"Okay, I will send someone," Mars said. He patted her stomach lovingly and tried to calm her. "I am sure it's nothing to worry about. If it is bad, you must feel pain or something..."

Emmelyn rose from his lap and pursed her lips. Mars knew that he shouldn't postpone and immediately call the court physician.

He left his study and called one of the soldiers and ordered him to fetch Mr. Vitas as soon as possible. It was time for Emmelyn to check her pregnancy anyway. So, it would be better to ask the physician everything they needed to know.

"I've called him. Don't worry, he will be here very soon," he said to Emmelyn after he went back inside. He saw Emmelyn was pacing nervously.

Now, he really hoped there was nothing bad happening with her womb. Otherwise, it would be too much for them to bear.

Gosh.. I hope this is not something bad. Please, my poor wife needs a break, he prayed silently.

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