The Cursed Prince

Chapter 282 - Emmelyn Moves To The Royal Palace

The couple spent the next day relaxing. Mars took his wife for a walk in the morning, then they had a nice lunch outside.

Emmelyn was in the mood to admire their beautiful garden. So, Roshan and some servants prepared a small table in the middle of the garden with two chairs. Soon, they came with dish after dish for the couple.

"I love eating out like this," Emmelyn gushed. "It looks really nice."

"I'm happy to hear that," Mars replied. "Maybe we can make it a habit to eat out like once a week? I will have Roshan install an outdoor dining area in the garden. I think it will be nice to enjoy the sunset here with a glass of wine from time to time."

"That sounds amazing," Emmelyn said with a beaming face.

She was sad that they couldn't do it soon because her husband must leave the capital, but at least now she had something to look forward to after he returned.

They enjoyed a hearty lunch together while discussing their plans going forward and how Mars would send her news once a week to keep Emmelyn updated on his situation.

"I will also send pigeons to Southberry once a week and let Athos forward the message to you," Emmelyn said. "Promise me that you will always let me know what happens."

"I promise," Mars said. Athos was his most trusted cousin who also ruled one of their colonies. He could rely on Athos to bridge the communication between his wife and him.

Once he arrived in Southberry, he would send Emmelyn news. And when he reached the next colony, Casbay, he would send a pigeon to Athos to forward his letter to Emmelyn.

Once he arrived in the next colony after that one, or in Brandenburg, he would send a pigeon to Casbay to be forwarded to Southberry and so on. Emmelyn would do the same. That was the only way they could communicate.

Emmelyn tried to put on a brave face while her husband was with her. She hated the fact that she would be alone, but she didn't want him to worry.

Even though the queen would take her under her wing, Emmelyn was and would always be a foreigner in this country. It was not easy to be pregnant and alone in Draec's royal palace, especially when the king and she were at odds.

"Edgar will stay behind," Mars informed her. "I will only bring Gewen with me because I think I will need someone I can trust to protect you in the capital. So, don't feel hesitant to reach out to Edgar if you need anything."

"Oh, is that so?" Emmelyn remembered the aloof Edgar was always respectful and kind to her. So, it was a good decision for Mars to only bring Gewen with him. Emmelyn actually couldn't stand Gewen, especially knowing that the man was very close to Ellena.

"Yes. Edgar also has some sisters. They are quite nice. Would you like to invite them to the palace from time to time? Two of his older sisters already have children on their own." Mars held Emmelyn's hand dotingly when he spoke. "Maybe it would be good for you to talk to them and have a support system, aside from my mother, during your pregnancy?"

"Hmm..." Emmelyn wasn't sure. She really liked Lily, but Lily was too far away from the capital. She understood that one of the reasons Mars brought her to Southberry to get married was to introduce her to Lily Greenan.

She could guess that her husband cared so much about her and wanted her to make friends in Draec. It was a good initiative because Emmelyn did like Lily.

So, maybe his idea to make Emmelyn befriend Edgar's sisters would work too? She liked Edgar. He man was a no-nonsense man. Edgar was also honest and loyal. So, maybe his sisters were good people too.

Emmelyn finally nodded, "I guess, I can try to invite them for a tea or something. Of course, with the queen's permission."

"My mother will be happy if you did," Mars said with a smile.

They continued the warm chat after lunch by enjoying a pot of tea together. It was a wonderful afternoon.


The day went by so quickly, and suddenly it was already the next day. Mars helped Emmelyn get on the carriage with some of her personal stuff.

He would take her to the royal palace and then set off from there with Elmer, Bruinen, Gewen, and two dozens of other men.

"Promise me that you will send me a letter every week to let me know how you are doing," Emmelyn cried on the way to the royal palace. Her face was a bit puffy because she had been crying since morning when they woke up.

She hated herself for being weak and crybaby, even though she wanted to be strong. Maybe it was those darn pregnancy hormones,? or she was just clingy.

Mars felt his heart ached when he saw her that way. He really wanted to stay behind with Emmelyn. However, his sense of duty didn't allow him.

He would be king in the near future. If he kept following his own desire instead of his duty, he would be a terrible king.? His people didn't deserve such a selfish leader.

He would be responsible for the lives of millions of people. He must not think about himself. Besides, of all the missions he had done so far, this might be one of the most important ones.

People said, if you want to make sure something was done right, you had to do it yourself.

For other missions, he might be able to delegate it to his trusted people.? However, this one was a mission that he couldn't afford to lose.

Besides, all his life, he always wanted to meet the witch and looked at her in the eye, before he would kill her and make her pay for all her sins.

"I promise to send you news. You have my word." The prince patted Emmelyn's back lovingly and tried to look tough before his wife. He was sad too, but he must not show it.

"We are here, Your Highness," said the coachman when the carriage arrived inside the palace courtyard.

"Hm.. thank you." Mars tugged Emmelyn's chin and gave her a deep kiss before he rubbed her wet eyes and dried her tears. "I will be back soon enough. You will be so busy with friends, Harlow, and my mother, that you won't notice the time. I will? be here before you know it."

They both knew it was a lie. Mars was always so good with words, but he was not a good liar.

His eyes betrayed his confidence. The journey alone, back and forth, would take around three months. It was not a short time by anyone's standard.

Still, Emmelyn forced a smile and nodded. "Okay."

"Hey, welcome!"? They could hear the queen's crisp voice welcomed them from outside. The coachman immediately opened the carriage door for the prince and his wife to get out.

Mars stepped out first and then help his wife get down from the carriage. When Emmelyn's feet touched the ground, she could feel someone hug her warmly.

It was the queen. As expected, she greeted them with a happy expression and open arms.

"Queen Mother." Emmelyn tried to curtsey, but the queen immediately stopped her.

"Ahh.. there is no need for such a thing, You are pregnant, it's not easy to curtsey," she said with a broad smile. "From now on, you are not to curtsey when you see me or my husband. I already talked to him about it."

"Oh..." Emmelyn didn't know what to say. Her mother-in-law was truly godsent. She made Emmelyn's bleak day suddenly turn brighter.

"Well, then.. have you got all your personal stuff?" The queen asked her gently.

Emmelyn nodded. "Yes. I do. They are all in the carriage."

She had brought her favorite blanket from their chamber, some of Mars's unwashed shirts (she insisted on them), and all her clothes. Other than those, she didn't need anything else.

"Great. Let me have my servants carry them to your chamber," the queen said. She turned to some servants who were standing faithfully behind her and ordered them to bring Emmelyn's stuff to Mars' old chamber. "Bring everything from the carriage to the crown prince's old chamber."

"Yes, Your Majesty." They all bowed down politely and did what she told them to do. In no time, all the items from the carriage were moved to the main tower where Mars' old chamber was located.

"Now, do you want to see how the chamber turned out?" Queen Elara asked Emmelyn. "John has done a great job with your requests."

"Ah, yes, please, Queen Mother," said Emmelyn with a smile. She turned to her husband and motioned him to join them.

Mars nodded. He walked beside his wife and mother to see his old chamber. He was also interested in knowing how it had turned out.

"So, this is it," said the queen when they stepped inside the chamber which used to be grey and dark.

A servant had opened the door to let him enter and all three people could admire the new design. Queen Elara turned to Emmelyn. "What do you think?"

Emmelyn looked around with a big smile on her face. Ah.. John was just as efficient as Roshan, she thought.

This chamber looked very elegant and tasteful. She could see herself making this her own nest as she enjoyed her pregnancy with Harlow for months to come.

Everything in this chamber looked comfortable. The bed had a big mattress covered by a soft silk sheet with blue color and a simple design.

There was a fluffy sofa by the window in a creme color and some beautiful throw blankets for when it was cold. The curtain was now made of elegant dark blue velvet.

The bookcase was now accompanied by a small cabinet with handicraft baskets. There was a new white dresser for her clothes.

The rug was very thick and soft when she touched it. Everything felt so, so comfortable. It was totally different from the dark masculine and chamber that Mars used to use only for sleep.

The fireplace was repainted and there was a big mirror next to it.? Everything was so beautiful.

In this newly-designed chamber, Emmelyn could spend all day without feeling bored. She really liked it.

"I love it!" She gushed. "Thank you for making this happen, Queen Mother."

"Ah.. I am glad to know you like it," said Queen Elara kindly. "If you need anything changed, or added, don't hesitate to let John know."

"Thank you. I will do that," Emmelyn replied. She was truly grateful.

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