The Cursed Prince

Chapter 313 - Emmelyn Is Looking For Help

"Do you really want to go to Draec?" Grandma Isabelle asked Emmelyn with a hoarse voice. She gripped the hem of her dress, and her face looked distraught. She looked like she wanted to say something, but then she changed her mind.

"Yes, Grandma," Emmelyn said with a flat expression. She had thought about this for several days and, finally, she made up her mind to go to Draec and get her revenge. "I don't have a family anymore, I don't have a home and there is nothing to my name. I no longer have anything to live for... but my revenge."

In Emmelyn's opinion, she had got nothing to lose if she went to Draec and tried to kill the king. Even if she failed, at least she would die trying. She would be happy to die and be reunited with her family.

"But you still have us here," said Grandma Isabelle. "You know you can always stay with us."

Emmelyn didn't reply. She didn't have the heart to speak her mind to the old woman.

Grandma Isabelle and Grandpa Elroy were already really old. How much longer would they live? If she stayed, she would probably end up witnessing their deaths in the near future.

Could she handle another loss?

And then what..? After they died, she would go back to square one. Still had no one and nothing. And she would want to get her revenge. Then, she would go to Draec and tried to kill the king.

Instead of waiting for the inevitable, why not just do it now?

That's why she made up her mind to go.

"Grandma Isabelle, thank you so much for having me here and supporting me in the lowest point of my life. I will never forget your kindness," said Emmelyn. She crouched down and held the old woman's knees. Her eyes looked pleading. "Please let me go."

"Revenge will not bring back your family..." said Isabelle Sovie in a croaked voice. She was fighting tears. "The only thing you could do is to let go and move on."

"NO!" Emmelyn rose from the floor and replied with clenched jaws. Her fists balled to her sides. "I will not let go. If we don't make the people who hurt us pay, then they will keep hurting people since they think there is no consequence!"

"Hatred and revenge will only hurt yourself," said Isabelle gently. "It took me a really long time to understand this. Someday you will too."

Emmelyn shook her head. She thought Grandma Isabelle would never understand her feelings. She was never in Emmelyn's shoes. However, she didn't want to argue with the elderly.

That's why she held back and didn't say anything else.

Now, the conversation came back to Emmelyn's memory as she was looking out her barred windows in her prison. Everything finally made sense after she put everything into context.

No wonder Grandma Isabelle spoke to her that way. She had experienced what it was like to lose everything. She knew pain, loss, and grudge. She knew what she was talking about.

After Emmelyn got to know Mars personally and fell in love with him, she realized that Grandma Isabelle was right. Hatred would not bring back the dead. Her grudge would only eat her from the inside and hurt her even more.

That's why she was finally at peace after she forgave the Strongmoors and opened her heart to love. She had been blessed by a wonderful husband, a loving mother-in-law, and a baby on the way.

"Oh, Grandma Isabelle... I am sorry," Emmelyn muttered as tears slowly dripped down her cheeks. She remembered Killian said Duchess Bellevar had passed away and her husband had gone mad.

So, Grandma Isabelle had really gone, and Grandpa Elroy was inconsolable.

Emmelyn felt really bad that she didn't know their sufferings when she was still in Wintermere. If only she knew... she would have done things differently. She would have been more understanding and sympathetic.

"Did you say you know the witch?" Mr. Vitas looked at Emmelyn with a questioning look. "Is that true?"

Emmelyn bit her lip. She didn't know if it was wise to open up to Mr. Vitas. If she told him that she actually knew Thessalis and even met her last year, what would the old physician think of her?

Would he also think Emmelyn was involved with the witch and really killed Queen Elara?

Ugh.. whatever. Now everyone was already thinking she was the killer. No matter what she said, it wouldn't matter.

"Yes. I just realized that I have met the witch last year, and I also have met Duchess and Duke Bellevar in Wintermere," said Emmelyn in a low voice.

Mr. Vitas' eyes widened and he was visibly shocked. Emmelyn felt bad that her revelation put the old man into stress almost instantly.

She realized that Mr. Vitas had been serving the royal family for decades and had probably witnessed the curse being cast 27 years ago, and the deaths it caused.

The old man's body staggered as he tried to lean on the wall and sat on the chair.

"Your Highness.. met the witch?" he asked Emmelyn to confirm. "Do you have anything to do with her?"

Emmelyn shook her head. "No. I didn't even know she was a witch. To me, she looked like a regular grandmother. Ah, now that I remember, she did look reclusive and aloof. She came to my relatives' house when I was in Wintermere. That's where I met her."

"And does His Highness know this?" Mr. Vitas asked Emmelyn again.

The princess shook her head. "No. As I said, I don't even know she is a witch. As for my relatives..."

She lowered her head, trying to hide tears that started to well up in her eyes. Mr. Vitas could feel her intense emotions and didn't force her to continue.

Emmelyn took a deep breath. She looked up and said to Mr. Vitas, "Can you send my letter to my husband when you send your letter to Elmer? I need to tell him something."

"I am sorry, Your Highness. I only receive letters from my brother to get the update on his journey, but I don't send him replies. He is moving around and it's difficult for him to receive a letter. He also only sent me letters sparingly, whenever he can. He is not... a prince, who can get that special treatment."

Emmelyn realized Mr. Vitsas was right. She could receive and send letters to her husband once a week because Mars was the crown prince.

Wherever he went, all the governors would serve his needs and prepared fresh pigeons to carry his letters and they would also keep letters sent for him in their place while waiting for him to arrive.

Elmer was just a wizard who accompanied the prince.

"Well, can you send the letters to my husband? There is something urgent that I need to tell him," said Emmelyn again.

Mr. Vitas thought for a while and then shook his head. "I am sorry, Your Highness. I don't think I can do that. The king has forbidden you from leaving this chamber and writing letters."

Emmelyn pursed her lips. She wanted to tell Mars about the Bellevars and Thessalis Morelli, what little she knew about them.

"Uf... but can you at least try? If you failed, that's fine. But I want you to please promise me that you will try to send it," said Emmelyn. "You don't have to tell anyone about this."

The old physician looked conflicted for a few moments, before he finally nodded. "Okay, Your Highness."

"Thank you." She tapped her fingers on the table and thought of the best way for her to send her letter to Mars. She then asked Mr. VItas to come back later with some things she needed to write her letter.

"Mr. Vitas, could you please come back later with my medicine and several lemons?"

"Lemons?" Mr. Vitas furrowed his brows. He didn't understand why Emmelyn asked for lemons with her medicine.

"Yes, lemons. And a quill and paper, please. They don't give me any in this chamber," said Emmelyn. "I will write my letter with them so you can send it to my husband."

"Ah, okay, Your Highness."

Mr. Vitas didn't know what Emmelyn would use the lemons for, but he didn't argue.

"Thank you," Emmelyn let out a long sigh. She really regretted sending Edgar away to Atlantea that now she really had no one to help her.

After almost one week, with nothing to do and no news about her husband or whatever happened outside, Emmelyn felt frustrated. She didn't have anyone in the palace to help her but Mr. Vitas.

However, since the physician was really old, she didn't have the heart to bother him too much. She was already grateful that she could get information from him about Elmer, which indirectly would mean getting news about her husband.

If only Edgar was here, Emmelyn could at least rely on him to help her. He was a sensible, no-nonsense kind of guy. She believed he would be able to see that Emmelyn was innocent and took her side.

Then, she could have sent him to see Mrs. Adler and get the wounded thug as a witness to bring down Ellena and the Prestons. Edgar would also know what to do to get news immediately to Mars.

Ah, it's too late to regret it now. Edgar must have gone far by now. Emmelyn could only rely on the old and frail Mr. Vitas. Unless...

Unless the Greenans were still in the capital. Maybe she could ask for Lily's help?

Emmelyn turned to Mr. Vitas and looked at the man, feeling hopeful. "Mr. Vitas, could you please find out if Lord and Lady Geenans are still in the capital?"

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