The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 106: Sui Li’er’s Enhanced Version

His recently calmed heart suddenly became restless again.

Anyway, since we’ve already kissed once, another kiss shouldn’t be a big deal. Kissing my wife, no problem!

Inner self-assurance complete.

He gently lowered his head and gave a light kiss, instantly feeling his whole body relax. Even the nervous heartbeat has calmed down quite a bit.

After who knows how long, Chen Ling finally pulled away, licking his lips with a lingering feeling.

Meanwhile, Sui Li’er continued to sleep soundly.

Without disturbing her, he smiled and lowered his head to take a look at little Chen Ling. At this moment, little Chen Ling was raising his head with enthusiasm, seemingly wanting to kiss as well.

Chen Ling’s inner thoughts: It’s not your turn yet, just stay still!

“Still Mind Spell!”

After a few golden lights appeared, poor little Chen Ling once again experienced unfair treatment and oppression.

Just at that moment, Chen Ling sensed that the little fox had woken up. With an immediate thought, he appeared by her side.

At this moment, she was sitting on the ground, looking around in confusion: “Why am I here?”

Chen Ling didn’t explain anything, just calmly said: “You lost my takeout, compensate me.”


The little fox was momentarily stunned, then suddenly remembered something!

“Ah! That bastard Li Sanqian!”

“What happened to my takeout box?”

Chen Ling: “He took it.”

“Huh? Who the hell is this Li Sanqian? Why would someone steal takeout in this world?” The little fox was on the verge of tears. Chen Ling’s meal wasn’t cheap.

Last time he tricked Sui Li’er saying it was the cheapest one. In reality, Sui Li’er always eats the most expensive luxurious meal sets. One meal costs the little fox almost two months’ salary. And, that takeout box is really expensive! It cost her a year’s salary.

I’m done, I’m finished! I can never buy my favorite little dresses again… for a year and two months! I’m done, sob…

However, Chen Ling interrupted her thoughts directly and calmly said: “Compensate me.”

The little fox was momentarily stunned: I’m already in such a miserable state, and you still want me to compensate… Don’t you understand tenderness and cherishing beauty?

“Sob…” Her young heart couldn’t hold it any longer, and she burst into loud cries.

But Chen Ling remained unmoved: “Crying won’t help, compensate me.”

“Are you a devil? I’m already in such a miserable state! Sob…”

Chen Ling let out a cold laugh at her words: “I am indeed a devil. Would you like to experience it?”

As he spoke, his gaze sharpened, and a terrifying and eerie aura that could wake someone up from their dreams burst out.

The little fox’s crying immediately stopped, and she stared with two fox eyes, fearfully looking at the devil before her, dressed in demonic armor with a crimson blood-shadowed face. The two horns on top of his head continuously emitted a horrifying black mist.

“Sorry for the disturbance!”

“A total of 128,888 universal currency of the Great World has been transferred to your account.” After saying that, the little fox opened a dimensional portal and crawled inside.

Damn it! Chen Ling is a devil! Goodbye to you! I will never come again!

No, wait, this won’t do.

The little fox suddenly remembered the scruffy scientist, Li Sanqian. She paused in the dimensional portal and clenched her teeth, her sharp voice echoing throughout the portal: “Li Sanqian!”

“I’m not done with you!”

After the little fox disappeared, Chen Ling glanced at Min Jianyun and noticed him staring at him with wide eyes.

He had been exposed to the sun and wind outside for several days. At this point, his eyes were as big as eggs, almost bulging out. After days without food, his face appeared haggard and pale.

He could at least drink water. Chen Ling had stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth, which would absorb water on rainy days. So when Min Jianyun felt thirsty, he would suck on the cloth to get the salty water. It was a somewhat content life~

Of course, this was something Chen Ling allowed him to do; otherwise, he would have definitely died.

〚 Ding~ The target feels fear! – 1 million points! 〛

Min Jianyun looked at Chen Ling in front of him, and his heart nearly stopped beating.

This guy is indeed a devil! Even scarier than a dark curse master!

Within their entire organization, he couldn’t find anyone more terrifying than Chen Ling!

Seeing Min Jianyun’s reaction, Chen Ling waited for a moment, and as a result, Min Jianyun lost 1 million points. Too weak. he decided to cancel the devil form.

Chen Ling had multiple bloodlines within him. All of them originated from his mother and father.

Among them, the bloodlines of “demon,” “elf,” “nine-tailed fox,” “four divine beasts,” and “archangel” came from his mother, Zero. The unparalleled devil bloodline within him came from his father.

His bloodlines were not extensive; he was just a normal mixed-blood child.

Realizing that his devil form could only scare 1 million points out of Min Jianyun, Chen Ling couldn’t help but sigh inwardly: It really has to be Sui Li’er.


Sui Li’er!

Chen Ling suddenly came up with a brilliant plan!


A twisted smile gradually formed on his face, causing Min Jianyun to feel a chill down his spine.

What is this guy planning to do now!

〚 Ding~ Target Min Jianyun feels fear, deduct 1 million points! 〛

Suddenly, Chen Ling disappeared in a flash.

Even though he disappeared, Min Jianyun’s heart continued to thump fiercely against his chest. Chen Ling’s twisted smile had truly scared him.

After a while, a petite and adorable figure emerged from the stone house! She had a smile on her face and happily ran out with cute little steps, splashing the rainwater on the ground without a care, looking extremely joyful.

When Min Jianyun saw her adorable smile, he instantly felt his body and mind being healed. If Chen Ling was a devil, then she was a little angel on Earth. She possessed the ability to heal people’s hearts! She could even heal a dark curse master!

〚 Ding~ Target Min Jianyun, points +1 million! 〛

Just then, Sui Li’er approached Min Jianyun in two steps, showing her cute little fangs as she said: “Hey? Let me take a look at you, the three-second man. Why are you so happy?”


Min Jianyun: ???

〚 Ding~ Target Min Jianyun, emotional anomaly, deduct 4 million points! 〛

“Hahaha~” Sui Li’er’s laughter rang like a silver bell in the air.

Min Jianyun’s points were rapidly decreasing. He looked at Sui Li’er in front of him with disbelief. Is this still my little angel…

Of course, she wasn’t. She was Chen Ling in disguise!

The real Sui Li’er was still sleeping on Chen Ling’s bed. Min Jianyun couldn’t imagine that the person in front of him, Sui Li’er, was actually a grown man.

Sui Li’er couldn’t have imagined it either. Chen Ling could actually transform into her and use it for this purpose!

“Haha, hah~” Chen Ling held his stomach in front of Min Jianyun and burst into wild laughter.

At this moment, everything about him, whether it was his hair, height, or voice, was exactly the same as Sui Li’er, without any difference.

Except for the ferocity. Chen Ling, after transforming into Sui Li’er, became much more ferocious! Sui Li’er might not have had any aggressiveness before, but Chen Ling had it now. This was the enhanced version of Sui Li’er!

However, Min Jianyun didn’t notice. His heart was almost sinking into an unprecedented despair. Suddenly, he didn’t want to live anymore.

He thought to himself, Chen Ling, give me a quick death!

Just then, the enhanced version of Sui Li’er gently raised her hand and took the stinky cloth out of Min Jianyun’s mouth.

Then she made a disgusted expression: “Oh~ so disgusting~ Isn’t this cloth used to wipe latrines?”

Min Jianyun: ???


〚 Ding~ Target’s emotions are abnormal, deduct 4 million points! 〛

The speed of deduction was getting faster and faster. Not only for him but also for the volcanic eruption caused by Chen Ling. Hundreds of thousands of points were deducted almost every second.

And as time went on, more and more people were affected by the volcanic ash, resulting in even more deductions.

At this point, the points in Chen Ling’s system were down to just over 20 billion! It wouldn’t be long before it reached zero.

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