The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 184: Can’t Hold It In Any Longer!

Meanwhile, Min Jiangyun and Shen Jingbing dared not move at all, as Chen Ling’s gaze was fixed on them.

“You’ve killed so many people before, sparing your lives is already merciful enough.”

“I’ve provided food and drink for you, yet you still want to run?”

Min Jiangyun and Shen Jingbing: ???

What the hell… Food and drink for us?

You mean feeding us our own excrement and rainwater?

“I even helped you break the curse, and you don’t even thank me?”

As he spoke, Chen Ling looked at Min Jiangyun, rolled his eyes, and expressed his extreme exasperation.

Min Jiangyun: ???

“Initially, you were only ‘Three-Second Man,’ but now no one can call you that anymore, because you’re not a man anymore, haha~”

〚 Ding~ Min Jiangyun’s emotions are abnormal, points deducted: 20 million!〛


“You better never try to kill me, or one day I’ll kill you!” Min Jiangyun roared in madness.

Chen Ling’s laughter abruptly stopped. He gave Min Jiangyun a cold, piercing gaze: “What did you say? I didn’t catch that.”

Min Jiangyun clenched his teeth in anger, his fists tightly clenched, but he didn’t dare repeat himself.

Chen Ling’s gaze seemed like the eyes of someone who wanted to kill… A deep, insurmountable fear of this person had already taken root in Min Jiangyun’s heart.

Chen Ling sneered and turned to Shen Jingbing: “Psycho, tie up Min Jiangyun. Tonight, I won’t let you eat feces.”

Shen Jingbing: !!!

Min Jiangyun looked at Shen Jingbing and saw his expression clearly saying: Sorry, brother, circumstances forced me to do this~

Min Jiangyun didn’t say anything, his eyes filled with despair. He seemed like a puppet, letting Shen Jingbing toy with him.

Subsequently, Shen Jingbing was also tied back to the pillar by Jie Brother.

Chen Ling looked at Su Geling beside him. At this moment, he was gazing at Chen Ling with admiration.

In his heart: Big brother is so handsome!

Big brother is looking at me~

〚 Ding~ Su Geling is shy~ Points added: 1000~〛

Chen Ling: ???


He slapped him directly.

“Ah!” Su Geling yelped in pain.

“Big brother… you hit me?”

〚 Ding~ Su Geling is feeling really sad~ Points deducted: 100,000~〛

Hearing his utterly ridiculous tone, Chen Ling almost vomited.

He gave him a kick on the backside, directly aggravating his hemorrhoids!

“Ao~ Oh huo huo~”

Su Geling covered his buttocks and howled in pain, literally rolling around on the ground! Twisting and writhing on the ground like a worm!

〚 Su Geling is in too much pain! Points deducted: 1 million!〛

Seeing this, Chen Ling sneered, and then pulled out a large pillar from the system space and placed it on the ground. He proceeded to tie up Su Geling as well.

Then, with a flash, he appeared in front of the fleeing Ke Tiancheng and Shang Jing.

“Where are you two going?”

Shang Jing and Ke Tiancheng were startled when they saw him. How did this person appear in front of them? They hadn’t even noticed!

Before they could react, Chen Ling was already in front of them. He slapped each of them, sending them flying. Simultaneously, with a thought, he engaged in spatial teleportation.

The two disappeared, only to reappear on the rooftop, outside the small stone house.

After tying them up as well, Chen Ling slapped each of the three newcomers, kicking them one by one, effectively bursting their arrogance.

“Ah ah~”

All three screamed in pain.

〚 Ding~ Newcomer Trio, points deducted: 30 million!〛

The points deduction felt a bit low to Chen Ling. He wasn’t entirely satisfied.

After repairing their bodies again, he repeated the process.

〚 Points deducted: 40 million!〛

He repaired them again, and repeated the process.

He did this six times in total, causing Min Jiangyun and Shen Jingbing to close their eyes. This batch of newcomers had it worse than them! To start off like this, so intensely.

In the end, the points deduction only reached a total of 55 million each time. Chen Ling sighed in helplessness. Was this the limit?

But who knew, maybe he could break through it. He’d have to see, hoping to receive a surprise.

Shang Jing: “Wu!” (f***, I’m going to kill you! You beast!)

Su Geling: “Wu~” (Big brother, please stop kicking, it hurts~)

Ke Tiancheng had already passed out from the pain.

Afterward, Chen Ling smiled at everyone. “Feeling hungry? Everyone? It’s dinner time~”

〚 Ding~ Min Jiangyun feels nauseous! Points deducted: 10 million!〛

〚 Ding~ Ying Xin’s emotions are abnormal, points deducted: 20 million!〛

On the other hand, Shen Jingbing’s face lit up. Everyone else might have to eat feces, but he wouldn’t have to!

Newcomer Trio’s thoughts: Are we really going to have to eat feces?

Min Jiangyun mentioned it before.

“Jie Brother, bring that bucket over.”

“Hmm? Why is there so little left? You guys need to contribute more.”

Su Geling, Shang Jing: ???

Nausea… The two of them almost vomited from the rags in their mouths.

“This might not be enough for everyone to share. You’ll have to contribute more this time, or else you might not have anything to eat next time.”

Everyone exchanged glances: If we don’t poop, we won’t have to eat!

So, these people have already made up their minds. No matter what, they’re going to hold it in. They’d rather burst their stomachs than go!

Then he looked at Shen Jingbing, who was feeling uneasy.

“Wu!” (You promised not to feed me feces!)

Chen Ling grinned slyly, “I keep my promises. If I said I won’t feed you feces, then I won’t.”

Shen Jingbing glanced at the other five people who were constantly dry heaving, feeling a chill down his spine. He nodded heavily.

At this moment, Chen Ling spoke again, “Jie Brother, move that bucket below Shen Jingbing.”

〚 Understood, Master~〛

Everyone: ???

Suddenly, Chen Ling produced a lush green plant.

Shen Jingbing’s face turned green at the sight of that green plant!

“Wu!” (Dmn you, Chen Ling! You’re not human, you beast! You damn son of a *#! Screw you!)

He sent a mumbling rap directed at Chen Ling, which resulted in a deduction of 1 billion points.

“Ah hahaha~” Chen Ling burst into laughter.

Because the plant he was holding was cilantro!

As we all know, Shen Jingbing’s curse was: Eating cilantro will cause diarrhea.

Min Jiangyun and the others still didn’t know, but they would find out in a little while.

“Open your mouth, be a good boy.” Chen Ling whispered softly, then punched Shen Jingbing’s tightly clenched teeth directly, shattering them all over the ground. His mouth was full of blood, streaming down from the corners of his mouth.

Chen Ling then stuffed a large bunch of cilantro into Shen Jingbing’s mouth.

“Chen Ling! Wu~”

After stuffing the cilantro in, Chen Ling immediately started pouring water into his mouth.

“Cough cough~” He started coughing violently, and in the midst of his reaction, he had swallowed it all!

“Gurgle~” Shen Jingbing’s stomach immediately growled.

With a furrowed brow and an angry shout, he said, “Chen Ling! I… Wu!”

Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Ling covered his mouth again.

By now, Chen Ling had already walked towards his small stone house. The upcoming scene was too intense, and he didn’t want to watch anymore.

At this point, the other bystanders glanced at Shen Jingbing, their faces conveying: Good buddy, as long as you don’t poop, we can still be friends!

Shen Jingbing looked at their earnest pleading gazes, his heart pained deeply! How could he treat these people who had shared hardships with him like this!? He couldn’t bring himself to do it, even at the cost of his life!

But… I’m sorry… This isn’t something I can control…

〚 Ding~ Shen Jingbing is feeling extremely hopeless! Points deducted: 1 billion! 〛

“Ahhh~” he suddenly let out a loose fart.

It immediately drew terrified glances from the other five comrades around him. Seriously? Not enough food, and you’re going to do this now?

“Pfft~ Pfft~ Pfft~” An unknown liquid splashed into the bucket.

〚 Ding~ Min Jiangyun, Ke Tiancheng, Shi Geling, Ying Xin, Shang Jing, points deducted: 50 million! 〛

Shen Jingbing closed his eyes in pain, not daring to look at them.

Because their eyes were filled with hatred, saying: Damn you, Shen Jingbing! Shut the hell up!


That sound made everyone’s hearts skip a beat, and they widened their eyes to look at Shen Jingbing.

“Wu!” (Damn!)

“Wu!” (You’re really going for it, huh?)

Shen Jingbing closed his eyes and suddenly two tears trickled down. I’m sorry, my brothers… I can’t hold it in any longer!

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