The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 196: How Could A World Have Such A Deity ( Two In One Chapter )

Chu Jian was starting to get angry. It wasn’t about jealousy or anything like that, but as a woman, she was extremely repelled by such perverted actions of peeping. She didn’t expect the person doing this to be her friend!

Today, she was going to call out her friend’s wrongdoing. She immediately headed to the girls’ dormitory.

As for Chen Ling, his reason for going back was even simpler.

If Chen Ling saw the Aries Star Leader even glancing at Sui Li’er, he wouldn’t spare him in this lifetime.

Chen Ling’s speed was undoubtedly much faster than Chu Jian’s. He directly used invisibility and target positioning to instantly appear beside Chen Tianming.

“Uh… what are you doing?”

After Chen Ling teleported over, he found Chen Tianming standing high in the sky, overlooking the entire Flame Blue Town.

By now, Chen Tianming had returned to his original appearance. He hadn’t stayed long in that dormitory. The moment the tutor finished the roll call, he left.

He hadn’t thought that much about it, probably not even considering the relationship between Sui Li’er and Chen Ling. He was simply uninterested in that group of kids.

His thoughts were still on Mi Jiu.

But just to be safe, Chen Ling probed Chen Tianming’s memories, and luckily, he didn’t find anything strange.

Chen Tianming might not have realized it himself, but he had come close to death, his infatuation saved his life.

Chu Jian didn’t know where Chen Tianming was, but she headed straight for the girls’ dormitory.

In the girls’ dormitory, everyone was still chatting with Sui Li’er, asking all sorts of questions about Chen Ling.

The door suddenly slammed open with a “bang,” and the lights abruptly turned on.

The glaring light made everyone involuntarily exclaim in surprise.

Chu Jian immediately dispersed her aura, searching for Chen Tianming’s presence within the room.

She quickly located Chen Tianming on one of the beds. At this moment, Mi Yao was lying there with her eyes closed. Chu Jian walked over, filled with anger.

“Teacher Chu Jian?”

The students were surprised to see her, but when they saw her furious expression, no one dared to speak up.

As Chu Jian reached the bed where Mi Yao lay, she looked down at her with narrowed eyes.

Sharing a bed with Chen Tianming was Zuo Yuan, as they sat in front and behind.

Moreover, both of them didn’t have many friends. Due to her lack of conversation and poor eye contact, Zuo Yuan had never really had a close friend. The only person she could really see was Sui Li’er, but she was always with Luo Yuxiu.

She was just alone, occupying a bed while her roommate was left to chance.

Mi Yao, being a freshman, was also quiet and not much of a talker. As a hundred-year-old Forbidden Curse Master, she really had nothing to talk about with these kids. So, she also didn’t have any friends and ended up pairing up with Zuo Yuan.

In Zuo Yuan’s world, there was a vague figure that came before her. Although she couldn’t see clearly, she could sense that the person before her was Chu Jian.

As Chu Jian reached Mi Yao and Zuo Yuan’s bed, she furrowed her brows. She suddenly chanted an incantation and cast a spell!

As a golden light flashed in the room, the magic produced a slight reaction. An invisible energy directly hit Mi Yao, who was lying on the bed.

“Poof~” A sound rang out, and Mi Yao suddenly burst into mist, then transformed into a twig.

The students present looked surprised at the scene.

“It’s a substitution spell?”

〚 Substitution Spell: Transforms any lifeless object into one’s own appearance while leaving a trace of one’s aura on it for imitating the person’s aura. It can be manipulated to perform simple activities, like a puppet. Also known as Puppet Substitution Spell.〛

Chu Jian’s heart eased a little. She was somewhat relieved that Chen Tianming’s true form wasn’t here, or else she wouldn’t know how to deal with him.

She then shook her head and said softly, “This isn’t a substitution spell. Substitution spells are advanced magic. This is just a low-level transformation spell.”

“A transformation spell? Oh…”

〚 Transformation spells are a broad category with many variations. To avoid exposing his identity, Chen Tianming chose a simple magic, considering he’s just a minor mage for now. He simply transformed a twig into his own likeness without even leaving his aura, quite perfunctory. But he wasn’t worried; if he was found out, so what? Who could do anything to him? Using the transformation spell was already showing face.〛

Afterward, Chu Jian picked up the twig from the bed, held it in her hand, and said calmly, “Alright, everyone, go to sleep.”

Zuo Yuan looked puzzled: What happened to my roommate?

After Chu Jian left the girls’ dormitory, she threw the twig into the trash can and couldn’t help but wonder: Where did he go after leaving the girls’ dormitory?

“Whatever, I won’t bother with it. Let’s go back and keep an eye on Chen Ling.”

Unexpectedly, Chen Ling had disappeared at some point.

He was even more outrageous. He didn’t even transform or use a substitution spell, he just disappeared!

“Damn it!”

She had only left for a minute, and she had already lost him again!

He should have gone to Flame Blue Town. Chu Jian immediately headed there.

Meanwhile, Chen Tianming was slowly floating in the air, and Chen Ling opened the mind-reading technique behind him.

(Where’s that fortune teller… strange, why can’t I find him?)

( Can he really predict Chen Ling’s Curse Star and his curse?)

Chen Ling was speechless. Were all Forbidden Curse Masters this foolish?

Of course not.

But this wasn’t Chen Tianming’s fault. He had no other options left. He didn’t possess the mind-reading technique, so he couldn’t rule out any possibility.

Yan Ran was the same. She was also looking for the fortune teller.

Chu Jian, on the other hand, was looking for Chen Ling. She simply didn’t believe the fortune teller.

At the same time, she believed that her master would surely know Chen Ling’s secret. The purpose of this trip was to bring Chen Ling to see her master.


Just then, the calm town suddenly exploded with a loud noise, accompanied by a powerful burst of energy. The entire town trembled.

Seeing this, Chen Tianming’s brow furrowed, his eyes filled with fierceness: “Dark Mage!?”

Ordinarily, Dark Mages wouldn’t be so foolish as to reveal their aura. But when they released their spells, they would inevitably expose that ominous aura.

“Oh wow~ dealing with each other?”

Chen Ling had already sensed it; two dark mages were fighting.

With a flash, he arrived at the scene.

“I’m going to kill you!”

A man flashed in, full of rage and madness, roaring furiously.

And the person standing before him surprised Chen Ling. It was actually the white-haired loli Xuan Ming from before!?

Multiple black spells flashed around Xuan Ming, effortlessly evading the attacks of the person in front of her. Then, with another strike, she hit the dark mage again, knocking him to the ground and immobilizing him.

Holding a dagger emitting eerie red light, she slowly approached him.

Her voice sounded softly, “When you were devouring others, did you ever think that one day… you would also be devoured by someone?”

Her voice was rather pleasant, giving a very icy feeling.

The dark mage lying on the ground stared at Xuan Ming in disbelief, “Are you crazy? You want to eat me? We’re both dark mages. How much energy can you absorb? It takes devouring 20 people just to counteract an ordinary magic user. Damn you…”

Xuan Ming was completely indifferent and replied calmly, “Then just devour a lot more.”

Then, she raised the dagger in her hand. Suddenly, the dagger emitted a flash of red light, and a burst of energy shot out, aiming for the dark mage on the ground.

However, in the next moment, the dark mage in front of her disappeared. The energy carved a large groove into the ground, leaving a trench that was burning with fierce flames.

This dagger was clearly a magic-enhanced weapon.

Seeing this, Xuan Ming immediately furrowed her brow. She burst out her aura with a thought, searching for the vanished dark mage.

By now, the dark mage had been caught outside the small stone house.

Why would Chen Ling just watch a dark mage die? The dark mage was his good friend.

The dark mage originally thought he was about to die, but unexpectedly, Chen Ling saved him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Chen Ling’s smiling face.

Meanwhile, the six people who had been outside the stone house were originally asleep. With Chen Ling absent tonight, there were no lightning strikes, and Jie Brother was sitting next to a charging station recharging himself.

They had a rare quiet night.

However, the moment Chen Ling appeared, they were all startled!

The aura was too familiar, causing them to shiver uncontrollably.

Chen Ling hadn’t done anything, and they were already filled with fear, making him lose more than 1.1 billion points due to their fear.

Chen Ling currently didn’t have the time to deal with them.

“Hey, how are you? I saved you.”

The recently rescued dark mage had his back turned to the group, including Min Jiangyun, and hadn’t noticed them. He felt relieved and immediately said, “Thanks for saving me! Hehe.”

At this point, Chen Ling extended his hand, “Let me help you up.”

Without hesitation, the dark mage took Chen Ling’s hand.

〚 Snap~ Target binding successful.〛

〚 Target: Yang Yifan, Gender: Male, Realm: High-level Intermediate Mage, Curse Star: Water Element Cancer Constellation 33428, Curse: Short 〛.

After Yang Yifan smiled and stood up from the ground, he was about to speak when he realized he was bound to a pillar by Chen Ling.

The speed was so fast that he hadn’t even noticed he was now bound to the pillar.

And those present weren’t able to see his movements clearly either.

“What are you doing?” Yang Yifan immediately furrowed his brows.

Chen Ling chuckled softly, “Good boy, don’t run around. I’ll be back soon.”

With that, he disappeared from the scene.

Yang Yifan looked around at the six people with a confused expression. He noticed their current state, and each of them looked worse off than the other.

“Where is this?”

Chen Ling hadn’t muted his mouth, so he could talk.

However, the others couldn’t. Min Jiangyun and the others felt relieved when Chen Ling left. He might be busy and had forgotten to torment them…

It seemed they could pass the night peacefully.

However, just at that moment, Chen Ling suddenly reappeared.

“Almost forgot! That was close. Did I forget to strike you guys tonight?”

Everyone: ????

Chen Ling snapped his fingers with a smile, “Snap~”



Seven bolts of thunder directly struck the heads of the seven people.

They finally realized that the lightning tormenting them every night was caused by this guy!

〚 Ding~ Points – 1.1 billion…〛

Seeing this, Chen Ling left contentedly. He returned to Flame Blue Town.

However, at that moment, Chen Tianming was beating up Xuan Ming!

“Dark mages still dare to be so arrogant?”


Chen Tianming’s punch directly knocked Xuan Ming to the ground.

“Cough!” Xuan Ming spat out a mouthful of blood and was covered in stains.

She could clearly sense that their strengths were in completely different leagues!

Chen Tianming’s gaze was extremely cold. Even though Xuan Ming was attractive, it was futile. A dark mage was still a dark mage. Countless innocent lives died at the hands of these dark mages every year.

As one of the twelve overseers of the Rune Continent, he would naturally not show mercy to dark mages. Otherwise, how could he justify those deceased citizens?

At this moment, Xuan Ming’s gaze was quite calm.

She coughed out another mouthful of blood, mustering her strength to lift her head and glanced at Chen Tianming with a look of surprise, “You’re… the Aries Star Leader?”

Chen Tianming gave a cold snort without responding.

In his hand, a terrifying spell was already forming, ready to deliver the fatal blow.

At this moment, Chu Jian had already heard the commotion and arrived, though she hadn’t shown herself.

She silently watched as Chen Tianming dealt with the dark mage. If he hadn’t acted, Chu Jian would have handled this person herself.

Just at that moment, Xuan Ming suddenly laughed and then closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Tianming thought that she had willingly accepted the impending reality of death.

However, the next moment, he saw tears sliding down Xuan Ming’s cheeks. Could this be her regret in her final moments?

Unfortunately, it didn’t move Chen Tianming in the slightest. He had already endured for a hundred years, seen too much of life and death. If a single tear could make him hesitate to take a life, then he wouldn’t deserve to be the Star Leader: “Repent in hell, live a better life in the next incarnation.”

After a thought, he shook his head: “No, you don’t deserve to have a next incarnation!”

Having said that, Chen Tianming flicked his hand, throwing the terrifying spell towards Xuan Ming. However, right at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xuan Ming.

With a casual slap, the spell that Chen Tianming had thrown over was slapped back.

Chen Tianming and Chu Jian widened their eyes simultaneously.


He came out!

Chen Tianming’s gaze turned sharp as his magic energy rapidly circulated. In an instant, he released a magic technique, effortlessly defending against his previous attack.

However, the explosion still reverberated throughout the entire town, releasing a powerful energy that awakened countless people from their slumber. This included hidden dark mages.

“You…?” Chen Tianming furrowed his brows, looking at Chen Ling with a grim expression.

Chen Ling had just saved a dark mage, similar to how he had saved Shen Jingbing earlier. What was he up to?

Suddenly, Chen Ling’s figure flickered and he appeared next to Chen Tianming.

“You’re interrupting my peace.”

Chen Tianming: ????

Before he could react,


A terrifying explosion!

Sonic booms pushed through the air, stirring up a fierce wind, dispersing an incredibly powerful energy.


A kick sent Chen Tianming flying into the air, simultaneously dispersing his magic energy. This directly caused him to lose consciousness and let him soar for a while.

Of course, Chen Ling wouldn’t let Chen Tianming continue staying here. He was too conspicuous. In this small town, there were mainly dark mages, and almost everyone recognized Chen Tianming, especially among the dark mages.

If those dark mages saw Chen Tianming here, they would definitely flee, and Chen Ling would have a hard time catching them.

So, Chen Ling sent him soaring into the sky. He wouldn’t be able to come down for a while.

However, in the shadows, he didn’t pay attention to Chu Jian. Unlike Chen Tianming, Chu Jian wasn’t so ostentatious. As long as she wasn’t causing trouble, he wouldn’t bother with her.

But at this moment, Chu Jian was looking up, mouth agape in shock. Chen Ling’s methods might be rough, but no matter how many times she saw them, she couldn’t help but be deeply shocked!

The visual impact was just too great, the shockwaves visible to the naked eye were exhilarating… no. This Chen Ling’s strength was truly terrifying!

At the last Twelve Star Leader’s meeting, they had already determined his approximate strength.

They weren’t gods, but Chen Ling was. Of course, they only determined his strength as the peak level a Forbidden Curse Master could reach.

A Forbidden Curse Master was at most a demigod, perhaps even lower than that.

They didn’t really believe Chen Ling was a deity of this world. How could a world have such a deity? If there were, this world wouldn’t be peaceful at all.

Which deity starts a fight at every provocation?

If Chen Ling were truly a deity, he should have treated the Twelve Star Leaders well.

The Twelve Star Leaders managed the world for him without pay, and Chu Jian even got slapped by him. Chen Tianming fared worse; he was sent flying into heaven.

At this moment, Xuan Ming stared at Chen Ling in disbelief. She even suspected her eyes were playing tricks on her…

Just now… the Aries Star Leader, one of the most powerful among the Twelve Star Leaders, an entity akin to a deity. He was sent flying by the young man before her with a single kick?

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