The Dark Ages

Chapter 1038 - Seo Secret

Buzz …

In nothingness, a hazy bead glowed, covering Qin Tiange’s body, not being bombarded by the unknown force.

Isolating that power, Qin Tiange carefully walked into the depths of the void full of unknown mystery.

What secrets are hidden in the emptiness of the sea of ​​the universe, where did the emptiness beasts come from and where do they live?

Along the emptiness tunnel that had been drilled out by the dense emptiness beast before, Qin Tiange sneaked quickly, grasping the emptiness beads, and continued to follow.

He wanted to see what was going on here, and why there was a weird creature like the Void Beast, which seemed to be a parasitic thing in the sea of ​​the sea.

Zhou Hai, the birth of infinite cosmic bubbles, is strange to look at. The big cosmic bubbles overlap each other, some are close, some are far away, and they feel like cells.

When Qin Tiange remembered that his cells had transformed into small cosmic fetal membranes, he couldn’t calm down, he always felt cool.

He looked at each cell of his body, the spaced-apart areas, like the void area between the bubbles in the cosmic sea.

This feels very bad for him, does it mean that Zhou Hai is a living body, the endless multi-dimensional universe bubble, is a living cell?

One cell and one universe, Qin Tiange can do this now, but it has not yet fully formed.

The 60 trillion cells in Qin Tiange’s body, once really born and formed into a real universe, is no different from Zhou Hai.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the front, followed by a hissing sound, which caught Qin Tiange’s attention and walked up quietly.

Through an empty passage, Qin Tiange came to an area full of hazy mist-like substances, constantly rolling and intertwining.

In these materials, there are two imaginary beasts entangled with each other, the dense claws hugging each other, the body curled up, as if doing something.

Qin Tiange stared at his eyes, looking at the two nihilistic beasts in front of him, big and small, with different body shapes, which can be seen as a male and a female.

They are breeding offspring. The small ones are male, the large ones are female, and the dense eggs in the belly are moving.

Those are the little beasts that are gestating and forming, one by one, and are being continuously produced.

The eggs of these nihilistic beasts turned into light dots, and they continued to fly into the nihilistic channels, sticking to the nihilistic barriers.

“Hisse …”

Suddenly, more hissing sounds came from the depths of nothingness, Qin Tiange quietly looked, and suddenly saw the dense beasts of nothingness were moving to each other.

They curled together and squirmed back and forth, the whole scene looked extremely shocking, scalp tingling.

“This is the parasite living alive.” Qin Tiange was frightened, watching the shocking scene in front of his eyes, his hair frizzled.

Only after realizing it, did I believe that these so-called nothingness beasts are just a terrible parasite.

He couldn’t imagine that these parasites were so horrible, would there be something more terrifying.


Suddenly, an extremely sharp hissing sound came, awakening countless creeping nihilistic beasts, Qi brushed his head and looked over, just staring at the hidden Qin Tiange.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange was so cold that he was discovered. Sure enough, the dense beasts of innocence rushed together, opening a terrible growl to this side.

In particular, one of the largest void beasts has a huge size and surpasses all the void beasts, like a huge giant worm that traverses the void.

“This …” Qin Tiange widened his eyes and looked at the horrible giant worm. He was lying deep in the void, his body was huge and unmatched, and he shuttled through the void barrier.

It seems to be parasitic in the barrier of nothingness, two terrible eyes staring at Qin Tiange, showing the fierce light of Yousen.


The sky filled with beasts, and drowned towards Qin Tiange. The scene was extremely scary and scary.

The dense beasts of nothingness live in the nothingness, parasitizing in the barriers, as if drawing energy from nothingness for a living.


Qin Tiange shouted, turned and shattered nothingness, forcibly broke out, and countless giant bugs rumbling behind him.

The scene scared some powerful creatures passing by just here, scared to death, almost scared to death.

The dense and beasts of nothingness, howling and pursing and killing Qin Tiange, rushed out of the nothingness hole all the way, and stopped after chasing for a long time.


Watching Qin Tiange flee, the dense array of nihilistic beasts roared frantically, looking very angry, violently tore up this void of nothingness, and drilled out one by one.

At this time, Qin Tiange had already fled and did not dare to stay, because the number of those beasts was too large, and the horrible giant bug that he had just seen was lying in the nothingness.

The breath made him palpitated, and he did not dare to stay or approach. Now thinking, there are many unknown things and secrets hidden in the emptiness of Zhou Hai.

These nothingness beasts alone are enough to make people drink a pot, not to mention the unknown force, the creatures stepping inside are crushed directly.

Only the Void Beast does not seem to be affected. This makes Qin Tiange even more curious. What is the power of the beast in the Void Beast?


When the figure flashed, Qin Tiange appeared in an unfamiliar void in the ocean, stood there, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene just now is so beautiful that it was chased and killed by countless insects. It’s really been a long time since I felt this kind of excitement.

Qin Tiange exhaled softly, opened his palms, and stared at the empty bead. The energy inside made him curious.

“What is the mystery of the power of nothing?”

With a little curiosity, Qin Tiange poured in a strong will, and invaded the void beads a little bit, trying to peek into the mystery of the power of nothingness.

As a result, the invasion of the will, still could not see the mystery of the power of nothingness, and only felt a hazy, unreal feeling.

It is as if everything is false, unreal, non-existent, and nothingness is illusory.

“Strange …” Qin Tiange was a little unconvinced, and frowned deeply, suddenly gritted his teeth, and swallowed the bead with a mouthful.

With a grunt, the void beads swallowed into his stomach, Qin Tiange’s face twisted instantly, and he felt that the void beads in his body melted.

An energy in the void beads suddenly radiated up and down the body and swept away.

Almost immediately, Qin Tiange’s body became transparent, illusory, and hazy, as if suddenly becoming unreal.

Imaginary things, imaginary energy, imaginary bodies, everything is illusory, all unreal.

As the void beads dissolve, Qin Tiange’s body seems to be affected, and weird changes occur directly, becoming illusive as if he did not exist.

Zizi …

Qin Tiange’s body changed back and forth, for a while it became hazy and illusory, and for a while it became very real, and the two kept changing.

Gradually, Qin Tiange’s eyes were empty and his consciousness seemed fuzzy, as if he didn’t exist.


Just at the critical moment, the real spirit shook, and a hazy book came across, suppressing the collapse and disappearing consciousness.

That is the spirit of human books. Combining the source of heaven and earth books, it has obtained the most wonderful transformation and has extraordinary abilities.

With the emergence of the true spirit of human books, the consciousness was suppressed, and a vast energy also poured out of the body, and the power of primitive chaos boiled.

With a bang, the body suddenly collapsed, and then reorganized suddenly, and returned to normal, and the unreal energy was rushed out of the body by the original great chaos power.


When Qin Tiange woke up, the whole man was startled with a cold sweat, looking at the imaginary energy group that was rushed out in front of his eyes, and there was a shock in his heart.

It was really dangerous just now, and it almost turned into nothingness, assimilated directly by the sea of ​​the sea, and disappeared forever.

“It’s dangerous, almost gone.” Qin Tiange smiled bitterly, and just swallowed the void beads, he almost killed himself.

That power is very weird, and it can blur Qin Tiange’s body and even all its energy, which is a real disappearance and a non-existence.

Once Qin Tiange’s body becomes a non-existent delusion, it is really completely gone, there is no such person as him.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Qin Tiange’s real spirit and the power in his body can block, directly clearing that terrible false force.

This power ~ ~ is too scary, full of unknown and unstable, and it may be really difficult to escape if you touch it.

“It seems that I have to study the power of the imagination of the ocean.”

Qin Tiange looked at the dissipated energy mass with a thoughtful look, thinking about studying these false powers.


While he was meditating, there was a sudden wave in the emptiness of Zhou Hai, a click, the emptiness cracked, and then a huge ancient ship slowly sailed out of the void.

This ancient ship passed straight by Qin Tiange’s side, and the powerful energy breathe awakened him. Looking up, he just saw a pair of clear eyes locked on him.


The two eyes collided, shattering the emptiness in front of them, and even causing the ancient ship to have a strong wave.

Qin Tiange felt a shock in his heart and felt that the huge energy behind that gaze was extremely dangerous.

“Is a strong!” Qin Tiange flashed such a thought in his heart.

But the next moment, a light suddenly came from the bow of the ancient ship, and a passage was formed at the foot of Qin Tiange.

“Can you get on board?”

A clear and ethereal word came, Qin Tiange looked at, just the powerful creature just looking at him, a woman.

She stood on the bow of the ancient ship, her eyes faint, looked at Qin Tiange, revealing a glance of invitation.

Qin Tiange thought for a while, looking at the ancient ship that stopped slowly, the passage in front of him was the land of the mysterious and powerful woman.


In the end, Qin Tiange embarked on this ancient ship, went directly to the bow, and saw the mysterious woman who invited him.

What surprised Qin Tiange was that she was a personal tribe?

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