The Dark Ages

Chapter 1045 - Unknown species, inner universe decay

Bang bang …

The tremor of emptiness, in the blink of an eye, killed a scourge of emptiness parasites, and was killed here as many as possible.

Vaguely, a figure flashed quickly, the head of a parasite beast collapsed, and the body was broken into several pieces, which could not stop the man’s punch.


With the last hissing extinguished, hundreds, thousands of nothingnessless parasites were slaughtered on the scene, one remained.

Qin Tiange walked among the dead parasitic corpses, and looked closely, digging out the void beads in their heads one by one.

There are thousands of void beads, which contain an imaginary force, which can block the strangulation of the power in void.

Qin Tiange attaches great importance to these strange beads, and even thinks whether he can draw the mysterious and illusory power inside.

He held a grey, futile bead and observed carefully, but unfortunately he could not draw the mysterious power inside.

“The power of curiosity is not drawn and cannot be absorbed. How can this energy be absorbed?” Qin Tiange was surprised and found that he could not draw the illusory power inside.

This mysterious power, it is not clear how to absorb it, which aroused Qin Tiange’s strong curiosity and wanted to unlock its mystery.

However, instead of continuing to look at the research, he slowly raised his head, staring into the depths of nothingness in front of him, and a large fragmented scene appeared in front of his eyes.


A huge fragment of the city ran across nothingness and ran directly into Qin Tiange’s presence, as if a mighty star had crashed down.

It was just that this huge piece was suddenly smashed into a pile of powder and dissipated, as if suddenly turned into ashes.

Qin Tiange’s eyes were like a torch, scorchingly staring into the depths of nothingness, and all kinds of incomplete fragments continued to fly out.

There are huge pieces of food to eat, the remains of ancient warships, and the huge bones of some creatures, all of which are there.

In the depths, there is a huge gap in the land of dreams. These fragments are pouring out from there, as if there is a horrible battlefield inside.


Qin Tiange walked through the rubble debris, stepped on some broken corpses, and walked all the way to the huge rift, watching quietly.

He stared through the strange light, saw through the barrier of the void, and saw a desolate scene of killing inside.


A furry giant hand crosses the nothingness, grasps it fiercely in an area of ​​the nothingness, clicks, and drags a powerful creature directly into the depth of the nothingness.

Qin Tiange’s pupils shrank, watching the pinched creature turned out to be a reincarnation powerhouse, at least after three reincarnation powerhouses.

But such a powerful creature was caught by a mysterious giant hand directly into the depths of nothingness, with a burst of screams of sorrow and eventually extinguished.

Needless to say, the creature has already hung up and was directly swallowed by the unknown creature, making Qin Tiange’s eyebrows jump.

“What kind of creature is that?” Qin Tiange said to himself, waved through a large broken ruin in front, and stepped into that desolate and horrible place.

There are many terrible creatures hidden in the depths of nothingness, which belongs to the inner area of ​​the nothingness battlefield, close to the depths.

Qin Tiange came here, realizing the dangers and horrors here, just now he saw an unknown creature grabbing a powerful creature with three cycles of reincarnation.


In the depths of nothingness, a shocking roar came suddenly, the sound was rolling, pierced the nothingness and ignorance, and shattered numerous ruin fragments.

That terrible roar made Qin Tiange feel a threat, and the roar of the unknown creature gave him a strong crisis.

He didn’t know what the creature’s roar was, but he could clearly feel the threat from the other party.


Suddenly, nothingness broke, a dark thing broke the nothingness, rushed all the way, shook hundreds of millions of miles, and blinked into the depths of nothingness and disappeared.

Qin Tiange’s pupils dilated, and two beams of gods were intertwined, shining brightly, capturing the terrible scene that had just passed away.

“Is that Tianpeng?” He said to himself, exclaiming the terrible shadow that had just passed away, shattering nothingness, and frighteningly fast.

Just now he clearly captured that there was a terrible Tianpeng crossing the nothingness, entering the depths of the nothingness battlefield, and rolling with endless fierce power, it was scary.

That Tianpeng is nothing else. It was the transformation of the Qiang. The Qiang tribe is strong. Once transformed, it becomes Tianpeng, and it goes up to hundreds of millions of miles.

This kind of bizarre transformation only exists in the Qiang tribe. As a family of fierce beasts, Li, this is a huge Beiming fierce fish, but once it is lifted for nine days and transformed into Tianpeng, it is another form, the ultimate form.

“Interesting, the supreme creatures in the numerous universes of Zhouhai gathered on the same battlefield, killing and competing, this is the real battlefield of the strong.” Qin Tiange’s expression became a little excited.

As if the blood that had been silent for countless years, it suddenly boiled and was awakened by the powerful creatures here, and the fighting spirit gradually recovered.

There are countless scary creatures on the battlefield, and some fierce species can even rival the Creator, and some can even fight the Creator.

This is the terrible aspect of the Void Battlefield, not only the Void Parasite, but also all kinds of weird and weird species.


For example, Qin Tiange now encounters an extremely fierce unknown species, with 88 heads, 99 claws, and only one eye in his entire body.

Right in the middle of the head, there is no eye on the rest of the head, it feels like an unknown organism.

However, this creature was extremely horrible, so Qin Tiange smelled a bit of pressure from the unknown creature in front of him.

“What species is this?” Qin Tiange looked weird, looking at the weird creatures in front of him, too weird and rare.

He didn’t even know what kind of species this was, but he was extremely powerful, terrible and terrible, and launched an attack directly.

“His!” Eighty-eight heads spread out in unison, sending a terrifying hiss, and a stream of soul thoughts swept across.

Feeling the terrible soul shock of the other party, Qin Tiange blinked his eyes and realized that the power of this unknown creature is the soul shock that crushes the will.


On the occasion of a stern moment, Qin Tiange’s eyebrows burst into a radiant light, bursting out a mighty will from the inside, and rumbling up.

This volition was terrifying, rushing over, crushing and crushing the powerful impact of the unknown creature, which in turn penetrated the opponent’s unique eye.



With a muffled sound, the only eye of the unknown creature was smashed, crushed and crushed by Qin Tiange’s powerful will, and severely wounded.

And the consciousness of that unknown creature was being attacked by Qin Tiange’s mighty will, and the soul’s impact repeatedly defeated the other’s consciousness instantly.

With a click, the unknown creature’s body cracked, and then it slumped in front of Qin Tiange, his breath weakened, and he soon lost his voice.

This unknown creature died like this, being crushed by Qin Tiange’s soul consciousness and directly bombarded and killed.

“It looks very strong. It turned out to be strong and strong.” Qin Tiange shook his head, and the creature was speechless.

With just one will to fight back, he bombarded the unknown creature, disappointing him a bit, and looked very powerful, but he was vulnerable.

“Well, this is …” Suddenly, Qin Tiange saw a strangeness on the body of the unknown creature.

He quickly stepped forward and found that there was a strange ray of strange light coming out of the body of this unknown creature.


Raising a palm without saying a word, splitting one of his heads, Qin Tiange found a cold bead from the inside.

He looked at the beads in his hand, and was surprised to find that this was an inner universe, which contained a cold cosmic force.

Bang bang …

Next, all the heads of this unknown creature were blown up and blasted by Qin Tiange, and they dug out all the beads from the inside.

There are eighty-eight beads, which contain a small universe. It seems that this unknown creature has a strong inside.

Qin Tiange was pleasantly surprised to discover that these 88 small universes have actually experienced the strong universes born from two cycles.

“Isn’t this heaven?” Qin Tiange suddenly showed a weird smile and opened his mouth to swallow the 88 beads directly.

He took the battlefield of nothingness as a hunting ground, swallowed eighty-two small universes, and Qin Tiange felt that the thousand inner universes in his body suddenly shivered together, and strange changes took place.


The thousand inner universes in Qin Tiange’s body shook together ~ ~ began to fail, and even entered the old age, as if one by one small universe.

One thousand universes in the body have finally started to decay, and will soon be destroyed.

“The universe is dying and is about to be destroyed!”

Qin Tiange was not shocked, but felt that a thousand inner universes in the body, including the primitive great chaos, all entered decay, and the endless force of the universe gathered at the core and began to collapse.

He understands that this is the end of the inner universe. At this moment, Qin Tiange Ming realized that he was about to break through, entered the destruction of the universe, and survived the shock of the destruction of the universe.

“Well, find a big universe to be destroyed and make a breakthrough.”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Tiange immediately decided to find a big universe to be destroyed, to carry out the destruction shock of the inner and outer universe, and to sublimate and transform himself in the midst of destruction.

Qin Tiange tore open nothingness with one hand, completely imprinted the position here in his heart, and waited for the breakthrough to enter the battlefield of nothingness.


Rip open the barriers of the virtual battlefield, Qin Tiange stepped into it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he disappeared, he heard a rumbling sound. Two huge dragon shadows crossed the nothingness, shattered this nothingness, and landed here.

Those were two terrible dragons, with two arrogant figures standing on them. It was the two dragon gods who came after them.

“What about people?”

The two dragon gods will chase them to this end, but they lost Qin Tiange’s trace. For a time, they were a little darkly angry and could not find anyone.

In this regard, Qin Tiange is not clear. At this moment, he has left the battlefield of nothingness and returned to the sea of ​​the sea, looking for the big universe that is about to collapse ~ ~ Just search for “Book Banner”!

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