The Dark Ages

Chapter 1083 - Past, Future, 3 in 1

“what’s the situation?”

At the rift of the river of nothingness, strong figures came down and came here, watching this scene could not help but stay.

The two Qin Tianges are facing each other, with the same breath and strength, and even some things are the same.


Both Ziyi and Qinglian looked dull and looked at the two Qin Tianges in front of them. The instinctual blood vessels told them that both were their fathers.

“Sister, which is your brother-in-law?” Chen Kun asked quietly, with big eyes blinking, swept across two Qin Tiange, but could not see who it was.

Chen Xi’e frowned, and finally saw Qin Tiange, but she saw two, which made her cried and laughed, how to distinguish who is true and who is false?

“You see, who is the true emperor?”

Li Luo, You Ji, and Fei Yan looked at each other, and it was not clear who the real emperor was.

Liu Ye, Xue Nu, Du Jing, Long Xiaoqian, and Xi Xi were dull and foolish, because they couldn’t see them.

These two Qin Tianges are exactly the same, as if two people were originally the same person, there is no distinction between true and false.

“What was born?”

At this time, strong cracks rushed out of the crack. The Creator came, the Five Masters came together, and the creators of the Alliance, Dragon Master, and other parties came soon.

They emerged from the concealment of nothingness and came here, but they saw something strange about the atmosphere at the scene, which was unknown.

Everyone looked at the two powerful figures confronting each other in the river of nothingness, exactly the same, suddenly realized in their hearts.

“Two people?”

Soon they all understood the situation clearly, and two people appeared here, and both were the same, and they were not clear at all.

Look, behind both Qin Tiange, there is a long river of luck, each of which has a human emperor’s body, a prophet.

This scene is very weird to look at, even if the owner of the pan doesn’t speak, he stares at the future body called by the mirror of eternity.

That is Qin Tiange’s future body!

“Pan, he doesn’t have a future, why does he have a future body?” The latter looked surprised and asked the disc master softly.

But the owner shook his head, saying it was not clear, watching quietly without speaking, his will locked the owner of the eternal mirror.

The mysterious strongman and the five eternal beings were locked by the will of the owner of the pan, and did not dare to act rashly.

Even the master of the Eternal Mirror, the mysterious powerhouse does not know what will happen once the future body is pulled out.

“You are my future body?”

After a long silence, Qin Tiange finally spoke, and there was a ray of curiosity in his eyes, looking at the opposite self, from the future.

I saw the opposite “Qin Tiange” looking weird. Looking at himself in front of him, his heart was strange.

He looked at Chen Xi and others before the rift, his eyes flashed mildly, coming from the future, but he was also Qin Tiange.

That’s right, both are the same, both are Qin Tiange himself, but one is pulled out from the future.

On the opposite side, the future body smiled slightly: “Since you are clear, why ask again, you are me, I am you, are you not clear about your own mind?”

Qin Tiange’s pupils shrank, and his expression on his face began to become weird. The other party said well. He didn’t understand himself, so who knew him?

As oneself, you are the one who knows you best. What you think is naturally clear, so Qin Tiange suddenly laughed inexplicably.

“What are you laughing at?”

Over there, the mysterious strong man had a heartbeat, and had a bad hunch that he couldn’t help interrupting their smiles coldly.

Qin Tiange glanced at the mysterious strongman and said with a smile: “I still want to thank you for pulling the future body for me, because I don’t exist in the future, you can pull out my future body from the future, It seems that the mirror that was just broken is a little bit patience, but unfortunately you have ruined your consciousness. “

“Hmm!” The mysterious strong hummed softly, sneer: “Thank you, thank you, wait until you have hit your future body.”

“Hit?” Qin Tiange smiled strangely and looked at his future body. The two looked at each other and looked extremely weird.

“Why do we fight?” The two Qin Tianges spoke at the same time, so everyone in the room couldn’t help but stay.

If you do n’t fight, what will happen to those two same people? In the face of the other one, should n’t you be alive and dead, can only one person survive?

“You were summoned by this seat, and this seat ordered you to kill him.” The mysterious strong man realized that it was not good, and immediately ordered.

But unfortunately, the future body smiled softly: “Why should I kill myself, isn’t it equal to suicide?”

“Thank you!” The future body smiled faintly, looked at Qin Tiange, and said, “Come on, you and I work together to pull out the past body together, the three body together, the more eternal life.”


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room was shocked, all in shock, looking at the two Qin Tiange in front of them.

They didn’t even fight, instead they talked about pulling together to pull out the past, to realize the past, the present, and the future.

This is to break the barriers of eternal life, to directly integrate the three bodies, the more eternal life.

“Time and space, reverse!”

“Time and space, reverse!”

Two loud drinks came at the same time, and they saw two Qin Tian Ge Qiqi bursting out of the limit power, a body of time and space in the body gathered together into one.

Suddenly, with the reversal of the origins of both time and space at the same time, there was a huge turbulence in the entire river of nothingness.

“The gate of time and space, the gate of eternal life, one!”

With another loud shout, Qin Tiange and the future body opened two mysterious gates, one is the gate of time and space, and the other is the gate of eternal life.

Space-time and eternal life are directly fused with each other, the four lintels collide, and they instantly become one, forming a mysterious gate.

What kind of portal is it, with a mysterious breath.

“Damn it, stop them!”

At first glance, the mysterious powerhouse realized that it was not good, and immediately rushed forward to stop two Qin Tiange’s practices.

“Get back!”

As soon as the mysterious strongman took five immortals, he was hit by the owner with a horror, and he slashed with a huge axe.

With that powerful blow, Shengsheng forced six people back directly, and he couldn’t get close to Qin Tiange and Mirai.

“Dan, you’re looking for death!” The mysterious strong growled angrily, looking very anxious.

But unfortunately, the master of the plate cut with one axe and one axe. Regardless of it, he completely blocked the six eternal beings in front of him and could not take a step closer to Qin Tiange and Mirai.

The fierce battle made Chen Xi and others look dignified, worried for Qin Tiange, it is not clear why he reached an agreement with his future life?


Suddenly, the two Qin Tian Ge Qi Qi drank violently, and saw a mysterious and unpredictable gate in the middle of the two slammed.

Then, the door slowly opened, and the rumbled voice shook nothing, and a torrent of weather burst out from it.

“Past, come!”

With a loud shout, Qin Tiange joined forces with the future, turning the years of emptiness, summoning a hazy figure from the past, which appeared before the gate.

Behind the door, everyone can clearly feel the power of that figure, extremely mysterious, what is Qin Tiange’s past?

Is it human? No, it is an unknown, and without the past does not mean that he cannot summon the past.

The so-called past body is to reverse the years from the present period and summon Qin Tiange from the past period.

The future body is the same, that was summoned from Qin Tiange’s future in a little time. To put it plainly, Qin Tiange is the present body, the future body is the self within the next few days, the past body is the past few days. Yourself.

That’s what I mean!


As the door opened, a foot was protruded inside, and a crisp sound, ripples of emptiness rippled, and the entire river of emptiness trembled slightly.

As if the figure inside the door couldn’t bear to step out, everyone held his breath, watching the figure stepping out of the portal step by step, it was Qin Tiange.

“I’ve come from the past …” The first sentence from the comer made people feel queer.

A past Qin Tiange stepped out of the portal, came here, and looked face to face with the present and the future.

The three Qin Tiange looked at each other, making everyone quiet, one by one silent, looking nervous and full of expectations.

“Past, present, and future, three-in-one?” Looking at the three Qin Tiange, the confidante’s confidant, then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Chen Xi and others were all sluggish. The three Qin Tianges were all true, one from the past and one from the future. They met Qin Tiange now.

Meet the three, the scene is a bit weird!

“We met, but soon disappeared.”

The past body talked to itself, looking at the present Qin Tiange and the future body, the three looked at each other and smiled, and then released their strengths together.

The three rivers of fortune converge on the nothingness, and are constantly intertwined, fused and merged with each other.


Even the prophets had a chance for the three-in-one, because with the arrival of Qin Tiange, the past, the present, and the future, the three-in-one.


The three rivers of longevity are combined into one, and at the moment, a vast, mysterious and even more terrifying river is born.

It surrounds the three Qin Tianges. Past, present, and future, the three Qin Tianges are all covered with light and the weather is scattered.

“Three-in-one, the more eternal life!”

With a loud shout, the three Qin Tiange Qi Qi turned into a single light, and the bangs slammed together, instantly converging into a wave.

It was an unknown power, and the combination of the three bodies turned out to be a power that would immortalize, shocking countless people.

The most feared is the mysterious strongman ~ ~ Looking at this scene, he regrets death, because if he did not take out the eternal mirror, there would be no current life.

“Why, why didn’t they fight?” The mysterious strongman growled and looked angry.

The future body came out, why not fight with the present Qin Tiange, and actually evoked the past body and the three bodies in one.


At this moment, a mysterious ray of three-in-one in Qiyun Changhe suddenly heard a fierce buzz, causing endless waves.

Everyone looked together, all attentive, full of expectations.

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