The Dark Ages

Chapter 109 - People

Hua Hualong Station, a subway line slowly enters the platform …

Alas, when the subway door opened, a group of people came down from the car.

“This is Hualong Station?”

Qi Qin Tiange got out of the car and looked at the empty subway platform. He frowned unconsciously, feeling a bit wrong.

It stands to reason that there should be a zombies in the subway station, but at this time, as far as the eyes go, there is no ghost shadow, let alone a person, even the zombies have not seen one.

He followed along with ten Sword and Shield Hands headed by Moda. They were fully armed, standing around him vigilantly, with Sword and Shield in hand, and staring at the subway station with vigilance.

“Tiange, it doesn’t seem right, it’s too quiet here.” Liu Yan walked down, E’s eyebrows froze, feeling wrong.

The subway station is quiet and there is no sound at all, which makes people unconsciously scared, and some people even can’t help getting hairy.

In the car, many survivors were curious to see from the window, one by one dare not hide in the car, in fact, Qin Tiange warned them not to come down.

Qi Qin Tiange looked serious and turned back and said, “Liu Ye, you stay here to defend and warn the captain that the situation is wrong and drive immediately.”

“Morda took ten people with me to the control room to see.”

He said, he took the lead to go out with an electromagnetic light blade, and Moda and other eleven people immediately followed the sword and shield.

Qiu Liuxuan and others watched them leave and entered the subway station, one by one nervous. Nie Teng even led the No. 100 trapped dead defense train.

At this time, in front of the platform inclined elevator, Qin Tiange brought eleven people including Moda here, looking at the elevator to the upper floor, which had already stopped.

“Go up and take a look.” Then, Qin Tiange stepped up the elevator, step by step, walked slowly, his footsteps were light, and almost no sound was made.

“Brother Qin, look at this …” beside him, Moda looked horrified and pointed at the elevator under his feet. There was a layer of sticky substance on it, which was disgusting.

I stepped on it and felt a little sticky under my feet. Qin Tiange leaned down and twisted his hands, smelled it, and a stinky smell rushed out of his nose.

“This is the saliva of some kind of creature, everyone be careful, it’s not right here.” Qin Tiange immediately recognized that this was the saliva of some kind of creature, and there was something wrong here.

Everyone walked up the elevator carefully, and soon came to the upper floor. As far as they could see, everyone was shocked.

“this is…”

Moda and others were shocked, eyes widened, and looked at the subway station on the ground floor with horror.

There are two floors at Huahualong Station. The bus that I got off just now is on the second basement level, but now it is on the first basement level.

But, the scene in front of them made Moda and others unable to resist the horror, a cold air came from the soles of the feet, and the cold sweat on the spine came down.

“People?” Qin Tiange’s pupils shrank, and he looked slowly at the scene in front of him. There were white silk threads entwined in the first floor of the subway.

白 These white silk threads are like spider webs, covering the entire subway floor. What is more frightening is that there is a human-shaped puppet hanging on the spider web.

Yes, what they saw were dense crowds of people hanged there. It was roughly estimated that there were at least hundreds of thousands, which covered the entire subway floor, and it was trembling.

“Qin Brother, these …” Moda wanted to speak in horror, but was stopped by Qin Tiange’s hand.

He looked dignified, and looked at the dense crickets in front of him. It was a human being wrapped in spider silk and hung there.

The cobwebs are densely layered and layer upon layer. Looking from here, where is the appearance of the subway station, it makes people wonder whether they have entered the spider’s kingdom.

On top of those people’s puppets or cobwebs, there are crawling spiders the size of washbasins, some of which are the size of fists, and some are even larger than washbasins. They are huge and terrifying.

It’s scary and horrifying when these spiders are eating people who are entangled by spider silk.

“Retreat …”

Qin Tiange slowly raised his hand and issued a retreat order. He couldn’t bear the chill in his heart. Is that message false?

Scam or trap?

“Help … Help …”

当 At this moment, a faint voice came out, it was a cry for help, awakened Moda and others, turned their heads one by one, and looked at the monitoring and control room of the subway station.

Where did the cry for help come from …

Qi Qin Tiange’s face was frozen, his eyes stared at the monitoring command room on the first floor of the subway, where it was surrounded by dense spider webs, and the ground was full of disgusting feces and mucus, which gave off a foul smell.

These are spider manure and slime. They are all over the floor, and there is a thick layer, and they are submerged in an inch. It is incredible.

“Brother Qin, someone asked for help, there are survivors here.” Moda looked dignified and whispered.

However, Qin Tiange’s expression was a bit wrong, his face was indifferent, he waved his hand gently, and said something unexpected.


Two words, retreat, Qin Tiange’s words surprised Moda and others, unknown, but still resolutely implemented, and quickly retreated.

“Help … Help … Help me …” At this time, a weak sound of help was heard from the monitoring room, getting more and more urgent, it seemed that Qin Tiange knew their arrival.

Suddenly at this critical moment, the dense spiders in the subway’s first floor suddenly rioted.


The spider group rioted and made an eager and sharp voice, and rushed towards Qin Tiange and others, densely and endlessly.

“We’re doing it, let’s go!”

When Qin Tiange’s complexion changed, he yelled and rushed down the elevator. When Moda and others heard him say this, they couldn’t help whispering in their hearts.

Yes, they did it!

This is a trap. A trap that attracts humans is a scam.

It’s not human beings who set up the situation. It’s likely that they are dense and dense spiders. It is unimaginable. Even animals know how to design traps to lure humans?

The crowd rushed down the elevator quickly, but at this moment, the spiders in the back suddenly shot at them a white silk thread.

“Ah …” Someone was hit and entangled by the silk thread, could not help but make a scream, flustered with a knife, but unfortunately kept cutting.

This kind of spider silk is the spider silk produced by the mutation of the spider. It is very tough, and it is difficult to be damaged by the knife. Some spider silk can also be waterproof and fireproof, and its defense is very amazing.

“Damn!” Seeing this, Qin Tiange couldn’t help cursing himself. He turned around with a slash, with a soft bang, and a few spider silks were broken.

He held a scorching and sharp electromagnetic light blade in his hand, which could easily cut these spider silks, rescued the Sword Shield Hand, but delayed for a while, causing the rioting spiders to catch up.

Hiss …

Suddenly, an extremely sharp cry came over, and the spider group became even more manic, seeming extremely fierce, as if dying towards Qin Tiange and others.

“Retreat, retreat!”

Qi Qin Tiange looked anxious, waving an electromagnetic light blade, and chopped down a giant spider that had only been culled. The size of the washbasin was divided into two halves.

蜘蛛 These spiders were not the cause of his urgency, and the horrible call just now made him extremely disturbed.

“Drive, drive fast …”

As soon as a group of people rushed down the elevator, Moda opened his throat and shouted, and the guards of the train could not help shaking, and then everyone saw a horrible scene.

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