The Dark Ages

Chapter 111 - The body is hollowed out?

A loud noise!

The last compartment suddenly disconnected, was wound by numerous spider silks, and then collapsed and flew up, hitting the platform heavily, crushing a lot of spiders.


The pupa mother screamed angrily, and the eight giant feet madly drove away, chasing after the train that disconnected the carriage, and the human head made a terrifying howl.

“No ….” A high-decibel screamed and rolled down the tunnel, shaking Qin Tiange, who was standing at the tail of the train, with a pale complexion and buzzing.

“Finally got rid of …” Qin Tiange watched the spider mother howling madly in front of the tunnel, and felt relieved, but fortunately got rid of the spider silk entanglement, otherwise they would face the crazy hunt of countless mutant spiders .

Creak …

Stuck on the top of the car, a few crawling sounds came and saw a fist-sized spider crawling in from the back of the car.

Although got rid of those spider silk entanglements, a large number of spiders just climbed the train just now, the size of fist and the size of the washbasin are all looking, it looks hairy.

“Ah … save me, save me …”

Inside the train, suddenly someone screamed in panic, everyone turned and looked around, and was shocked to find that a middle-aged man was actually hugged the door by a basin-sized spider, sharp fangs bite wildly, and fangs poured in. Got venom.

Suddenly, the tall middle-aged man fell down on the spot, his body twitched and there was no movement, and shock passed.

“Spiders, lots of spiders, run away!”

Someone was frightened and screamed, but before he ran away, he was slammed with a foot, and he slammed directly into the corner of the train, passing out on the spot.

“Clean up the spiders on the train. Whoever dares to scream and run around will break me.”

Qi Qin Tian Gehan came up with a face, his eyes sharply swept through the crowd who were disturbed in the presence, one by one the horrible glance, immediately lowered his head, did not dare to look at each other.

Just now the man was kicked by him and stunned directly. This kind of person who only knows the panic and fear can easily cause the team to panic.

“Troop, follow me!”

Xie Nieteng had the fastest speed, and led the 100th person in the trapped camp to disperse immediately, and began to clean up the crawling spiders on the train.

As for the ordinary people, their fears were shrunk together, and no one dared to scream and fumble easily, which would cause Qin Tiange’s anger.

At this time, Liu Ye took a group of girls, holding steel crossbow, to clean up a basin-sized spider.

As for the fist-sized larvae, they were eaten by a fat parrot, yes, they were eaten.

“Quack, delicious, delicious …” At the end of the train, a colorful parrot cheerfully eats a fist-sized small spider.

I swallowed it bit by bit, and didn’t care if the spiders were poisonous. I even saw basin-sized spiders swooping on them. Two sharp claws were pressed hard, and finally they were pecked to death with a steel-like beak.

Soon, the spiders who climbed the train were cleaned up, and the panic crowd finally quieted down. Everyone knows that it is safe for the time being.

“Brother Qin, the spiders on the train have been cleaned up!”

Xie Nieteng, Moda, Liu Ye, etc. came to report that the spiders on the entire train had been cleaned up, and none of them remained.

I watched the mess in the carriage, there were spider silk everywhere, and the disgusting mucus spilled all around, on the seats, on the floor, on the windows, everywhere.

蜘蛛 The body of one spider after another, some still squirming, as big as a washbasin, and as small as a fist, people can’t believe it.

I looked around and Qin Tiange instructed: “Liu Yan, wait for you to dig out the silk sac and poisonous sac inside the spider, and throw it away.”

“I see!” Liu Yan responded and took a group of girls directly to clear the silk sac and poison sac of the spider’s body.

When Qin Tiange was about to go to the train cab, Long Xiaoya hurried up and whispered.

“Tian Ge, there is a person over there …” Long Xiaoya took Qin Tian Ge to one of the carriages.

There are more than forty people here, all pale and frightened, all looking at someone in the corner of the carriage.

“嗬 … save, save me …” That man, in his twenties, was crying and rolling on the ground, his face wrinkled into a ball.

“What happened to him?” Seeing this, Qin Tiange frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

Xiao Long Xiaoya explained softly: “We don’t know, he was not bitten by a spider, but just yelled suddenly, and then rolled back and forth on the ground, very painful.”

“Look at him, there seems to be blood leaking out, is there any poison?” Long Xiaoya said, puzzled.

Qi Qin Tiange walked up quickly, squatting slightly, his eyes twinkling, staring at the man who was rolling in pain in front of him.

“He was not poisoned, but his body was hollowed out.”

I looked at it carefully, Qin Tiange suddenly said such a sentence, it was astounding, unknown, and even looked at each other.

“What did he say? His body was hollowed out?”

The people in the carriage were stunned and thundered by these words. They couldn’t help voicing in their hearts, and looking at the man’s pain, it didn’t look like his body was empty.

Xiao Long Xiaoya stunned, and asked unclearly, “Tian Ge, what do you mean that his body was hollowed out?”

“Ah … it hurts, it hurts … save me, please save me.”

At this moment, the man suddenly became manic, with an expression of horror, looking extremely terrifying.

Qin Tiange took a step back, shook his head gently, and regretfully said, “I’m sorry, I can’t save you, I can’t save your body. I have no way to save you.”

“No … you lied to me, you will not die if you die.” The man growled wildly, his body rolled a few times, his head hit the train’s seat in pain, the blood was dazzling.


Suddenly, a terrified scream came, and he was surprised to see that the man suddenly burst a blood flower on his chest, and then something inexplicably moved under the skin of the body.

看 “Look, it’s coming out!”

Qin Tiange’s eyes narrowed, and there was a certain kind of affirmation in his words, as if he knew what would happen next, which was very puzzling.

Long Xiaoya next to her sister wanted to ask, but the next scene scared her.


Inexplicably, the man trembled, his chest suddenly ran away from a blood hole, and he faintly saw something moving inside.

“Uh … uh …” The man’s body continued to tremble, his mouth grew, and black blood spit out with a guts of his internal organs, which was terrifying.

After that, a white shadow burst out of his mouth ~ ~, dancing wildly, scaring many people in the compartment to scream on the spot.

“This is …” Long Xiaoya was shocked, and stepped back instinctively.

She saw that a horrible thing crawled out of the man’s mouth, white and slimy, and his head was full of dense teeth.

“This is a parasite!”

Qi Qin Tiange said the origin of this thing expressionlessly. It turned out to be a parasite, a tapeworm.

When Xiaolong Xiaoya heard it, she became cold all of a sudden, and said coldly, “You mean, this thing with a thin arm is actually a maggot parasitic in the human body?”

“No, no, no more than one!” Qin Tiange shook his head slightly, raised his finger to the dead man’s body and said, “Look carefully, there are at least ten such parasites in his body. You’re short. “

Murmur murmur …

As soon as the chanting voice came down, a cooing came, and saw the man’s body suddenly dig out a huge number of things, count them, there were as many as ten.

These are parasites. They are extremely thick. The smallest one has the thickness of an arm, five meters long, with its head high, an open mouth, and sharp teeth with bright colors.


Everyone was stunned, watching the ten huge parasites crawling out of the man’s body, one by one with incredible faces, wondering how a person’s body could parasite the thickness of ten arms, five meters long insect?


The thickest parasite suddenly raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and made a terrible hissing noise at Qin Tiange and Long Xiaoya, then swooped up.

“Look for death!” Qin Tiange snorted, his feet didn’t move, and he raised his hand to cut it across.

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