The Dark Ages

Chapter 137 - Little bunny

boom! boom! boom!

There were continuous gunshots in the silent field, and they were shocked, and many insects and timid animals fled away.

I saw a man running wild in the field, carrying a sniper rifle and firing at the front from time to time.

“Bunny obediently stop and don’t run, I promise not to eat you …”

Qin Tiange shouted as he ran, as much sincerity as possible, but unfortunately, the sniper rifle in his hand repeatedly aimed at the white rabbit fleeing in front of him and fired bullets.

In this situation, people will think that a strange uncle is trying to induce the little girl.

If anyone sees Qin Tiange like this, he must startle his chin, and even tell a rabbit to tell him not to run, and promise not to eat it.

In front of it, the big white rabbit was sturdy, and jumped into the grass quickly, hoping to avoid the threat from behind.

As it ran, it straightened out in aggrieved hearts: “Smelly human, obviously want to eat me, even coax me, when I am a silly rabbit?”

This rabbit has given birth to a decent intelligence. Although it will not speak, it is definitely no worse than a human child.

Quietly, it has been hiding just now, you can see its cleverness. If it is not for the presence of Qin Tiange, it is likely that it has been hiding.

It also had a carrot in its mouth and it was picked in a field. It was fresh, big and crispy, and it was its favorite food.


At the back, another gunshot came, and the white rabbit’s hair was erected in horror, rushing quickly to avoid a bullet that came from behind.

Of course, this is not to say that it is fast enough to dodge bullets, but that it has a strong danger to avoid instincts, and made an evasion action in advance.

This made Qin Tiange, who was chasing behind him, have to sigh, rabbits are really hard to chase, and they are a little bit smarter.

“Rabbit, don’t stop, I use a bomb.”

In the back, Qin Tiange suddenly shouted, feeling strange. In fact, he wasn’t sure if the previous White Rabbit had given birth to sage, but at least he was very clever.

From the beginning, Qin Tiange thought about hunting and killing the rabbit for dinner, but now he is chasing after him, but he has no such thoughts, but has a lot of fun.

“Rabbit, stop quietly, or I will kill you with a bomb!” No matter if the rabbit in front didn’t understand, Qin Tiange shouted as he chased.

This picture is too beautiful to look at!

If someone is on the side, maybe you just rushed up and gave him a slap, your brain is broken, and you even chase a rabbit with a gun and call the other party to stop.

Unless the rabbit is stupid and has a cramp in the brain, it will be strange to stop. Sure enough, hearing the human cry of Qin Tiange in the back, the running white rabbit rushed even faster.

“Smelly human, dead human, bad human …”

As the White Rabbit fled quickly, it cursed silently. The word for humanity actually came from a “brother” it had just met.

This “brother” is very good to her. If there is something to eat, she will be given it first. The reason why the white rabbit ran here today is to come out to find carrots to eat.

It remembers that there were many large and crispy carrots planted by humans here, but unfortunately they were eaten up by other animals, leaving only one on its mouth.


A bullet hit his feet, the soil splashed, scared it and he almost dropped the carrot on his mouth, but he bite it hard. For it, his life can be lost, and the radish cannot be lost.

Chasing and chasing, Qin Tiange had to stop, because the little rabbit rushed into a wood in front of it, and there was no way to chase it.

“Really, I said you would n’t eat you if you did n’t eat, why run away so fast?”

Standing in front of the woods, Qin Tiange couldn’t help whispering, shook his head, and put away his sniper rifle. As for chasing into the jungle, stop joking.

The jungle is even more dangerous. There are too many dangerous species in it, and the paradise where various mutant creatures gather. Once they are blindly loaded in, they will not understand how to die.

Not only the mutated animals, but also the mutated flowers and trees, such as some terrible cannibals, cannibals, etc. These things are the most terrible.

After giving up the pursuit, Qin Tiange turned and left, because this direction was not his set course, and he could only give up the big white rabbit.

Not long after he left, the big white rabbit who had fled into the woods appeared. It quietly got out of the woods, carefully looked around, and then raised its head, a pair of ruby ​​eyes staring straight away.

“This abominable mankind has finally gone.” The big white rabbit sighed secretly, clutching the carrot on his mouth and taking a bite.

Kacha Kacha, it tastes very fragrant, with aura in his eyes, looking angrily at the back of Qin Tiange’s departure, waving the carrot in his hands, looking very angry.

“Go back and tell Big Brother Monkey that he must be careful of humans in the future. These humans are so abominable that they bully Tutu.”

The big white rabbit was indignant, staring at the back of Qin Tiange fiercely, perhaps out of instinct, feeling that something was watching himself, and was suddenly returning while walking.

“Eh? Really wise?” Qin Tiange asked in surprise, looking at the big white rabbit by the wood, as if looking at him angrily.

At this moment, he can be sure in his heart that this big white rabbit was born with wisdom, not easy.

Not every animal or creature can easily give birth to wisdom, which requires luck and opportunity to produce wisdom.

The big white rabbit was just a sage-born rabbit. At this moment, when Qin Tiange turned around and looked over, he was frightened and fled.

Glancing for a moment, it ran away in the blink of an eye, making Qin Tiange look funny.

“This silly rabbit was frightened by me. It is estimated that I would run away after seeing more than one, which is fun and interesting.” Qin Tiange smiled and left without leaving.

Although he couldn’t hit the rabbit and couldn’t kill the goshawk, Qin Tiange was not disappointed, because he quickly hit a fat vole.

“You can eat a ton of barbecue.”

By the stream, Qin Tiange was peeling a washbasin-sized voles skin, ready to bake here, after all, near noon, he was too hungry.

While he was busy grilling the voles, the big white rabbit that escaped returned to the Shenzhen Wild Animal Park.

“Bunny is back?”

In the zoo, a large group of monkeys are swaying around, jumping and playing between tree trunks. There are many, at least hundreds of thousands of monkeys.

These monkeys are mutated mutant monkeys. Most of them are yellow-haired, and they are a few circles larger than before the end of the day. They do not need to be small, and some are even larger.

Among them, there is one of the most special monkeys in the back group, covered with golden hair, shining brightly in the sun, looking extremely gorgeous.

When the golden monkey saw the big white rabbit, he immediately jumped down from the tree, and actually opened his mouth and said a human word, yes, it is human language.

The big white rabbit looked aggrieved, those ruby ​​eyes, looked at the two-meter-high golden monkey pitifully, crying.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, tell big brother, who bullied you, is that the big white cat on the east bullied you?” When the big white rabbit was seen like this, the golden monkey was anxious and irritable.

Unfortunately, White Rabbit shook his head and said no, UU reading www. and then the golden monkey’s hair sprayed out, exposing his tusks. It touched the ears of the big white rabbit and asked, “Is that the big reptile on the south bully you?”

“Still the black charcoal head on the mountain bullied you?”


Seeing the big white rabbit shaking his head again and again, the golden monkey scratched his cheek, looking at the aggrieved big white rabbit, he didn’t know how to comfort him for a while.

“By the way, Bunny Bunny, I’ll take you to see a baby, to make sure you feel good.”

The golden monkey took the big white rabbit’s ears and took it directly into a lush forest in the park. Here is the world of monkeys.

The big white rabbit was curious, so what kind of baby would the big monkey monkey take to see him?

“Is it a lot of delicious carrots?”

As he followed the golden monkey, he thought in his heart that nine of the ten thoughts could not be separated from the favorite carrot.

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