The Dark Ages

Chapter 151 - Year 0 King 8

After rummaging for a while, almost half of the entire body of the monster was cut open and rummaged, but unfortunately nothing was found again, except for some fragmentary bone fragments found in the stomach, no valuable things were found. []

“It’s a pity …” Qin Tiange shook his head secretly, his body turned back to the ground, and came to a section of broken tentacles to check.

The nagging tentacles flowed with disgusting dark green sticky mules, like the blood of a monster, with strong corrosiveness.

After looking at the valuelessness, Qin Tiange turned around and left. It was too dangerous to stay in this place.

He vaguely remembered that there seemed to be other things in this extra-terrestrial place, and the fog at the time did not know whether it was emitted from this thing.

Qin Tiange faintly felt that it was better to walk first, and sure enough, as soon as he stepped out of the sky, he saw waves of mist wafting out, gradually covering the entire sky.

“Are there really other things?” Qin Tiange squinted his eyes, secretly terrified. There was not only the scary creature in the land of heaven, but also other unknown things.

Vaguely, through the layers of fog, Qin Tiange saw some black shadows floating back and forth, quickly surrounding the body of the dead monster.

They’re eating, and they’re not mistaken, they’re eating the monster’s body, as if there were unknown creatures chewing the monster’s body there, watching the scalp explode.

Qin Tiange is also thankful that he walked in time, otherwise he would have to face this group of unknown creatures who did not know the details.

After leaving the land of heaven, Qin Tiange wandered in the mountains, looking for water, because his body was so dirty that he wanted to clean it.

Soon after passing a mountain, Qin Tiange saw a mountain stream, the water flow was crystal clear, and he immediately walked over.

At the side of the stream, Qin Tiange carefully looked around and found that there was no danger. He was only in the stream, but he did not see a fish creature. Under the central water, there was a huge black stone. It looked weird, but he took off his armor without paying much attention, and stepped into the icy stream with his naked body.

“Cool … too comfortable.” Qin Tiange cleaned the dirt from his body in the stream, and the cold stream made him sigh with relief.

The water flowing out of the mountain stream is not the same. It is not only cold and refreshing, but also extremely clear. It makes people feel inexplicably comfortable when they look at it.

Qin Tiange scrubbed the dirt on his body, and soon dyed a large stream of water into a muddy black, and finally exposed his white body, muscle R symmetrical, full of beauty of strength.

The scorched hair, under the strong impetus of life, has now grown out again, thick and dark, more bright and moving.

“Hey, women are jealous of my skin right now?”

While cleaning, Qin Tiange muttered narcissistically and was very satisfied with his body at the moment.

After taking a lot of quenching medicaments, the body has been perfected, not to mention the surge in constitution in the heavens, which is even more remarkable.


Washing and washing, Qin Tiange took out the obtained halberd from the space bracelet, and stroked the cracked halberd gently, faintly heard a slight buzz.

“It’s a pity …” Qin Tiange cleared the halberd, looked at the crack on the halberd, and even broke a small halberd front in the sharp part, and had to regret it for a while.

Shaking his head, Qin Tiange moved his mind, remembering the strange bead just obtained, and immediately took it out and held it on the palm of his hand.

Zizi …

The orange-red beads were exposed to intense heat. When they appeared, they burst into white smoke, and the stream was sizzling with sounds, which was amazing.

Qin Tiange looked startled and secretly said: “What a high temperature, what is this thing? It has such an amazing temperature, as if holding a mass of magma.”

He had to be surprised, because the strange bead was too hot, he felt a tingling in his hands, and it was heated and evaporated under the stream.

Gradually, the temperature of the bead was no longer astonishing, as if it had gone out. Soon, when the temperature of the bead dropped to a tolerable range, Qin Tiange could carefully observe the strange bead.

The size of a fist is orange-red, and there is something flowing inside. It looks weird like it looks like a flame burning inside.


While observing the beads, Qin Tiange’s face was frozen, and he suddenly felt a chill, and his back was shocked with cold sweat.

He didn’t want to, he jumped up, and a deft turn over went ashore. Landing from the water, the whole process took less than a second, and the speed was shocking.

“What’s that?” Qin Tiange stood on the shore, gathered up the beads, and stared at the water of the stream with his halberd vigilantly.

Suddenly a large stream of shadows appeared in the clear water, and the dark shadows gradually rose from under the water.


Suddenly there was a splash of water, a huge head rose in the middle of the brook, and two eyes stared at Qin Tiange on the shore.

“His, turned out to be a king eight?” Qin Tiange took a breath and was very surprised.

That head was exactly the head of Wang Ba. It was huge and unmatched, with the thickness of a water tank, and the shadow under the stream was its body.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange couldn’t help but feel cold. He had looked at the stream by himself, but he didn’t see anything there, even the situation under the stream, and the rocks were clearly visible.

It was just that he saw a huge black rock, which was strange. I didn’t care about it at that time. Now I think back, where is this rock?

Boom … The river was surging, and Qin Tiange couldn’t help but stay for a while as the huge Wang Ba completely appeared before his eyes.

Large, very large, this Wang Ba’s head has a thick water tank, the whole body is even more incredible, at least more than ten meters.

How did such a huge Wang Ba grow up here? Qin Tiange came with a question, and suddenly came to understand ~ ~ Why there is no fish in this mountain stream, and the daring is eaten by this huge mutant king eight.

“Eight Millennium Kings? Hey, I didn’t expect my luck.” Qin Tiange was not surprised, but showed a ecstasy.

He stared directly at the giant Wang Ba floating in his eyes, and in his heart began to figure out how to solve this mutant King Wan.

Bang bang …

Suddenly, Wang Ba rushed out of the stream, opened his limbs, and bite at Qin Tiange, trying to devour the prey in front of him.

This Wang Ba has been hungry here for a long time. He had originally planned to leave down the stream today and enter a larger river.

However, I did not expect that I could encounter a delicious meal before leaving, that is, Qin Tiange in front of him, and he was going to attack quietly from the bottom of the water, but Qin Tiange noticed that something was wrong and escaped.

“Good job!”

Seeing the initiative of the eighteen-year-old king offensive, he dared to go ashore, so that Qin Tiange couldn’t help but give out a thrilling excitement, and lifted the halberd directly to meet him.

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