The Dark Ages

Chapter 16 - Harvest

On the fifth floor, a large group of 260 zombies, crowded in classrooms, was killed and killed by Qin Tiange’s enthusiastic junior high school students.

清理 The entire fifth floor was cleaned up and took an hour and a half, which is much faster than when the fourth floor was cleaned up. This is an improvement.

I looked at a lot of crystal nuclei, Qin Tiange was satisfied and happy. Of course, he was happy. Fortunately, he had planned at that time. He gave up a little bit of brain crystal to improve the physical fitness for these people, and this is how he got good results now.

Hit them, barely passed!

One classroom was searched for cleaning. Nine classrooms were turned upside down. Even the teacher’s office with the door closed was opened. It was found that there were scattered pieces of flesh and blood inside.

Three teachers-like zombies were eating some pieces of bone and flesh inside, **** and scary.

However, three zombies had just stood up, and they were rushed by five burly boys and smashed their heads. They were soon smashed into the brain. Liu Yan and Wu Xiaoyu were the fastest at the back. Dig out the brain crystal.

“Continue, sixth floor!”

I sent people to defend the stairs on the seventh floor and took a few minutes’ rest. Qin Tiange closed the brains with the envy of a group of students, and immediately ordered to continue to the sixth floor to continue cleaning.

On the 26th floor, there are relatively few zombies. At a glance, there should only be more than one hundred and two hundred, but they are crowded in the classroom to eat some broken corpses.

There are not many corridors in the Diaolou Road. They are cleaned up quickly, killing one classroom and one classroom in the past, the time is very fast, and more than an hour later, these zombies are killed.

“One hundred and ninety-eight brain crystals, some are few.” After receiving Liu Yan’s organized brain crystals, Qin Tiange frowned secretly, feeling less.

After hearing this, Miyanagi misunderstood what he meant, and immediately explained: “We don’t have private possessions, but you can see them clearly. I have been supervising them and no one kept them private.”

Listening to her anxious explanation, Qin Tiange was funny, but still glanced at the group of girls who were afraid, and seemed to be afraid of him.

“Brother, we really don’t keep it private.” Only Wu Xiaoyu was better, at least came out and explained that they did not keep it.

Just kidding, do they dare to hide? Do n’t dare, because not only is it not clear what these things do, but Qin Tiange feels too scary for them to dare to make small moves.

“Don’t dare you, I didn’t say that you’re in private, but I think there are a lot less zombies on the sixth floor.” Qin Tiange nodded and expressed his doubts.

Qiu Liuxuan was relieved and explained, “This school building is actually only used from the first floor to the sixth floor. The seventh floor above is always empty. You can see that the iron door is still locked.”

Sure enough, at the staircase of the building, there was an iron gate with an iron chain and a large lock on it.


Qin Tiange glanced at it and immediately found out that it was wrong. After checking it, he found that the lock was pried open, and it was put on the back.

“Someone ran up to the seventh floor …” This was his guess. It should be some students or teachers who broke the lock in a panic and then locked the door after entering the seventh floor.

Qi Qin Tiange groaned for a while, then turned his head and asked, “Is the building next to us only six floors?”

Qiu Liuxun nodded and said that the situation of a nearby school building was similar to this one. The first to sixth floors were all classrooms, and the seventh and eighth floors were useless and empty.

After understanding, Qin Tiange looked at the sky. It should be a few hours before it was dark, and immediately decided to clean up another teaching building.

大家 “Everyone’s attention, we are now cleaning up the teaching building next to it.”

一 Once this idea came out, no one objected, and the boys would not even object. They were looking for better weapons, iron bars, steel pipes and so on.

Armed, a group of people began to fight another school building, and at this time, a group of people on the seventh and eighth floors were whispering.

“Did you hear?”

A group of more than forty people were hiding in a classroom on the seventh floor. Just now they heard the movement and talk from the sixth floor.

Most of these people are students. There are several teachers, two men and three women. Among the remaining students, boys occupy eight floors, thirty-one, and the remaining eight girls.

“Teacher, we just heard someone speak on the sixth floor, as if to go to the next building to clean up the zombies, is it true?” A girl asked brittlely.

She has a fair face, a face of melon seeds, a black hair and a pony tail. She looks very young and beautiful, and is a beauty embryo.

老师 The teacher was a middle-aged woman, wearing glasses, and after hearing her question, there was a hint of hesitation on her face, and she naturally heard it.

“I think it’s true, why don’t we go and see?” Someone suggested.

However, most people are still in a state of anxiety, and they are still worried about those terrible zombies. How can they take a risk?

“I’m not going. I’m going to you. There are so many zombies below. Look at these terrible zombies wandering around the campus.”

“Yes, it will be eaten down.”

Regardless of the boys, most of the girls did not dare to go down, one by one shuddering in the corner, shivering, but only a small number of people were excited and wanted to see.

For the people here, Qin Tiange didn’t know, and didn’t even bother to pay attention to it. Now he is in another school building, cleaning up the zombies here.

知道 He knows that time is short, and he must intensify his time to clean up the entire school of zombies before he can look away from the school and countless zombies in the town.

The two teaching buildings are connected, and there is a connecting bridge on the fifth floor. Generally, the gate is closed here, but Qin Tiange split it openly.

On the other side, the fifth floor was also crowded with zombies, dozens of zombies were swaying in the corridor, and a low-pitched roar came from the classroom, which was frightening.


I didn’t have any words, just a word of killing. A group of boys immediately rushed up and slammed hard with a force. The group of three began to form a tacit cooperation.

No one wants to die, so it is the best result to cooperate effectively with their classmates. After killing hundreds of zombies in succession, these junior high school students already have a lot of fighters.

的 The clean-up over there was smooth. Except for a few accidents in the middle, which almost caused injuries. Fortunately, Chen Xi and Qin Tiange were watching, or there would be casualties.

Twenty-three hours later, night gradually came. The teaching building over there was cleaned up from the second floor to the sixth floor except that the first floor was not cleaned up.

“A total of 586 brain crystals …”

After finishing the teaching building next to Liu Qing, Liu Yan had already counted them, and received a total of 586 one-star brain crystals. Together with the brain crystals obtained earlier, there were already a thousand.

A bumper harvest is definitely a bumper harvest!

The boys were so tired that they sat like dogs. A few of them were lying motionless on the ground, their eyelids were very heavy, and they were too tired.

After a day of slaughter, thousands of zombies were killed, and evenly divided, each person killed at least forty-five zombies, which is an amazing statistic. Of course, most of them were hacked by Qin Tiange himself, and many were killed by Chen Xi. This former emperor-level powerhouse began to grow up gradually.

This is the final result of Qin Tiange joining the battle, UU reading launched the crazy killing, otherwise, relying on their twenty-two boys, want to kill more than a thousand zombies, it is crazy.

Although their physical fitness and strength are more than double that of adult men, are they ordinary people after all?

I was okay. In addition to being exhausted, they used the small space in the corridor of the teaching building to clean up those zombies.

上 “Go up on the seventh floor and take a night off. All the zombies on campus will be cleared tomorrow morning. By then, the campus will be relatively safe.”

After collecting all the one-star brain crystals, Qin Tiange slashed the door to the seventh floor with a knife, and led a group of students who were tired like dogs to find a place to rest.

“Chen Xi, you take a few boys to the dormitory building to resist some food. By the way, get a cauldron from the dining room, and stew pork tonight.”

He walked, Qin Tiange suddenly turned around and ordered Chen Xi, who was behind him for a moment, said nothing, and ordered a few burly boys to immediately turn away.

“Oh yeah, you have food, you have pork.”

As soon as the boys heard it, they immediately got excited, cheered softly, and didn’t dare to make too much movement. They were afraid to be beaten by Qin Tiange with a few slaps, and their faces were swollen into pigs.

女生 As for the girls, they are much quieter, but they still seem excited and expectant. In fact, they are already hungry and screaming, but they dare not raise them.

Yan Liuxuan’s belly kept ringing, grunting, making this beautiful quiet female teacher blush.

I arranged a group of helpers, Qin Tiange went down the teaching building in a good mood, ran all the way towards the football stadium, and even slaughtered two zombies swaying over the road.

This is going to a big shopping, brother is rich, want to buy buy buy!

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