The Dark Ages

Chapter 188 - Lateral push

Bang …

A huge 50-meter-high mech collapsed, set off a billowing smoke, and the ground was smashed out of huge pits. [Read the latest chapter]

Watching these huge machinery collapse, looking far away, one hundred mechs crookedly walked, and occasionally the organic armors fell to the ground, sending a rumbling sound.

“Well, it fell down again.” Zhuo Tianfan held his forehead and shook his head and sighed.

He couldn’t bear to look straight at it. From the beginning, he didn’t know how to get up. Until now, the group of people driving the mech either fell a step or fell before they left.

The entire huge and empty construction site was messed up, and even the several buildings originally built were crushed.

Qin Tiange didn’t speak, watching quietly, one after another, the mechas fell to the ground, couldn’t get up, and struggled to get up, unfortunately it seemed like they had no strength.

In the mech cockpit, the pilots blushed and tried to drive the mech, but they couldn’t.

“Oh my god, how do you operate this big guy?”

A migrant worker rushed around, sweating, holding two joysticks with both hands, not sure what to do.

This engineering mech is not controlled by holographic equipment, but is manually operated by humans, just like a large machine.

Unfamiliar people really can’t move. These people are like this from the beginning. If they are not familiar, they will not operate the mech at all.

These engineering mechas don’t actually look like human figures in appearance, they are just a large-scale mechanical assembly that integrates various mechanical functions into one such huge mech.

“The first person who succeeded fully in mech, I rewarded him with ten pounds of snake meat.”

Suddenly, Qin Tiange opened his mouth and shouted, his voice was far into the ears of a hundred people, and everyone snorted.

Ten catties of snake meat, that’s green snake meat. Everyone can’t help drooling at this, how many days haven’t eaten meat?

They don’t remember, just know that they can eat enough. Now when I hear that there is meat to eat, or ten pounds of snake meat, it is simply the temptation of red fruit.

“Mother, I have a mother-in-law to raise, ten pounds of snake meat, I must get.”

The anxious migrant worker’s eyes lighted up, his spirits fluttered, and he seemed to calm down suddenly, and began to think about his feeling of opening the crane.

Click … Boom …

I was surprised that the mecha that had been lying there moved, slowly extended a huge mechanical arm to support the body and stood up.

Immediately after that, the other robot arm moved and really stood up completely. Seeing this, everyone was stimulated, perhaps under the temptation of the reward, or perhaps stimulated by someone’s success, and many people successfully manipulated the mecha and mastered a little bit of skill.

“Hey, it’s successful!”

The migrant worker who was the first to get up was screaming with excitement in several houses. He drove the mech, unfolded two mechanical arms, and kept waving, looking extremely excited.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange nodded with satisfaction. Sometimes, a little reward was needed to stimulate their potential.

No, ten pounds of snake meat stimulated this group of people. Someone succeeded immediately, set an example, and immediately acted as a driving force. Soon, one huge machine after another stood up.

Boom! Uh …

The ground shook, and even a large number of survivors in the Qinglian apartment felt a slight tremor, one by one skeptical, thinking that the earthquake had come.

“What’s going on, is there an earthquake?”

Some people ran out, appearing particularly panic, and many survivors were a little confused. Fortunately, Nie Teng and others took the lead in identifying the problem and immediately organized staff to maintain order.

As everyone panicked, the vibrations from afar grew more and more violent, as if something huge was walking.

“Oh my God, look, what’s that?”

Finally, someone saw that there were huge things in the distance. Looking up, I was stunned by the scene in front of me, completely dumbfounded.

Everyone looked dumb, and looked at a huge steel monster in the distance in shock, step by step, shaking the ground.

“Is that … Mecha?” A few people in Nie Teng were shocked and almost jumped in shock.

Because what he saw was so amazing, one hundred huge mechas, one after the other, came along and the scene was too shocking.

However, a caring person still saw a figure standing quietly on the shoulder of the front mech, that is, Qin Tiange.

“It’s Brother Qin, oh my god, where did he find these huge steel machinery?”

Yang Xiaolin and others were so shocked that it was difficult to express their feelings at the moment. When they saw the huge steel giants, they were speechless.

Liu Yan, Long Xiaoya, Nie Teng, Li Zhi and others, all foolish, stared at the approaching steel giant.

These engineering mechas did not enter the base, but instead walked along the base walls towards the outer city streets.


In front of it, a building blocking the road was swept to the side by the mech walking in the forefront, the smoke was rolling and the rubble penetrated.

The scene was as hot as it was hot, slamming a building with a slap, and the people in the base were shocked and foolish.

“Ha ha ha ha, cool, so cool!”

In the cab, the peasant man named Da Kui laughed and seemed extremely excited.

He was proud, because he was the first person to successfully drive a mech and got the ten pounds of snake meat promised by Qin Tiange. Finally, he let Qin Tiange stand on the shoulder of the mech he was driving and let others Envious.


On the streets in the distance, crowds of zombies surged and were attracted by huge movements. However, in the face of these huge engineering mechs, these zombies were unlucky.

What an egg touches a stone is what it looks like.


With a giant steel foot of Mech, dozens of zombies surging on the street were trampled on the spot and died.

This is crushing. Real crushing. Engineering mechs, although not for combat, are definitely not without combat effectiveness.

If you look at the scene in front of you, you know that it is completely crushed on one side. Wherever the mech stepped on, there must be a zombie that turned into meat sauce and was blown alive.

“Yes, don’t worry about the safety of the engineering mech for the time being, but it will be difficult to say later.”

Qin Tiange stood on the mech, looking at the numerous zombies that had been trampled below, nodded with satisfaction, and secretly no longer had to worry about the safety of the engineering mech.

However, it will be difficult to say in the future. Zombies and mutants are still very weak. When they have evolved to a more powerful level, these engineering mechas are a pile of scrap iron.

“Pass me the order ~ ~ Each combat team cooperates fully with the engineering mech, smashes all the zombies and mutants in the plan, collects all construction materials, and accelerates the construction of the base.”

When Qin Tiange returned to the base and directly issued the order, the entire base boiled and countless people cheered.

“Mecha, we are organic, great.”

“It turned out to be mech, I thought I was dreaming.”

In the base, in the apartment, and in various residential areas, countless people ran out to cheer, and more than 20,000 survivors one by one excited cheers.

They saw a huge steel mech, although it was only used to build the base, but it definitely brought them a shock and impact on the soul, and they had a strong sense of security.

With the development of the major combat teams, they began to cooperate fully with the engineering mech to push them past, razing some useless buildings to the ground and clearing all the zombies and mutants within the scope of the base plan drawing.

This is a large construction. In the Qing Dynasty, driven by a hundred engineering mechas, it has been accelerated by dozens of times to complete the cleaning task.

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