The Dark Ages

Chapter 81 - Qingdao Yougi

A green snake of the thickness of a bucket pounced on the train captain, and the mouth of the blood basin was about to bite. At a critical moment, a knife flashed and a thump was heard. The huge snake head rolled down, and the blood sprayed the train captain.

He was frightened, and walked around the edge of death, all frightened with a cold sweat, looking at the huge cyan snake head that fell down, his mouth opened and closing to bite.


Qi Qin Tiange snorted coldly, the steel knife was inserted into the snake’s head, and was thrown out directly from the front window. On top of the train’s head, a snake without a headless green snake was madly rolling around the head of the train, almost blocking everyone’s sight, and it was very scary.

He looked at the headless green snake that was still wriggling, Qin Tiange stepped forward, grabbed the headless green snake with one hand, and gave him a space bracelet.

“Morda, Xiaoyu, Long Xiaoya, you go to the carriage to take the team to guard against the green snake attack.” Qin Tiange said, then climbed out of the car window, standing there with a huge sword.

Moda turned and left immediately after hearing, and returned to lead the team to resist these huge green snakes invading the carriage, Wu Xiaoyu, Long Xiaoya also left.

He was the only one left, holding a steel crossbow in one hand and a steel knife in one hand, looking nervously at Qin Tiange, who climbed on top of the car.


In front of him, a huge green snake roared and looked at the rolling train. Their huge bodies twisted wildly and rushed fiercely.

底部 The bottom of the train was slowed down due to the involvement of too many green snake corpses. At the back of the train, more green snakes climbed up between the sides and caught the train body.

外 Outside the car window, more and more green snakes climbed to the roof of the car, tangled around the car, watching the scalp explode.


He slashed with a knife, and the green snake in front of him was chopped off the head of his snake. The blood sprayed Qin Tiange’s face, but he stared calmly and calmly forward.

There, a more terrifying giant snake appeared, and climbed up the bridge pier from the water.

“Four-star, blue scale demon python?” His pupils shrank, and a wave of stormy waves set in his heart.

Qi Qin Tiange found that the huge green snake that climbed up from the water, the thickness of the water tank, the green scales were the size of an adult fist, and the triangular head was covered with dense green spikes.

The tadpoles, especially the tail, turned out to be mutated and turned into a sharp black and black spiny tail, shining with the luster of metal and terrifying lethality.

The blue-scale demon python, four-star, can be called a monster.

In the past life, I haven’t heard that four-star monsters appeared in the last five days. Qin Tiange’s face was very dignified at this moment, and his heart was abnormal. The cyan giant snake on the opposite side was the mutated blue scale monster python.

Sting this snake, it’s fine!


Wu Qinglin Demon Python climbed up, raised her huge head, and uttered an extremely terrifying roar toward the train.


Four-star green scale monster python, Qin Tiange is not a one-star, how to fight?

“My God …” Wu Xinlan looked at the huge cyan python climbing up, and the whole person was stunned.

The train had blood on his face, but he couldn’t hide his fear. He had never seen such a horrible scene, countless buckets of green snakes, and a more terrible monster.

“This green snake is perfect?” Liu Ye looked dignified, his hands holding the steel crossbow trembling a little.

The sprouts of animals and plants are extremely scary, especially snakes. This kind of stuff is full of lethality. Once you see a living thing, it is immediately swallowed as food.

I watched the huge four-star blue-scale demon python appear, Qin Tiange put away a star steel knife, took out the two-star electromagnetic light blade and held it in his hand, staring alertly at the demon python.


At that moment, a roar suddenly came from behind him, and a horrible smell came. You don’t need to know that there was a huge green snake attack behind, Qin Tiange turned around with a stab, a rushing blood spurt, and a huge snake head was cut in half.

After killing the attacking green giant snake, he turned around and was surprised to see that the four-star green scale demon python rushed to him, and the head of the raised water tank slowly opened the mouth of the blood basin and aimed. Qin Tiange on the roof bit down.

“Tian Ge, be careful …” Liu Ye and Wu Xinlan both exclaimed, terrified.

They saw that the horrible monster python rushed at a speed so fast that it was scary, raised their heads directly, opened their mouths and swallowed at Qin Tiange.

A loud noise banged and the train vibrated, almost creating the danger of derailment and overturning, scaring everyone on the train into a ball, shivering.

Many people cried, some were scared, and some even passed out.

Qi Qinglin Demon Python didn’t bite Qin Tiange, but hit the front of the car for a while and sunken, almost overturning. Fortunately, the quality of the train was good enough, otherwise it just rolled over.

However, the situation is not good at this time, Qin Tiange vacated a blow, and the man wielded an electromagnetic light blade at a high level and severely fell off.

Ding Ding … Zizi!

The electromagnetic light knife was cut off, and a jingling sound was heard, followed by a horrible cutting sound, the scales on the body of the demon python were broken open, and blood spewed out.

However, this knife only hurts a little bit of the epidermis, it can’t seriously damage the horrible monster python, and its defense is too amazing.


The demon python was pained with a severely stabbed sword, and its huge body was rolled over and shaken, and it was turned sideways from the front, and the train just rushed over.

Because the front was crushed by the green scale demon python, no green snake dared to approach the demon python, so after the demon python was turned over by Qin Tiange, the train rushed unimpeded.

At this time, the train has already passed two-thirds of the bridge, and one-third of the distance can cross the terrible bridge.

However, the blue scale monster python behind didn’t want the train to leave, and twisted the huge body to chase it all the way, and his tail was swept fiercely, hitting the last carriage at the rear of the train.


With a violent crash, the rear compartment collapsed in half, and then rolled over, and fell directly into the torrential river under the bridge.

The last car in the tail was overturned by the snake tail, causing a chain reaction. The penultimate and third cars were successively rolled over, and even in the fourth, the fifth car was slowly rolling over.

If you continue like this, in less than three minutes, the entire train will roll over the bridge, and then these people will become the food of countless giant snakes in the river.

“It’s over! It’s over!”

Squinting as the penultimate car started to roll over, the more cars that rolled down, the more terrible the power was, and even the entire train began to show signs of rollover.

In the carriage, hundreds of survivors panicked, screamed, and screamed, and some were bitten by the cyan python that rushed in and dragged out of the carriage.

Qi Qin Tiange turned around and flashed quickly, and then came to the top of the tenth carriage behind him. Here, a huge tilt has begun, and he is about to roll over.

He raised his knife and dropped his hand, and clicked a few knives to cut a huge gap. After the roof of the tenth compartment was completely opened, the figure jumped in from the gap.


When Xun just jumped into the compartment, she saw two green snakes open their mouths and bite. Qin Tiange looked calm, sideways avoided one of the green snakes, attacked with a knife, and cut off a green snake’s head.

He then turned around and fiercely stabbed another seven-inch green snake. He was nailed to the train carriage on the spot. After finishing these, Qin Tiange severely cut the connection point of the tenth carriage with an electromagnetic blade.


The carriage was distorted ~ ~ Then suddenly rolled over, only to hear a click, the tenth section of the carriage burst suddenly, and then rolled into the billowing river, setting off a sea of ​​waves and a thundering sound.

Wu Qin Tiange didn’t know if there was anyone else in the back compartment, but now he can’t care much, even if he can only say sorry.

However, he was worried that it was superfluous. After they cleared the zombies, everyone was concentrated in the front three or four cars. There was no one here.


The train broke ten full sections, and only eight carriages were speeding. In the back, Qin Tiange held the electromagnetic light blade and stared at the huge green snake that roared behind the train.

Among them, the one with the largest four-star green scale monster python had the most terrifying speed, and a twist hurried over hundreds of meters and directly chased the tail of the train.

With one person and one snake facing each other, Sisi’s murderousness almost freezes the blood, Qin Tiange calmly, staring at the demon python.

“Hey … beast, you can die!”

Suddenly, Qin Tiange’s mouth evoked an inexplicable sneer, said these words, and then thundered and took out two black grenades, a white phosphorus incendiary bomb, and a plasma bomb.

The two grenades were thrown out almost at the same time. In the middle of the huge body of the green scale demon python, there was a loud noise, the terrible white phosphorus flames burned, and even more terrible plasma exploded. Numerous electromagnetic high-temperature shocks turned the demon python over On the ground.

Hiss …

In the flames of fire, the blue-scale demon python raised a huge snake head, made a painful roar, and roared with shock, filled with endless anger.

Its body was shrouded in white phosphorous, burning, and then the body’s hard scale armor was torn by the explosion of a plasma bomb, but it was unable to seriously damage this terrible monster.

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