The Dark Ages

Chapter 948 - Someone cut through the universe?


Under the endless abyss, a horrendous torrent rushed out, violent, and impacted Qin Tiange’s body, trying to beat him out.

This torrent is very strong, don’t say the general time-space-level strong, that is, it can’t be blocked and can be erased directly.

“So strong rapids, where do they come from?”

Qin Tiange frowned, watching the horrendous rapids constantly flowing, flowing from the endless abyss, as if endless.

Instead of paying attention to these rapids, he noticed the situation here, and as he went down, the narrower the abyss became.

What’s more, the original material channel disappeared, and was replaced by an illusory channel, as if artificially cut out.

The gray and empty channels are intertwined with chaotic air, and the terrible rapids underneath are endless.

There seems to be someone who has excavated here with great power, as if to cut through something, which makes Qin Tiange’s heart inevitably shake.

Who is making such a mysterious passage here?

“Who did it artificially, and why?”

Questions after question filled Qin Tiange’s brain, so he didn’t understand why it was such a bottomless tunnel.

He walked along the endless passage all the way, breaking through the billowing rapids, the gray mist, and the chaotic anger constantly interwoven.

Gradually, he sensed a horrible ray of air in the tunnel, and an illusive piece around him was cut through by some force.

When he arrived here, Qin Tiange was really shocked, because he felt a strong threat from this trace of air machine.

The remaining air machine can give him a strong danger. This is incredible. Who is cutting this mysterious channel?

Qin Tiange reckoned that here, the entire Tianhe continent has been cut through, but why haven’t you seen the end?

Moreover, if the Tianhe continent is cut through, you should see the starry universe, why not, but the endless void.

The most terrible thing is that when he came here, Qin Tiange could not sense the existence of the starry sky, and could not sense the existence of time and space.

The space-time dimension, the starry universe, seems to have lost track here, as if everything is nothing and nothing.

Zizi …

Around them, a strange strand of breath circulated, and the grey void was pierced by some force and turned into such a channel.

Qin Tiange went slower and slower along the way, because the forces ahead were more terrible, with inexplicable obstacles, and even threatened him.


Suddenly, Qin Tiange stopped, a flash of suspicion flashed on his face, and his eyes were ray of light, seeing through the fog in front.

In the fog, a hazy afterimage floated there, looking away as if lying alone.

When I got closer, I suddenly realized that it was a wreck, lying quietly in the mysterious tunnel.

“A wreckage …” Qin Tiange came a short distance, staring at the wreckage, the wreckage of a creature.

The whole skeleton is very broken, the arms and bones are still shining with an immortal light, and a big hole is broken in the skull, which is fatal.

There was a hazy glow on and around this skeleton, and a trace of immortal light flowed out, as if it had maintained countless years without decay.

With curiosity, Qin Tiange reversed with the power of time, carefully sensed, and then came to an amazing conclusion.

This skeleton has existed for more than 100 million years. Under such a long period of erosion, it has remained immortal?

“One hundred million years ago, someone came here and died inexplicably.” Qin Tiange said to himself, looking at the wreckage, his heart flashed inexplicably.

What’s hidden here, who did the excavation? But looking at the endless tunnels ahead, there is still no end to sight.

Obviously, this bone was not excavated before birth, but maybe the strong man who came down to detect it fell here.


With a bounce of his fingers, the wreck made a clear sound, as if the immortal **** gold, made Qin Tiange feel astonished, guessing the strength of this life.

“At least it’s the Lord, why did he die here?” Qin Tiange frowned, looking around with some vigilance.

It’s a pity that there is nothing more than the illusory fog, and there isn’t even a trace of why this wreck died.

“What’s outside the passage?”

At this time, Qin Tiange had such a problem, what would be outside the excavated tunnel?

With doubt, he stood in front of a void barrier and touched it lightly with his hands, and his voice came with a terrible power that eroded Qin Tiange’s flesh.

On the palm of his hand, flesh and blood was inexplicably eroded by a large piece, which made him astounded. This is a super-evolved body after metamorphosis.

Inside the body, 60 trillion small chaos, the whole body is full of the original power of the large chaos, has even been corroded a large piece of flesh and blood.

Although the blink of an eye recovered, Qin Tiange couldn’t help being vigilant. Here, weird and unpredictable everywhere, it was not clear where he was.

“Did anyone want to pierce the universe?”

Suddenly, Qin Tiange flashed such a thought in his heart, and could not bear the chills. If the speculation came true, it would be terrifying.

Someone, how scary is it to want to pierce the universe? Even today’s Qin Tiange does not have this ability, let alone cut through the universe, it is impossible to find the edge of the universe.

Now, he suddenly saw a terrible secret. There were Xeon taboo creatures, who were breaking the barriers of the universe, trying to cut through the universe and get out.

“His, a little scary.” Qin Tiange shook his head, crossed the wreckage, and continued to move forward.

He wants to see who has excavated here, and if he guessed, there are creatures who want to pierce the barriers of the universe.

Along the way, Qin Tiange looked more and more dignified, because he found more and more bones on the road.

“These bones must have been at least the master-level creatures, and they all died here. Why?”

As he walked away, Qin Tiange couldn’t help horror. Here was a broken or complete biological remains.

Some are huge, but compressed here by inexplicable restrictions, and some of the remains are intact and exude a mighty spirit.

None of these is proof that when the Xeon entered the mystery, they all fell into this mysterious tunnel.

The passage to the unknown is as if it is going to the edge of the universe, and it is like breaking through the barriers of the universe to the unknown.

Gradually, Qin Tiange saw some fragmentary bones floating out of nothingness, crystal clear and exuding a sense of terror.

Some even surpass the breath of the Lord of the Realms, exuding an ancient desolation meaning, revealing the great breath of the times.


Qin Tiange saw a piece of broken bone flew past the nothingness beside him, and he grabbed it suddenly and caught it back.

This broken bone is a finger bone, crystal all over, and glowing with black and yellow, the remaining power is extremely horrible, as if a scary creature from the era.

“The Lord of the Times have fallen?” Qin Tiange secretly warned that this phalanx belongs to a legacy left by a strong man in ancient times.

It seems that there are age-level creatures who have come here, but unfortunately they fell and the broken bones wandered beyond nothingness.

Beyond nothingness, there are terrible unknown forces that can erode all flesh and blood and even kill all living things.

In such a terrible place, someone can excavate such a tunnel and keep it. How much strength can it take to complete it?

Qin Tiange said that he couldn’t do this now, so he paid more attention to the secret here. How many shocking stories in the world?

Moving forward, through a large raging fog in front of him, Qin Tiange saw a few fragments drifting past him.

Some are a truncated sword, and some are a small halberd. Various fragments of various weapons are scattered here, showing a hint of sadness.

Weapons have spirits, and there is still a trace of sharpness and killing intentions when broken, and there is also a kind of sadness.

Creature falls, weapons are broken, everything here is telling about a tragic calamity of the past.

The more he looked, the more Qin Tiange felt that it was not so simple here, as if he had come to some kind of mysterious battlefield.

This channel actually cut through an unknown battlefield and passed through. The remaining great power can still maintain the stability of this channel.

“Here, where is it?” Qin Tiange said to himself, with a serious expression.

Because he is convinced that ~ ~ is not in the starry universe or Tianhe continent, and has come to an unknown area.

Someone cut through an unknown area, filled with an unknown area of ​​mysterious death, like cutting through the universe.

When he arrived here, Qin Tiange felt the danger. From the unknown nothingness from the outside, a trace of unexplainable power threatened him.

Inside the passage, there was a trace of terrible power invading it, putting Qin Tiange under tremendous pressure, and the flesh and blood body was being eroded by a strange power.

Zizi …

Outside Qin Tiange, the body’s surface was flashing with strange sparks, which was eroded by some force and collided with a gorgeous spark.

He looked dignified, and immediately realized why the wreckage here came and was wiped out by this unknown force outside.

I don’t know how long, when Qin Tiange felt that he could not bear that power, the passage seemed to be over.

“No, this is not the end.”

Standing in front of a void with no way forward, Qin Tiange stopped for a long time, and suddenly felt that this was not the end, but a broken road.

The road was disconnected, unable to move forward, and there was a mysterious and unknown void blocking the way.

“The road ahead is broken, cut through it.”

Qin Tiange looked for a long time, and finally made a decision, that is to cut through this blocked road.

He wanted to see what was the end of the road?

“The power of great chaos, Pangu Kaitian!”

Suddenly a roar came, and saw Qin Tiange pulling out a mysterious ancient sword from nothing, gathering the power of great chaos transformed from all over the body, and splitting the sword of the strong Kaitian.

A sword opened to the sky, Jian Mang shred the nothingness in front, and split into the unknown eternity.

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