The Dark Ages

Chapter 956 - Disappearing mystery

The vast universe is infinite, and it is even harder to find someone looking for a needle in a haystack. ..

Just one galaxy is enough for you to find. If you do n’t have enough strength to cross the Galaxy, you may never find the person you are looking for.

Qin Tiange traveled through several galaxies around the Milky Way, and still did not have a little bit of news from Chen Xi and others. Even his former pets, the Xinghai Giant, could not sense it.

“You, where are you?”

Dark universe, deep space, a strange nebula, Qin Tiange stood there, staring at the dark and cold universe.

He was thinking, Chen Xi and others left the earth, not in the galaxy, and where is it? Why is there no sense of induction?

After searching for so long, after searching the nearest huge galaxies around the Milky Way, Qin Tiange realized that Chen Xi and others might be somewhere he could not sense.

In the entire universe, there are countless places that Qin Tiange cannot sense. For example, some restricted areas of the universe cannot sense.

If Chen Xi and others enter a restricted area of ​​the universe by mistake, they may be isolated there, and maybe they ca n’t come out. The most important thing is that Qin Tiange is worried about the safety of Chen Xi and others.

After traveling through several galaxies, Qin Tiange locked his eyes on some restricted areas, focusing on sensing the breath of Chen Xi and others to see if there was any residual information.

Soon he came outside this weird nebula, where he sensed a faint sense of familiarity, which belongs to Chen Xi and others.

This proves that Chen Xi and others have been here before, leaving a trail of breath. Fortunately, Qin Tiange is strong enough to capture this little breath.

“Chen Xi has been here.” Qin Tiange’s pupils flickered, staring at a large weird nebula in front of him, enveloping it for dozens of light years.

From here, the huge nebula looks like a scary creature’s head, more like the shape of a human face.

Inside the nebula, there are all kinds of cosmic dust and radiation ‘radiation’. The powerful radiation ‘radiation’ must be avoided even by the star level, otherwise there is danger of falling.

But there is a problem, how Chen Xi came here. It is 100,000 light years away from the Milky Way, and from the Milky Way to here, there is no breath of Chen Xi and others.

Only here, a trace of Chen Xi’s breath remained, and some familiar breath remained, which Qin Tiange captured.

“This is a restricted area of ​​the universe, why Chen Xi have been here?” Qin Tiange walked directly into this weird nebula with a touch of dignity.

Inside the nebula, this interstellar air and cosmic dust are permeated. All kinds of intensely radiated ‘radiated’ energy, ‘mixed’, ‘chaotic’ are extremely dangerous.

Once such a huge nebula has some external force, it can transform into a huge galaxy.

But this nebula is extremely weird. There is extremely unstable radiation ‘radiation’ energy everywhere, and all kinds of abnormal energy are extremely violent and restless.

Especially near the central area of ​​the nebula, where there is simply an extinction field, where the cosmic material begins to become distorted.

Walking in such a strange nebula, Qin Tiange seems to be a little cautious, because the magnetic field here is weird, the space and time are ‘mixed’ and ‘chaotic’, and even some places are even isolated from time and space.

It is indeed the place known as the restricted area of ​​the universe. This is the death restricted area for living things. You must have enough strength to come here, or you will die if you step into it.

For example, Qin Tiange now feels that if the star-level powerhouse comes in, he must be torn directly into powder by various strange magnetic fields and radiation.

Even further inside, the space-time level is difficult to survive, and even the energy of space-time is annihilated by inexplicable suppression, as if space-time does not exist.


Suddenly, a weird electric arc was drawn beside him, which appeared extraordinarily prominent and weird inside the dark nebula.

Even more frightening is that this arc passed, but Qin Tiange’s body armor was directly turned into a fly ash and disappeared.

There was a sting in the body. Although not strong, it was enough to kill a star-level and even a time-space-level strong.

“What a weird energy, what is it?” Qin Tiange watched the armor on his left arm completely turned into ashes, a little stunned.

In particular, the body was scratched by an electric arc, and a kind of needle-like tingling came directly, but there was no injury.

With Qin Tiange’s strong physical qualities, he is not afraid of these energy erosion at all. The 60 trillion small ‘mixed’ chaos in the body is not a matter of play.

A strange, dense arc lingers in the nebula ahead, like a thunderstorm in the interstellar, the sound of crackling came, making it ‘hair’.

Walking in it, the human body is like a magnet, attracting thousands of strands of weird arc-sized coils to hit it.

Most people must not be able to bear it, but Qin Tiange resisted the impact of these arcs, and soon walked through this strange and dangerous area.

When Qin Tiange passed through this weird arc area, and saw the pieces of semi-finished galaxies in front, some small galaxies were being bred.

Unfortunately, the galaxies here all have a feature, that is, semi-finished products, which have failed to breed, as if they failed to breed.

“Strange place …” Qin Tiange stopped and looked at the weird and dead emptiness in front of him, and the failed galaxies hung in the nebula.

After thinking about it, Qin Tiange finally condensed a mighty power of time and space, which instantly reversed the time here and traced back the past scene.

“Time and space reversed, time imprinted, now!”

With a low drink, accompanied by the silver ‘color’ light sweeping out, strange changes suddenly occurred in this nebula, and the blurry pictures began to play back.

Qin Tiange used his own strength to go back to the past scenes and constantly check to see if the morning dawn had actually come here.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Qin Tiange’s eyes lighted up, staring at one of the pictures, with a group of vague figures back on it.

The one headed by it is Chen Xi, who has long been thinking about it, with many people, riding a star sea monster through this nebula.

“Chen Xi, surely I’ve been here.” Seeing this, Qin Tiange’s heart was ‘excited’ and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally found the traces of Chen Xi and others. They used to come here, riding a giant star sea monster, and penetrate this strange and unpredictable nebula, a universe forbidden zone.

In the picture, Chen Xi and others stood on top of the giant star sea monster, constantly passed through the nebula and entered the central area of ​​the nebula, and disappeared mysteriously in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange was stunned because he only saw Chen Xi and others going in, but he didn’t see them coming out.

“Did Chen Xi fall into this restricted area?” Qin Tiange flickered with a trace of uneasiness and peace, and the whole person passed through the cosmic dust.

He went directly into the central area of ​​this nebula, and thick dust and mist drifted in the interstellar space, converging into a strange and scary nebula material.

In the central area, there are more terrible ‘mixed’ and ‘chaotic’ energies, all kinds of energies are available, and even the time and space here are annihilated with each other and cannot be maintained.


Stepping into it, Qin Tiange immediately felt a horrifying strangulation force coming, as if interstellar lightning struck the body, causing a huge shock.

The powerful radiating arc penetrated into the body, and was quickly chopped up and chopped up by a small number of small ‘mixed’ chaos, but it did not cause any harm to him.

“Somewhat wrong.” Qin Tiange frowned suddenly and said to himself, always feeling something wrong.

But he couldn’t see through it, as if there was some kind of power barrier, extremely ‘mixed’, ‘chaotic’ and weird.

When Qin Tiange entered the center of the nebula, traced the breath of Chen Xi, and looked back to the scenes of the past, and saw Chen Xi and others mysteriously disappeared in this area, and never appeared again.


The impenetrable Qin Tiange blasted the center of this nebula directly and broke any barriers there.

When he blasted off the center of the nebula and came here, the whole man froze because there was nothing here, empty and empty.

Moreover, the breath of Chen Xi and others disappeared here mysteriously, without a trace, as if never before.

There is nothing in the empty area of ​​nothingness, and even the face matter and energy are non-existent areas.

This is the most central area of ​​the nebula, with nothing, which makes Qin Tiange unacceptable for a while.

“No?” Qin Tiange said to himself, his eyes became heavier, and the icy rays of light swept across nothingness.

He couldn’t feel the breath of Chen Xi anymore, and even traced back in time and space, he could not see the trace of Chen Xi and others.

In the past, Chen Xi and others have been here, but disappeared mysteriously, completely disappeared from this strange nebula.

“Why disappeared?”

Qin Tiange was dignified and had a bad feeling. Chen Xi and others had been here, but they disappeared mysteriously and could not find any trace.

And it’s not clear how it disappeared, because there is nothing here, not to mention the breath and images that were branded in the past.

Qin Tiange’s pupil glowed with silver ‘color’ light ~ ~ Continuously glanced here, but unfortunately I did n’t find it.

He said to himself, “Here, there seems to be something there before. When Chen Xi came here, they disappeared mysteriously. Is there a passage here?”

Only this kind of speculation is possible, Chen Xi, they used to be here, but they disappeared mysteriously. The only explanation is that there is a certain channel here.

After turning the positive nebula inside and out, Qin Tiange finally determined that Chen Xi had mysteriously disappeared here.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange was inevitably worried and worried about the safety of Chen Xi and others, but there was no way.

“There seems to be something missing here. As a restricted area, it shouldn’t be. Is it related to Chen Xi’s disappearance?” Qin Tiange made a judgment in his heart.

While he was meditating, in a corner of the nebula’s center, a strange ‘wave’ came suddenly, which caught Qin Tiange’s attention.

“Well? This‘ wave ’movement is …” Qin Tiange froze, suddenly hurried, turned and stepped across the interstellar space, and came to the place where the ‘wave’ movement originated.

Here is a subtle spot, which is filled with a stream of ‘mix’, ‘chaos’ and space and time, ‘chaos’, full of weird ‘color’.

“Singularity in time and space?”

Qin Tiange was surprised. Looking at the slightly strange spots in front of him, it was a singularity in time and space. He never thought that there was a strange singularity in time and space.

Inside this space-time singularity, there was a space-time line that caught Qin Tiange’s attention, and a hint of guess flashed in his heart.

“Go and see.” With almost no hesitation, Qin Tiange’s body directly turned into a ray of light and disappeared into this strange space-time singularity.

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