The Dark Ages

Chapter 965 - Who comes, kill who!

“Immortal War Soul? It shouldn’t exist!”

Above nothingness, a faint utterance came, with a hint of anger, and the Xeon spoke.

I saw a huge idea swept across, the Quartet trembled, and the terrible creature’s will came directly.


The shaking came, and the will wanted to wipe out the souls of the blood-washed peoples. The mighty will was like a supreme god.

In the face of this will, the Terran War Spirit is naturally not an opponent. Seeing that it will be crushed, countless Terran War spirits roar.


Just listening to the cold humming spread to all sides, the trembling of nothingness, accompanied by a surge of sound, banged out that overbearing will.

The two forces collided with each other, annihilated and disappeared in the nothingness, attracting the attention of more powerful people.

“Have you acted like this, emperor?”

Suddenly a word came from the hazy unknown place, showing its coldness and anger, as if the gods were angry.

As the voice had just fallen, a great figure emerged, overwhelmed by the void, covered with haze, revealing a vast force.

Behind this man, there are huge kingdoms of God, densely intertwined around the body, and the realm of the sea boils.

This is a phantom from the Jiehai. A powerful Jiezhu can’t stand it anymore, and Qin Tiange is warned directly.


Qin Tiange snorted, stepped into the sea of ​​the sea, and said coldly: “Zhu Zhezhu, dare to point at my people, and dare to do it, you don’t have to go back, stay.”


The lord of the realm was angry and raised his hands to suppress the ten kingdoms of God together. The rally was magnificent, and Gaia was nine days and ten realms.

He is the master of the Ten Realms, who really touched the taboo and is about to bring about a Xeon who cleans up the universe.

The terror strike contains the power of ten kingdoms. Generally speaking, he has stood at the strongest peak under the barriers of the times.

However, he was facing the monster Qin Tiange, not to mention the kingdom of God. He had already transformed into a small chaos, which was not something that the other party could compete with.


Qin Tiange slaps with a clap, and there is a rumbling sound in the kingdom of God, one after another, the kingdom of God collapses and is completely blown away.

The real powerful blow knocked out ten kingdoms of God.

Watching Qin Tiange explode ten **** kingdoms with one palm, and even the power was not diminished, he shot directly at the gate of that realm.

“Ah …” a scream came, and the lord’s body was smashed into pieces, which was split into pieces by a palm on the spot.

He didn’t even have the resistance, so Qin Tiange slashed across the barriers of the sea. In such a scene, the Xeons who were seen by all parties were shocked.


“This … how is this possible?”

“The dominion of the Ten Realms is already the strongest under the barriers of the era.

All parties in Jiehai, all horrified, drew air-conditioning, and were frightened by this scene, watching Qin Tiange smash a Shijie master with one palm.

The strongest under the barriers of the times have been able to break the barriers of the times, and the Xeons who entered the ancient times are even vulnerable.

“Did no one ever say that when you slaughtered people?”

Qin Tiange’s eyes were cold, as if the blade generally swept across all sides of the Jiehai, and the entire Jiehai was silent.

The turbulent world of the sea suddenly became silent, no sound came out, and all the Xeons hidden inside were silent.

When the human race was slaughtered by the hundreds of people, why didn’t they say that the people passed? Now, the Terrans have just started the slaughter, and they have jumped out to say that the Terrans have passed.

“People, then you can’t summon the heroes of the past, and you want to create an immortal war spirit. This is a taboo against the universe, and you are over.”

After a long silence, a voice came from Jiehai, and the most powerful one spoke, saying this, which is the most disagreeable to all parties.

The immortal war spirit is taboo when it appears. It summons the dead British soul on a large scale and casts it into an immortal war soul, which is a taboo that touches the universe.


Qin Tiange snorted and swept across the corner of the sea, disdaining: “My people are acting, I can’t turn your fingers around, and no one is allowed to interfere.”

“Who comes, kill who!”

In a word, whoever obstructs the human race, then kill anyone, kill one by one, destroy one by one.

This sentence full of murderous words caused the sea to boil and tumbling, and the Xeons hiding in the kingdom of God one by one felt the chilling murderous intention.

Qin Tiange, the emperor, can do it. The ten-sect master who was just killed is the end, dare to jump out and intervene in the human race to die.

“Honestly, my people are acting, no one is allowed to step in, and then someone jumps out to obstruct it. I don’t mind the bloodwashing world.”

Sweeping all sides of the Jiehai again, Qin Tiange’s words passed into it and issued the strongest warning sound. If he dared to jump out, he would not mind slaughtering the entire Jiehai.

“Don’t mind the bloodwashing of the sea …” Sen Ran’s words, constantly returning in the sea of ​​the sea, made everyone in the world afraid and a little angry.

However, none of the masters dared to jump out, because Qin Tiange’s evil spirit would really do such a thing.

Once someone ran out to obstruct it, then Qin Tiange really made up his mind to directly wash the sea of ​​blood, so as not to be run out by these masters.

“Who wants to wash the world?”

Just as Qin Tiange was about to leave, suddenly a ruthless word came into his ears, and when he looked at it suddenly, he saw above the sea of ​​sea, a terrible figure appeared in a barrier.


As soon as this person appeared, the entire Jiehai immediately boiled, rolling up and rolling and beating, as if a breath could seduce the entire Jiehai.

Looking at the figure, Qin Tiange blinked his eyes, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the other without a word.

“The Lord of the Times is here?”

“This time, there was a good show.”

“The emperor, it seems that he once hit an ancient master. This one ran out, and it seemed that the breath was from the court of life.”

Inside Jiehai, all the hidden ideas are spreading. They are discussing and watching the drama.

An era-level strongman appeared, standing in the barriers of the era, looking down at the sea of ​​bounds and the whole place of origin.

Especially those sharp eyes, with a hint of judgment and looking down, showed strong oppression.

“I want to slaughter Jiehai, why do you want to stop it?” Qin Tiange replied lightly, leaving Jiehai dead, and all the masters were trembling.

They were really worried whether Qin Tiange would actually slaughter the whole sea of ​​the realm.

No one knows how big the Jiehai is. Just knowing how big the universe is, and how big the Jiehai is on the dark side. It is unknown how many strong people are hidden here.

Qin Tiange even suspected that there were some super-taboo creatures hidden in the sea, and he had to be careful.

To say that slaughtering Jiehai is actually a kind of warning. Of course, it is impossible to have the ability to slaughter the entire world.

It was still possible to kill the masters in an area. Qin Tiange smiled when he saw this era of strong men running out.

“Well, let’s not talk, I’ll take a look at this, how did you kill Jiehai?” The age-old strong man who seemed to come from the court of life spoke.

His words were full of irony, but Qin Tiange laughed: “It’s boring to kill the master of the world, it’s only fun to kill a strong man like you.”


As soon as the words fell, Qin Tiange’s figure disappeared, and the words of killing came, and he saw that the barriers of the times burst into pieces, and a figure broke into the barriers of the times.

That was Qin Tiange. He suddenly shot, broke the barriers of the times, and punched them in front of the strong man of that era.

The sudden blow made the face of that era-level strong man startled, very angry, and raised his hand to fight back.


The two fists against each other and made a move against each other, but it turned out that the era-class powerhouse was beaten out.

“Time-class, I haven’t really killed, you don’t have to go.” Qin Tiange step by step, his words revealed the world’s best killing.

He really prepared himself this time. Seeing that this age class dared to appear in the barriers of the age, this was the opportunity.

Dare to show up inside the barriers of the era and pretend to be dead, that is, the act of seeking death, was directly entered by Qin Tiange, and faced this era of strong men.

“You …” The man looked horrified, looked at Qin Tiange in front of him, and suddenly disappeared. The reappearance had blocked his possibility of recovering the ancient times.

Qin Tiange waved the road to antiquity, and the surroundings were completely separated, and the barriers of the times were blocked.

“Do you dare to block the ancient passage of this seat, aren’t you afraid of being bitten back?” The man was angry and looked in horror at Qin Tiange ~ ~, which could even block the ancient passage.

Yes, Qin Tiange directly blocked the passage to ancient times, that is, the passage he came from, was blocked.

“Before killing you, it’s enough to kill you!”

Qin Tiange sneered, stepping forward, as if stepping on the sky, the rumble was completely over the strong man of that era.

The age-level judges from the court of life, since ancient times, want to stop the emperor Qin Tiange, by the way pretense.

As a result, the pretense could not be achieved, but the road to return to ancient times was blocked, and this became a bird in a cage, waiting to be killed.

The only way is to kill Qin Tiange, otherwise he will be miserable.


The judge, Li Xiao, broke out with anger in his heart and hit Xeon, exceeding the limits of the past.

The blow was furious, and the force from ancient times broke out, shaking the barriers of the times.


Two strong men were killed in a group, an era judge, walking down from the ancient times, one is a human tribe, not an era, but capable of fighting an era of strong.

Every move of Qin Tiange carried chaotic force, as if one side’s chaotic power erupted, the judges who fought were crying out.

As the fight continued, the judge was horrified, because he realized that Qin Tiange’s power was becoming more and more terrifying, and finally he completely suppressed him.


With a punch, a slam, flesh and blood flew from the judge, and a scream of screams shocked the whole sea.

It was only for Shang Qin Tiange to understand how terrible this emperor was. He was not a human, but an outright monster.

Facing him, it was like facing a small and dense chaotic world, violent and violent, unable to stop.

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