The Dark Ages

Chapter 978 - Thriller, sinking in antiquity

In the bewildered land, there was a terrible wave that filled the turbulence of the deep space of the universe and woke up many creatures.

“what happened?”

“Why is there a palpitation?”

Some taboo creatures were awakened, panic-stricken, and had an ominous premonition in their hearts, as if the wave made them palpitated.

Many creatures have focused their eyes on the nothingness, an invisible barrier, where the source of the wave came.

Above the Milky Way, Qin Tiange, Qing Lian, and Hollow Old Man stood there, staring suspiciously at the terrible, boiling and terrifying atmosphere.

“Is it because of the barriers of the times that there have been changes in ancient times and other places?” The hollow old man looked terrified and felt a sense of apprehension.

Qin Tiange frowned, because he had just caught the breath of Li Luo, and there was an urgent signal for help.

“Li Luo asked for help, what happened?” Qin Tiange was solemn, without any delay.

“Lianer, hollow, you are waiting for me here.”

Leaving a word, Qin Tiange stepped out, tore the barriers of time and space, and went directly to the source of that strange wave.

In front of it is a barrier of the times, and suddenly emerged autonomously, with terrible and chaotic energy raging, and the atmosphere of peril.

“How did the barriers of the age appear?”

“What happened inside?”

The universe is dark and deep, and a series of terrible waves come. There is a forceful will sweeping over here, watching the barriers of the times appear automatically.

There was a wave of terrible energy inside, like a calamity, raging and destroying inside the barriers of the era, creating a terrible scene.

“Do not…”

A roar came over, and it came out through the barriers of the times, which shocked the strong, and many powerful creatures were frightened.

Looking at the barriers of the age, I saw a dim figure, and it was very strong, struggling hard, trying to break through the barriers and rush out.

Unfortunately, this powerful figure was suddenly drowned by a mighty robbery and completely buried in the barriers of the times.

“That’s the ancient strongman, dead?”

For a while, everyone stayed, even some forbidden creatures were a little bit chilled, how could the powerful ancient strong men die?

Moreover, the death is unknown, and it seems that the situation is terrifying. I want to break back the barriers of the age, but where did he die.

“Ancient change has taken place?”

Qin Tiange’s expression was dignified, his body suddenly boiled, his arm waved, and his fist condensed with terrible power.

With a loud voice, the barriers of the era were penetrated, and a hole emerged, but what he saw was the roar of roaring power roaring and drowning all things.

Seeing this mighty robbery, Qin Tiange couldn’t help but be taken aback. How could there be such a terrible robbery in antiquity?

His true spirit will continue to vibrate, sensing the breath of Li Luo, and a little bit sense of Li Luo’s breath through this hole.

But there was too much chaos, a wave of violent robbery swept the world, and the ancients were horrified by horrific calamities.

“Big robbery, isn’t the big cleansing ahead of time?”

There are powerful creatures appearing. Looking at the terrible scenes in the barriers of the times, they are shocked and a little apprehensive.

Isn’t that the smell of a catastrophe? Perhaps the purge was started ahead of time. The first one to suffer was not here, but in ancient times.

“Large cleansing, ancient times to be cleaned?”

“This time, it seems different.”

One after another mysterious and unknown creatures appeared quietly, all watching this incident, a great change from the ancient times, causing their attention and vigilance.

It seems that antiquity is experiencing an unprecedented disaster, and the creatures hiding in it are being cleaned by terror.

“Hmm …”

A roar came out, faintly seeing a terrifying Tianlong roaring loudly, breaking through the barrier and trying to fight.

It was an ancient dragon, extremely tyrannical, with a huge body that seemed to be able to overwhelm the universe once it came out.

The terrible ancient Tianlong was struggling hard. His body was swayed, and the claws of the dragon hit the barriers of the times fiercely, making a terrible hole and making a terrible hole.

It broke through the barriers in ancient times, and a terrifying dragon head protruded out to get out of ancient times and come here.

“Oh … no …” Suddenly, the ancient Tianlong was frightened, and opened his mouth to make a sorrowful roar.

Long Yin shook the sky and shook the universe. Many powerful creatures saw this scene, and a dragon head was found out of the barriers of the era.

But soon, the dragon’s head clicked and broke, and the giant dragon’s head fell inexplicably, and the blood of the dragon was filled with the deep space of the universe.

Miserable, weird, a terrible ancient dragon, overbearing, has drilled a head out of ancient times, but broke his head in front of countless souls, and died tragically here.

It died, and even the dragon spirit was not left behind. It was wiped away by a mysterious force and completely disappeared.

“It was actually obliterated.” Qin Tiange was shocked, looking at the falling dragon head, horrified.

How powerful such an ancient dragon is, it is unclear why it died like this, which is really creepy.

“Ancient times are over, run away.”

A roar rang out from the barriers of the age, and there was a roar of the Xeon’s antiquity-level strong, broke through a certain barrier, and escaped into the older era.

But some souls are not capable of breaking through the barriers of the older era, so they can only escape.

Boom boom …

One by one, tyrannical ancient creatures, madly attacked the barriers of the era, and wanted to get out of it, but a scary scene appeared.


“I don’t want to die!”

Among the barriers, the crazy ancient creatures roared in horror, uttered a scream of wailing, their bodies were broken down a little, and finally disappeared completely.

These ancient creatures are very strong, but they can’t do it when they want to escape, and they are killed by inexplicable decomposition.

How can such a terrible scene not be frightening, even forbidden creatures can’t help panic.


With a dull and loud noise, as if a world sank, a horrible sound was made and spread to the deep space of the universe.

Qin Tiange didn’t pay attention to these, but erupted his own true will, constantly searching through the chaotic antiquity, looking for the breath of Li Luo.

“I found it!” Finally, Qin Tiange opened his eyes and burst out two horrible rays, locking the chaotic and collapsed ancient times, a hazy figure.

That is Li Luo, trapped in the ancient times, suffered a terrible calamity, endless catastrophes flooded her, drowned her, and wanted to wipe her out.

Li Luo emits a hazy chaotic glazed light outside the body, blocking the erosion of the calamity, but has lost its direction, without induction, cannot break the barriers of the times.

She issued a call for help in the hope that Qin Tiange would receive it, but now it seems hopeless.

“Can’t you get out?” Li Luo looked very calm, looking at the ever-sinking ancient world, and a piece of majestic antiquity sank like this.

Throughout the ancient times, an unprecedented catastrophe was encountered. The creatures hiding here ushered in an unexpected catastrophe, and the purge of cleansing came in the ancient times.

No one had expected that ancient times were the first to be cleansed, and countless ancient creatures died tragically and could not even escape.

Only a few powerful people broke through the barriers of the older age and hid in them.

The entire antiquity has been facing disintegration, and is even slowly sinking. Once sunk, there will be no antiquity in the future.


At this time, a familiar wave came, which made Li Luo’s spirit startled and looked at a certain hazy and chaotic area.

There was a powerful force ripped open a barrier, and thundered through the passage here.

“Imperial!” Li Luo Qiao’s face was pleasantly surprised, seeing that passage was penetrated, the familiar atmosphere from the outside made her feel at ease.

The visitor was Qin Tiange, who stepped through the barriers of the times step by step and cut through the area passage where Li Luo was trapped.

“Li Luo, come on!”

Qin Tiange punched it out and saw Li Luo trapped there. He immediately yelled and struck a strong force. The chaos was turbulent, and it was laid out in a tumultuous way. It turned into a chaotic channel and extended to Li Luo.

Without hesitation, Li Luo stepped into the chaotic channel and was about to come to Qin Tiange’s side, and the whole channel vibrated violently.


With a terrible roar, the chaotic channel was broken, eroded and melted by a terror force, and instantly destroyed.

The passage collapsed, and Li Luo’s body fell into a tumultuous calamity. The endless calamity was vast and overwhelming.

Once you fall into it, you can’t find it anymore. Qin Tiange furiously shots, splitting up a mist of robbery in front of him ~ ~, Qin Tiange blasted away With that barrier in mind, Li Luo was seen being bombarded by a force from an unknown area.

Just listening to the crackling sound, Li Luo’s body cracked, and the face cracked as if the glass was cracked.

“Li Luo!” Qin Tiange opened his eyes in anger, bursting into a roar, and there was a force of violent chaos in his body.

“Huang, let’s go, I might not be able to go out …” Li Luo looked sad, his eyes lingering.

As a last resort, he hid in antiquity, but suffered a lot of calamities. Before he stabilized, he suffered a terrible change. The antiquity was robbed and he was going to sink.

Seeing that he couldn’t get out, his whole body seemed to be suppressed and worn away by the force of this calamity. Li Luo had no strength to stop him and couldn’t get out.


A shard flew from her face, wandering in the mighty robbery, and quickly disappeared into a ash.

Seeing here, Luo Luo shattered bit by bit, Qin Tiange’s heart was like a knife twisted, and the chaotic elementary body in the body, despite the wear and tear, burst out of a force beyond the current limit.

“Great chaos, heaven!”

Qin Tiange incarnates a horrible giant, emits a roar, and waves an ancient sword to split through the immense robberies and cuts his life.

The powerful sword even split the ancient times into two halves, causing the ancient times to sink into a faster sinking, rumbling sinking into endless emptiness.


One hand came quickly, wrapped with five fingers, protecting the broken Luo Luo, and quickly retreated.


As Qin Tiange retreated, the entire ancient times instantly collapsed and disintegrated, slowly sinking into the obscurity of nothingness, completely disappearing.

Antiquity, sink!

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