The Dark Ages

Chapter 991 - Danger? Break it

A trace of mysterious breath overflowed out of the body, intertwined into a net, blocked Qin Tiange as much as possible, and did not leak.

A strange breath permeated, and a cosmic fetal membrane in the body was formed, and suddenly a baby universe was born.

Suddenly, Qin Tiange became different, as if there was a feeling of breaking away from the shackles of the universe, as if the big universe could not restrain him at this moment.

“It feels like …” Qin Tiange froze, feeling unreal.

As soon as the cosmic membrane of the body was formed in the body, he had such a feeling, which made him have an unreal consciousness and became vigilant.

Qin Tiange carefully sensed that it seemed that he could break the **** of the universe and break away from the universe with only one leap.

“Is it true, or …” Qin Tiange bowed his head and thought, turning his mind sharply, constantly thinking whether the situation was true or false.

Still, Qin Tiange is wary of the existence of something he is not clear about. It is impossible to condense a baby universe and just be able to escape the control of the universe.


Suddenly, a faint roar from the emptiness of the nether world attracted the attention of many hidden powerful creatures and looked up.

Those who are hidden in the universe’s famine, looked at the source of the shock in surprise, one by one.

“This is, the universe cage?”

There was a whisper from the Xeon, staring at it with scorching eyes, and a deep passage gradually emerged.

The channel of nothingness breathes an unknown breath, as if you can step out of it, you can escape the shackles of the universe.

“Will that Terran go in?”

A low voice came looming, and he looked at Qin Tiange quietly, guessing whether he would step into that passage?

Just as the Xeons of all parties watched Qin Tiange, he suddenly looked up and stared at the inexplicable passage, revealing a trace of coldness.

“Huh, that’s the way it is.” Qin Tiange snorted coldly, talking to himself, with a scornful smile on his lips.

That channel is a trap, a trap set up by the universe. Once a creature ca n’t help but seduce, it rushes directly into it. Then, it ’s not the outside of the universe, but the cage of the universe.

This is specifically for those creatures that have just broken through and completed the birth of the inner universe. They have not stabilized themselves and have a sense of restlessness.

Once the will is not firm, the belief is not enough, and bewildered by this self-feeling, then it is possible to step into it and be locked in forever.

“The big universe cage is the strong one who has just broken through the universe. Why didn’t I finish the gestation of the chaotic primitives before, but I didn’t feel this way?” Qin Tiange was a little surprised, and he was extremely puzzled.

Before the breakthrough, the chaotic elementary fetus completed its incubation and turned into a chaotic primitive universe. Why didn’t it have this feeling?

He didn’t know this, but now he has swallowed up the inner universe origin of the opposite universe powerhouse and let a cosmic membrane in his body complete the transformation, but he has this weird feeling.

“It seems that there are a lot of powerful beings imprisoned in it, if it can be released, maybe …” Qin Tiange blinked his eyes and kept thinking.

He didn’t move, standing here, looking at the empty channel, gradually disappeared.

Without being tempted or trapped, you will be able to survive tenaciously in the universe. Any negligence may lead to all disasters.

If the universe were so easy to break away, there would not be so many Xeons of various races willing to lie dormant for countless years, planning for countless years.

“Being free from the shackles of the big universe depends on your own powerful power. Only by breaking the real shackles of the big universe can you be free.”

“If so, there are so many cosmic creatures hidden here?” Qin Tiange scorned and said to himself.

These words seemed to stimulate something. Suddenly, the illusory channel disappeared and replaced with an unknown gaze, locking Qin Tiange himself.


Qin Tiange only felt that his hair was standing upright. He had a strong sense of crisis in his heart. If it didn’t come, he moved straight out.

“What’s going on?” Qin Tiange looked in horror, there was nothing there, but it gave him a feeling of being watched and locked.

It’s weird. Qin Tiange’s strength is surging, surging in his body, and it will erupt at any time.

The sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, as if there was a gaze watching him, as if examining, and as if measuring his threat.


“Eye of the Unknown?”

“Even this thing was drawn, it seems that this strong human race has attracted the attention of that thing.”


As the universe famined, a horrified look came over. They saw the strangeness of Qin Tiange and seemed to be locked by something.

After careful induction, I immediately realized what it was. It was an unknown eye, watching Qin Tiange.

The so-called unknown eye is an invisible eye, looking down at the world, examining the threats inside the universe, and calculating the degree of threat.

The eye of the unknown, the origin is unknown, the specific unknown, or even nothing, because no one has seen it.

It is clear that there are such an invisible pair of eyes watching the internal situation of the entire universe, and all living creatures are under the scrutiny of these eyes.

“Dangerous!” Qin Tiange’s face changed slightly, his heart contracted, and he felt the strongest sense of crisis in history.

It seemed as if he could fall down in the next moment. This feeling made him very upset. When he was furious, he simply made a move that shocked all parties.

“Whatever it is, if it threatens me, destroy it!”

Qin Tiange thought in his mind that any threat must be strangled in the cradle, and he could not even let any existence threaten himself.

Now that a threat is sensed, you can’t wait for the other person to threaten yourself, but take the initiative to destroy the source of that threat.


With a violent drink, Qin Tiange suddenly broke out, and if a meteor was generally irradiated on the nothingness, he blinked and struck his arm before the inexplicable wave.

Suddenly, the strong players from all sides were shocked and looked at him in horror, even they took the initiative.


Just hearing a roar, the terrible loud sound shocked the universe, and the power of the two inner universes merged into one, poured into fists, and penetrated the void.

Clicking crunching, something unknown shattered, and the horrible punch broke through the misty land and shattered the unknown eyes.

Qin Tiange broke out and broke into a fight. He directly and simply launched an Xeon punch, which contained the strength of the two baby universes in his body.

The damage caused by the fusion of the two forces of the universe is simply amazing, as if to break through the barriers of this big universe, it is shocking.


The strange buzz came, like the sound of the anger of the universe, and the unknown was provoked, sending out horrible waves.

However, since there is no reservation whatsoever, Qin Tiange’s fist has just fallen, and the two infant universes in the body burst into full force.

“Kaitian!” A low roar spread, and Qin Tiange broke the unknown breath with a punch, and went all the way through, into the unknown place.

This punch shook the barriers of the universe, as if to break through, causing a great deal of movement that caused the strong of all parties to move.

“A strong punch, is this the human race that has just completed the inner universe?”

Some Xeons were horrified, looking at Qin Tiange, as if something was felt, a look of shock appeared on his face.

“No, that’s not the power of one universe, but the two inner universes.”


The strong people hidden in the Quartet, without exception, took a breath of air and gave birth to two inner universes. How much perseverance is needed?

Unfortunately, they do not know. There are 998 cosmic fetal membranes in Qin Tiange who have not been conceived. If they knew, they would be scared.


The roar spread to all sides of the universe, attracting a lot of attention, and the terrible fluctuations coming from the wasteland on the edge of the universe made many strong people startle.

As that violent wave subsided, some unknown and powerful creatures began to speculate about what happened.

Only those strong men who are in the desert can really see that Qin Tiange has penetrated the unknown breath and broken that strange look.

In the legendary Unknown Eye of the Universe, looking down at the eyes of the universe, he was broken by him.

“It turns out that those eyes can be broken.”

“No, those eyes are blinded, otherwise, this human race will probably be miserable.”

The parties were shocked and speculative, but they were unable to shake Qin Tiange’s heart at this moment, and had a strong self-confidence.

Breaking the source of the crisis and threatening to be destroyed by the students are of great significance to Qin Tiange.

“It turned out that the power behind the big universe is not insurmountable.” Qin Tiange said to himself, with a firm belief in his heart.

In a recent contest, he vaguely touched a secret that he had never seen before. Behind the scenes of the universe, there was a force preventing the separation of all living beings.

And this power is mysterious and unknown. No one has seen it for a long time, and it is not clear how terrible it is.

Now that Qin Tiange has run into it, he has also fought directly, breaking the source of the threat and breaking the sense of threat.

From this he touched some kind of secret. It seems that the power behind the big universe is not unbreakable.

Otherwise, how did the old “disk” get out of the universe?

Everything is because of the power, having the power of the two inner universes, has given Qin Tiange a little chance to infest the ultimate mystery of the universe.

If all the cosmic membranes in the body have been conceived, does that mean that he has enough power to break the cosmic constraints and successfully break out?

“The birth of the inner universe requires the origin of the universe, and the fastest way to obtain the origin of the universe …”

Qin Tiange talked to himself ~ ~ His eyes glowed with gloom, one by one swept across the dark and broken land, the Xeon beings hidden in every corner of the desert.

These are all cosmic strongmen who have successfully bred the inner universe. At this moment, Qin Tiange has become the target of attention.

Because only by killing these same cosmic powerhouses and digging out their inner cosmic engulfment, can the origin of the cosmos be strengthened and its own cosmic membrane be strengthened.

“Hey, there are a lot of cosmic creatures on the other side.” Qin Tiange suddenly gave a sneer, letting the creatures paying attention here shiver inexplicably.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous feelings pervaded my mind, making those hidden universe-class Xeons amazed and unknown.

“No rush, come one by one.”

Qin Tiange converged the killing intention in his heart, and the whole person recovered his calmness, stepped out of the void, and returned to the wasteland on the edge of the universe.

Step by step, he walked towards the broken frontier and began a **** hunting road. This time, the goal is exactly the universe-class creatures, the top batch of Xeons.

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