The days of raising elves in the apartment

Chapter 189 Competition Schedule

"Bu Yi~" But I still can't break through now.

"Don't worry, the breakthrough is not just your business, I will also help you."

"Bu Yi~" Master, you said, if I hadn't broken through to become a king-level elf and let Xiaohuo or Xiaogui break through first, would I no longer be your favorite elf?

"What nonsense are you talking about? From the moment you were born, our fates have been tied together. Do you think I am the kind of person who would abandon you?" Qin Feng was a little funny, Moon Ibrahimovic now thought It's a bit much.

"Bu Yi~" Then you promise me, if I don't make a breakthrough, you will have to like me.

Yueyue Yibu opened his big eyes and looked at Qin Feng with tears in his eyes, fearing that Qin Feng would say no.

"Okay, okay, I promise you! How could I not like you! You are the eldest sister in our family, who dares not to like you!"

Qin Feng was so distressed by the look in Moon Ibrahimovic's eyes. This little guy must be worried now.

He held Moon Eevee on his shoulders, "Little Eevee, you don't have to think too much, you can definitely break through this barrier."

Perhaps Qin Feng's comfort had an effect. Moon Ibrahimovic stayed on Qin Feng's shoulder, rubbing or licking his cheek from time to time to show intimacy.

Qin Feng could only slowly calm down her mood when she saw Yueyue Yibu like this.

In fact, according to Moon Eevee's qualifications, she can definitely break through, but now there is something wrong with her mentality, which has prevented her from breaking through to the king level.

As long as she gets her mentality in order and returns to a normal state of mind, she will definitely be able to make a breakthrough naturally.

Taking Moon Eevee for a slow walk, he released the elf ball on his belt so that the elf could see the outside environment.

Geng Gui was directly in Qin Feng's shadow and kept watching. They also knew that Sister Yueyue Eevee needed her master's company now, so they did not come out to disturb Qin Feng.

They just watch quietly, and when they arrive, they will be like big sisters, walking with their master together.

After returning to the apartment after a walk, maybe the conversation between Qin Feng and Moon Ibrahimovic had an effect.

She finally lost the sense of urgency she had before and started playing normally and messing around with her master as before.

There was still one day left before the start of the Magic City Cup. On this day, Qin Feng and Geng Gui experimented with super evolution. This time it was surprisingly smooth. After Geng Gui super evolved, his whole body was white, and the bottom seemed to be connected to a different space.

Qin Feng also touched Super Gengar on the left and right, circling her for a while.

Super Gengar is also very satisfied with her current self. She likes it very much, especially since she did not expect that she actually has this special form like the Flame Chicken.

Like the Flame Chicken, after Gengar evolved, his strength also reached the level of a king.

If you calculate it this way, although Moon Eevee has not yet broken through to the Heavenly King, her combat power is already at the level of the Heavenly King. With the addition of Super Gengar and Super Flame Chicken, Qin Feng can actually claim to be the trainer of the Heavenly King. .

However, this is just Qin Feng's thought. He is not that stupid. He doesn't want to be the one who stands out and get fucked!

However, after Moon Eevee saw Gengar's super evolved form, she didn't look like she did when she saw the Flame Chicken for the first time. She no longer had that impatience.

She also wanted to understand that as long as no matter which of their elves became stronger, they would still be the same as before and would protect their master. There was no need to fight over who was number one!

As long as it can protect its master, no matter which elf it is.

Thinking of this, Moon Ibrahimovic finally relaxed. At this moment, Moon Ibrahimovic made a natural breakthrough.

There was no sign, no movement, just a silent breakthrough.

Qin Feng did not expect that it was Moon Eevee's cry that attracted Qin Feng's attention, and he discovered that Moon Eevee had reached the level of the King of Heaven.

Qin Feng was so happy that he hugged Moon Eevee. Since then, he also had his first Heavenly King-level elf. It was not achieved through a special method. It was a real Heavenly King-level elf.

In order to celebrate Moon Eevee reaching the level of the Heavenly King, Qin Feng specially changed the taste of all the elves.

We common people are so happy today!

Qin Feng returned to the apartment humming a cheerful tune. As soon as he opened the door, he saw everyone in the apartment gathered together to discuss something.

"Qin Feng, look, the rules and schedule are out!" Zeng Xiaoxian said on the sofa without looking back.

Qin Feng also picked up his phone and checked the schedule.

Maybe it's because Modu didn't expect that other provinces would also participate in their own Modu Cup.

By the time they closed the registration website, the number of people had already reached 12.

Now that everyone has signed up, Modu cannot do anything to make those people withdraw from the competition.

We can only change the rules. In the first ten days of the knockout competition, the Magic City Stadium was divided into twelve arenas, with each elf fighting against each other in an effort to eliminate those who were cheating.

Then try to control the number of people to about 2000, and then divide the stadium into four venues for promotion matches. The top 240 people in each venue will enter the next round of competition, and then the top [-] people from [-] people will be selected.

Then there is the top [-] competition, where the top [-] players compete with two elves. The winner advances and the loser retires until the semi-finals begin and the final battle for the championship.

After reading this series of rules, Qin Feng feels that the Magic City Cup will take a long time to be held, especially the knockout rounds at the beginning.

Just take 12 people out of 2000 people. Doesn’t that mean that you played the first game and only played the second game a day or two later.

The Magic City official also said that they would strive to end the knockout rounds within ten days. How is this possible? You don't have to stay up all night to play the game.

Come to think of it, this is also the first time that China has held this competition. We don't have much experience yet, so the steps are a little big all of a sudden, which is a bit difficult to handle.

"Here, what kind of knockout tournament is this? I don't know how long it will take to fight, and they said the competition will be completed within ten days. How is this possible!" Lu Ziqiao couldn't help complaining.

"Who said no!"

"Hey, don't complain. This is just the first bite of crabs in Shanghai. It will get better in the future."

"I want to see who the wise guy came up with this rule."

"What's so good about this? I just want to know if there can be so many people standing in the Magic City Stadium tomorrow?"

"Don't think about it, we players probably won't be able to stand, so why are you doing so much?"

"Hey, hey, my competition venue and number are out." Chen Meijia exclaimed when she saw the message on her phone.

"Venue C, No. 6666!" Chen Meijia read out word by word.

"Hey, Meijia, your number is quite six!" Lu Ziqiao teased.

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