The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 1095


It was just a small wound punctured by a sharp stone, and the bleeding has already stopped now!

"Does it still hurt?" I asked distressedly!

"It doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Tch, tell the truth!"

"It hurts a little! But it shouldn't affect much! Tiantian, you... it's just a small injury, you don't need to..." When Li Meihong saw that I pricked my finger, she couldn't help becoming anxious.

I didn't listen to what this sister Yu said, and I couldn't help but drip a few drops of blood on the wound on the foot, using my special blood to speed up the metabolism of the cells near the sister Yu's wound, and promote the wound to heal faster.

At this critical time, the injury on the foot will affect the running speed, so naturally the faster the better.

"You're so domineering! You don't even listen to what others say! Setian, you are a typical male chauvinist! But my sister likes it very much..."

This Yujie was coquettish for a moment, and soon smiled happily.

It is a very happy thing to have such a good man, no matter how domineering he is!

Next, after I sat for a while, I wandered around in this stone hall!

The cave here is so strange, it aroused my interest!

There are several cracks in the hole, through which dots of sunlight shine through, just like the skylight of a tent, but it is impossible to distinguish the north, south, east, and west.

Facing this labyrinth-like intricate cave, I didn't dare to leave a mark, for fear that the group of Ah Sans in the back would chase after the mark!

"By the way! Could this be the place leading to the lower city that the lecherous fairy said? There are so many passages here, maybe it is really the place we are looking for!" Li Meihong said suddenly.

"But this place seems to be on the horizon, let's take a look, maybe it's possible."

I pondered for a moment, if this is really the case, then Li Meihong and I don't have to make such a fuss, and just try to find a way to destroy everything here.


Li Meihong still seemed very happy, and her worries about this maze-like cave gradually dissipated!


At this moment, Li Meihong yelled in horror as if she had seen something terrible, and she jumped up when she was sitting.

"Tiantian, you...look, there is a mouse over there!"

I've seen it too!

A strange little mouse jumped in from outside the cave!

"Hehe, it's normal to have mice. Mice have existed since the dinosaur era, and they can be seen anywhere, just like cockroaches, with tenacious vitality."

Seeing Li Meihong's terrified look, I smiled.

"It feels disgusting, will you bite?"

"Don't be afraid! It's okay, but this mouse is a bit weird! It's not afraid of humans!"

I comforted Li Meihong next to me. Most women are born with a fear of mice, and most of the time they are afraid of mice not because of women's hypocrisy, coquettishness or timidity, but because women are more susceptible to escape instinct than men. Driven to make some subconscious behaviors.

The main instinctual forms of human beings, the first one is the instinct of escape.

The stimulation of rats to women drives people's instinctive cognition, which in turn leads to the emotion of fear.

Then there were certain body movements, such as screaming and flinching, and this series of movements was completed almost instantaneously, just like Li Meihong's startled jump just now.


I saw the little mouse raised its head and barked a few times, its nose kept sniffing in the gaps, and then slowly walked over, and it was walking towards me!

Something wrong with this mouse? !

So bold!

This little mouse continued to circle around me a few times, then stopped and looked at me curiously, its long whiskers trembling with its shaking head.

"It's really strange! This mouse is really not afraid of us at all, and it doesn't bite us."

Moments later, Li Meihong turned from momentary panic to curiosity.


Glowing powder?

I noticed that there seemed to be something shimmering about the mouse's body.

There are a small amount of these things even in the tracks of the mice, if it weren't for my sharp eyes, I wouldn't be able to find them at all!

I walked over to the footprints of this little mouse, looking at the starry powder, my eyes slowly widened!

A blue-red cold light flashed, and my big sword was suddenly slashing at the little mouse not far in front of me!


The damn little mouse saw that I was against it and gave a little jump, but it was too late.

As soon as I jumped up, I was pressed down by my big sword from top to bottom, and then I chopped it in half. The upper body still maintained the inertia of trying to escape, and after moving forward for a short time, I couldn't move!

When Li Meihong saw that I had suddenly hacked to death this fearless little mouse, she couldn't help being stunned.

There is no sign of this at all!

"Go! This is a mouse that guides the enemy to follow. It is artificially raised! Our current location must have been discovered by the enemy!"

As I spoke, I walked up to this woman, carried her on my back involuntarily, and ran out of the cave.

Now the whereabouts have been discovered by the other party, so I can only hide in another place!

Your uncle's!

This must be the ghost of that mysterious man in black. From the very beginning when I was discovered by the other party, I felt that something was wrong!

No wonder the other party didn't see me and Li Meihong, and they were able to follow behind me all the time. It turned out that there was a little mouse with a keen sense of smell following me all the time.

It is easy for this kind of little animal to walk in this kind of rocky hillock, and its sense of smell is extremely sensitive, so it is not difficult to track a person.

"Here it is! These two people walked really fast! But they will never escape our palms."

When I was carrying Li Meihong on my back and was about to change to another place to hide, the voices of the Asan's came from outside the cave, and there was a smug grin from my nostrils triumphantly.

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