The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 31

"Why? Doesn't it look fine?" Li Meihong asked puzzled.

"This shovel has been buried for several years. It has been in an environment with little oxygen in the soil for a long time. Now it is easy to oxidize and rust again when it comes out. It is better to clean it and wait for a period of time before using it. "

I smiled and held up the military shovel that I had cleaned up, and explained to her why.

In fact, this is the same as the unearthed cultural relics.

Before cultural relics are dug out by us, their oxygen content in the soil is much lower than that in the atmosphere, and after being oxidized to a certain extent in the soil, they will reach the so-called chemical equilibrium and will not be oxidized and corroded again. .

But once the cultural relics are dug out and exposed to the air, the oxygen content and temperature will rise rapidly, rapid oxidation will occur, and harmful rust spots will form again.

So in addition to quickly cleaning the general with a shovel, I have to wait for it to reach chemical balance again before using it, so that it will be more durable.

This is the first tool I got in this strange forest, and this tool is very important to us, and this is fully confirmed in the following trip.

"Tiantian, do you want to find a branch and come back?"

"No need, we can just find a flatter stone."

"By the way, do you see if this stone is suitable?"

Li Meihong seemed to have thought of something, turned around and picked out a flat stone from a corner, "The stones were all thrown there when we cleaned up yesterday."

I took the stone from Li Meihong and dug it in. The soil is relatively soft and it is not difficult to dig.

"Ah! Human bones!" Li Meihong was taken aback and took a few steps back.

My heart also thumped, and my heartbeat continued to speed up due to tension.

Looking at the corner of the exposed bone, it is obviously a human bone.There is still a person buried here, which is something we didn't expect.

We didn't speak for a while, we stared with bated breath, and our hearts were beating, which was extremely clear in this dead-like atmosphere.

"Don't be afraid, this person is dead." I broke the silence and comforted Li Meihong, "Let's continue digging to see."

Soon the skeleton of the human body appeared. I saw that the bones had corroded badly, but it could still be seen that this was the skeleton of an adult.

You can also see some root tentacles wriggling in the soil. As the sun shines in, those photosensitive root tentacles quickly escape into the depths of the soil.

"Ah! Tiantian, look, there is something! I saw it move, what is that move?"

Li Meihong screamed, the sudden appearance of this snake-like thing made her heart jump with fear and panic.

"Cannibal tentacles?" Looking at these disgusting things, my scalp tightened and my hair stood on end.

"day by day……"

"Don't be afraid, I don't know what kind of creatures these man-eating tentacles are. But these things are very afraid of the sun. There is no danger for the time being." I had to appease Li Meihong's frightened mood.

Li Meihong had already told Li Meihong about the thrilling situation last night, so she could have a mental preparation, because she may encounter more horrible things later, only those who do not avoid fear and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and firmness.

Fate will not treat anyone favorably, and sorrows and joys will not be prepared for you alone.

Even so, she still began to fear the cave, fidgeting, fearing that those roots and tentacles that suddenly appeared would tie her up and eat her.

"Tiantian, we still leave this cave as quickly as possible. It feels very weird and makes me feel scared." Li Meihong said anxiously, and began to urge me to leave quickly.

It was not until I repeatedly emphasized that these root tentacles are afraid of the sun and only appear at night that Li Meihong slowly settled down.

No wonder, human skeletons and those snake-like man-eating tentacles make me feel scared and disgusted.

"Tian Tian, ​​this unfortunate person must have become food for those disgusting monsters." Li Meihong asked, suppressing the nausea and anxiety in her heart.

"It should be." I smiled at her gently, using my smile to ease the panic in her heart.

Just like in the days when the plane crashed, people were full of fear of death, which became the most terrifying negative energy.

When faced with death again, it is natural to feel restless.

Only with a certain understanding of the unknown can the fear be gradually eliminated. Of course, the most practical thing is to dare to accept everything you face.

I dug out the decomposed skeletons together with the rags. The flesh and blood have already become the nourishment for those roots and tentacles, even the marrow in the bones was not spared.

"Gun!" We exclaimed in surprise, if there is a gun in this environment,

It means that our life safety is greatly guaranteed.

But soon we were disappointed again. This automatic rifle was severely rusted and unusable, and the clip was empty, with no bullets left.

And the military shovel was not corroded because it was on the outermost surface, only a layer of rust on the surface.

"Soldier uniform?!"

I was startled suddenly, from the fragmentary clothes of this skeleton, I could tell that it was the remains of a soldier.

I found a dilapidated small bag from it. The outside of the small bag was rotten. The owner of the skeleton seemed to cherish these things, and added a layer of leather and plastic paper to wrap the inside.

"What is this?" I was suddenly very curious about the contents inside, and carefully removed the rotten packaging, which was still protected by a thin layer of plastic bags, and Li Meihong was also watching intently.

"Tiantian, this seems to be a small notebook." Li Meihong was a little disappointed when she saw the shape turned out.

It is indeed a very ordinary small notebook, the outer packaging has been rotten, and the notebook is also a bit worn out.

I carefully flipped through the notebook. It was a note written in English, with a dollar and a photo in it.

On the dark yellow photo, you can see a photo of a handsome American soldier and a little blond girl.

The back of the photo read: My dearest daughter, Alyssa.

From this point of view, this is a photo of a father and daughter!

"Did you notice that the little girl in the photo looks familiar?" Li Meihong exclaimed in surprise.

"Familiar?! It seems a little bit."

The two of us thought for a while, but couldn't remember who it was.

Chapter 30 Private Notes

I put the photo back into the notebook and wrote some English from the worn pages of the notebook.

Both Li Meihong and I were excited, there might be clues to get out.

"I've been here...for a few days."

"It's 'to this hell'." Li Meihong corrected with a smile.

My half-baked English was despised by her.

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