The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1911 Difficulties

After listening, Wei Weisi said, "Mr. Qin, it is my honor to serve you."

Qin Lie is really satisfied with Vivis' service.

Physically satisfied, this woman is also a little better.

He said: "I will stay in the United States for a while, and you will be responsible for my daily life during this time."

"Okay!" Wei Weisi quickly agreed, "This is my honor, I will definitely live up to Mr.'s expectations."

"Yeah!" Qin Lie nodded, "After the matter is over, I will give you a lot of money, don't worry, I will not treat you badly."

"Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Vivis was grateful.

With her status, getting a guarantee like Qin Lie is tantamount to flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.

After Qin Lie finished speaking, he patted her ass, ready to put her arms around her to sleep.

At this time, Wei Weisi leaned against Qin Lie's arms and whispered, "Mr. Qin, if I can satisfy you today, I really have a business here and I need your help."


Qin Lie has a keen sense of sight and frowned.

"You have something, what is it? You came close to me on purpose?"

Vivis was sincere and didn't hide it at all.

Nodding: "Mr. Qin, on the ground floor of the villa today, I can see the whole process of your dealing with Dierno. Since then, I have a plan. I think things must be fought for tonight. I must come to serve you."

"And I want to come to you so much, naturally I have something to ask you, I hope you don't get angry."

Wei Weisi's sincerity touched Qin Lie, and Wei Weisi really served him very comfortably at first.

If there is anything specific, then listen to it first.

Thinking about it, Qin Lie asked, "Okay, you say, I'll see if I can handle it."

Wei Weisi crossed her knees and sat up from the bed.

She looked at Qin Lie seriously and said, "Mr. Qin, this matter is very difficult for us, but it is very simple for you."

Qin Lie looked at her without speaking, waiting for her to continue.

Wei Weisi just started talking.

"Mr. Qin, the cause of this incident is still the small convenience store in my house."

"Because I have been trained in the Locke family since I was a child, the Locke family was very influential at that time, and my own family also benefited from it. I got a sum of money and opened a small convenience store."

"This convenience store isn't very profitable, but it's no problem for our family to survive in Los Angeles."

"These years, the Locke family has stood upright, and our convenience stores and supermarkets have never had any problems."

Qin Lie heard this and guessed the general direction of the plot.

He added: "So when Capo took over the Rock family, there was something wrong with your shop."

"Yes." Wei Weisi confirmed, she said, "In the past few months, the family's economy has been in trouble. In order to recover the funds, the family began to collect debts. We owed the family some money before, and the family asked It's about time."

"Then my father and my mother thanked the family for taking care of them for so many years. They fought their lives to pay back the money."

So far, Qin Lie has only heard what Vivis said about what happened.

But she didn't say what kind of predicament she encountered.

Wait for her to continue.

"The family's debt collection is just one reason, not what I want to do with you."

"What happens next is our nightmare."

"Just last month." Vivis finally spoke about serious matters, "We had a problem with our funds, and we couldn't even get the payment for the goods, so we thought about going to the bank to borrow some money as a turnover."

"But I don't know what happened. As soon as we went to the bank for a loan, those banks heard that our convenience store had the background of the Locke family, and they rejected us one after another."

"My father went to 23 banks last month, but he didn't take out a penny."

"If we can't get the money all the time, our convenience store will have to go bankrupt."

This situation is still a chain effect after the Locke family was targeted.

Qin Lie knows why.

The Locke family headquarters couldn't find some banks to lend money, let alone their small convenience store.

"And then?" Qin Lie asked, "Has your convenience store closed down?"

"Not yet." Wei Weisi said, "But in our current situation, it's better to let the convenience store close down."

Wei Weisi paused again and continued to speak.

"After the funds were really unavailable at the beginning, my father went to a financial company. The name of the financial company was: Weining Financial Services Company."

"This company sent the flyers to us on their own initiative."

"The company said that no matter what qualifications we have, no matter how much money we owe in total, it can help us get the money."

"Because my father was really worried about the payment for the goods, he believed their nonsense, went to their company headquarters, signed an agreement, and returned with $100,000."

"But this 100,000 has become our nightmare?"

Having said that, Qin Lie has a general idea of ​​the trouble Weiweis has encountered.

"So there's something wrong with this funding?" he said.

Weiweisi kept nodding and complaining.

"My father was in a hurry to get the money at the time, and he didn't pay attention to the problem with the contract paper they gave. In fact, their contract paper was interlayered. Inside the ordinary contract, there was a contract."

"My father signed his name, and Weining Financial Company divided his signature into two and made a second Yin-Yang contract. In that contract, our 100,000 principal needs to be repaid within a week. 150,000, if it’s still not enough, the profits will be rolled up and continue to roll up.”

"150,000 a week, 220,000 for two weeks, 130,000 for three weeks, and a month has passed, and we have been rolled to a total of 500,000!"

Qin Lie listened, not in shock, but felt that the opposite was quite ruthless.

The principal is 100,000, and the 150,000 is repaid a week. The interest for this week is 50%!

Isn't the annual interest several thousand percent!

If you keep collecting at this interest rate, the 100,000 principal can be rolled into tens of millions in a year.

Qin Lie also has a long experience.

Looking at domestic usury in the past, 30% interest per month was scary enough.

In the United States, there are still people who play more ruthlessly.

After Qin Lie listened to it, he asked Wei Weisi, "Have you paid their company any money?"

Weiweisi sighed: "We put everything together, we thought of almost everything we could think of, and we paid them back 100,000 yuan, but now we still owe 400,000 yuan, and this money doubles every two weeks. , it's impossible to pay off!"

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