The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1932 Great Cleaning

Los Angeles, West Coast, Sadetooth Auto Repair.

It rained heavily, and lightning ripped apart the sky, slashing from the sky to the ground.

The rain curtain flew down from the sky overwhelmingly, splendidly.

How heavy is the rain today, just standing in the rain, the visibility is not more than 20 meters.

The eyes of the people guarding the door of the auto repair factory were restricted, but they did not dare to neglect and waited in a strict line.

Holding weapons in their hands, they looked nervously ahead, not even daring to tell God.

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly tore off, and in the strong light, someone seemed to see a large number of figures appearing in the rain curtain ahead.

Because the lightning flashes away, this light and shadow also flashes away.

Suddenly, the horse boy who found this picture was startled, and suddenly told the people around him: "Someone is coming!"

Everyone's mood is very nervous, and the people around him are so excited by him, and they are also nervous.

"Really or not, you won't talk nonsense, will you?"

Before the question was over, the facts told them it wasn't fake.


Whoosh whoosh!

People with sharp ears heard the sound of breaking air in the air, and then, they suddenly saw rockets flying in the air.

Those rockets dragged their long tails and shot towards them at a high speed.

Because the visibility was only 20 meters, when they saw the rocket, it was too late to react.

"Get down!"

"Get down!"

Such shouts came one after another from the crowd.

Some were quick to respond, and fell down in an instant, while others were slow and didn't even know what was going on.

Those who lay down have recovered a dog's life, and those who are still standing bear the brunt of the battle, becoming the first victims of tonight's game.



The flames were everywhere, and the roar struck.

The outermost wall of the garage was bombed by no less than a dozen rockets.

The originally intact wall was blasted to rubble in less than ten seconds.

The flying debris and the shrapnel that bounced off blew up the group of people near the wall into hedgehogs. The first round of fire suppression directly killed at least 30 members of the Sharktooth Gang.

After the bombing, these talents finally reacted and shouted: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, quick alert, quick alert!"

The walls have been blown down, and the rumbling can be heard in the entire garage. Do you need to be alert?

The Longyan team arrived and quickly launched a blitz.

The first round of rockets covered the bombing, and after the wall of the auto repair factory was opened, the members of the Longyan Squad rushed over with guns.

They are well trained and bullets can quickly cover all enemies.

Move forward in a line.

Those thugs who were arranged outside the wall were the worst, avoiding the bombardment of rockets and the bullet coverage of the Longyan Squad.

As long as there are active people at the front, the Longyan team will give him another shot.

In this way, the Longyan team quickly won the front-end position of the auto repair factory.

After the position was taken, the Longyan team entered in batches, and poured into the interior of the auto repair factory along the blasted gap in the wall.

Entering from the garage wall, there is a large open space in front.

In this open space, the Longyan team encountered the most decent resistance tonight.

Inside the garage, there were gunmen on three floors to suppress them.

These people's marksmanship is also much more accurate than the ordinary horses of the Sharktooth Gang. They rely on the building as a cover and shoot from the window position, which is as difficult to conquer as a large bunker.

Most of the people who want to organize these defenses are the group of mercenaries hired by the Sharktooth Gang.

But even if these mercenaries had a little fighting power, compared with the Longyan squad, one was underground and the other was in the sky.

The Longyan Squad can be regarded as a team of the same organization, and its combat effectiveness is second only to the team of the Gu Family Army.

With such a powerful combat power, how can the opposing mercenaries block.

Seeing that the opposite side was relying on the fortifications of the building for defense, Chen Jinhu arranged for more than 20 snipers to cover the attack of the internal team from the outside.

As long as their people emerge from the window, they will be instantly killed by snipers.

Without exception.

In this way, the arrogance of the mercenaries was extinguished, and they could no longer stop the internal team of Longyan Squad from pushing forward.

Jiang Lei led the team, and everyone squeezed into the interior of the auto repair factory.

And in this position, Carl arranged the most manpower to block.

Fifteen hundred people arranged at least a thousand in it.

As a result, the Longyan Squad and these people started a hand-to-hand battle.

The Longyan team poured in from all directions, chug, chug, and for a while, gunshots rang out in the entire auto repair factory, which was very complicated.

In hand-to-hand combat, the opposite Ma Zai is by no means an opponent of Longyan Squad.

The addition of Zhong Zhenguo brought a qualitative leap to the Longyan team.

Zhong Zhenguo first trained under Mr. Hua and also underwent genetic modification. Their fighting skills and tactics are inhuman.

Once the hand-to-hand combat started, this group of members from the Yanhuang Brigade would be mad.

Humans stop killing people, Buddhas stop killing Buddhas.

The mercenaries are slightly stronger than the horses of the Sharktooth Gang, but they are also limited. The game in the entire auto repair shop still presents a crushing game.

Everyone pushed it all the way from the first floor to the third floor, and caught the boss of the Sharktooth Gang, Carl.

Qin Lie had no interest in the bosses of these small gangs, and had Chen Jinhu execute him on the spot.

In the battle of the entire auto repair factory, the Longyan team only sacrificed 17 people and killed nearly 800 people on the opposite side.

The remaining 700 people chose to surrender, and the Sharktooth Gang, the gang headquarters that had been in operation for nearly a century, was completely occupied.

With the attitude of making things bigger, Qin Lie asked the members of Longyan Squad to fill the garage with gasoline before leaving, and the entire garage was set on fire.

Do you think this is over?


That night, all the industries related to the Sharktooth Gang, whether under the name of the Sharktooth Gang or small businesses that are only slightly related to the Sharktooth Gang.

Almost all of these enterprises were retaliated by the Locke family and the Longyan team.

This time Qin Lie didn't kill anyone, just smashed things.

It's exactly the same thing that the Sharktooth Gang did to the beautiful lady of Tai'an Medicine at the beginning.

For a time, the entire Los Angeles was in a state of turmoil, completely chaotic.

About 34 nightclubs, 85 bathing centers, 3 large casinos, and countless small shops in the city all suffered.

The whole event lasted until eight o'clock the next morning, and everyone knew it.

Overnight, Qin Lie uprooted the Sharktooth Gang and turned the Sharktooth Gang, which was still strong yesterday, into an Air Gang.

After the night, the Sharktooth gang was removed from Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Police Department was also involved in this matter, and they were announced by Barossa that 826 Los Angeles was cleaned up.

The reason is also very simple, nothing more than to clean up the biggest gangster in Los Angeles, the biggest moth.

This has become a major achievement of Barossa.

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