The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1942 Accompany To The End

Qin Lie believed that Rooney was scared at this time.

He can also trust Rooney Jr. to guarantee everything he says now.

But when the impression of a person goes bad, it is difficult to make up for it within a period of time.

So now Qin Lie doesn't want to care about him at all.

Pointing at the front door of the restaurant, he broke free from Little Rooney's hand, and said loudly, "Mr. Rooney, I made my words very clear, I hope you have self-knowledge, go out from the door of the restaurant now, let's get together and leave later. If I let the security do it, tomorrow's headlines may not be good for you!"

I felt Qin Lie's decision.

Rooney also gradually gave up the idea of ​​apology.

Finally: "Mr. Qin, is there really no room for negotiation at all?"

Qin Lie's expression did not change, and he still pointed at the door: "Get out!"

"it is good!"

Little Rooney's attitude changed again. He had already begged Qin Lie, but Qin Lie still didn't give him a chance, so he couldn't keep begging humbly.

Little Rooney straightened his back, straightened his suit, and said angrily, "Mr. Qin, you just made a very wrong decision to provoke my little Rooney in Hollywood, and you will pay for it."

Qin Lie can't be bothered to listen, his ears are calloused when he hears such a threat.

He said calmly: "If you want to take revenge on me, come to me at any time, and I will accompany you to the end, but now, please go out!"

Little Rooney snorted coldly, grabbed the hand of his female companion Barbara, and walked all the way.

Finally, at the door of the restaurant, he said loudly, "Mr. Qin, Director Ball, if your movie can be successfully finished this time, my little Rooney's name will be read upside down!"

After that, Little Rooney left the restaurant all the way.

Qin Lie didn't take his threat seriously at all.

Qin Lie, who has already brought down the Xiao family, can still be afraid of a Hollywood actor?

Ignoring it, Qin Lie patted Su Xiaoxiao on the back and motioned her to sit down and continue eating.

As for the rest of the crew, with the departure of Rooney, thunderous applause broke out.

The crowd cheered loudly, and almost regarded Qin Lie as a hero.

At first, so many people were dissatisfied with Little Rooney. Qin Lie gave everyone a bad breath.

"Hmph, this little Rooney, relying on his fame and unscrupulousness, killed him and thought he was the one who started the crew!"

"That's right, Mr. Qin is domineering and would rather spend 20 million more to invite Kaiqiang than his little Rooney. I'm so relieved!"

"Fake, if you don't do this, he really thinks our crew must have him!"

"However, Mr. Qin is still very powerful. He is so young and has so much money. He is a successful person!"

"Hey, we can't compare, we can't compare, we can only look up on one side!"

Everyone lamented Qin Lie's greatness, and Qin Lie became the idol of these actors for a while.

The follow-up was simple. Ball announced the process of shooting and asked each department to go back and prepare.

In the second half of the banquet, Ball also called Nicholas Keqiang on the spot and asked him if he would like to come and participate in the performance.

As a result, Kaiqiang said at the time that as long as the money was in place, he would do his best to make the film well.

He can come to the crew tomorrow to sign the contract, and he will be familiar with the script on the spot and start shooting.

This is also good news, and the selection of the character has been done easily.

After attending the banquet, Qin Lie took Su Xiaoxiao back to the villa together.

On the way, Qin Lie let Su Xiaoxiao drive the car because he drank alcohol.

The two are still very surprised by Rooney's performance.

There were only two of them left when driving, Su Xiaoxiao said while driving, "Brother Qin, I really didn't expect Xiao Rooney to be such a person in reality. When I watched "Mechanical Man" before, I still I've always regarded him as an idol!"

Qin Lie sat in the co-pilot and said, "Who is not, I used to like him very much, but he has ruined my goodwill today."

"Hey!" Su Xiaoxiao sighed, "What a pity, it seems that I really can't see people through movies. There is still a big gap between real people and characters in movies."

Qin Lie shrugged and didn't continue talking.

And Su Xiaoxiao remembered one more thing and asked Qin Lie, "Brother Qin, do you think Rooney is really going to take revenge on our crew? He has been fighting in Hollywood for so many years, will he give it to us again? What trouble did our crew cause?"

Qin Lie never thought about this issue at all.

He rested his hands on the back of his head and said casually, "What resources does he have, it's just some connections!"

Qin Lie paused and continued: "You don't have to worry about this, just shoot your scenes well. He has connections with Rooney, so it's possible that Director Ball has no connections."

"Even if Director Bauer can't hold it, there is still me, you put your heart in your stomach!"

"Okay!" Seeing Qin Lie so relaxed, Su Xiaoxiao finally felt relieved.

The two of them drove all the way back to the villa.

Qin Lie and Su Xiaoxiao are also considered to be parting ways. When they were in China, Qin Lie often did not take care of Su Xiaoxiao because he wanted to accompany Chen Xiaoyu and Bai Xianglan.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoxiao is not clingy or jealous, so she has been living well.

But in China, Su Xiaoxiao was the only one among Qin Lie's women at this time.

Chunxiao is worth thousands of dollars in a moment, and Su Xiaoxiao must be with him tonight.

This is also the reason why Qin Lie did not send Su Xiaoxiao to the hotel, but brought him home.

There must be a fight tonight.

In the days of the United States, Wei Weisi served on weekdays. Today, when Su Xiaoxiao arrived, Qin Lie let Wei Weisi go out for the time being.

In the bedroom, Su Xiaoxiao washed her body, and a hungry tiger pounced on Qin Lie.

At the same time, he threatened to tell Qin Lie: "Brother Qin, I must exhaust you today!"

Hey, Qin Lie likes people who talk big like this.

Seriously, things in bed have been experienced so many times that Qin Lie was dragged only twice.

Once with Bai Xianglan, it's been a long time since Qin Lie had four peaks in one night. Qin Lie really couldn't bear it.

And there's Vivis.

Vivis was specially trained by Capuo to do this, so she could often stimulate Qin Lie to the peak, and she also got Qin Lie to the peak four times in one night.

As for Su Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie doesn't believe her. She is filming outside every day. She has very little experience in such things, and her body is already weak, so it is impossible for her to reach such peaks as Bai Xianglan and Wei Weisi.

The last fact is the same.

The two tumbled and tangled on the bed at first.

Su Xiaoxiao's attack was still very fast, but after less than ten minutes, Su Xiaoxiao was counter-suppressed by the violent Qin Lie, and in less than ten minutes, he was sent to the top three times in a row.

Another half an hour passed, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't do it anymore, and kept begging Qin Lie for mercy: "Brother Qin, I really can't do it anymore, please forgive me, let's sleep, okay?"

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