The Deadman

Chapter 115: Their Provocation

The blow came for his head. Kato unsheathed the reinforced baton hidden on his forearm and blocked the blow. Leona, who was smiling, leaned forward.

“It seems that you live, Oswald. And so young as well. You look like you are in your thirties at least. What are your secrets?”

Kato turned to Simone. He raised his hands and shrugged. “I didn’t know she was here. And even if I did… it’ll be hard not to be curious about your identity.”

“That’s right, Oswald. I was quite surprised to find that you still live. Did Sir Hawke hide you from me? I was hoping to bear a good son from your genes – no, anything would do if you allow me.”

“Are you out of your mind, madam?” Kato bit his teeth.

She pulled her sword back, grabbed Kato on the collar and threw her to the sky.

Kato activated his deployable armor and wrapped himself in this exoskeleton-like carapace before landing on the training ground. She followed up, took a step in the air, and summoned four circle spells behind her, throwing arrows of arcane energy, moving like a rifle fire at him.

Kato wields his baton with accurate proficiency. His all-senses slowing down his perception, his free hand drawing symbols, dispelling the arrows before it could touch him.

Leona was a master combatant. Kato’s instincts told him that as she rushes in, using her magic to close in the distance. Within a sword’s length, she struck her sword out, that sharp whining sound cutting air.

Blocking it with little effort is impossible. He parries the blade, takes a step forward and thrusts his baton. Then he saw a smile on her face. She lifts her hand and pushes him.

Like a violent force of air threw him backward. He was flung away, and barely landed on his feet. Kato raised his attention, dodged a quick slash on his shoulder, and then threw a kick that the lady blocked with a sword's pommel. Using the momentum of the kick, Kato twisted his body, wrote a runic spell in the air and did the same.

“It’s fascinating. The skills and the ability to become a magus. One hundred years, Oswald. To think that you’d hid yourself well.”

“I was sleeping, madam,” Kato took a wary stance. “I would appreciate it if you'd stop this madness. I have no qualms with you. I only came here to speak.”

“Ah, yes, to speak is wise. Words itself is action, but my blood is simpler. I think you forget the shame that I felt back then. Ah, I was hoping to speak, but it seems that this warrior’s blood of mine unfortunately boils.”

Kato clicked his tongue and met her blow with a careful strike. Her vibro-sword has a high frequency that he wouldn’t be able to properly block. To parry her attacks Kato has to hit the flat of her blade instead of the sharp edge.

It was a tough fight. And yet Kato’s keeping. Kato has been fighting superhuman monsters, mutants, and mercs who are more monstrous than he could imagine. Leona is strong. So strong that he is glad that it seems she isn’t taking this seriously. Despite that, it has never been Kato’s style to take any violent attacks lightly.

His mind turned to steel. The emotions that were troubling him got burned in that void inside his head. Thinking too much was going to be a problem, and right now he’s just letting the skills he had known do the work for him.

Each strike trying to reach the lady. His mastery of martial combat that has been perfectly refined and repeated again and again has been induced in his head. In his other life, it has always been taught repeatedly in this virtual environment, forcing soldiers like him to adapt to the cruelty until they get good enough.

Killing a person requires the skills to do so. The experience to triumph over the menacing movements and finding a way to stall that movement and thrust your weapon into the enemy. The thought of pulling his gun out never crossed his mind. He can sense the protection from projectiles on her. Doing so is useless and he can tell he’s fighting someone who was able to cross the rubicon before the bug devoured the magic.

Each blow tensed his muscles. Each strike making him feel like if this goes he would undoubtedly find the arcane inside his body and the technology he wore defeated. He’s in a sanctuary and it came to Kato that this place prevents the functions of the armor he wore. He couldn’t release a bolt of electricity or use the sensors of his suit to his advantage. An interference that is clearly the work of the magic around him, tilting it to her favor.

The suit’s useless. He takes it off, the armor plating returning to his spine where it was attached. Kato breathed out, and used his off-hand to stop her attack, grabbing her wrist, before twisting his lower body, forcing a kick on the stomach of the maiden, who merely smiled more at the action.

She reached out to him. Kato ducked, shouldered her, and then followed it with an elbow strike she simply blocked with her forearm. She takes a step forward between his legs and then slammed her forehead against his.

Kato pushed his forehead forward. Eyes glaring at the woman who wasn’t willing to back down. The blush on her cheeks. The heat off her breath worried Kato more somehow.

“Good. This is good!”

She releases a shockwave in her body. Forcing Kato to take vie steps back and bring his weapon up. The baton’s beaten and bent despite being reinforced. He set the baton aside, and then deployed the plates of his deployable armor on his arms and legs, keeping the other parts of his body free. That sword of her was much more superior than the baton he had procured from Val.

Kato spots the curious children. Their eyes sparkling at the sight of the Lioness and a stranger fighting. He could even hear some of the young girls cheering for her. Kato didn’t lower his guard as he spoke.

“Let us stop this. This is a waste of time.”

“Not to men. The men of this era are weak. They speak so much and act so little. I am glad that some masculine men are daring to go back to their roots, and perhaps I find this quite enjoyable.”

Kato glanced at Simone who wasn’t moving from his spot. He saw this transparent barrier protecting the vicinity. When did he do it, was something Kato didn’t know. His focus on one target.

“The strength and your arcane arts would make for a good seed. Just imagine the child that will be born between us.”

“Sorry, not interested.”

“If you wish to bed me to gain your seed, I have no qualms. You hide it behind a suit, but I do like your physique. I do like my men strong and seeing you again reminded me of a shame that I think fondly of. Do not be shy.”

She spoke as if calculating the child that will be made. Kato felt disgusted, as if he can’t point out what’s wrong with it.

“I see that you approve of eugenics.”

“I do. They tried creating the perfect babies, but they lose this humanity that can’t be recreated artificially. In a way, I don’t think that I lack? I am quite confident in my own body. Or do you not like sturdy women?”

“Again. Not interested.”

She smiled and started attacking.

“Of course, make no mistake. I do not dare to do this to just anyone. You fulfill my requirement by this fight of ours alone, so how about you kindly give up?”

Kato dodges a wide slash. He breathes air out of his mouth and takes a defensive posture.

“Simone’s around here. Ask him, not me.”

Leona glances at Simone. “Unfortunately, he is a man who loves his wife. That excuse, I can understand. But I don’t think you have a partner or do you have one?”

Kato blinked. “Somewhat. So, can we stop this now?”

Leona smiled with her eyes and brought her blade down. “Chances like this are rare, and I have long wanted your seed. Just think of it as my instincts as a mother telling me that I need this.”

“You’re out of your goddamn mind.”

Kato didn’t know if this was simply a jest or not. But the look in Leona’s eyes made him somewhat fearful that she really might not just be joking about wanting to have a child born between them. He did recall the Lionheart family being practitioners of eugenics, and it seems the tradition is still retained and practiced even now.

“It is simply a request. Of course, I am willing to pay you for it. I am not that unreasonable, Oswald.”

“Would have believed you if you weren't swinging that sword on me!”

She giggled. “Don’t mind me, I’m sure that you understand that it’s not everyday you can find someone who reminds you of the past. Let me soak in these memories. If you want, we can talk, have dinner, and perhaps do it?”

“Quit fooling around already!”

Kato escaped a nasty overhead strike and then landed a kick on Leona’s side. The battle junky, this woman was blushing while fighting, and her dilated eyes with only him in it made him fearful.

“I am not.”

Something flashed. Kato could barely raise his forearm when he felt the impact of a small car crushing him. He got flung to the side and barely stood up. The lines on her body light, giving her this glowing body. Kato spat out blood, and then wrote a seal on the back of his left hand, then taking a boxing stance, emphasizing his forearms to his opponent.

Then it became a brawl. With Kato weaving his upper torso against the quick two to three punches. His mind was blank. With the only thing in his mind is to take on the punches, and return said punches with all the force he has. He didn’t care if she’s a woman, nor cared about what’s goal was. All he cares about right now is how to block, throw, and counter a punch.

Kato blinked. His right knuckle landed squarely on her right cheek. She smiles and strikes his left face, which she followed with an elbow strike on his collarbone.

Then Kato’s instincts told him he made a mistake. This isn’t a boxing match, no, this is her trying to somewhat wound him. For what reason? What was the purpose of drawing her sword and then beating him with her fist?

Kato didn’t know. He simply felt that crushing force against his chest as he was pushed on a concrete wall with his mouth spilling blood and muscles aching.

Kato stood up and took a stance. He removes the seal on his left hand, and then puts his weight on the punch, knuckles meeting Leona’s chin.

Nonetheless, Leona, despite being hit, gladly slammed her knee on Kato’s stomach, forcing him to squeeze his stomach in pain and then glare at Leona who landed on her butt.

This irrationality confused Kato. Nonetheless, he gritted through the pain, and looked her in the eyes.

He can feel his flesh being stitched. Simone, who seems to find this squabble absurd, stood between them finally. His eyes on the same path that Leona took.

“It seems that you people have quite the schedule. What brings you to this Sanctuary, milady?”

She carries herself with nobility and arrogance. Her posture is upright and confident, exuding authority. She radiates an intimidating charm that did not lose out to Leona who looked ragged compared to him.

“It seems that you are doing something very foolish, Leona. I wonder what are you creating a commotion in this sacred place? Or has age caught up to you? Did you finally went mad?”

Her voice was quiet, a note of steel in it that could not be ignored. She launched into a tirade, her words measured and controlled but filled with a tranquil fury that was all the more powerful for its restraint. A perpetual fury that was all the more powerful for the way she controls it.

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