The Deadman

Chapter 20: Twisted Rationale

He opened his eyes slowly. A white ceiling. That meant he wasn’t dead yet. Robert looked around him. He was hooked to an IV with his left arm wrapped in gauze. A familiar face appeared.

“Agent Wilson.”

“Enforcer Oswald.”

Robert tried to sit down. Wilson stopped him from getting up. He adjusted the bed instead. Robert blinked and looked at his hand.

“You heal fast. They gave you a potion of restoration. But you were bleeding hard. You punctured your stomach. Cut an artery and a broken rib that wounded your insides. How you are alive can be said to be about your blessed physique. ”

“Blessed, huh, well, it’s good to be alive. Where’s she?”

“Gone like the wind. When we finally got to you. You were dying so you took priority. The rest of the men were killed or bleeding as well so we didn’t have time to chase after her.”

He offered a cigarette. Robert wasn’t fond of smoking one at the moment so he passed, instead got him to give him some glass of water.

“One hell of a woman she was. Took down a lot of us. Then again, she was well-armed and knew how to fight hard. She’s strong as a man. And got the skills though.”

“You ain’t that surprised.”

“I dealt with the occult and the supernatural. A woman having the physical abilities of a man isn’t that extraordinary. But that girl was pure physical strength. Hell, I’m surprised how she wasn’t ripped like a man.”

Robert took a sip of his water. There was a look of resignation on Wilson’s face. A face that said that this was what his life was. He was familiar with this kind of loss. He wasn’t too surprised, Robert could guess. The rage that made him reckless was gone.

“Sorry about the loss.”

“Yeah. It isn’t new in this kind of field. Hell, this was mercy compared to how some of my men died. They got it better. Anyway, we lost the woman. Clear as day that she has connections in this city that helped her hide. We’ve asked around the city and they saw no signs of her.”

“How long was I out?”

“Four days. You lost a lot of blood. It’s a blessing that you woke up and you’re already healed so much. It must be because of the potion of restoration's effect as well.”

Wilson behaved as if he had something that he wanted to ask Robert. It was something that had probably been bugging the man. Robert could somewhat guess what it was. His guts told him that.

“You can ask. Not that I tried to hide it in the first place. To be honest I didn’t remember until I saw those crazed eyes of hers.”

Wilson searched his briefcase and placed the documents on Robert’s lap. It was photos and details of what Robert did before coming to Palermo. Specifically, it was after his military service, during the time he joined a crime syndicate in South America.

“Heard that name Oz so I thought to dig around. It was a nickname for one of the bodyguards working with a late Don. Full name is Robert K. Oswald. Invited to the family by a serviceman named Pedro Fernandez after he got out of service. It was during this time that he got the name Oz from the Don to shorten his name.”

He recalled. It wasn’t his memories, but Robert’s memories. Wilson dragged the visitor chair and continued.

“Spent two months guarding the compound. Then met up with a woman named Sophie, who they call Verus. Got to know each other, went out many times, and said to have spent nights outsides. Her real name’s Sofia Rita Grimaldi. Mother was half Russian and Italian while the father was Colombian with Austrian blood. Two got along well. Had a good relationship even. Some said that it was her first relationship. They even thought they’d go steady, but then her partner killed someone she really liked, stole a lot from them, disappeared from South America, and joined a Crime Family in Palermo.”

Wilson tapped a finger on the document.

“That’s one hell of a profile.”

“I’m surprised you dig out that much. I thought they had expunged most of my records.”

"They allowed me to look at some of them."

Robert could vaguely remember now. He wasn’t really interested in digging out what Robert did before he became part of CASE. But recalling that blood-crazed look made him realize how lucky and unlucky Robert was.

“Did you steal from them?”

“No, I didn’t. Killed the guy, that’s for sure, but it was friendly fire. I had no choice after that. Had to leave for Italy because everything was too hot.”

“Everyone thinks the same, well, except for your lover. Jesus, of all the people that you had to have a former relationship with. It has to be that crazy woman. How the hell did you do it?”

“Don’t know. Ask my past self. Have no idea.”

Robert tried hard to think about what he did. Maybe he took advantage that she wasn’t so experienced and managed to get into her pants. It’s horrifying how nice she was when she wasn’t bloodthirsty.

“Well, it’s clear how you two aren't so good now, seeing that you two tore each other apart, literally.”

“There is no misunderstanding here. I did kill her cousin because of friendly fire. I wouldn’t deny that. But stealing from them? I didn’t do that. But I guess it doesn’t help that I got seen working with an Interpol Agent.”

“Sure doesn’t.”

Wilson took something out of his pocket. It was the charms she was using to deflect the projectile from hitting her body.

“She was using La Muerte’s trinkets. They are quite popular in the South Americas. Especially to the Sicarios who liked cleaving people’s heads with their machete. Brings the fear of God on them when the bastard they shot shrugs off the bullet.”

Robert studied the button and then handed it back.

“You think she’s trying to kill me as well?”

“Obviously she is. If you didn't put up a fight. You'd be gone by now. I guess Ferric hired her and her handler to protect his interest. She should be out of commission for now, like you. You’re off the task for now. I can’t have you roaming with that kind of wound still around.”

“True. Hey, I’m not going to say no to a chance to rest.”

Wilson had a rather curious expression on his face. It was hard to describe what he was thinking. Robert had to ask what was on his mind.

“I pity you, Oswald. You don’t seem to like this kind of life.”

“I don’t. But it doesn’t mean that I can’t live with it.”

“True. But you also understand that with how things are. You must live this way until you die. You’ll have to fight the impossible. Face the eccentric because your fate’s bound to this organization. Even if they are gracious enough to give you a way out. You are always going to be acquainted with this side of the world.”

Robert understood that well. Both of his lives had always been living recklessly. He had tried to settle down once. To live a life that didn’t need him to fight hard. For a moment there was no light in his eyes, but thinking of that optimism he saw as light in the darkest days.

He stomped on that despairing feeling. He breathed out and thought hard about how to deal with this woman. But Wilson had an idea on how to deal with a brute like her.

“I think we should contact her handler and present some evidence that you didn’t steal anything and it was friendly fire. Make them work for us if possible.”

“And spill the beans about this side of the world?”

“They already know. Using these charms alone makes it clear that they already have an idea of the side of the world. Oh, I’m angry as hell, Oswald. But I am rational. I hate being this way, but if we could turn their guns towards their client, then it would be worth trampling on my pride.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“My men were ready to die, always. They were Professionals and on this side of the world, it’s easier to turn them into assets. It’s how we live.”

“And how do you expect to turn them to our side?”

“I have many friends. And I know that Sofia Rita Grimaldi is supporting a family, specifically, she is supporting a little girl called Selina Romaguera. I have made contact with Mrs. Romaguera and told her to contact them and give me a call.”

“Straight to her family?”

“These types always have one button that needs to be pushed. And that button is family. Well, I hope she'll settle down and have a conversation with us. We’ll renegotiate with them and try to make them turn their guns to the client.”

“Do you even have the budget for that?”

“They’ll pay. And right now CASE wants to find these monsters who are harvesting the innards of children. So rest up, Robert Oswald, and let me handle this. If we can’t deal with them physically, then we make it hard for them to act.”

Robert looked around him.

“Hey, did you recover my things?”

“We did. Here’s your phone by the way and this just in case.”

Wilson handed the phone back to Robert. Before he left the room, however, he took a pistol out of his coat pocket and placed it on the bedside table.


The hospital room that he was in was not far from the headquarters of CASE. Wilson climbed the staircase and got out of the building and entered his car. He drove his car and then answered the call he was expecting.

“Miss Sarah Woods. It is a pleasure to speak with you.”

“Agent Wilson… if that’s your actual name. We don’t appreciate you contacting the civilian world. Those people aren’t part of this.”

“They are now. I don’t usually take it personally, but you killed my team and worked with a group that takes people's lives as if they are products. Selling fucking people, harvesting their innards, and draining their blood. I’m not that fond of morality when the people that I talk with are associated with that kind of people.”

“Hmm, so what do you want from us?”

“We’ll pay you. Turn your guns away from Ferric and keep Verus away from the Officer that I am cooperating with.”

“So it really was Oz, then. Has that rat always been working with you?”

“Not really, if anything he’s a new addition after the people that recruited in Palermo got fucked over. Unlucky fella, accused of stealing money, now hunted down because of friendly fire.”


“Don’t care about the affairs. I like Oswald, a good guy, but I’m not that interested in his previous affairs with Miss Grimaldi. Here’s how it’s gonna go. Stand down. Get your money and intel. Point your guns away from our target and we’d get along just fine.”

“Aren’t you generous?”

“Not usually. But right now I want to find the bastards more than finding that woman who killed my boys.”

“You don’t sound convincing with that kind of voice, Agent Wilson.”

“I have a big heart. I’ve been doing this for years now that loss is something that comes with the job. How you turn that loss into benefits is what keeps you afloat in this kind of profession.”

“You live a hard life, Agent Wilson.”

“Hmm, it doesn't matter if you agree or not. I said my piece, Miss Woods. I hope that your judgment is correct.”

“You made your point, Agent.”

Something fast flew and went through his car’s window. Creating this ring of cracks that shattered the car window totally. Agent Wilson grunted, and then said blandly.

“Touché, Miss Woods. But this doesn’t change anything at all.”

“I see.”

“The documents should be sent to you now. I hope that you make the rational choice, as I did, Miss Woods. Please call me back on this number. Have a good day.”

Wilson placed his phone aside and looked at the window.

He sighed and thought to himself how he’d have to get it fixed.

Thank you for reading!

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