The Deadman

Chapter 3: A Promotion

Robert’s Apartment actually belongs to him. No, it would be best to say that it was something he inherited from his grandparents who were originally staying in this city. It's one of the reasons why he was in Saint Lucius after escaping the Americas and joining the Commission. He already had a home here so it was convenient.

The apartment itself had two large rooms with the bedroom having a double bed. 

It had a living room with an open kitchen and a small bathroom where one can take a shower or take care of business.

The Living room had a balcony with a view of the Mediterranean Sea. There was a lawn chair and a small table. Robert only had two vices. Hard to believe that a young adult in his twenties was already this overworked. 

He was addicted to booze, cigarettes, and watching television.

A reasonable-sized apartment for a single man. He was living quite okay. Better than he did in his past life. Robert looks around and crashes on the couch. He turned on the television. He hadn't seen a CRT television for a while.

The shows on the channel were familiar.

They were imported from abroad. The television shows were full of comedies and sitcoms. Some of the actors' faces he could remember. The rest of the actors were a blur to him. The rest of the channels were local shows he didn’t really care about. Though he found a documentary channel that suited his taste.

There were similarities. He even found a music television showing music videos and reality television. 

The best thing he found though?

He discovered a channel playing the cat and mouse cartoon he used to watch on a pirate streaming site for fun.

He found himself watching it.

Treating it like some damn sport.

“Come on now Tom, you have to stand up to yourself. Don’t let that cunt Jerry do you like this. Why do you never win even in an alternate world?”

Robert watched the show with frustration and grievance. His entire being was focused on the show. He kept on watching the show until his stomach made a gurgling sound. He looked inside compact fridge. Only a few sausages were in the freezer. The rest’s water. No booze. No snacks at all.

He turned off the television and locked his apartment. 

He went downstairs, took a right, and found an outdoor cantina on the waterfront not far from the living street his apartment was. 

He searched his wallet. It was dusty and almost empty. 

It had enough to buy food at least.

He orders one Saumon à l'oseille

A salmon filet with sorrel in a creamy fish sauce.

As he ate the food, he realized how little there was to eat. Maybe he should have got fast-food instead He looked around. Takes a look at the Mediterranean Sea before placing his eyes on the stain he left on the plate. The waitress placed a cup of water on the table and walked to the next customer.

“I got my vacation… at least.”

He leaned lazily on the seat while watching people pass by. 

Time passed. 

His phone rings. 

He fishes it out of his pocket and answered it.


“This was Saint Lucius’s Branch. Am I speaking to Mr. Oswald?”


“Good. Please go to Newman Street, and enter the designated building. Please bring your ID, badge, and the letter you received from the Commission. We will reissue you a new one.”

“Can I take my time?”

“Please be punctual.”

“Got it.”

Robert ended the call. He leaned on the table groaning. He searched his wallet and finds only a hundred euros left. He left the cantina. Finds a cab, and tells the cabbie to take him to Newman Street. 

He got dropped off next to the bus stop.

He searched his memories for the building. 

Robert found the business building on the corner of Newman street. 

He walked up to the receptionist and takes his ID, badge, and letter out.

The receptionist inspected them before allowing him in. 

He was just going by the memories and letting his legs carry him to the entrance. 

He found the entrance and entered the code to gain access to the underground complex underneath the building.

The complex was full of uniformed personnel. 

There were soldiers, associates, and the rest were Enforcers who were going after some task assigned to them.

Robert headed to the office to get himself promoted. 

As he walked someone recognizes him.

“Man, you really got out of that alive, shit, Robert.”

The man greeting him was someone who he recognized. Roger Falcone. An Enforcer working for CASE for five years already. There weren't a lot of active Enforcers. Most of them get shot or thrown into a situation where they have little chance of surviving.

Supernatural Anomalies were not so common. But most of the time they had to deal with Cultists or Psychopaths that have been addicted to the Call of the void. Then there were the usual Spawns that were made from whatever mistake someone made dealing with the Occult, which needed people from the Commission to fix.

“Uh, you alright there Robert?”

“Kind of.”

“Saw that mess. Gee, you got balls on you. How the fuck did you survive that mess?”

“Patience. And shooting everyone on sight.”

“Hmm, got a new look on you. Heard you’re high grade now. Grats about your promotion bud.”

“Going somewhere?”

“Algeria. Boss told me that I should go to a village called Daïat Labguer. Hamlet or something.”

“Taking a plane?”

“Yup. I still have a Business in Rome so I’ll go there.”

“Sounds busy.”

“Only a few of us and our multinational organization don't have much of a strength after most of us got killed years ago.”

“Must be tough.”

“Salary’s good. We get to travel, but most of the time. But International folks like me are a rare breed.”

Roger Falcone’s the one who recruited Robert. He was the one introduced him to this hell after an Agent captured him. Robert pocketed his hands.

“Good luck on your trip.”

“Sure. Sure. Congrats again.”

Robert watched him leave before finding his way to the office. The bored guy that was on his desk scrutinized him. 

He was one of the Agents of the Commission, a superior that they follow orders from.

“Nice work with the cult problem. You have every Cleaner hate you right now for how big of a mess they need to clean up. You know how big the sewer system of this City was right? It’s a good thing that our host country was so forgiving.”

“Do I get a bonus? I’d like it in kuna or euros please.”

“Aren’t you greedy?”

“Euros then?”

“You’ll get 5k for the good work and a sufficient bonus for surviving. That should pay the bills and get you something nice. Did you hand over your badge and ID?”

Robert took out his ID and badge.

“Get your new ones on your way out. You already know most of the basics. You'll be a high-grade Enforcer from now. That means you’ll take care of the paperwork and work on cases independently. The only people you’ll answer are me and Colonel Skylar Sinclair.”

On his desk was his full name. Lieutenant Richardson Clarke. One of the Agents that is a full-blooded mage that received full education as a Mage. According to what Roberts knew, he was from a lineage that fought with true magic, killed demons, and hunted old dragons, and True Demons.

That power’s been diluted through the years. 

But he could feel something off with the way he was looking at him.

“We also have another side task for you.”


“Unfortunately you cannot rest easily. But don’t worry, I’m sure that this one doesn’t need much. It’s on paper only. You’ll be assisting a Wunderkind.”

“A what?”

A young man entered the room. One look at the person and Robert could tell from his look how much confidence he had as a person. The type of person that Robert did not want to spend time with.

“Meet Simone Wyllt. Simone needs people to be checked once in a while. Still lacking in magical abilities, but Simone’s the most pure-blooded out of all of us.”

“Oh, such a prodigy.”

Simone looked him up and down.

“He doesn’t look much.”

Simone pointed at Robert.

“Mr. Oswald here had proven himself capable. His records are quite lacking, but his recent case alone suggests that he was the right person to sometimes look out for you. He’ll be assisting you with any of your concerns. If you need it."

“Do you really think I need help, Mr. Clarke?”

“Not really. But it’ll be useful if you do. He’ll assist you if you need it.”

Robert looked at Simone and pocketed his hands. He looked back to the Lieutenant.

“Is this all?”

Simone looked at him. He might be expecting more fanfare at meeting a Wunderkind or a Mage. It should be a happy occasion. But to Robert, he was a pain in the ass. An extra responsibility.

He doesn't think that they’ll introduced someone like him unless it’s really important. Whatever Simone will accomplish sounded like trouble to him. Then again, this was nothing more than meeting a new acquaintance he needed to check once and then.

“That was all. Please check on Simone while you’ll still have the chance. Simone had a habit of overworking.”

“Got it, Boss.”

Robert took one look at Simone before sauntering out of the office. He went to the armory to retrieve his weapons and equipped his holster with two semi-autos with six magazines hanging on them.

He took his time on the shooting range to get used to his new pistols. After spending time in the range he went to the cafeteria where he ate. Two hours after hanging around, getting acquainted with his new workplace. 

Robert started working on gaining information that he wanted to check on.

Java was released last year. 

There was already a google search engine. Not a lot of things in it yet but it’ll do. 

He had taken a look at the map of the world. 

He took notes of the changes in the world map and made a mental note of what he knew was different. 

The one thing that stood out the most to him was how the Mediterranean was spilling into the Black Sea.

Most of the programming languages he knew were now around. 

Having his own cubicle full of paperwork, Robert looked at his flip phone before concluding sincerely.

“Looks like nothing much had changed even coming here, huh? Still overworked like a big fool.”

Robert leaned on his desk and sorted out his paperwork.

Taking care of it while he's still here in the headquarters.

Later on, the organization's courier handed him his new radio and delivered his new ID and badge for him to use.



“Good. Now, will you stop asking me about the ritual?”

“That’s a lot of body count for a new Enforcer.”

“Do you see why I’m asking Enforcer Oswald to check on you?”

“I do. I was half-expecting that you’d make him my guardian.”

“You have the Blood of Emrys. If we didn’t think you have the potential then we wouldn’t have invited you in the first place. You have finished your studies. That’s good. But you are not fully fledged. Truthfully, if it wasn’t for that blood. I’d rather have you start from the bottom.”

Simone’s arms folded. 

Simone checked the report of the incident before tossing it back on the desk.

“So what am I supposed to do then?”

“I’ll train you sometimes. If there was a job that needs to be done. You’ll be supporting them. Simone, mages like us are a dying breed. An automatic weapon can wither our defenses and shred us like papers. The only difference was that we can use our own energy as weapons. We can attack and defend without needing a gun. There are a lot of rogues who are using their abilities for different purposes. So it does not make us special. But you came here because you felt that obligation. You know how dangerous untamed magic was.”

“You look tired, sir.”

“Anomalies one after another. And now dealing with cultists. We are about to enter the 21st Century. How many more years will us mages exist?”

“As long as they exist. We have to exist, sir.”

Lieutenant Richardson nodded his head.

“You have potential. All of us know that. But you must understand that the Commission had been active as of late. Grow into becoming a powerful agent, Simone Wyllt. We need more Agents in this troubled world that we can depend on.”

“I will, sir.”

“Good. Miss Sinclair will contact you after this. If we are lucky, the one behind the incident will not cause problems in Algeria.”

“Do you expect problems, sir?”


The Lieutenant slids a piece of paper on the table.

“These are our contacts. You can call Enforcer Oswald if you need assistance. All the contacts are in here.”

Simone took the paper. He groaned at one of the names listed.

“Miss Hela Dupont as well?”

“Do you have problems with her?”

“I was told she was dangerous.”

“Not always. She’ll be in touch.”

“Where was she?”

“Germany. She’s taking care of the artifacts that we’ve recovered. We’ve found some of the pieces that the National Socialist Movement gathered. She’ll be moving to Austria before coming here. ”

“I see. She’s quite busy.”

Simone visibly relaxed

“You don’t like her?”

“She’s… eerie.”

“Her family had a history of being intimidating. You can learn from her, boy. Do not let fear control you. You can learn a lot from her experiences in the field, Simone. ”

“I won’t. That will be all, sir.”

“You may go, Simone.”

Simone leaves the office. 

Lieutenant Richardson took the dossier and put it back in his filing cabinet. He turned to his computer, changed the entry for Robert Oswald, and approved his promotion as high-grade Enforcer of the Commission.

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