The Deadman

Chapter 37: Business Of The Rotten

Predictable was one of the things Rubio had noticed from these people. They are powerful, but they lack the subtlety that his American friends have.

Subterfuge and Cunning were the trade of his people. He had learned from the best the Vietcong had to offer and enquired of former veterans in doing his job for him.

Rubio had them on the highest payroll. Gave them a briefing on what may come and what may happen. And so my friends were guarding all of Rubio’s assets.

From the lowest-earning to the highest. Rubio ordered his men to look out for his businesses, equipped with the best gear and the methods to kill them.

It costs money to kill a magician.

And silver bullets made from dilapidated uranium are expensive.

The current team that Rubio was monitoring was preparing for trouble. Rubio had always believed that the Sin-Eaters were not so kind as to let him go. The Order of the Solar Temple, although disheartened by Rubio’s choice, still remained in contact and refused to get involved when it concerned the Sin-Eaters.

It was a port in Tripoli.

“No movements, boss.”

“Keep on watching.”

Rubio stayed on the ham radio while watching from the CCTV that they controlled remotely on the port. Wearing a trench coat over his suit and a gun holstered on his chest.

No movement.

No traces of anyone but his gut feeling told him that there were.

Positioned on vantage points where they were ready to take out anyone that enters the seaport without permission from the authorities. He had thought of how to deal with the enemy’s ability to cloak themselves in darkness.

They might be able to hide their presence through the use of magic. But they can't hide the heat of their bodies. He had his men equipped with thermal goggles to detect their movement.

If you want to defend against the unthinkable you have to do this much. Underestimating those who wield arcane arts will lead to death. Not to mention he had personally seen once how these magicians operate. And Rubio had never thought of underestimating his enemies.

Fight with the mind to win. That’s what Rubio had thought to himself ever since the Mentor that raised him had taught him.

The rain brought down much windfall. As the ship was loaded with all the cargo and assets that were about to be transported. Rubio got a call from one of his men about movements coming from the side of the port and on the roof of the warehouses.

“Magicians confirmed,” the man with a thick Asian accent said. “Awaiting orders.”

“Copy that, observe their movements, they move to the ground team then prepare to shoot on sight, over.”

“Copying, more magicians on the left of the port. Three of them are here, boss. No, four of them are observing the port.”

“If they start to notice you. Shoot. Don’t let them cast a spell.”

“Roger that. All teams are to shoot on sight when magicians are suspected to cast.”

Rubio waited with bated breath while watching the CCTV footage. Then a shot came from one of the cranes. One of the magicians fell down face-first on the puddled concrete.

“All ground teams are to retreat to the vessel. Carry any goods. The rest keep an eye on them as they retreat.”

“Roger that, boss—”

The voice was cut off. He saw one of his men from the top of the crane being split in half by a magician. The attire confirmed them to be part of the Sin-Eaters.

Then a shot came to that magician.

Followed by three more shots that the magician wasn’t able to evade.

He had briefed his men about the charms and trinkets. So he had them coordinate their shots by carrying two extra magazines for the silver bullets that could break through their defenses.

The gunshots sounded everywhere.

On the screen saw his men fighting against the magicians. He had expected the magicians to fight back fiercely, and although it was going according to his expectations. The loss of men who can fight magicians was hurting him.

Indeed, he was a man who sold people. Who had people harvest organs of those who he bought for profit. And yet despite all that he felt the loss of his people.

Father Gomez was right that they were people full of hypocrisy. How can a man who sold people still have the heart to care about the men fighting under him?

He reasoned to himself that this was nothing more than his hurt for losing people who have worth in them. People who can help him make a profit.

He treated them right. And in return, they treated him well. He had attended their relatives' baptisms and weddings. He was the godfather of some of their children.

And yet here they were fighting for him against these people.

How will I tell some of them today? Can I even go home today?

Rubio folded his arms and listened to the radio as they fought. Battles were not flashy and the killing spells were quick to kill. When the fighting settled down, two out of the five teams were left. The rest were killed with otherworldly means while those who survived were shot but kept alive by his men, and were stored in a shipping container with a gun constantly pointed at their heads.

The authorities were already paid off. The news was going to tell a story about how terrorists attacked them, but the port authorities managed to subdue them.

The ground unit left by boat any trace of the magicians were burned while his men were brought inside the ship and were prepared to be sent back home in their coffins.

Rubio spent four hours informing their families of their death. Their reactions were harsh and full of grief. And yet Rubio Ferric was patient. He allowed them to mourn.

After the call, he visited the prisoners with a pistol in his hand.

Hanging upside down with a half-drunk expression. Rubio could recognize the face of this magician.

“Tobias Haas. I hope that you are still alive and rational?”

“I am. Hmm, I guess this can be counted as a mistake on my part. To teach you and your men about our tactics. You did well, as expected.”

“I was expecting more.”

His eyes were on the gun. Rubio sat down on the stool and told his men to make him sit down. His men looked at him warily, but Tobias asked for a cigarette instead of casting a spell. He lit his cigarette and took a drag.

“My body hurts.”

“This is not personal, Tobias.”

“I know. It’s business. If anything, I understand that this can happen.”

“Surprisingly calm, aren’t you?”

“You see a lot of things. I led those men because I was composed. Seeing that you haven’t put a bullet into me. You have something to say?”

“I do not mean to fight you Sin-Eaters. The contract still stands even when we have come to blows.”

“Indeed, you are a man of reason. That's why I do not spit at you.”

Rubio does appreciate a man who could keep calm. Then again this wasn’t the movies where they’d shout so many things. Humans were beings who’d do everything to survive. So far, Rubio hasn't met one that wouldn’t bend to live.

“You killed my men.”

“And you killed mine as well.”

Rubio nodded slowly. Tobias stared blankly at first, before squeezing the rage out of his body. The man could control that rage. Keeping it in. And yet Rubio understood that killing this one would not give this worth anything.

The men that died for him were one of the best.

And yet faced with these magicians only two of them returned alive. Once again solidified his belief of fighting these magicians would be a waste of time, money, and resources. It was costly.

“Losing magicians… especially Mages like men are costly as well. I can persuade them to let you go. Pay us the compensation. Fulfill the contract and we’ll bury this.”

“I need assurance. I don’t think a society like yours would easily listen.”

“Maybe. But you underestimate yourself, Ferric. You own one of the most hardened organizations in Pan-Europa. And you showed your fangs again. No wonder the Master made a deal with you. Unfortunately, we have to cut off our dealings.”

“Circumstances make it hard for me to continue it.”

“I understand. When you fight the Magi Families. Chances are that they wouldn’t stop until there is nothing left of you.”

“And yet your people fight. You sacrifice bodies after bodies for what?”

“Who knows? I’m just a grunt serving a master of the occult.”

Rubio could tell that this was something Tobias wouldn’t talk about. He held his chin with a solemn expression.

“I will not pursue this. But I want you to tell your people. Your cult. That if they come after me despite all the compromises I have made. I will not stop. I will die trying. We will die trying. You have my word on that.”

“I will keep my word as well. Your men would shoot me dead if I don’t. I can offer you my word.”

“It’s not enough,” Rubio said. “I want a binding one.”

Rubio started calling a number and then brought it near Tobias’s ear.

“Tobias Haas.”

“Sueno. I didn’t think that the OTS would still be in contact?”

“We have our ways. Make a binding contract and I will make sure that it will be done.”


“I will come back after I discuss things with Sueno. You will be treated fairly but know that if you decide to do something or even try to cast a spell. They will shoot you dead.”

Rubio discussed where Sueno was. After discussing his services and the compensation, Rubio bid Tobias a goodbye while still guarded by his men.

The ship passed the strait of Gibraltar.

And sailed near Vila Baleira where Sueno was waiting for them. Using one of the fisherman’s boats to climb aboard the ship. He went straight for the container where Tobias was staying. He was having a meal and his bruises were treated.

“Sueno. You finally got here. I was enjoying my meal.”

Rubio stood next to Sueno. He clasped his hands in front and silently told them to get to work.

Sueno took out a leather parcel. He asked for a drop of Tobias’s blood and then mixed it with the ink. Using a pen with a feather to draw a contract while both were speaking a language that was like a gibberish echo.

After the contract was written. Sueno told Rubio the content of the contract. Rubio was not the type to trust blindly, so he had Sueno take a contract as well to make sure that the contents of the contract can be trusted.

The points of the contract are:

The Sin-Eater cult will enter a non-aggression pact.

The purchased product will be delivered and the actions taken will be amended.

Both will compensate one another and shall stay within the bounds of the pact. Any threat to these clauses will break the contract. The receiver and signer will receive an echo that will signify if any of the clauses is broken.

Looking at the contract. Rubio handed Tobias a burner phone and had him flown back to Tripoli from Vila Baleira alongside Sueno. After two days of waiting near the Madeira Islands.

He got a call from the Cult Master of the Sin Eater.

“Mr. Ferric. I received the contract. It really is a shame that we had to part ways like this.”

“I can say the same, Sir. But with how things are I can't risk my organization. It’s not personal.”

“We will not interact. But if business allows it then I will find you.”

“I wish you luck in your battle, Cult Master.”

“To you as well, Mr. Ferric. I hope that a businessman like yourself will still be around at century’s end.”

The phone call was cut off.

“I hope so too.”

Rubio put his hands behind his back and whispered.

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