The Deadman

Chapter 54: A Courier 2

In an era where affordable beauty’s available. Robert was somewhat confused why Boss Pei remained as he was. He was an old man in his fifties that was sporting more prosthetics than anyone he met so far.

Robert was curious. So he asked, to which the Boss replied that he lost some of his limbs because of diabetes. Some parts of him got gangrene and to keep himself alive he needed meds that constantly supplied him.

Boss Pei, to Robert, seemed like the type to excuse that he still could eat what’s bad for him because a medicine of it exists.

“I ain’t sipping on MRE or astronaut food. World’s already has shitty food and you want me to torture myself? Aiya, I can’t stand to live like that.”

It was night. Robert climbed up the second floor where the lights were on and knocked. Gu opened the door, looked around, and then let him in.

“You smell like beer. Can you walk steadily?”

“Try me.”

Gu didn’t hesitate to give him a straight punch on the head. Robert tilted his to the right, easily dodging his punch without moving his whole body.


Gu grinned. He leads Robert inside where Boss Pei’s having a street prosthetist check his implants. 

“Boss Pei,” Robert walked near the wall and crossed his arms. Gu stared forward.

“Oswald, I got a job for you. Hmm, you smell like chemicals.”

“He’s steady, Boss.”

“Is he?”

He pointed to the packaged item. Robert used his all-sense  to scan the box and identify the contents and then walked idly after sensing what was inside.

“The package belongs to a Barbie named Mimi. She’ll be expecting the package.”

A Barbie was a woman who had her body configured to please a certain range of customers.  Robert was sure that what he was delivering ain’t a phallic object, but still he did want to see what a Barbie and ken was.

It was slang for folk like them. He could guess where the slang was coming.

“Deliver the package. No questions asked and when we confirm that it's delivered. We’ll wire your pay. As usual.”

Robert carried the package and placed them on the bag of his motorcycle. He scanned the area with his all-sense and searched his PDA for the address.  Connecting the PDA’s data to the smart glasses, he looked at the rotating map display on the bottom of his vision and followed the GPS’s waypoint.

Lux City at night remained bright. Neon lights and neon streets. Everywhere you could find hologram advertisements and if you turn on the advertisements you’ll see them even twice. With his all-sense Robert was able to avoid people who had ‘malice’ and ‘greed’ on them. They were glowing red and it was easy enough to get past them.

This ability that remained with him had been his secret in avoiding people and reading them. Their glow was different and through interpreting this glow that he could semi-read them.

Silver when neutral.

Blue when friendly.

Red when hostile.

Green when looking at inanimate objects.

Gold when they are of importance to him.

Those are the only colors he could see when tuning into his black and white vision. Like an aura that highlighted their bodies. They also left a trail so he knew where they would come and go. It was an ability that allowed him to see sounds and hear shapes. It was convenient, but it required concentration.

Avoiding encounters, Robert slid his motorcycle on the alley. This neighborhood looked cleaner and sterile than the district he passed and he could see drones watching. He looked around before climbing up the second floor where the barbie was living. Before knocking, he scanned the inside and saw a woman going through the motion of manicuring her nails.

Robert knocked twice. The woman inside grabbed a pistol and pointed it on the door.

“Boss Pei’s gift is here,” Robert said. He took a step on the side of the doorway as it slid open. The gun poked out. She turned to the right and glared.

“Well, you look the part, Ganic.”


“Hand it over.”

Robert took a pad out and pointed a finger on it, “Sign please.”

“Sure,” she thumbed the scanner and then wrote her signature. The notification bell confirmed that the delivery was signed by the owner. “Leave it there, will you? I’m going to need some help if you don’t mind. I can tip you.”

Robert nodded. He took a step in and saw the wardrobe she had full of outfits and cosplay.

“Oh, and if you’re interested I have a card there.”

She was a tall woman with pale skin and large eyes. She styled her hair red purple that was as long as her waist. Robert can see that had this distinct look that made her look like she was playing an animated character.

She unrobed herself and started working on her auto-doc machine. She was bare from top to bottom without a change of expression. She extended on her claw and cut through the package. From the looks of it, the package was a module.

She laid her body on an auto-doc chair. Robert went to the computer operating the auto-doc.

“Okay, I just need you to put the module and run the program. It’s hard to fuck it up.”

Robert placed the module on the slot and ran the preset functions. The woman laid still on the chair while the straps put her to place. She was injected with something as the auto-doc started taking off the synth-skin and removing the implant.

“If you’re wondering. It’s a new vagina module.”

“Oh, you okay with doing it here?”

“It’s fine. Cheaper this way. I might have to get the skin fixed up before getting some work. What?  Does it bother you? Seeing a woman change her privates?”

“Seen worse.”

“Oh, have you? Name’s Mimi by the way, haven’t seen you before. New?”

“I am. Boss Pei hired me a week ago. The last delivery boy got zeroed when driving in red territory.”

“Ouch. He was a good customer. Had this weird fetish about kissing. Would have enjoyed it more if he didn't always have an onion breath.”

“Was it that bad?”

“It was. Well, that’s one less customer. Are you interested? Like I said, I have a card there with my services. I can even allow you to take this new part’s virginity for a fee.”

Robert took a curious look at the services she offered. From the apartment and the auto-doc. He began to understand why she could afford to live like this. She has premium services with even a link to her premium page a client can subscribe to her content.

She was more of an escort than a street walker.

Robert whistled, “Must be earning a lot.”

“Why do you think you can afford a place in this district?”

“Fair point.”

She studied him.

“You’re fully organic?”

“I am.”

“What? Scared of shredding meat?”

“Not really. Just don’t see any reason to do it.”

“Odd. I thought you men like to have cool robot arms.”

“Maybe. But the cost of cyberlimbs are high and maintaining them can be a hassle. Besides, I’m strong enough without it.”

“Confidence. I like that. Hmm, you really do feel natural. Don’t have that look of people that bulk themselves up artificially. Hmm, you could work with me. People like a lot of fully Ganic men. How about it? If you’re shy I can always put a mosaic on your face. I can’t get pregnant so you’re free to come in and out without worries. I’d split the profit.”

“What an offer?”

“Eh, I’m for real here. I’d need a partner anyway and if you’re lacking in length, we can always go to the doc to get you an implant,” she grinned.

“I passed.”

“Really? Oh, sorry, if you swing the other way. Didn’t mean to offend.”

“No, I just don’t think that I want to be in a porno.”

“Boring. Or are you one of those voluntarily celibates?”

“Not really. Let’s just say that I still can’t move on.”

“Oh, a heartbroken man. How spicy. Bitch left you?”

“She died.”

“That must have hurt. Must love her so much if you can refuse such an offer.”

“Maybe. Lately, those feelings are fading away. It’s still around, but not as fierce.”

“Oh, then you need a good woman. So, about that offer?”


“Well, your loss. I won’t give you a discount. Not that you can afford my services. Ouch.”

Robert checked on the auto-doc, “It’s working fine, but you ran out of anesthetic so you can’t use it until you buy another cartridge. So, your customer has a fetish you need to please?”

The auto-doc took out her old privates and placed it on a disposable bag.

“The kind that wants to pop cherry. He wanted to have a virgin that he can pop so I have to get a fresh one with a hymen intact.”

“Must be paying a lot for you to do this far.”

“It’s a trip somewhere in the Maldives and he plans to rent it to me for a week. Fulfill his fantasy or something. Have to act innocent and all of that. Roleplaying is tiresome, but it pays enough.”

“I see.”

The auto-doc starts patching up her lower part.

“Does it get dangerous?”

“There are times. But mostly they don’t get harsh since I did sign up to be protected by certain sponsors. If I don’t return home then they'd sue the client and make sure that he pays ten times. And you know what? Intimidating a client about suing them is much more terrifying than threatening to kill him. Though there are folks that can’t be intimidated because they reign at the top of the food chain. Usually avoid them. Hard to get involved with the corpo affairs.”

Robert ran a diagnosis and performed a scan on her. She was customized and was 50% organic. And even he could tell that some of her netics are meant for other purposes.

The auto-doc stopped moving. She took hold of herself before pointing at the towel nearby.

“Can you get it for me? I gave you a show so it might as well be useful.”

“Here you go,” Robert handed over the towel. She reached out for a hand mirror and examined her new privates.

“I was sure that you’d be disgusted or something. Break some fantasies or something. I really thought you were the kind ”

“I’ve seen worse things in life and a woman changing her body part isn’t really that new to me.”

In the future he once lived in, it wasn’t so strange. It was like going to the dentist and getting a tooth pulled out or a new one transplanted. Of course it was more refined in the future, but nonetheless it’s hard to get excited about the procedure.

“I wonder if Simone will get spooked by this kind? He’s a Mage and a strong one so there might be a chance that he’s lurking in the shadows.”

Robert recalled the people he worked with in CASE. It wasn’t even a year, but he appreciated them. He had wished that he could have gotten to know them more.

Especially Wilson, who was quite the agent. One hundred years was long enough for people to pass away. It was an awful feeling. Not being able to at least say a goodbye or farewell.

“You’re making a lot of faces there… uh?”

“Just call me Robert, miss. Just thinking about some things.”

Mimi wore her bathrobe and injected something on her arm that visibly calmed her nerves down.

“Anyway, thanks for looking out for me. Here’s a tip for you. I’ll be ordering some supplies later. I’d leave a good review, see ya!”

Robert saw a notification confirming a 30k transfer from Mimi. He bid his goodbye and took a glance of the city before moving on. It was another delivery job done well.

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