The Deadman

Chapter 63: Out of Jobs

The problems with megastructures was always their engineering and cleanup. The use of drones allowed the cleanup of the outside of the tower to be more efficient, but a mega tower that consists of a hundred floors and multiple rooms IS hell to clean.

So there are times where the towers have to be cleaned and when that happens there is a new sensation that occurs. A sensation that leads to this annoying drizzle that perpetually wets the streets, causing everyone in the vicinity to be bothered to wear rainwear. The worst part of it all was the salty taste and smell that the water leaves behind. Robert had heard that the water they were using came from the ocean. 

He had seen the phenomenon before. And considering how sterile the upper districts are, it was hard not to guess which place they were willing to clean up to give this place a much more cleaner look while every place was cluttered in filth and some drone’s trying their damn hardest to clean up the trash.

It was one of those cleaning drones with a simple algorithm. It had been banging its head on the side of the wall. Out of mercy Robert grabbed the drone by the head, turned it around, and let it walk the other way.

After a few minutes he didn’t see the drone because of the fog that was being made by the drizzle. It was man-made rain caused by the giant structures, and that rain was greatly inconvenient.

Artificial Salty Rain continued to grace the city. If it wasn’t for his smart glasses. Robert was sure that he would have lost some sense of direction. His vision was great, but it was hard to keep focus when salty water entered his eyes.

Robert continued walking until he reached the tower that he was told to go to. He had a cleaner look than usual. Raincoat, a slightly formal suit, and studded boots.

Boss Pei said to him that he needed to clean up if he wanted this delivered. The one that wanted the delivery was some higher up in this tower. He already had the package. He had the access tokens and everything to get in. The security personnel had checked him and the package. He left most of his gear in his motorcycle while he only kept his deck and the hidden gun in it.

The interior of the building was what you’d expect from one. Too clean and sterile that he even wondered if someone was told to make it look so spotless and cold. It was cold inside both in temperature and appearance. Everyone wore their suits like uniforms and went on like the drones he had seen cleaned up. If anything, this air felt like it was a coolant to keep everyone’s implants in perfect condition. A walk-in freezer of a tower that seemed to suck the soul out of anyone who’d work here.

But they need to live.

The receptionist who saw Robert approached looked up. Her chemically colored irises scan him. She had that expression Robert had been somewhat to guess what her next words would be.

“Are you… ?”

“I have no internal and external implants if you’re asking.”

“I see.”

Her face returned to the professional and polite face. It came to Robert lately that it was very hard to find someone who looked built and muscular like him without implants. Even those who work in corporations, who prefer internal implants such as bioware. An imperfection that is caused because of the ‘look’ and ‘weight’ of the implant. You can tell what is real and what is not. The human eye had this way of recognizing it.

“Please scan your access token.”

Robert scanned the token and let the professional scan it. After confirming that everything was correct and proper. He was given access through the token. Robert proceeded to the elevator waiting for him and stood inside while carrying the package on his side.

It was a long way up to the top where he was carrying the package. After reaching the top of the floor where he was expected to deliver the package. He got out of the elevator and faced two security guards whose cyber hands were trying to grab him. He wondered if this was a tradition of this era. To grab someone immediately to check up on him.

They were fast because of their implants. But Robert wasn’t slow either with his reflexes allowing them to escape their grasp and then stood a meter with his hands on the package.

“No touching. I came here to deliver a package to Mr. Keith Vowell?”

The security guards stood frozen with their cyber fingers twitching. Robert stared at them dully. The security guards were ready to pounce on him if it wasn’t for the intercom blaring out.

“Let him in.”


They did not have an opinion as Robert passed them. They went back to the post like they were drones. Going further in the office of the receiver. It was an office that screamed rich. The decorations alone were enough to show-off the wealth of the individual using it.

Which brings Robert to a question on how in God’s good earth was Boss Pei able to have contacts within this sphere of influence? His workplace wasn’t completely legal, but nonetheless to have the interest of folks from corporate was enough to make Robert ask.

The person in question looked even more expensive. Expensive synthetic skin with Kevlar enhancement. Synth-hair that seemed to be reactive to light and gold-tipped fingers and oculars that had a clearer and artificial look than most of the eye implants that Robert had seen when coming to this era.

His suit was clearly top of the line as well. The appearance of it alone was enough to give Robert the thought that it was an expensive suit that cost millions.

“I see that Pei managed to get me the product. Seeing that you are unharmed means that there is no loss in this transaction? I expected the best courier, after all.”

“The product is unharmed.”

Robert produced the scanner, biometrics, and signer from his pack. He placed it neatly on the table where Mr. Vowell signed it and thumbed it.

“Package delivery is confirmed.”

Robert placed the package encased in metal. He pressed his thumb on the scanner and the package opened, revealing a storage-type device inside the casing.

“A Pandora's box,” Mr. Vowell remarked. “The beginning and the end. What you see here, Courier, is a collection of history. I’m surprised that Pei managed to find this piece.”

He took the storage device and then inserted it into his desk’s slot. He connected the storage device to his optics.

“Are we done here, sir?”

“Not yet. I want to confirm that this is real. Pei's trustworthy, but he isn’t without flaws.”

Robert nodded and stayed standing with crossed arms. He focused his eyes on Mr. Vowell who was scanning the storage device. He could see heat coming out of Mr. Vowell’s neck as he scans the storage.

The office interior got colder as he continued. Robert could see his breath and even feel his saliva froze at the temperature. It wasn’t until he finished scanning the storage that the room began to heat up again. Mr. Vowell was releasing heat from his body. It made Robert wonder how many parts of Mr. Vowell is organic.

“It really is the storage device. I must commend Pei for this. He proves to be a worthy contact. You can leave now.”

Robert was in the need to know basis so he turned around and walked out of the office, passing the security guards, and headed back to the lobby.

Crossing his arms, he listened to the elevator music for a few minutes. Out of the elevator he sauntered to the entrance and then stopped as he saw the defense drones circling in the lobby. One of the drones scanned him and then the access token.

“Access token detected. The Visitor only has five minutes left. Purpose for token… approved. Unknown package is delivered. Please surrender your access token to the receptionist before leaving. Failure to comply will result in neutralization and arrest of the Visitor.”

Robert ambled to the front of the receptionist and surrendered the access token. After surrendering it, he took a step out of the tower and felt the salty rain bearing down on him again.

He contacted Gu through his smart glasses.

“Job’s done. Had complications with a few waiting for me. Managed to avoid them without a hitch however. They seem bigger than ever. Even got trackers on him.”

“That they do. Surprised how you manage to evade them. Anyway, payment will be wired to you as always, but Boss Pei needs a word with you.”

“What for?”

“Dunno. Just come back here. Fuck, I hate this rain so much.”

“You shouldn’t complain when you aren’t riding a bike in this kind of shit.”

“Told you to take the car.”

“And get it wrecked? Nah, it ain’t easy to evade someone using four wheels.”

“Boss’s waiting for ya so come here soon.”

Robert turned his smart glasses off and went back to the same sidewalk. He saw the drone again banging its head on the pavement. He stared at the drone for a long time before sighing.

He walked past the drone and navigated his way back to the parking space where he left his motorcycle. He mounted and rode out of the parking space and went back to the main highway, spending minutes dodging the reckless drivers and then scanning for anyone who might have a goddamn grudge at him.

Taking the street back to Boss Pei’s warehouse. He slid the motorcycle inside and saw the horde of couriers going back and forth. It made Robert wonder how many of them are going to deliver their package successfully.

“Yo, Rob.”

Gu called out. The man was still watching his newscast. He was ‘monitoring’ the warehouse alongside his boys. Tintin was with him. The half-borged bastard was half staring with that flashing red eye of his.

“Hello, chum.”

“Don’t get decked again, Tintin.”

“Is that why he has a new face plate?”

“You punched him hard enough. Don’t take it seriously. It’s tradition to scare courier boys, I just forgot to tell him that you were premium.”

“No hard feelings,” Tintin said. “It reminded me that I need more plates on my body. You punch good, organic-man.”

“Boss’s waiting for me, I gotta go.”

“Sure man, anyway, me and Tintin here gotta keep these fools straight.”

“Busy day?”

“Raincoats and umbrellas, Robert. It’s that season.”

Robert climbed up the second floor. He stretched his legs to the Boss’s office and found Boss Pei finishing a call. He sighed. Placed his augmented hands on the flat of the table.

“Good job. You have not disappointed me so far. Mr. Vowell is a powerful man working for BRAVE industries. Disappointing him will cause us more than losing a customer.”

“It’s a simple job.”

“Bah, if only they were as competent. You have good instincts and your skills are top tier. If you were my employee I’d have you strapped with cash, mate. But Freelancers, always looking for Freedom. Any plans to work for others?”

“Not yet. Not like I know other folks that need delivery.”

“Good,” he tapped his fingers on the table. “I’d give you a job, but we don’t have many premium jobs left. Could deliver smaller jobs, but no, let the small-time ones take it. Might uncover some gems.”

“That storage device must be important, Boss.”

“It was, but it’s out of our hands now. We only find, store, and deliver. That’s how you do things here. Lest you get every territory paranoid fucker in the business pointing their guns at you. Anyway, I really don’t have anything to give you at the moment.”

“I guess ain’t got a job for a while then.”

“I’ll inform you if there is one.”

“I kinda didn’t want my day to end with being jobless.”

“Don’t be dramatic, Oswald. You’ll get one. I don’t think you are lacking cash either.”

“I’m not. Guess I got free time. See ya around, Boss.”

Robert left the warehouse with his personal motorcycle and looked at the drizzle that had lessened before speeding back to his apartment.

He’d have to find something to do while jobless.

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