The Deadman

Chapter 70: Another Curfew

Robert leaned on the wall of the warehouse while watching Gu’s newscast. Gu was either watching his virtual idols or his newscast, both local and international.

“A Junkyard massacre shocks the locals of the District. Reports say that it could have been done after the gang members tried to steal a power loader belonging to a Corpsec. Corpsec replies that they have no involvement in the matter, quoting, “We have always been forward in persuasion, more than violence.”  Which truly shows the morals of the Corpsec operating in the junkyard.”

“You think it’s the Vults that did it?”

“Nah. Too clean for those fuckers. I don’t know who does something like this, but clearly they have one hell of a grudge. With this, there’s barely anyone left of them. I guess their mains are shitting their pants. Lot of their mems got killed by one angry motherfucker.”

“You think that it’s done by one?” Robert asked.

“Who knows? Could be the same guys that are trying to kill them. Wouldn’t be surprised if they angered one.”

“Strange, that we don’t get any footage or news about this guy.”

“Well, he’s been doing good work in covering his steps. Disabled footage, and even the blacbox on their neurals get fried so there’s nothing to retrieve. I guess that it’s a digital camouflage that affects the perception.”

“Any holes that they could poke through?”

“Doubt it. They did try to make it accessible for legal citizens to easily uncover it, but the thing is that everyone who gets one unofficially always makes sure that the blurring effect doesn’t go away.”

“Of course, it only works because most of us have digital eyes. So even if they do record it, all they’d see is just the blurred and censored appearance. Really though, you are asking about this?”

“Was curious since it had been in the district.”

“Dude, there are hundreds of that shit everyday. It’s just more noteworthy since it’s a big cult they have. These fucks have been always a problem. Well, I guess it’s a coverage they can’t miss since they have been like a pus that doesn’t go away. Always coming back, copycats and so on.”

Robert shrugged.

“Guess, it’s  a normal business in this city.”

“It is. Don’t be surprised about it. They are always like this. You are interested in them, Rob.”

“Cause they seem to be trouble. I even heard that the Vultures aren’t as much of a headache as them lately.”

Gu stared at his newcast. His finger tapped on the chair he was sitting on. He eyed the newcast before looking outside.

“That’s natural rain.”

Robert followed his gaze outside.

“Actual rain?”

“I think so. Hard to believe it. Ah, I did remember that it’s nearly going to be winter. Man, this is your first time here in this city, so you better get some winterware since it’d be hard to move without it.”

“Croatian Winter is mild, right?”

“It is, but it’s not like it was a hundred years ago. The world’s changed, man, you can be clueless about shit like this. Did you hibernate all your life or something? Live inside a rock next to a sponge?”

“Maybe? I am ignorant of the affairs of the future.”

Gu leaned back and then eyed the couriers entering the warehouse. Some of them are battered and bruised. Sometimes, Robert forgot that some of the couriers don’t have it good. They didn’t have the all-sense to avoid hostile people.

Those who don’t return their package and deliver them usually get cut and their pay is taken from them. Uncle Pei gives them three chances, and when those three chances are used up. They get fired without any pay.

It was the coming winter season. Many folks tend to shop for products and items that they earned from their pay. Robert had spent most of his pay in acquiring electronics and gear. Although he knows that he had been stronger because of the effects of his serum and the enchantment of that deadman.

A strength that far surpasses his previous life. He could have done more by turning his body into metal, but replacing your parts with steel means that you are losing what makes you human.

It also means losing your magic.

Robert instinctively knew somehow what it would do. Science and Magic do not coexist, and if one is stronger it disrupts the other. Science now rules the world, and all esoteric practices have taken a step behind in the shadows.

Robert particularly didn’t feel guilty about his reliance on the all-sense. Having the advantage was always better. Although he does feel that some of the platinum couriers are ignoring him because of his rather perfect work in handling packages. He wasn’t that kind to let them have them when he could do it himself. Uncle Pei had reason to give the delivery job to him because of his competence. He had not lost any package and had been doing his job perfectly that there was simply zero reason for Uncle Pei not to give the package to him.

If there was a disagreement, it would be settled with a brawl or a bribe. Robert had been earning an extra on the side by letting other couriers, who had lasted long in this kind of work, to do the job for themselves by refusing a delivery. Everyone had quotas and they were willing to give up a few credits just to let them handle the job.

They might lose credits, but they gain rep and credibility by delivering successfully. At first, they came to him with their arms raised, but after exchanging punches, and then knocking their lights out, some of them stopped with it. There were people who tried to threaten him at gunpoint, but it was usually the hidden gun on his gauntlet that gave him enough time to move and disarm the one threatening him.

His eyes were fast enough to follow where the barrel was pointed. Nonetheless, it was a sorry sight seeing others trying their best. He wouldn’t be able to live rather well if it wasn’t for the all-sense.


He was about to leave the warehouse when the city started notifying everyone about a gang war near the middle of the city. Knowing that chaos was coming, he headed to his apartment. It was around ten minutes away from his apartment that someone called.

“Yo. Need a ride.”

“Julie. Have you heard about the trouble?”

“No shit. Lot of of people are saying that there’s going to be a curfew. So yeah, I need a lift.”

“Where are you?”

“Electronics store. I need a new case for my phone.”

“Okay wait.”

Robert turned his motorcycle around, driving five minutes to the electronics store. He found Miss Legs scratching her head at the  local news declaring that a new curfew was coming. Not far Robert could hear explosions and gunshots ringing out against the noise of the city. Police aerial vehicles, and then even a swarm of drones were heading to a certain location. One of the droves hovered on the street they were on.

“All citizens are to enter their respective premises. All citizens caught while the city is in curfew will receive appropriate punishment and will be labeled as possible collaborators. This is a warning from the LCPD.”

Julie glared at the drones before climbing on the back of the motorcycle with her hands on Robert’s shoulders.

“This city’s going to make me bald someday.”

“Miracle hair tonics are around, it’s okay, man. Hey, how about trying white hair and red contacts?”

“What? You horny freak.”

Robert swung the motorcycle violently. Julie clung around Robert’s body and then started cursing at him like a sailor would.

“What the fuck, stop. I don’t want to spend a thousand on hospital bills.”

Robert felt uncomfortable playing around with a motorcycle and stopped immediately. He thought it would be funny first, but somehow he felt his insides churn.

“Okay, wow, that didn’t feel as funny as I thought it would.”

Julie placed her hands back on his shoulder. He could feel her looking at the goods she had hung on her left elbow.

“Vibrators again? Maybe one of those beads?”

“I’m not that horny.”


Julie snorted loudly, “Have you been talking with the Boss?”

“Yeah, she told me some interesting stuff when I visited her. Really, it must be nice to have a Boss so benevolent. But, do you know the Boss’s name?”

“Don’t ask. She doesn’t give her name, believe me. I’ve tried to, but she has dummy chips. John told me to call her Sis ‘cause she likes it. All that I know is that she worked as a smuggler once. Then I got enough money to purchase the right to open a chain-nar under the name of Eden.”

“Why do I keep meeting smugglers, gangsters, and all kinds of people in the ‘I do awful shit’ profession.”

“Eh, not really new, especially when you live in our district. I actually hear a lot about how you punched some junkies around Old Theo’s landfill. Got a few dissatisfied couriers who got their shit kicked in by a chump with little to none Netics on him. Words get around the streets easily, you know? Small world.”

“Oh, you scared of me now?”

“Honestly? I served a guy with only his chest and head that was organic. He talked for four hours about the folk he killed. I told him that I was afraid of him that if he ever threatened me, I’d prolly just pee my pants. I was really afraid of talking to that asshole, but thankfully he was a professional. One of the few who visits the bar, and doesn’t hide that they do contract killing.”

“Must meet a lot of them.”

“I do. I got used to it. Violence isn’t really newsworthy in this city anymore. But people talk about them because of that shit inconveniencing their life. Doesn’t matter if you’re some kind of cold-hearted killer, the traffic’s still going to piss you off.”

“All that excitement in life and in the end you go back home. Then pass the hour either in your own mind or doing some hobby you enjoy. My life’s not that exciting, and although I hear a lot of stories in the bar, those stories are theirs, not mine. Never been the kind who wanted to become some badass who makes everyone shake their knees. Respect, and all that kind of bullshit had never interested me. I’m quite content with my Lot in life.”

Robert drove past a red light. Julie knocked on Robert’s head as he then navigated his motorcycle around the alley.

“What’s up?”

“Violent thugs. Could sense them a mile.”

Gunshot rang on the street they just crossed. Julie whistled behind Robert as if impressed.

“One hell of a gut feeling. Sheesh, and all of this because of some asshole choose to murder a bunch of cultists. I mean the fucks deserved it, but shit it’s hard to be glad when we get curfews because most of their members come out guns blazing for revenge.”

“You think they’re going to get wiped by the LCPD or the gangs?”

“I hope they get zeroed. I mean it’s the second time they did this. And I think some of the gangs are going to take their rackets.”

Robert inhaled, “Even if one gets taken out. Some assholes come taking over.”

“Not a hard thing to imagine. They’ll never stop. Someone or something will always come out on top and then proceed to earn the same.”

“Quite a pessimistic view.”

“It’s a realistic take. And most of the Corposec profits from their activities somehow.”

“You can never win, huh.”

“Well, if you somehow met a God, then asked God to stop all of this. That’s one way to stop all of this.”

“Shit, I missed my chance then. I actually met a God before coming here, Julie.”

“What drugs were you on?”

“One Hundred Years Sleep?”

“Ah, Rob, I actually meet a 10/10 blonde with large tits, hourglass figure, and had pure sex for a voice. But as a proud independent woman, I had to refuse her because she wanted to baby me. I can’t live like that.”

“Says Julie with a pained voice, dreaming of her dream girl while getting free rides from a poor overworked courier who she doesn’t treat with her alcohol coupons.”

“Fucking poor courier. Get that shit out of here.”

“I am poor. Have you looked into my apartment?”

“Cuz you a cheapskate.”

“I spend a lot of money on electronics.”


Julie went silent and then groaned as if she was in pain, “God I wish I’d meet a beauty tomorrow.”

“Could take drugs to make yourself manly.”

“And lose these legs of mine? Are you insane?”

“Yeah, it’d be a shame to lose your beautiful legs.”

Julie stopped talking for a moment, trying to process what Robert said. “So, you are into legs? Or just thick juicy thighs?”


Julie gasped, “Rob, are you sure that we aren’t siblings?”

“I am not a degenerate though?”

Julie clicked her tongue, “You should have stayed as a cool and silent client.”

“I can still go back to that, though?”

“No, too late.”

Robert sighed deeply, “Seriously though, why do we end up talking about this lately?”

“I dunno. I mean we can always play some games or just go out drinking. Oh God, I don’t have many friends, do I?”


Julie went silent again. Robert dropped her off in front of her apartment building. “I’m going to cry in my sleep for now.”

“Uh, cheer up, I guess?”

She looked over her shoulder, “Sooooo, no strippers?”

“Jesus Christ, woman.”

“That’s a no, then.”

Julie grinned and then waved her hand, “Thanks for the ride, Rob.”

“Don’t tip me.”

“Okaaay, I wasn't planning to.”

Robert watched her get inside her apartment. She saw him staring and lifted her middle finger gently and then went inside her apartment room.

Robert laughed lightly, mounted his motorcycle and stared at the opened newscast on the top left corner of his smart glasses’s HUD. The Soltemps Cultists were fighting the Vultures who suspected that it was them who were putting hits on them. The rest of the gangs of Lux City, who got hit by the strays went mad and now every faction was using this chaos to profit and advance some of their goals.

The killings had been attracting attention. Every Solar Temple Cultist killed, the angrier their peers become. Even without that, he had heard rumors about movements in the city. Old Theo’s landfill being brought out, and other variables were changing some scenes in the city. Even Uncle Pei had told him in passing about why there were so many premium packages lately. Most of the customers were either gangsters or Corpsecs.

It didn’t help that the PMC’s that the Corposec invited were starting to gather in the city, with their guns and machine ready to be pointed to whatever their masters wanted.

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