The Deadman

Chapter 72: The Magus Comes

An aerial vehicle was hovering above one of the mega-structures. On the side of this megastructure, was marked with the logo of the LORES Consortium, one of the few Consortiums in the world that ruled the area of expertise when it comes to augmentation. The company was founded after the millennium bug and had been building reputation behind the shadows, building up its connections, introducing products that were only available for certain clients.

It was around the year 2030 that the products were revealed to the public. The company came under scrutiny after it was accused of human rights violations. The accusations went nowhere, the company managed to evade them by proclaiming that they were nothing more than a blatant slander and a ‘conspiracy’ that was set to ruin the company’s reputation.

The company had shown numerous evidence of their ‘lawful’ testing. Testimonies, testaments, and records of their test subject agreeing to their wavers and allow them to experiment on them. Most of the subjects were pristine, and although the company had been transparent about their examinations – there were cases that had been placed under question because of the inhumane treatment.

However, those who saw the benefit of a stronger body, and convenience made it easy for them to integrate the technology to the human body. It was around 2050 that the world started to change drastically. Men lived on the moon, a community encased in domes in the red planet and men that had fully turned into steel. They said that it couldn’t have been possible until the advent of transhumanism that cheapened the stock of flesh.

LORES Consortium led that development. Uniting multiple companies, turning them into branches. A megacorporation that was predicted to be the first owners of a city planned in the future.

He had heard of their plans to turn humans into creatures who could withstand the environment of mars. Encasing their heads with this protective layer that allowed them to live even if their suits were compromised.

“What a change,” he said.

He had sincerely thought that he had seen everything. The perks of being long-lived was that he had seen the world change before him. The city that he had viewed as beautiful had turned into a cesspit of crime, a world of concrete, steel, and glass covered in a fresh coating of neon lights.

He remembered the simple days. He closed his eyes and immersed himself into those old days once more. The aerial vehicle that he rode never gave him a chance however, making him feel discomfort, groaning like an old man whose sleep got interrupted.

“We have arrived at LORES Tower. Proceeding with landing procedures, submitting the transponder codes.”

He muted the on-board AI and leaned his back on the seat. He took a sip of the champagne and then stirred it before groaning as the landing procedures were complete.

“Landing process is over. Access token granted as VIP. Logs are subject to privacy. Shall the visit be recorded?”


He got off his seat and saw the employees of the Consortium welcoming him. He could feel his magic stir at the amount of technology near him. He was more sensitive to the advent of magic because of his status as a true mage.

Technology was like an allergen to folk like him. Think of technology as this distortion of natural materials, twisted beyond their purpose. Because of this distortion, magic doesn’t flow into it without being confused.

The unnatural is rejected by the likes of magic. It vomits it out and then rejects. It’s the stir of technology itself that worsens them and there is likely more reason for them to stay away from places that give the stir.

But true mages like him were able to avoid this simply by being strong. Their magic could resist the stir of technology and failure to cast were mostly limited only to those who had not reached the level that he was in.

Wind moved him sideways. He followed a clerk in an elevator and stood while tugging his clothes. Behind the elevator glass he saw this barrier of clouds that blocked the view of the city. From the distance, he saw the ever bright sun that gazed over the world domineeringly, painting the clouds with its light.

No matter how many years passed. The view from above never fails to make him gasp in wonder. So many years on this earth, walking the walks of life, passing through many, watching friends who were not long lived die. 

It had been a while since he thought of it. The world was cruel, humans remained as they were, and even as the world slowly turned into a cold place. There was one thing that remained bright.

No, he doesn’t believe in that slop about the world being cruel. Maybe others will disagree with him in that regard and many had frowned at him for saying that while spoiled and living in a place separated from the poor and the starving.

It was natural that some had it good while the others had it bad. It was like asking why there was wind and storms. It was how it was and had not changed ever since humanity had started farming.

“A beautiful sight, isn’t it clerk?”

“Yes, elder.”

“Am I that old?”

He laughed while watching the clerk figure out what to say. He tugged on his cloak and took a step out of the elevator, letting the clerk lead him into the white and clean corridors of the building.

It took a minute of walking for them to arrive at a room protected by layers of steel hidden underground. It was a ten minute wait in the elevator where he only had the clerk serving him as they passed the floor.

When the floor opened he was greeted with security armed in power armor and tech rifles that were only available to the highest bidder. The clerk had fears in his eyes while he remained unfazed, unimpressed by the majesty of that armor.

“Sir, they are waiting for you.”

“Thank you.”

He turned and gave the clerk a nod before following one of the security deep inside the underground area. He waited patiently and then entered where he felt the gaze of five individuals.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

“You must understand that the traffic was so…. Troublesome.”

“The air must have started being congested.”

They said no names. Did no introduction. As if they were old friends that had already been sick of each other’s face.

He sat down while tilting his head.

“You called me so early. I assume that there is a great reason for doing so? You know how we operate lately, so many demons, abominations, and anomalies that my men are so eager to die. Your works had doubled the threat, and mages who know of the Nonmagi Pact are slowly fading away. I find it surprising we lasted this long… considering how things are.”

The five in the room didn’t speak. One of them however operated a device that brought out a screen full of information. On the screen was the appearance of men and women who had their throats slit. Such murders were nothing new, but there was a one thing that made him curious.

“The cult… the Solar Temple. Aren’t they just copycats? Fools who knew nothing of their old ways.”

“They are, but they are useful idiots after we took care of them totally back in ‘99 before we lost our powers. But some of them remained true to their purpose and had been desecrating the dead, and causing malice.”

He laughed as if amused, “I didn’t think that you all would be so concerned by the deaths of fakes and of a few. Oh my Lord, have you all finally been brought back to humans? Has your heart softened?”

The one behind the device ignored his remarks. Continuing in the presentation that was prepared.

“All the victims of this attack had been killed by a single method. There is no footage. No witnesses had been able to identify anything other than his grudge for this old cult.”

“And how does this concern me?”

The image changed to a power loader found in every junkyard and landfill. This one was a familiar model that he had seen. He did remember playing with it once.

“We believe that a mage has done this.”

The air froze literally.

“I heard it right?”

“Yes. We believe that this is the world of a rogue mage who had done this in revenge. We believe that this is a wind blade that had cut up this power loader, not to mention this–”

A photo was shown to everyone. It was a photo that meant something to them. Runes that were written in the form of a seal. Only those who had learned sealing and the binding of light could do it. And as far as he knew, there was no Enforcer who had learned that technique after the bug ate magic.

And so he immediately assumed that this was a work done by a mage. His face hardened at the sight of this seal.

“Did this mage leave any other evidence?”

“There are traces that a wind blade was used to kill some of the people he had encountered. What we can assume is that he is after the Solar Temple members.”

He tapped his finger while looking at the work done by this ‘mage’. But nonetheless, he asked a question that stood out in his head.

“And so what? If a mage has a grudge then it’s not mine to interfere.”

“Of course, but the after effects of this killing had disrupted our businesses and do you believe that a mage that is not known should remain unknown?”

“Unknown?” he glared. “What do you mean by unknown?”

“We have no information about this person. Do you think that we would bother you if we can solve this ourselves?”

A mage after the millennium bug was a person who could only grow by relying on certain relics, and growing through acquiring these esoteric methods that are contained and protected from the eyes of the people. There is no mage that had been trained in their academies, in their towers, and in their hidden communities that can’t be identified.

There were only a few mages in the world left and those who have been trained to become naturally part of an old pact that remained even after the end of the era where they ruled.

“This rogue mage does not belong to any academy, school, clan, and even association. We’ve accounted for every mage and wiseman there is, but there is no trace of this mage.”

“Then have you not traced this one with technology? I believe that you have made devices that could reconstruct the crime scene.”

“Jammers exist. And I believe that this mage is well-versed in technology.”

“Bullshit. A mage being fond of tech? How can that be?”

“It is what it is. It is the only possible reason why we can’t track this mage through our methods. Investigation is going slow and the ripples caused by the killings have made a stir.”

Factions in the city had started using the chaos as an excuse. Organizations started making a fuss and now chaos ruled the city. All because of a loose mage that decided to kill the cultists.

He knew what had to be done. But a mage is precious no matter what the era and from the greed in the five’s eyes. All of this was for the sake of filling up their pockets while also giving him and his organization a profit by acquiring a mage – if it comes willingly with him.

“We have reason to believe that one day this mage will attack the headquarters of the Sons of the Solar Temple. I believe that if you intervene, then there will be less damage done. And if this mage refuses the pact, then I hope that this problem is cared for.”

Magic is nothing to what the world can do.

But it was still a power that held a lot of possibilities.

And many had hoped they would witness the rebirth of magic.

But magic itself is a privilege to a few, and a secret that must remain a secret. It was a precious wonder, but it was also a gateway to the devils of the old world.

Demons roam the shadows and half-breeds mingled in. Behind all this wonderful technology, the malice of the world remained an eternal threat to them.

The misuse of magic could lead to temptations. He couldn’t allow it. That was the promise he had made to the old leader of his organization and was also the promise he had made to the current leader of his organization.

“I hope that you will see this through.”

“You are overworking this old man to death… while sitting in your chairs. But very well, I will ask the Lionhearts interfere with this. I, Simone Wyllt, shall accept this request on behalf of the Commission Against Supernatural Entities, and in accordance with the Nonmagi Pact. I hope that you will assist in removing our traces as well.”

And so, Simone the Magus, one of the last of the ancient bloodlines, had entered the old city again.

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