The Deadman

Chapter 83: Out Of The City 3

Near the Port of City. Leaning on the railing of the balcony with their eyes on the Ship called Isimud. It was a strange ship that could carry tons of shipment while remaining so small outside, when in truth most of the cargo of the ship is on the bottom of the deck.

Strato repeated the footage they got from that guy and then sighed before smoking his cigarette. 

“I have a feeling that something else is going on,” Robert said. “Was that the other thing? Or is this coincidental as well?”

“I have a lot of things that I need to work on. One of those things is that. In a way, I wanted confirmation that they are doing that. Looks like you have an idea what it is.”

“In a way.”

“You’re familiar to it”

“Not really. But I met bastards who just wanted one jab to become superhuman.”

“A superhuman is quite attractive. It skips all the process of replacing limbs with sturdier ones. I had opted for bioware once, but it was somewhat lacking compared to steel. But you Robert, you don’t have implants, but you are enchanted, aren’t you?”

“You could say that. I met someone that made my body stronger naturally.”

He didn’t have implants, but he had been enchanted by his soul being merged with another, and through sleeping for one hundred years, meeting the Deadman in that space, who said to have given him some enchantment that was painful, but was something that he was able to do because of certain circumstances.

He never did understand what he meant by burning his internal organs with a dragon’s acid. Was it some sort of formula or was it a literal dragon’s acid?

“How was the process?”

“Terrible. You could say that it might be the reason why I fell asleep for a hundred years and missed a lot of things. So in a way, if you’re asking if it can be replicated? No, it can’t be. According to that guy, this world is closed–off already.”

Robert didn’t say that he knew some formulas that were naturally handed to soldiers in his other future that boosts the strength of a person. A concoction was nothing to them and was handed out in dozens so one could survive in a sky that could melt them. In a way, the formula mutated, and with the intervention of the Deadman, became something else.

It naturally strengthened him.

In a way, it can be called an enchantment.

“So what are your plans for it?” Robert asked.

“I’ve confirmed it now, so it’s a matter of taking action. I have a fleet here that will not hesitate to agree to my request. A fleet full of drones that could ransack that piece of shit place without worry. I do need boots on the ground. Bots are prone to error and a facility like that is bound to have problems.”

“Don’t have any assets in the fleet there?”

“Europe’s keeping us busy. In a way, I need to ask you this favor. The drones will take care of most of the bulk, but expect resistance along the way. Of course, I’m not sending you alone. I’ve had Val watch your back.”


“You gotta understand Val. She’s kinda like your ex, Verus. In a world like this, she needs to have a grim look all the time. Can’t show weakness and all of that.”

“Whatever happened to her anyway?”

“Hmm, Sofia Rita Grimaldi. After that whole business in 1997, she went back to South America and stayed there for thirty years. She remained a beast herself and did some work for our side as well once in a while.. Found a man that she liked, got four kids, and laid her weapons down and settled down. Once in a while she would pick up her guns, but never went back to fight after the fourth child. She was quite a woman. Naturally strong that there were others who were curious about her genes. No one got lucky  to be given a sample. When she passed. She got cremated by her sons and was laid to rest alongside her husband. Died without injecting a damn implant.”


“What? Missed her?”

“No, just thinking about some things.”

She was ‘Robert’s’ first and last love. Knowing that she went somewhat normally, brought Robert some peace and regret. Personally, he wasn’t interested, but some of those fragments of emotions clung to him.

“Anyway, Val will keep watch your back. I can attest to her skills myself.”

“Is she a military kid?”

“Yeah. Had one hell of a record too. She’s the kind that is just born different. Got out of special ops, had lived her life and proven she can match with men. A kind of beast that wouldn’t be underestimated.”

Strato blew smoke from his mouth.

“Odd to hear that.”

“It’s not about treatment. It’s how some of us are born. But she’s born differently, and because of that and training that she can match some of the best that I know. Then again, you never did have that machismo in you. You did look everyone equal.”

“Still have the habit, old man?”

“Of course. It is part of me. Some may call me a sexist pig for holding the door for a lady, but a gentleman remains a gentleman no matter what era it is.”

Robert thought of his life before it. When the sky’s threatening to burn you all the time, it is hard to think of such petty things. It exists, but everyone was so focused on their lives that no one cared about it.

Robert looked at the sea before feeling the salty breeze.

No megastructures, no salty rain, and no burning skies.

It’s something that he’d never really get used to.

When things felt normal he felt out of place.

A fish out of the water.

“So, are you going to do it?”

“Might as well. I’m getting gear?”

“Of course, how can I sick you two in that cesspit without arming you two?”


He grinned.




Strato led them to a mobile command center. It was VTOL that was hiding in the Apennine Mountains. It was before dawn that they arrived at the location.

Robert wasn’t utterly concerned about the ship that was flying quietly, undetected, and was blending to the environment. Robert entered the back and found himself on the bay.

“Sir Strato, are they the one leading the charge?”

“Branwen. Meet Deadman and Valor.”

“Miss Valor, it’s good to meet you again. And Deadman, it’s good that we have new personnel. The staff already has your sizes.”

They followed Branwen to the bay where two exoskeletons were waiting for them.

“It may not look protected without its frame, but it has electromagnetic shielding that detects gunfire. It can allow you to take hits, but it’s preferable that you use it to enhance your mobility. Targeting systems, anti-projectile, and serious increase in your ability to operate within the given frametime.”

Robert was quite familiar with exoskeletons. Although in his eyes the ones he’s seeing right now were quite old. The exoskeleton he knew was a korium-powered, with an external frame, synthetic plasteel  muscle fibers and servo-motors, that gave the user protection against the harshness of geothermal emissions and environmental dangers and allowed them to carry a bigger load.

This one didn’t have the automatic equipping system that allowed one to equip it or the external heavily Kevlar frame with graphene plates. On the back of the waist was a battery pack.

Robert tapped his knuckles on it.

“Oh, friend, you’re tapping a fusion core right there. Pack’s tightly sealed, but if that gets damaged then you’d have to throw it away, might as well use it as a small bomb.”

Branwen took the assault rifle and presented it in front of them.

“32 round smart rifles. Each pack will have 5 magazines with 640 rounds. Enough to get you through that facility. Drones will take care of the problems, but it’s best if our fights have enough lead to drown our opponents.”

Robert took the rifle and swung it around with his finger above the trigger. Valerie went first while he just kept his aim in the sights of the rifle.

“Anything wrong, Deadman?”

“Just feeling familiar.”

“Hope you have lessons on wearing an exoskeleton.”

“More than you know.”

He had once jury-rigged his own exoskeleton in the Burnt Lands. It was something he had to learn if he didn’t want to burn under a Geothermal sky.

Robert took his jacket off and then wore the combat suit and the titanium plate carrier that was prepared for him. After wearing it, the engineers started assembling the exoskeleton around him.

“You don’t have implants, but we can connect the systems of the exo with your deck and the helmet.”

It wasn’t heavy on him. The plates themselves were easy to carry and with the support of an exoskeleton he didn’t feel the need to worry about the weight.

“How’s the system?”

“It’s alright. Targeting systems are alright and the crosshairs are aligned with the rifles.”

“That’s good.”

Robert could feel static on top of his skin.

“What you’re feeling is the electromagnetic shielding. Systems have EMP protection, but the targeting systems can be tricked by defenses.”

Strato looked at the exoskeleton before nodding his head.

“How is it?”

“It’s okay.”

“I guess in your case, nothing like this impresses you.”

Robert shrugged and went to take the explosive charges and placed them on his back. Valerie slung her rifle down.

“You taking the charges?”

“I am.”

Robert looked at Strato.

“What are our orders, Sir?”

“Search and destroy. Choice is yours.”

“What about potential survivors?”

“The drones will seek them. Your mission’s to find the main laboratory, mine all data you can get, and then leave no trace of the laboratory. The drones will tear the place apart. You take care of the research data and get this done.”

Robert nodded and then slotted the drive that had their info on it. The mission was pretty straightforward. With the drones making a wall around the area, like a swarm of locust that will devour anyone or anything, he and Valeria will infiltrate the facility, break through the designated entry point, jump down, and then tear their way through any security personnel and find the place where the data is kept. The boosters on their legs and the parachutes sho

They boarded the unarmed  aerial vehicle that could load four personnel and flew below the radar, the belly of the craft almost touching the water.

Two hours until arriva was a lot of time.

Robert kept his head down in silence.

“How did you meet, Strato?”

Valerie asked.

Robert hesitated, his voice leveled, carefully picking up the words.

“It was an OP a long time ago. Sir was leading a team that had to do with human trafficking. Harvesting organs and selling their blood. Last OP that I did with him was trying to shoot the head of a guy that was funding the chaos. Only to find out that it was some trap.”

“I didn’t hear that.”

“It’s a very long time ago and I doubt anyone would hear it. Saw my docs?”

“It’s all redacted.”

She became silent and trailed her gaze on the exit. As if she couldn’t find the right words to speak to him. Wrestling with herself inwardly, and when she finally found the words. She couldn’t speak it.

That pride of hers was forcing that mask on hers. Robert remained silent, and closed his eyes until the AV arrived in the area. With the back opened, he saw the drone swarm flocking on the facility like a storm of locust, tearing their defenses apart.

Wearing his helmet, checking his boosters, and the parachute on his back. Robert activated his helmet’s targeting systems and tuned in to his all-sense to check all the hostels in the area.

“Deadman, dropping down.”

Robert jumped off the AV and then aimed down his rifle at the potential targets. 

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