The Deadman

Chapter 94: A Dead Man’s Switch

This is a short interlude of an event that took place before chapter 1

In another time, in another place.

A body burned after a shot between the eyes. The man in question, who  took a package, looked at the corpse before climbing on the back of the mobile command station. As the mobile station climbed up, the operator who was watching the skies, trembled.

“Sir, you need to see this.”

The man stops lighting his smoke and squints at the terminal. The operator opens the vid sent somewhere and what appeared is the face of the man he just shot a while ago.

“If you're seeing this. Then it’s likely that we got betrayed. I’d have to guess that the fucker who did it is you Gen–ma. So I had my jury-rigger, god bless her, have me rigged a dead man’s switch. Had it programmed to play a certain video when closed to signals. Since this played, then that means that we got betrayed by you fuckers. Now, before you exit this video, I’d have you know that I got a gift for you traitorous fuckers.”

The dead man in the video, Kato Lores, presented a slew of information. From files that shouldn’t see the light of day, to sites that would threaten the haven. He could probably take care of it, but the damage alone was enough to fuck him over twice.

“Guarantees are a bitch aren't they? Oh, don’t take it personally, we do this to everyone since there are a lot of assholes in this world that try to not pay their dues. Well, I don’t really care if you Flatline me, sir. Thing is, I got folks that I care about. Folks shouldn’t be suffering. I promised them one hell of a pie.”

Another slew of information came. This time it was masked accounts that would be privately sent to the holders. It was connected to a neutral company that ran a banking system that did not share private information as their pride, making them the only bank that is capable of doing so.

“Of course, I’m not that saintly enough to believe that we should all get paid. See, other than my beautiful colleague who did the rigging, no one knew this other than three. If you really got us killed, then you should at least have the conscience to pay your dues. A simple matter, of course, maybe this wouldn’t convince you so here it is.”

This time, Gen-ma, felt shivers on his spine at the information flooding in. If this information leaks out, then his faction, no, the entire Haven that he was in would have crumbled to the dust.

Evidence, findings, and justifications on why they should slaughter them. It was nothing more than a guarantee, a guillotine placed above their heads just in case they try something else.

Gen-ma, who saw this, clenched his fists. This operation itself was barely done and it cost the life of hardened mercs, valuable resources that everyone in the Burnt Lands valued. Provoking a Mega Corporation was a death sentence, but poking it on the side, and expecting it not to retaliate is delusional.

It was supposed to be a success.

And right now a dead man was threatening them with information that would have them executed.

Hellwalker Company was composed of ex-military sappers, engineers led by Operators who have been running the shadows for too long. Infamous for their track record. They were child soldiers that turned into a bloodthirsty company of former soldiers. Even the branch that he culled was nothing more than just a small clan that he hired. If anything, he was worried that if this information was released, the Hellwalker Company would come for them.

They were brothers who’d keep on supporting their fallen. In an event that he does make a mistake here, he was sure that these bastards would try their best to kill them all.

The information alone was enough of a justification for them who would profit from this situation more than anyone. They’d be given reason to kill them all.

“Commander Jed will be curious about why his men died. He’ll know. So in a way, think of this as some time, and maybe, just maybe you’d buy enough time to live.”

He grins.

“Kato out.”

The video was cut off.

Somehow, the grin that Kato Lores made was stuck. Distant eyes that had little color in them.  And yet in that video there was a loo that had little color on it. Like a provocation that he'd gladly show the Gen-ma, as if to spite him if his prediction comes true.

He had the honor of putting a bullet into that bastard’s head. And yet now he wished that he had dragged the bastard somewhere and ripped off every wiring on his implants and stripped his flesh first before putting two bullets on his head.

“Shit! Damn it,” Gen-ma bit his molars. “Transfer the payment to Kato Lores and the other two’s payment. We need to be given time before the Hellwalkers find out that we fucked them over.”

The payment was sent.

For eight months, Gen-ma and his company were able to evade the questions of the Hellwalker Company. And before they could finally process the transaction.

Commander Jed, who finally learned the truth from Kato Lore’s rigger, brought the fury of the Hellwalkers to their base. Ten thousand strong men and women armed with the latest power-suit and rifle, boiling with wrath and greed.

And as if hoping that this day will come. The dead man, who Gen-man thought he’d never see again, had sent another footage this time. This time, to him and to his Commander.

“Well, Commander. I’d leave it to you now. You should for once, be righteous right now, and please take care of my fam for me, Boss. I’d be going to Katey now.”

The video was cut off and was replaced by a communication with the Commander of the Hellwalkers whose half of his face was made of metal.

“I liked that idiot. Competent with his job and was decent for a merc. One of the few of us who got married. Even gave him a toast in his wedding, but as always  you law-servers always fucking shit up. None of you will remain, this is the price of betrayal.”

Gen–Ma stares blankly at the strike forces arriving above their base and the amount of pods being launched like projectiles on their bases.

Polluting the burning orange sky and swarming like locust.

It was over for them.

All of this because of a dead man’s switch.

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