The Deadman

–The Dead Man’s Epilogue–

Once Upon A Time, There Was  A Man Who Lost  

Kastel still remembered standing at the viewport of the starship, gazing out at the barren red landscape that stretched before him. He recalled the ship hurtling towards Mars at breakneck speed, and he felt a sense of exhilaration and fear at the thought of what lay ahead.

He had been chosen as part of the first team of colonists to establish a human settlement on the red planet. It was an honor, and a responsibility that he took very seriously.

As the ship descended through the atmosphere, Kastel felt the G-forces pressing against him. He gripped the railing tightly, trying to steady himself as the ship shook and rattled.

The sky outside was a brilliant orange, which strangely made Kastel shudder at first, but then Kastel could see the mountains and valleys of Mars coming into view. It was a breathtaking sight, one that he knew few people had ever witnessed before.

Finally, the ship landed with a jolt, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris. Kastel released his grip on the railing and stumbled towards the airlock, eager to set foot on the planet's surface.

As he stepped out of the ship, Kastel was struck by the silence. There was no wind, no sound of wildlife, no rustle of leaves. It was a strange and eerie feeling, one that made him feel small and insignificant.

But Kastel didn't let the feeling of unease get to him. He was here to make a difference, to build a new world, and to push the boundaries of what was possible. And he knew that he was part of a team of brilliant and dedicated individuals who shared his vision.

Kastel still recalled that exciting first walked towards the entrance of the town, where a group of people in their space-garb was gathered to greet the new arrivals. He saw a platform set up, with a podium and a microphone, and he knew that there would be a speech to mark the occasion.

As he drew closer, he could hear the murmur of the crowd, the sound of footsteps, and the rustle of clothing. It was a strange and unfamiliar sensation, to be surrounded by so many people after spending months cooped up in a starship.

He recalled finding a spot in the crowd and waiting patiently for the speech to begin. Curious to hear what the leaders of the colony had to say, and he felt a sense of pride at being part of such an important moment in history.

Finally, the crowd hushed, and a man stepped up to the podium. He was tall and thin, with graying hair and a stern expression.

"Welcome to Mars," the man said, his voice amplified by the microphone. "You are the pioneers of a new era, the first human beings to establish a permanent settlement on this planet."

The crowd burst into applause, and Kastel felt a surge of emotion. It was a moment that he would never forget, a turning point in his life and in the history of humanity.

"Your mission is not an easy one," the man continued. "You will face many challenges, both known and unknown. But I have faith that you will rise to the occasion, that you will work together to overcome any obstacle, and that you will create a new world that future generations will be proud of."

The speech went on for a few more minutes, with the man encouraging the colonists to work hard, to be brave, and to never forget the importance of their mission. Kastel listened intently, taking in every word, feeling a sense of responsibility and purpose that he had never experienced before.

As the speech ended and the crowd began to disperse, Kastel knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead. He was part of something bigger than himself, a new chapter in the history of humanity, and he was determined to make it count.

It all started that day.

Time flew so fast.

To think that after years of planning, construction, and exploration, the first Martian town was finally ready for its grand opening ceremony. It felt like it was not a while ago.

As Kastel arrived at the site of the ceremony, he was still struck by the otherworldly beauty of the Martian landscape. The reddish-orange soil stretched out as far as the eye could see, and the clear, thin atmosphere made the stars above shine brighter than ever before.

The ceremony began with a speech from the town's mayor, welcoming everyone to this new frontier of human civilization. Kastel listened intently, feeling a surge of pride in his heart as the mayor praised the hard work of the town's builders and engineers.

As the speech came to a close, Kastel joined the other attendees in applauding. Then, suddenly, a spotlight shone down on him. Kastel was surprised but also thrilled - he had never been in the spotlight before.

The mayor stepped forward and called Kastel to the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "this is Kastel, one of the brilliant engineers who helped bring this town to life. We would not be standing here today without his tireless work and dedication."

Kastel felt a rush of emotions as he stepped up to the microphone. He had never been one for public speaking, but he felt like he had to say something this time. "Thank you," he began. "I'm honored to be here, and I'm proud of everything we've accomplished. This town represents the best of humanity - our curiosity, our ingenuity, and our determination to explore and discover new frontiers. I can't wait to see what else we can achieve together."

As Kastel finished his speech, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. He felt a sense of warmth and fulfillment wash over him - this was why he had come to Mars, to be a part of something bigger than himself. And with that, the opening ceremony came to a close, marking the beginning of a new chapter in human history.

After the opening ceremony, Kastel spent some time exploring the Martian landscape. He wandered around the town, marveling at the towering buildings and the futuristic technology that had been developed to sustain life on this harsh planet. There are times where he'd stopped to looked at the banners of the LORES Consortium. There was a speech being done by their founder. A woman whose beauty remained perpetual. Some even believes she's immortal. It made him wonder what it would be like seeing such a figure. He did recall that he's part of the few who'll have the pleasure to meet the Lady of the Consortium.

As he walked, his mind began to wander. Kastel had always been fascinated by the concept of time travel. In another timeline, perhaps he had been a physicist who had dedicated his life to exploring the possibilities of bending the laws of time and space.

Kastel had become an engineer, drawn to the challenge of building a new world on a distant planet. He couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if he had taken a different path.

Lost in thought, Kastel found himself wandering farther and farther from the town. As he crested a hill, he looked out over a vast expanse of rocky terrain, dotted with craters and the occasional dust devil. The sun was setting, casting the landscape in a warm glow.

It reminded him of something.

Something familiar.

Suddenly, Kastel felt a jolt of vertigo. He stumbled and fell to his knees, clutching his head. Memories flooded his mind - memories of another life and of a lesser time.

He remembered a moment.

A cruel moment and heartbreaking one, and finally a moment before he forgot it all.

"Was this your last gift, deadman?" he said, looking at somewhere.

The pairs of eyes watching him seems to have vanished.

Kastel shook his head, trying to dispel the memories. He knew that they were impossible, that they couldn't be real. And yet, they felt so vivid, so tangible. He checked his suit's systems first before he made his way back to the town, Kastel couldn't shake the feeling that he had glimpsed something important, something that he wasn't supposed to remember. He resolved to keep the memories to himself, to focus on the present and the future, and to leave the past behind.

Kastel returned to his work in the Martian town, but he couldn't shake the memories of his past life. He spent many restless nights thinking about the people he had known, the friends and colleagues who had become strangers in this timeline.

One day, while he was taking a break from his work, Kastel saw a woman walking towards him in the streets of this Martian town. She looked familiar, and as she approached, Kastel felt a jolt of recognition.

"Excuse me, do you have a moment?"

She was holding something in her hand. It seems to be one of the complimentary devices given to the visitors. She was young. But he knew that she was taking rejuvenants to keep herself younger. She had that distinct look every juvenant-taker had.

"I have," Kastel said, somewhat, he found himself being at eased. There was a certain fondness in his eyes that even the woman couldn't ignore. She found it odd. A bit confused why someone like him would look at him like that.

Like an adult not daring to tread dangerous waters. She was about speak up and inform him of her age when Kastel's mouth worked faster than he could open her mouth.

"Wow, you are very old, Julie. Finally got tired of Eden?"

She raised a brow, momentarily confused, then widening her eyes, frozen. She lifts a finger and points at him. "Y-you!"

And a fist followed. He was able to calmly dodge it.

"Stop! This is justice! It needs to be done you asshole! Tsk! Why are you so young!?"

"Good genes?"

The woman growls, then a smile spreading across her face. "Is it really you?"

Kastel grinned. "Julie," he said, tentatively.

She composes herself, trying make herself look mature once again. "You lost touch. How rude of you. I have every right to ghost you. This isn't fair. Be glad I still remember you asshole," she looks at the ID on his chest. "I guess you like changing names... asshole."


She snorts and turns.

"Wait," he said, stopping Julie before she could leave. "I never introduced myself. I'm Kastel."

Julie smiled. "I know who you are," she said. "We've been friends for a long time, Kastel. In this life and the other one... unfortunately."

"They'd think you're a lunatic if you say that."

Kastel felt a sense of awe wash over him. He had never believed in fate or destiny, but seeing her again had made him question everything he thought he knew about the universe.

Julie looks at his face, then scratches her head. "Ah, damn it, why is the only friend that I know years ago you of all things!"

"You're not that bad looking either," Kastel checked her out. "Still have long legs and good skin, I see."

"Juvenants are cheap these days and I had good work."

"Ah, did you quit bartending?"

"I made it into a hobby. Went back into being a chemist and was one of the few actually to get a treatment. Combatting aging... in my case it was a freak accident. Augments are widespread now. I mean, I didn't really think that one day I'd come here. This far from earth."

"Oh, what  you're staying here?"

"I don't know, yet. It's strange... I just thought maybe I could roam around. I mean I already been through 195 countries. It doesn't hurt to look at other."

"Been to the moon?"

"Not really much of a country there. It's like a resort."

Kastel stood next to her. "We live in strange times."

"We do," Julie snorts. "I don't know why. But you really are strange to me. Kinda like a wind. You just come and go. Really, you have to tell me the full gist. Fucking hell, man. I guess this trip isn't so bad."

"I told you, I'm a goddamn magician. You don't believe me. You never do."

"Know what? I'll believe you now. So, teach me how to become a wizard then?"

"Magic's gone."

"Very convenient, asshole. Liar."

"Old woman."

"You say that, but your eyes never leave my legs. Sorry to say, but I'm already formerly taken."

"Oh, finally found a gal or something? Wait -- why formerly?"

She cringes. "It's a very long story."

"Oh, you got?" he grins slyly.

"Shh, don't remind me of the pain."

"I think you need a drink, my friend."

She eyes him. "Better be good. You do understand who you are talking to? I'm a master chemist myself and a godlike bartender."

"It's nice to have an ego. It makes you unique.  How about you tell me your story and maybe I'll tell mine?"

"Deal," she crosses her arms and joins him, heading back to the town. "You're the deadman who keeps popping up everywhere! This time you're going to tell me what's up with that!"

"I will."

Kastel made a promise as they find a place to drink.





My Other Stories :

The Bleak Walker (Completed)

Verloren Einsen

The Deadman

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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