The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 10 - An inch of gold 10

Zheng Wenyan died in his study.

The night has completely shrouded, and when Huo Weilou brought Bo Ruoyou to the study, the study courtyard was brightly lit.

The third wife, Liu, was crying to the ground with Zheng Wenyan’s son Zheng Hao. The little Zheng Hao, with a pale face, leaned in the arms of the third wife, shaking while crying, as if he had been frightened.

The embroidered clothes envoy guarding here said: “The old lady’s memorial service ended at Youshi. During the period, the subordinates followed Zheng Sanye. Later, Zheng Sanye personally sent several masters who did the work out of the Hou Mansion, and then returned to himself. In the courtyard, his subordinates kept guarding at the gate of the courtyard. Less than half an hour after Zheng Sanye returned to the courtyard, he suddenly left with a solemn expression and walked to here.”

“The subordinates don’t know what happened to the third son of Zheng. Seeing that he just entered the study and didn’t come out, they just guarded the gate of the courtyard. About half an hour later, the second son of the Zheng family came to look for the third son of Zheng, and he entered alone. In the yard, the subordinates heard the knock on the door first, but the second son knocked for a long time but no one answered. When the subordinate felt something was wrong, he heard the second son scream inside.”

“The subordinates hurriedly entered the courtyard. When they came in, they saw the second son sitting down on the edge of the window with a white face, shouting the word’grandmother’. The subordinates found that the second son had punctured the window paper and hurriedly looked in from the window paper. At the moment, I saw Zheng Sanye lying on the book case, and he could still smell blood. The subordinates knew that he was not good, so they opened the door with a portable dagger. After entering the door, Zheng Sanye died.”

Having said this, the embroidered clothes envoy knelt down and pleaded guilty, “The subordinates are not able to take care of me, please confess the crime to Lord Hou.”

Huo Wei Louchen ordered this embroidered dress ambassador to follow Zheng Wenyan, and for a whole day, he did follow him up close. Later, he also stayed outside the courtyard of Zheng Wenyan’s house. In summary, there was no dereliction of duty.

There have been two murders in the Hou Mansion. Who would have thought that a third person would be killed?

For that matter, Huo Weilou still glanced at the person sternly, “Get the punishment yourself.”

The embroidered clothes made his complexion pale, but he withdrew in a sigh of relief.

The third wife and Zheng Hao were the fastest to come. At this moment, the two maidservants were supporting them, crying out of breath. Huo Weilou knew that there was nothing to ask at this time, and brought Bo Ruoyou into the door of the study.

The Hou Mansion is wide, and several masters all have independent small courtyards as study rooms. This courtyard is only one entry, the left and right wing rooms are small, and the three main halls are especially wide. The bookshelf, on which there are numerous books, is almost full of grids, and on the left is the place where Zheng Wenyan meets guests and enters school.

Zheng Wenyan lay on the book case, with a beautifully shaped magical pestle inserted in his heart behind him, and the blood ran down his back. At this moment, under the book case seat, the color of blood faded into a Wang Chihu lake.

The pungent smell of blood made the scalp numb. Huo Weilou was clearly standing in the brightest place of the lights, but he was so dark and cold that the lights couldn’t shine. Bo Ruoyou knew that Huo Weilou was angry.

Where he sits, the murderer dared to kill.

He Cheng sweats frequently on his forehead, and can’t help holding a towel and wiping the sweat all the time. Father Fu looks at Zheng Wenyan’s body with a horrible expression, “I’m still alive in the day, just now…”

“Post-mortem.” Huo Weilou ordered suddenly.

Bo Ruoyou replied and walked towards Zheng Wenyan.

The temperature of the corpse has not completely disappeared, and the wound has never been scabled. With a little help, Zheng Wenyan’s body is particularly loose and soft, and his lips are slightly opened and his eyes are slightly open. He was born from lying on the table. The indentation is also clearly visible. Check the arm on the table and the sole of the foot on the ground. No plaque formation has been found yet.

All this shows that Zheng Wenyan’s death time is within half an hour.

When Bo Ruoyou inspected the corpse, Huo Weilou was looking at the room. The halls were wide, and the surrounding windows were also well lit. However, all the windows of the whole room were locked.

The windows were locked from the inside, and the door was bolted. How did the murderer kill?

What is even more bizarre is that the murder weapon was the magic pestle inserted in Zheng Wenyan’s back vest.

There was a quiet needle drop inside the house, but at this time, there was the sound of footsteps coming from the courtyard outside. The voices of Zheng Wen’an and others rang. Zheng Wen’an first comforted the third lady, and then ran to the entrance of the study.

At a glance, he saw Zheng Wenyan lying on the book case, his feet were dazzling with blood, Zheng Wenan said sadly, “Three brothers—”

Huo Weilou ordered Zheng Wen’an to enter the door and pointed to the magic pestle on the back of Zheng Wenyan, “Can you recognize this thing?”

When Zheng Wenan saw the magic pestle, his expression changed, “This… this is the magical artifact used for the mother’s practice today. Several masters originally planned to take it away, but the third brother told him to stay and said that it could be kept in the mourning hall. Ward off evil spirits.”

Huo Weilou frowned, “Is this thing in the mourning hall?”

Zheng Wenan shook his head, “Not yet. I put it away with all the sacrificial artifacts first. It means that the mother’s mourning hall will be rearranged on the next day, so as not to look like it. The third brother said that the case has not been solved anyway, and he intends to stop it for his mother. I was buried in seven or seven forty-nine days.

After Zheng Wenan finished speaking, his nose was sour, “It was fine in the afternoon, how come…”

As he was talking, there was another voice in the yard, and soon a slender and dignified figure appeared at the door!

Zheng Yunni stood at the door, her face pale and shocked, her beautiful eyes moved a few times, and tears reached the corners of her eyes, “Uncle San…”

During the month of the Hou Mansion, three people died unexpectedly, and all of them were close relatives. Zheng Yunni shook his body and stood firmly by the door frame. Zheng Wenan turned his head to see Zheng Yunni, and said with concern: “Yunni, don’t watch. , Go with your third aunt.”

Zheng Yunni replied with a choked voice, and after a while, he retreated.

Seeing Zheng Yunni, the third lady was crying louder. Zheng Yunni comforted him quietly. After another quarter of an hour, the three husbands calmed down a little bit. Huo Weilou was ordering the embroidered clothes ambassadors and government officials to search in the courtyard, and saw that they were pacing. Come here.

The crying eyes of the third lady were red. Seeing Huo Weilou coming, she was a little jealous, and said: “Master Hou… the wrongdoing of your husband’s death, please be sure to find the murderer and avenge your husband…”

Talking and crying again, Huo Weilou asked sternly: “Zheng Wenyan returned to the yard, why did he suddenly come to the study?”

The third lady was taken aback, and touched her tears and said: “The civil women don’t even know. Today, the husband is tired for his mother’s ritual. He was going to go back to rest, but for some reason, he just changed his clothes and his expression changed drastically. He walked out of the courtyard quickly. The lady called him behind, but he didn’t look back. At that time, the lady was about to prepare the food. When she saw this, she followed him. The woman asked Hao’er to find his father. Hao’er went out for a quarter of an hour before the wife knew that something was wrong.”

The third wife glanced at the door, and cried again, “Ho’er was only seven years old when the husband was not alive, how will we orphans and widows live in the future…”

Zheng Yunni was listening, tears filled her eyelashes, while comforting the third wife, while coaxing Zheng Hao.

Zheng Hao buried his head in the arms of the third wife, the people were still trembling, Huo Weilou looked at Zheng Hao, “What did you just see?”

If you are more careful, you will find that Huo Weilou’s tone is milder, but for Zheng Hao, Huo Weilou itself is shocking enough, no matter what tone he uses.

Zheng Hao became even more frightened for a while, and the third wife choked up: “Master Hou, Haoer said he saw his mother… that he saw her mother’s ghost.” The third wife showed a look of fear on her face, “The doors and windows are locked, if not. Ghosts, how can they go in and harm others? But why did the mother harm her husband? The husband never harmed her mother… The second brother died in the first seven days of his mother. Today is the second seven of his mother…”

The third wife murmured to herself, the more she talked about it, the more frightened her expression became. She only hugged Zheng Hao tightly. For fear of ghosts coming to harm their mother and child, Zheng Yunni shook the third wife, “Third aunt, don’t talk nonsense, there are no ghosts!”

The whole courtyard was in the fear of ghost killings, Zheng Yunni seemed very calm, Huo Weilou looked at her for a moment, and then asked the third lady, “What did Zheng Wenyan do before he left? Have you met anyone? What have you heard? ?”

The third lady looked back blankly. The more she thought about it, the frowning her brows became tighter, and she obviously couldn’t remember anything useful. At this moment, a thin voice rang out in the room, “Master Hou, please come in—”

Huo Weilou didn’t hesitate to turn around, and when he quickly stepped into the study, he saw Bo Ruoyou standing under the west window on the left side of the book case, holding an object in his hand to signal him, “Master Hou, I found the reason why Zheng Sanye suddenly left. “

Her tone was a bit heavy, and at this moment, Huo Weilou could also see clearly. What she held in her hand was a piece of paper that had only been burnt.

It’s sprinkling gold paper.

Huo Weilou stepped over, and it was no surprise that he saw the four words “My Two Seven” on it.

My first seven, your death date.

When the yin year is yin, it pays for my life.

The same words were written on another piece of golden paper that I saw only a moment ago, except that the “first seven” was changed to “two seven”. Huo Weilou and Bo Ruoyou faced each other, and both of them had their eyes open. There was a trace of awe.

The murderer took the old lady’s death for seven days, and killed people in the form of a ghost. If this is said, one person may die in the next seven days. And the murderer has so much trouble, whether it is to kill, or not to have a plan ?

Huo Weilou and Bo Ruoyou had a hunch almost at the same time. Under the weird nobles of the Hou Mansion, there was a secret that had been hidden for many years, and it was about to surface.

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