The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 106 - Liuhuafei 02

Although he didn’t know who was knocking on the door, Bo Jingqian expected that Cheng Yunzhi would not contact his old acquaintances when he returned to Beijing. A good relationship with the Lin family is not just a relationship with Jingxing alone. You have been away from the capital for many years, and it is whoever has set up a relationship like yours and you have to retire.”

Cheng Yunzhi’s eyes were even more mocking, “We have been away from Beijing for many years, and it is indeed embarrassing for the Lin family, but why everyone knows that the Lin family married you ten years ago? That is to say, it has not been two years since I left Beijing with Youyou. The name of the marriage was changed. When he and Jingxing made a verbal marriage contract that year, everyone felt that the two children were too young and they had not been advertised. , Where do you put Jingxing and Yuetang?”

Bo Jingqian was a little dumb, and Madam Hu softly said, “Yunzhi, we also had misery back then. As for the spread outside, it did not come from our mouth. You know these people in Beijing, and you like to talk about it. One thing is passed on by the gods.”

Her husband and wife sang red cheeks and white cheeks, and she spoke with a woman. Cheng Yunzhi was not easy to fight each other, so Hu continued: “We are indeed wrong with our little niece in this matter. Over the years, we have also neglected. It’s right for you to be angry, but this matter has been a foregone conclusion for many years, and Yixian and Zhaoer are also childhood sweethearts. I hope you can see the face of the two juniors…”

Cheng Yunzhi twisted his eyebrows, “I just said that, marriage, you take it if you want, we are not rare in this kind of marriage.”

Hu and Bo Jingqian glanced at each other. They were just annoyed by what Cheng Yunzhi said. At this moment, Cheng Yunzhi said it again. They heard a little bit more truthfully. Hu smiled, “Is this…really?”

Cheng Yunzhi smiled coolly, “I am not a silly person.”

The Hu family and Bo Jingqian never expected that Cheng Yunzhi and Bo Ruoyou had this attitude. They both felt relieved. At this moment, Zhou Liang led a person around the shadow wall. They looked up from the main hall and saw it at a glance. Lin Zhao came with a gift.

The complexion of Bo Jingqian and his wife changed slightly, and Bo Yixian straightened up suddenly, but Lin Zhao walked a few steps in and realized that the three of Bo Yixian’s family were here. He was a little surprised and couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows. “Uncle Cheng, Bo Shibo, you guys This is–“

Bo Jingqian was a little nervous at once, but he still smiled and said, “You already know that Youyou is the second lady of the Bo family, and Yunzhi is also an old friend. We are here to visit them.”

Bo Ruoyou was originally the daughter of the Bo family. It was a matter of time for them to be in the same room. Lin Zhao had expected that there would be a meeting, but now he saw that the atmosphere was not right. He pondered for a while and didn’t say much. So, I am also here to visit Uncle Cheng today.”

Facing Lin Zhao, Cheng Yunzhi’s expression softened, “Lin Zhao sit down.”

Lin Zhao took the seat, and Bo Jingqian said, “Yunzhi, it’s the same thing as before. You can go back to the Bo family.”

Cheng Yunzhi smiled but smiled, “No, Youyou is a good Miss Bo family, but she has followed me all these years, and she is uncomfortable to let her go back. It is great for us, father and daughter, to live here.”

In front of Lin Zhao, Bo Jingqian would naturally do a high-sounding appearance. At this time, he regretted: “I’m afraid you will lack the care. That is the case, that’s okay. The courtyards of Jingxing and Yuetang have been kept for these years, the faint boudoirs of us. I will also pack it up for her as soon as possible, as long as she wants to go back, she can go back anytime.”

Cheng Yunzhi said, “That really makes you bother.”

Bo Jingqian cried out secretly, thinking that if he stayed again, Cheng Yunzhi still didn’t know what to say. It was too ugly to talk in front of Lin Zhao, but he didn’t want Lin Zhao to stay here for a long time. After leaving, what should Cheng Yunzhi say to Lin Zhao with them on his back, but what should he do?

So he sighed, “Don’t bother, it’s all a family. We took care of less a few years ago. Now that you come back, we will naturally take good care of you and Youyou.”

Cheng Yunzhi held his lips and did not answer, Bo Jingqian looked at Lin Zhao, “Zhao’er, why are you here alone today?”

Lin Zhao deliberately said, “Uncle Cheng hasn’t come to visit him since he came back, so I came to visit today.”

Bo Jingqian nodded clearly, “It should be, your father and Yunzhi are old friends, and we have in-laws again, so you bother.” After speaking, Bo Jingqian turned to look at Cheng Yunzhi, “We have been here for a long time. , I’m here in a hurry today, I didn’t prepare, and I will prepare a banquet in Bo’s Mansion next day to catch the wind and dust for you.”

Cheng Yunzhi was lukewarm, “I have inconvenience in my legs and feet, and I don’t drink alcohol. These are unnecessary.”

Bo Jingqian couldn’t hang on his face, he hurriedly got up to say goodbye, and finally said to Lin Zhao: “Zhao’er, I am going to your house later, do you want to go back with Shi Bo?”

Lin Zhao was stunned, thinking that he just came, why should he let him go? He said again: “Father is still in the yamen and has not yet returned to the house…”

Bo Jingqian smiled clearly, “It doesn’t matter, it’s fine if you are here. It just happens that what I discussed with your father is also related to you.”

Lin Zhao stood up embarrassedly and looked at Cheng Yunzhi, “That’s too rude to Uncle Cheng…”

Why didn’t Cheng Yunzhi understand Bo Jingqian’s thoughts in his heart, he smiled lightly and didn’t care much, “It’s okay, Lin Zhao, go by yourself, you can come to see us, we have taken care of it.”

Lin Zhao was a little unhappy in his heart. Bo Jingqian’s trip was threatening. What’s more, when he was a guest, how could he treat guests from other people’s houses like this, but Bo Jingqian was like this, Cheng Yunzhi had no intention of keeping him, he had to bite the bullet and leave together.

Cheng Yunzhi was blind to Bo Jingqian, but Lin Zhao looked ignorant and sighed. When the group left Chengzhai, he shook his head, “It’s a pity Lin Zhao.” Ruoyou, “Youyou, do you really regret it?”

Bo Ruoyou laughed, “Why do you regret it?” He said with a slight smile, “Foster father, since we don’t pursue this relationship, let’s stay away from Master Lin in the future.”

Cheng Yunzhi nodded and sighed again.

Outside the Cheng’s house, Bo Jingqian really planned to go to the Lin Mansion, so he ordered the carriage to send him to the Lin Mansion first, and then Hu and Bo Yixian back. Not knowing.”

Hu raised his eyebrows: “How about knowing it? It’s been ten years that you are not someone else. Your father went to Lin Mansion today to set the wedding date for you and Lin Zhao. The wedding date is fixed, so you can get married with peace of mind.”

Bo Yixian held her handkerchief: “Didn’t you say… my second sister was very sick back then? Why is she now slim and slim.” Not only is it slim, but also beautiful.

Hu and Bo Jingqian looked at each other, and Bo Jingqian said with a deep gaze, “Cheng Yunzhi said that you don’t want to have a marriage, and most of them really don’t want it. You don’t have to think about that much. They are willing to live outside and follow them, and go back to discuss with the second child. Fan, at least visit the door, the courtroom has been turbulent recently, and I haven’t thought about it so much. As long as it doesn’t ruin Xian’er’s marriage, everything is easy to say.”

When Bo Jingqian said so, Hu also nodded, and said: “But in order not to change, Lin Zhao doesn’t know, so don’t let him know. When you and Yixuan are with him, you want to let him go to Chengzhai less. Lest there be extra branches.”

She frowned with disgust, “Isn’t that girl doing a job in the yamen? He has no taboo! Back then, he was a fierce destiny, but now he has done the same thing with the dead, and he must stay away from her. That’s great.”

Bo Jingqian didn’t bother to care about the careful thoughts of the mother and daughter. He just wanted to see Lin Huai today. In addition to the children’s family matters, there are some difficult things in the court to ask Lin Huai for advice.

As soon as the Bo family left, the father and daughter did not last long as usual. Sooner or later, they wanted to see each other. Although today came suddenly, they met each other and saved the visit to Bo’s mansion. After all, there are some things that cannot be avoided. Open this section of Bo Mansion.

Cheng Yunzhi thought of something as if he said: “Two days will be Qingming. We are going to worship our father and mother. Let’s prepare our own sacrifices and go.”

Bo Ruoyou replied. After noon, he went to the Yamen. When he arrived at the Yamen, Wu Xiang and Sun Zhao were still trying the case in Heishui Village, but they didn’t need her until this section. All the skeletons were surveyed. According to the inspection record, there is nothing to do with her. She was about to leave, but someone came to the government office to report to the official, saying that someone trampled on the horse and trampled someone to death in the downtown area.

Wu Xiang had to withdraw. Because he was in the busy city, he wanted to take Hu Changqing with him, but after asking, he learned that Hu Changqing has been in the office for a few days in the future, and Bo Ruoyou just saw him by the side and said: “It’s good to catch my head and take me there. “

Wu Xiang hesitated, “In a busy place, you are a woman, I’m afraid that others will point you.”

Bo Ruoyou laughed, “I also had an autopsy outside last time, so you don’t have to be taboo about these head-catchers.”

Wu Xiang stopped talking, but because he took her outside for an autopsy last time, she was spotted by the murderer. He wanted to go to places with many people in the future, so he would take Hu Changqing with him. He thought of Hu Changqing’s recent behavior. He frowned and said: “This Chang Qing hasn’t known what happened lately. He was a safe person earlier, but after a year, the autopsy was quite oversightful, and even fewer yamen came.”

In the end, Bo Ruoyou followed Wu Xiang.

The place where the accident occurred was in Lujiaxiang. When she arrived, she was a little surprised. It was close to the East City. There were many restaurants and teahouses on the street. The streets were wide, and at this hour, it was not the time when the people came and went. Horse trampled to death?

It was in the afternoon when life suddenly broke out in the street market. Many people gathered around to see where the accident was at a glance. When the carriage stopped nearby, Wu Xiang had already rushed over with the servant, and saw the officer coming. The people naturally backed away a few steps, unwilling to get involved in this matter, so Bo Ruoyou got out of the carriage and saw the people lying on the ground.

Lying on the ground was a honest man in his thirties, dressed in a brown coarse cloth and shortly hitting his body. At this moment, there was a weird depression on his chest.

A woman in coarse cloth and Tsing Yi was lying next to the man and crying.

Wu Xiang stepped forward and leaned forward and touched the side of his neck. As expected, the woman was completely dead, and the woman knelt down with tears on her face, “My lord, I beg my lord to be the master of the wife, my husband was trampled to death by a horse. Yes, he was trampled to death alive.”

Wu Xiang raised his eyes and looked around, only to see two carriages and five or six horses on the side of the street, all parked in front of the teahouse not far away. Seeing him looking over, the local woman immediately said: “My lord, hurt The person who died of my husband was in that teahouse. My husband was trampled to death. They found that he could not save him, so they went into the teahouse and said that they would deal with it when the officials came—”

The woman looked at Wu Xiang imploringly. Wu Xiang turned to look at Bo Ruoyou, “Xiaobo, come and take a look.”

Bo Ruoyou stepped forward amidst the whispers of the surrounding people, first checked the injuries of the deceased, and then got up to see the traces left on the ground. After a while, he came back and asked the civilian woman, “Your husband was first caught from behind. Knocked down and then stepped on?”

The woman kept nodding, “Yes, my husband and I were selling some gadgets here. Husband, he came from across the street and never looked at the road behind him. Those people rushed over and knocked my husband to the ground first. , The man behind stepped on the horseshoe again, and my husband vomited blood on the spot…”

Bo Ruoyou didn’t say anything, turned his head to look at Wu Xiang. Wu Xiang looked at her, “How?”

“The fatal injury was a trampling injury on the chest. The left sternum and ribs were broken by stepping on. The broken bones should have penetrated into the heart, and then the dead were killed violently. There were bruises and bruises on the body. Detailed investigations were required. It must be brought back to Yizhuang.”

Wu Xiang nodded, and then, holding his side knife, turned to the teahouse, trampled on someone to death, but was able to enter the teahouse so grandly and waited. Wu Xiang had already guessed which rich family it was most likely to be.

Entering the teahouse, Wu Xiang saw a lot of people sitting and standing under the northwest window, and the six of them were all dressed in Chinese clothes. At a glance, they were rich or expensive. Wu Xiang twisted his eyebrows and stepped forward. I’m the head catcher of Jingzhao Yin’s Yamen, and Shicai trampled someone to death in the street. Which of you?”

All of you present here are young sons in their twenties. After Wu Xiang asked, there was no urgency on the face. The man above sighed while drinking tea: “It’s my servant——”

He raised his hand and pointed to a guard standing aside. The guard lowered his head, and the man said again: “This matter is indeed not good for us, but that person is not entirely blameless. Seeing us coming on horseback, He doesn’t evade, this is worthy of a collision, and I can leave it to your government, but I hope you will deal with it impartially.”

Wu Xiang glanced at the attendant, his eyes still falling on the few people present, “Thank you to come out with me and point to the horse that trampled on the person.”

This remark made several people a little impatient, but the leader sighed, “No matter, we are all reasonable people, just point it.”

He took the lead, and the others followed suit and walked out and out of the teahouse. This person pointed to a brown horse, “This is this one. If you think it is also guilty, you can take it away with your yamen.” “

As soon as they came out, they immediately attracted Bo Ruoyou’s attention, and she got up and walked a few steps to catch what they had said.

Wu Xiang asked again: “What was the situation at that time?”

The person in charge stopped speaking, and made the attendant speak. The attendant’s face was pale and nervous. He said, “We followed the carriage and horses all the way, because there are so many people, we can’t see what’s ahead. While walking all the way and shouting, the others had already dispersed at the time, but this one was the only one who stood upright in the road and did not give way when he saw us.”

When the voice settled, another man in Chinese clothes sneered: “Don’t bump into it on purpose, you have to ask us for money.”

The woman who was paralyzed on the ground heard this and cried even more, “It is clear that you ran into it. You see that there are many people, but there is no intention to slow down the horse’s speed. My husband has inconvenience in his legs and feet. When he hit the ground, the people behind did not reinforce his horse, so he trampled him to death on the spot. How can you reverse black and white like this?”

The woman was angry and sad. After speaking, she went to see the people around her, “Everyone was watching at the time, you…you are watching, please be fair to me…”

The woman looked around imploringly, but her voice was settled, but no one said aloud. Some of them came here after the incident, and those who were here, looked at the young sons. With an extraordinary background, how dare to open this mouth?

The woman was even more desperate. A look of disdain flashed across the faces of the young princes. One of them said again: “Come on, anyway, I also know who stepped on the person. Whatever you should do to bring it back, your yamen will also be better at doing errands. good.”

When the attendant heard the words, he nodded immediately: “It’s me… the one who trampled to death by my horse. Even if that person is weird, but I trampled to death, I am indeed guilty. I am going back to the yamen with you.”

“You nonsense–” The woman on the ground shouted again, “It’s not you, I remember my husband who was trampled to death by a man in a Chinese dress, not a servant, you are trying to excuse yourself…”

She was crying with a dumb voice, for fear that others would not believe what she said, she went to see the people around, “You must be seen by some of you, please help me to testify? Please…”

The crowds all around were silent, and there were others who wanted to turn around and leave. The woman burst into tears, holding her husband’s corpse and wondering what to do. At this moment, a Qing Ling’s voice rang.

“You are lying, what she said is true. When you hit someone, you knocked him over from behind. It wasn’t her husband who stood still in the street on purpose. Also, it was not you who hit someone with a horse. , But—him.”

Bo Ruoyou pointed his finger at one of the blue shirts who had never spoken from beginning to end. As soon as she finished pointing, the expressions of these fearless young men changed. One frowned and asked, “Who are you?”

Wu Xiang smiled and said, “This girl is the work of our Yamen. Since you all suspect that you are lying, then please, please follow me back to the Yamen. Let’s talk carefully, who is the horse? Harm people.”

“Back to the Yamen? Do you know who these two princes are?”

A man in a green shirt opened his mouth and pointed to the leader: “This is the second son of Zhongyi Bofu.” Then he pointed to the blue shirt son next to him, “This is the son of the household department Shangshu, please They return to the yamen, did you please move?”

Wu Xiang frowned as soon as he heard it. Although he could see that several people were either rich or noble, the Zhongyi Bofu and the Hubu Shangshu were indeed far beyond his expectation. Strictly said: “The prince who breaks the law will also have the same crime with the common people. Even if the two princes are of noble origin, they will be noble but the prince will go. If you don’t return to the yamen, that’s fine. The people see if the sons of the Zhongyi Bofu and the Hubu Shangshu Family have done anything to hurt people.”

The nobles have the advantages of nobles, but they are not without weaknesses. Seeing Wu Xiang is a stubborn stubbornness. Of course, they cannot be theorized on the street, and there are indeed people in the market who see them hurting people.

Feng Ye, the second son of the Zhongyi Bofu, said: “Finally, if that’s the case, it’s not a big deal to go back to the yamen and ask to understand.”

When he spoke like this, the Wei Yan of the Shangshu family looked even more nervous. Feng Ye saw this, but his eyes were quite calm, and he ordered the young man next to him. The young man soon left the crowd and left. .

Wu Xiang knew that this matter could not be done well, so he didn’t pursue it, and immediately sent them to the carriage to the Yamen. At this time, Feng Ye looked at Bo Ruoyou, and he walked up and asked Bo Ruoyou two steps, “This girl, How do you know that the horseman is not an attendant?”

Bo Ruoyoushi was not in a hurry to speak, just to see how the group of people could lie. Seeing him to ask herself, her eyebrows and eyes were a little colder, “I just checked the stirrups. There is a reddish-brown color on the stirrups. Mud stains, this soil is an excellent flower-cultivating soil. Among you, only the blue shirts have it on the shoes.”

Feng Ye raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes to look at the stirrups on the horseback. The stirrups have been used for a long time and have not been taken care of. They are stained with mud. At this moment, the color of the mud stains was quite unusual.

He pursed his lips and smiled, then the conversation turned, “It seems that the girl never recognized me.”

Bo Ruoyou was taken aback by these words, and Feng Ye smiled deeper, “We only met a few days ago. It seems that the girl has forgotten.”

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked to the carriage. After a while, his figure disappeared behind the curtain. Wu Xiang ordered two yamen to follow these people, and ordered them to take the corpse back to Yizhuang, as well as the woman. When I went back, I turned to see Bo Ruoyou stunned, and asked her, “What’s the matter? Who was that person just now?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “I don’t recognize it.”

Not only did she not recognize it, she also felt that she had never seen it before, but that person seemed very sure, Bo Ruoyou thought for a while, but still did not think of any clues.

Now that these Buddhas were invited back to the Yamen, Wu Xiang had already expected that not only himself, but also Sun Zhao would be troubled. Bo Ruoyou said when he saw this, “Catch my head, I will go to Yizhuang. You can go back to the Yamen first. After the inspection, I will send the certificate to the Yamen and give it to you.”

Wu Xiang was grateful, so he naturally responded, and took a few street vendors who might have seen the incident back to the Yamen.

Bo Ruoyou came to Yizhuang in a carriage and examined the corpse again. After finishing the examination papers, it was sunset, and she took the carriage back to the Yamen to send the certificate.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the yamen, Bo Ruoyou realized that the atmosphere of the yamen today was quite unusual. When she left, the people in the yamen were all relaxed and comfortable, but at this time, even the people on duty at the gate were silent.

She had a bad premonition in her heart. At this moment, she saw Lin Huai and his son walking out of the back hall. When they saw her, their expressions changed slightly.

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