The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 12 - An inch of gold 12


Zheng Yunni whispered and hurried to the woman’s side.

While helping the woman, she looked back at Huo Weilou, and she was relieved to see that Huo Weilou had never been angry.

“Mother, why did you come out?”

Zheng Yunni asked softly, but the woman still looked at Zheng Wenyan’s body and laughed.

Father Fu opened his mouth in shock, because the woman who was called the mother by Zheng Yunni clearly looked at the mental difference. He couldn’t help but glanced at Huo Weilou, and saw that Huo Weilou looked at Mrs. An Qinghou’s gaze darkly.

Father Fu came forward, “Miss, is this Lingci?”

Zheng Yunni let out an “um”. At this time, the two maidservants panicked and chased to the gate of the courtyard. Seeing the incoming person, Zheng Yunni’s face changed gently and sternly rebuked, “How do you do things? How can you let your mother be alone? Come out? What if something happens?”

The two maidservants knelt on the ground with a “puff”, “The eldest maid calmed down her anger. Madam didn’t drink medicine at night, and she wanted to see the snow. As soon as she left the house, she threw away the cloak and the soup lady and ran away. The slaves did not catch up… “

Xu Shi was scrupulous about the presence of outsiders, and Zheng Yunni restrained: “It’s so cold, why don’t you invite your mother back?”

The two maidservants stood up again in a hurry and took Madam An Qinghou’s arm and walked out, but Madam An Qinghou was reluctant to leave, with a weird smile in her mouth. Zheng Yunni was afraid that the trouble would not look good, and whispered: “Silly Gu What? Go call the idiot—”

With that said, she also went forward to coax Madam An Qinghou, Madam An Qinghou looked at Zheng Yunni, seemingly regained, Zheng Yunni hurriedly seized the opportunity and dragged Madam An Qinghou out with the two maidservants.

The needle fell quietly in the yard, and the cry of the third lady stopped, and the others did not dare to make a loud noise.

Father Fu twitched the corners of his lips when he saw this, and wanted to calm down and walk to the second lady, “Second lady, why is the eldest lady…so…like a fool?”

Father Fu met the silly aunt, and it was a little strange to think of the child’s appearance and low status.

The second wife sighed, “My sister-in-law has been ill for many years. That silly aunt was picked up by the eldest-in-law on the road when she went out. Maybe she was pitiful to see her. That silly aunt is also a bit stupid, she doesn’t talk much on weekdays. , But the sister-in-law just likes her. So sometimes Yun Ni will ask the fool to accompany her sister-in-law when she gets sick.”

Bo Ruoyou was a little bit sorrowful when she heard it. Originally, she said that the lady was seriously ill and could not see guests, but she was suffering from madness. But the crazy lady likes a foolish silly girl…

A trace of weirdness filled his mind, Bo Ruoyou subconsciously thought of the case, but thinking that she was both crazy and stupid, he felt that he was a little bit ridiculous.

Huo Weilou’s expression was still gloomy, and he said at this moment: “Let’s go.”

Bo Ruoyou hurriedly followed behind the Huo Wei Building and left the courtyard to the west courtyard. Walking on the road, Father Fu, seeing no one, said with a light cough, “I don’t know how long the lady has been sick.”

“I have been sick for more than ten years.”

Obviously Huo Weilou knew it a long time ago, and the corner of Fugong’s lips was pressed, and he didn’t say anything.

When the group arrived at the west courtyard, because of the injury on their back, they made the body prone on the blanket, and Bo Ruoyou immediately began an autopsy.

Zheng Wenyan’s robes are neat and tidy, and there is no trace of a fight. The only thing is the crease caused by lying on the book, and the murderer always takes the drug first, which ensures that the least traces are left on the scene.

There were no other wounds on the corpse. After Bo Ruoyou carefully inspected it, he removed the murder weapon.

“Jianmo pestle is about four inches long, of which about two and a half inches pierced the back of the deceased’s heart. There was a lot of bleeding in the wound. It should be caused by piercing the heart and causing more blood loss to death. There was no other damage on the body surface of the corpse. Minor contusion, deep wound, flat inner wall, only one penetration, according to the angle of the weapon penetration, the murderer should stand behind the deceased when the incident happened, because the deceased was prone, the murderer pierced the back of the heart with the magic pestle.”

At this point, Bo Ruoyou frowned slightly, and then subconsciously glanced at Huo Wei Building.

Huo Weilou looked at her and said thinly: “The deceased was less than five and a half feet tall, shorter than Lord Hou, and was lying prone on the table at the time. If the murderer is as tall as Lord Hou or Father Fu, The angle of entry should be straight down.”

Bo Ruoyou waved the magic pestle, “Zheng Sanye was unprepared after being in a coma, and the murderer only stabbed once. Under such circumstances, anyone will definitely choose the most powerful angle to pierce. If he is tall, , But pierced at an oblique angle, the gesture of holding the magic pestle would be very strange, on the contrary, it is difficult to pierce deep. If the girl is as tall and short, most of it can be straight up and down, but the wound right now is slightly inclined. It’s…”

Bo Ruoyou said, “Unless the murderer is two points shorter than the civilian girl.”

The old lady died of an insidious disease outbreak. Zheng Wenchen died of falling from a building. Both of them had no direct fatal wounds left by the murderer. Although Zheng Wenyan’s clothes were neatly dressed and there were no other traces on his body, the murderer chose to kill with the devil’s pestle. The wound is the evidence of Tie Zhengzheng’s crime, and how can the murderer think that this ordinary method of harm can reveal his stature.

A slight glow appeared in Huo Weilou’s eyes, “The murderer is only five feet tall.”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded. At this moment, an embroidered clothing envoy walked in from outside, “Master Hou, there is a discovery outside the courtyard.”

Huo Wei Lou’s eyebrows moved slightly, and Father Fu hurriedly said, “Master Hou, let’s go, the old slave stays.”

Huo Weilou glanced at Bo Ruoyou and turned away. As soon as he left, Grandpa Fu looked at him and sighed. Bo Ruo suspiciously said, “What’s wrong with father-in-law?”

Father Fu turned around and smiled: “This case is getting more and more incomprehensible, and I don’t know when it will be solved.”

Seeing Bo Ruoyou still looking at him, Mr. Fu said: “Actually, this time the Lord Hou came to the Hou Mansion, but he was only planning to take a look and then left. But I didn’t expect that the death of the old lady was really suspicious, and the second master died. Before he left, Hou Xinyang came to visit him at his age and stayed there, but Master Hou still has other tolerances. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged.”

Bo Ruoyou appeared in a daze, and said hurriedly: “The girl will do her best.”

Father Fu laughed, pulled the open chair to the side and sat down, “Our family is not to urge you, our family can also see that you are a good girl who does her best.”

The corners of Bo Ruoyou’s lips were slightly curved and no longer said, she just continued to examine the corpse with her eyes down.

The cause of death was already clear, the murderer’s tactics were not complicated, and there was no need for autopsy, but Bo Ruoyou thought of the tolerance of Huo Weilou’s rush to the side, and wanted to find more clues. The rescue in the morning, how deep is she? Deeply in my heart.

However, despite Bo Ruoyou’s repeated inspections, there was no new clue on the corpse. She was a little worried for a while. Looking at Zheng Wenyan’s still alive face, she couldn’t help sighing. Turning her head, she saw Father Fu leaning on. The back of the chair fell asleep tiredly, and Bo Ruoyou realized that the night was dark.

Huo Wei Building has not yet returned. Xu Shi found more important clues outside the courtyard. Bo Ruoyou sorted out Zheng Wenyan’s body and walked out the door lightly. A funeral lamp outside the door cast a white light under the eaves of the gallery. When the wind came, the lampshadow shook, and Bo Ruoyou gathered his cloak. He was about to go in and wake up Father Fu to prevent him from catching a cold. But when the wind was wrong, he caught a glimpse of a person standing in the darkness at the entrance of the courtyard.

Bo Ruoyou frowned and walked into the courtyard, “Who is there?”

After walking a few steps and standing still, Bo Ruoyou asked aloud, and soon a white robe came out of the darkness.

Bo Ruoyou looked intently, and the next moment, she took a step back like a ghost.

Because she saw that Zheng Wenyan, who had just been carefully examined by her, stood erect in the dark at this moment, looking at her with dark eyes…

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