The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 133 - Seven Lady 03

“The nuns who practiced on behalf of the hair, have not been found after many days of death?” Bo Ruoyou asked suspiciously.

Wu Xiang nodded, “Yes, not only that, but the deceased died in a house with locked doors and windows. Because there was no movement for several days, the other nuns in the nunnery broke open the door and saw that she was already dead. .”

“The female nun in the nunnery came to report to the officer. I took someone out of the city to take a look. The body was decayed, but the cause of death was traumatic. No other clues were found at the scene, so I came to invite you to go for an autopsy.”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, and when Zhou Liang brought the box, he confessed to Cheng Yunzhi and got on the carriage and went out of the city.

On the way, Bo Ruoyou knew that the temple was called Shuiyuean, which had been located east of Luoshui in the south of the city for many years. There were many Buddhist temples such as Xiangguo Temple in the surrounding area and the incense was not prosperous.

Bo Ruoyou knows in his heart. When the carriage leaves the city gate and turns east, follow the trail all the way to Tingshan, southeast of the city. Tingshan is a rolling hill on the left bank of Luoshui, and there are many landscaped pavilions on it. The place of amusement, Shuiyue An is located in the western mountain depression with unusual scenery.

In the early autumn, the mountain breeze is a bit cool, the mountains and plains are luxuriant, and the half-yellow grass is like waves. When the carriages pass by, the birds are frightened. As soon as the carriage arrives at Shuiyue Nunnery, you see the gate of the nunnery open, two The ya chap stood by the door, and two more nuns in crow blue robes were waiting with pale faces.

Seeing Wu Xiang and Bo Ruo quietly approaching, the government officials greeted them first, and Wu Xiang walked forward and asked, “What’s going on? Someone is here at home.”

Yacha shook his head, “Not yet, and the people in the nunnery haven’t returned yet.”

Wu Xiang frowned and glanced back at Bo Ruoyou, “An autopsy first.”

Bo Ruoyou followed, and when he entered the door, he looked at the nunnery secretly. The nunnery was indeed a bit bleak. There were several temples with statues of Buddha in front, and the Buddhist nuns’ meditation rooms in the back. There are two small courtyards, and the deceased this time died in this small courtyard.

At the gate of the courtyard is Hou Yang, with an old nun next to her. She looks over half a hundred years old. At this moment, holding a string of Buddhist beads, she is chanting the scriptures in a low voice. Seeing Wu Xiang and Bo Ruoyou come over, she looks just now. Yizheng.

Wu Xiang pointed to the upper room in the courtyard, “The deceased is inside.”

There are three upper rooms in this courtyard, and left and right wing rooms. There are some green bamboos in the corner of the atrium, but the courtyard wall is not high. Bo Ruoyou feels that if there is a place to step on, she can turn in and turn. out.

She followed Wu Xiang, and just walked to the door of the upper room, she first smelled the stinky corpse inside the house, frowned, and saw the broken door latch on the ground.

Wu Xiang took her to the right wing, “The corpse is inside. This room is different from the ordinary Buddhist room. The left wing is the warm pavilion. This is the bedroom. The corpse is on the bed, but there is trauma on the forehead. We haven’t moved the corpse yet. .”

As soon as he entered the door, Bo Ruoyou saw the corpse on the bed.

This is the Antang Temple, but the layout of this room does not have the meaning of the pains of an ancient Buddha with a blue lamp. The furniture is complete, the beautiful bed tent, and the plaque decorations are all available. It looks like an ordinary woman’s boudoir.

The stench in the room was so foul, Bo Ruoyou took out a silk paw and tied it on his face, then put on a handguard, and then walked to the side of the bed.

At the end of summer and early autumn, if the weather is clear, there is still a bit of dryness and heat, so the corpse decays very quickly. After two steps, Bo Ruoyou saw the fly maggots attached to the surface of the corpse. His forehead was severely injured. Bloodstains also covered the forehead. At this moment, the maggots were wriggling around the wounds, eye sockets, and mouth and nose of the corpse. Wu Xiang, who was looking straight at the side, felt sick in his stomach.

Bo Ruoyou returned with a Suhexiang pill in his mouth, and lit the foul incense in a corner of the house. When the faint smoke rose, Bo Ruoyou ordered Hou Yang to help fetch water, and then went to look at the corpse.

Because of the rapid corruption, the facial features of the corpse have been deformed, but it can still be seen that she is a young woman. She is wearing a robe and clothes that are the same as those of the female nun outside. She is lying on the bed without taking off her shoes. At this moment, the skin on his hands was dry and shriveled into a layer of skin, covered with scars, thin as if not moving the corpse, first went to look at the bed net.

Although the bed net was a bit old, it didn’t look like the original thing in the nunnery. The silk quilt under the deceased was also embroidered with complicated patterns. Bo Ruoyou could already see a small piece of white fly eggs sticking to it. She took a closer look and felt inexplicably The brocade beneath her body showed signs of being grabbed by the deceased. Soon, she asked Wu Xiang to help and moved the body to the ground for inspection.

The maggots and fly eggs were washed away with clean water, and the corpse recovered its original appearance. Bo Ruoyou carefully took off the corpse’s robe, her eyebrows wrinkled, the corpse’s abdomen was swollen, and the thighs were already swollen due to corruption. When he started, his lower body was covered with corpse green and fly eggs, and the purple branch-like blood veins were distributed under the skin of the chest, abdomen and thighs, which looked particularly horrified.

“This nun should not be from the nunnery? She has been dead for at least seven days. Why did she report to the official today?”

Bo Ruoyou asked and leaned forward for an autopsy. Wu Xiang said, “That’s true. Master Jinghui outside said that this girl was sent here half a year ago. In addition to offering incense in their temple, they occasionally speak for the wealthy and wealthy. In addition to the scriptures, there is another use, that is, some people send women who made mistakes in their homes here to make them self-examine. This girl was sent by mistakes. It has been half a year. Her temperament It’s very weird, and people are a little crazy, and they can speak nicely when they are good, but once they are upset, they will be like crazy.”

“Either, it is to shut myself in the room, do not eat or drink, go on a hunger strike, and want family members to pick her up. Normally, in such circumstances, Antang will send someone to the capital to ask. If she doesn’t want to, let her make trouble. Master Jinghui said, this is not the first time this girl has closed herself. The longest time she has not gone out in ten days.”

“Then what did she eat and drink?” Bo Ruoyou asked while examining the wound on the deceased’s head.

“There is a rear window in the left wing room, which is large enough to let in and out of the tableware. Some people bring food every day. I just went to see it. There are a lot of steamed buns and meals in the window, and no one has moved it for many days. “

Bo Ruoyou raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Xiang, as if he felt weird.

Wu Xiang’s eyes were also dark, “It is said that she is used to making troubles, and in the past few days, she has been very busy helping several families in the city to do things, and she has no time to take care of her. Until today, she has not seen anyone for seven days. I just hit the door and came in.”

Bo Ruoyou spoke no more, and continued to explore the wounds on the deceased.

Musculoskeletal is the musculoskeletal of young people. Except for the injuries on the forehead, there are some old scars on the body, but they are not new ones today. After Bo Ruo carefully examined it, he pondered for a while and looked over the bed.

There was also a lot of blood stains between the hair strands of the deceased, and a lot of blood was found on the pillow she was sleeping on. She picked up the pillow and looked at it, and wrinkled her brows. “The deceased should be From eighteen to nineteen, it was initially suspected that she died due to excessive blood loss from the wound on her forehead. She looked weak and thin. The injury was serious. If the treatment was timely, it would be enough. She shed so much blood and died. It’s normal, but to determine the cause of death, an autopsy is needed.”

This is not a nameless corpse, Wu Xiang said, “Then you have to wait for a while, and wait for her family to come first.”

Bo Ruoyou was not in a hurry. She cleaned her hands, took out the paper and pen to record the talents, and then couldn’t help but head to the left wing. As soon as she entered the left wing, she saw that it was set up as a study room with writing pens and writings. They are all available, besides Buddhist scriptures, there are more ordinary books. She flipped through two books on the table at random, and unexpectedly found that the handwriting of the deceased was very graceful.

Wu Xiang and Hou Yang questioned the teacher too much. After a while, he walked in, frowned and looked upset, “This girl turned out to be the daughter of the Liu family in Pingkangfang.”

Bo Ruoyou was puzzled, “The Liu Family?”

Wu Xiang nodded, “Liu’s family used to be a lord family, titled loyal and brave uncle. After the death of the old uncle, their five generations of hereditary titles came to an end. Even so, they are both rich and expensive. This girl is their family. Miss Shangqi, it’s good, why did you send it here to suffer such suffering?”

After hearing the slight movement of the brows, Bo Ruoyou suddenly got up and walked to the right compartment where the corpse was parked. The corpse was covered by her robe. At this moment, she uncovered the robe and looked at the lower abdomen of the deceased. Soon, she Straighten up, “Ms. Liu has never been married, right?”

Wu Xiang shook his head, “No, never married.”

Bo Ruoyou’s pupil was dark, “Let’s talk about it when her family comes.”

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