The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 175 - Nine ileum 07

Bo Ruoyou suddenly felt strange, “Why did the foster father say this?”

Cheng Yunzhi turned his eyes away and stopped looking at her. His tone was uncommon and beyond doubt, “Anyway, you listen to me. You have to prepare for your wedding in the next few days. I will go to the Xiulou to set up a dress for you tomorrow. I will explain it all. Yes, you can put this case away first. Has Hu Yazuo returned to the yamen?”

Cheng Yunzhi met Hu Changqing in the sick camp and knew the situation inside the yamen. Bo Ruoyou looked at him for a moment, then said, “Go for the wedding dress? That’s fine. I’ll go to Xiulou first.”

After a pause, Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but said, “But this matter does not conflict with the case. Why doesn’t the foster father want me to investigate this case?”

Cheng Yunzhi frowned slightly, and his expression was hard to see. “What you listen to me is that, like today’s cold ground, the yamen is not an unstoppable work, and I can’t bear you running around and suffering.”

After saying that, he didn’t want to stay longer, and told her to rest early and go back to the room.

Bo Ruoyou looked at the direction of Cheng Yunzhi’s departure, suspiciously for a while, used some soup to go back to the room to wash and lie down, still wondering why Cheng Yunzhi made this statement tonight.

Since persuading Cheng Yunzhi to let her learn the way, he has rarely prevented her from doing an autopsy to push the case. Although this case is difficult to solve, it is really weird that Cheng Yunzhi would not allow her to investigate it.

Cheng Yunzhi treats her like a daughter, if he stops her, there is only one reason-this case may be against her.

When she fell asleep in a daze, Bo Ruoyou still didn’t know what was wrong with this case.

In the early morning of the second day, Bo Ruoyou got up and followed Cheng Yunzhi to Dongshi. This time he prepared the dowry, and nothing else was done. The wedding gown had to be customized by her in the embroidery building. Cheng Yunzhi also wanted to make a pattern. She chooses her own preferences. Although Bo Ruoyou was given a marriage, she only stayed in the Xiulou and saw all the things she liked to marry, and only then did she feel a little real.

Xiu Niang had been decided long ago. Cheng Yunzhi was drinking tea downstairs, and Bo Ruoyou was measuring himself upstairs. She was also very neat, but in half an hour, the father and daughter returned to the house, but how could she really ignore the yamen? The case?

Bo Ruoyou was waiting for Huo Weilou to pick her up.

Before noon, the horses and carriages of the Hou Mansion stopped in front of Cheng’s house. When Bo Ruoyou heard the people coming, he greeted him personally, opened the door and winked at Huo Wei Building, and whispered: “Don’t be right. The foster father said that we would go to the Yamen, and that we would visit Her Royal Highness the princess.”

Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows, and when he saw Cheng Yunzhi also greeted him from within, he stepped forward and bowed his hand to Cheng Yunzhi. When Cheng Yunzhi asked where he would take Bo Ruoyou to go, Huo Weilou said in a normal tone: “Sir, take care of his mother’s body. After a few minutes, I want to take Youyou to visit my mother.”

Cheng Yunzhi had no doubt that he had treated the eldest princess for two months. He knew that the eldest princess was suffering, and the two juniors were caring and naturally very good, so he didn’t say much and watched the two leave Cheng’s house.

After getting on the carriage, Huo Weilou looked at Bo Ruoyou in his spare time, and Bo Ruoyou sighed: “Foot-father doesn’t know what happened. I came back and told him about this case last night. He didn’t allow me to take care of it. Could it be… Is it because I and Hou Ye have already given marriage to me, so I don’t want me to be infected with these? Afraid that the marriage will not be good?”

After she analyzed this way, she was a little unbelieving, and sighed: “But the foster father is not such a pedantic person.”

Not to mention Bo Ruoyou, it is because Huo Wei Building was a little surprised, thinking about it, and calming down: “Xu Shi thinks that the murderer is quite weird. The place where the crime was committed is outside the city. I don’t want you to work hard.”

Although these reasons fit in with Cheng Yunzhi’s words, they are not very convincing. Bo Ruoyou frowned and worried, Huo Weilou shook her softly, “He must be so worried about this, how about you? Intend?”

Bo Ruo quietly pondered, “If it’s not necessary, I don’t want to go out of the city, and I have asked Hu Yao to help me a lot, but Lord Hou knows that I am afraid that I have missed the old case in these years, so I want to go to the Yamen to look at the files.”

Huo Weilou naturally understood, “Finally, I will cover you for a while.”

When he said this, his eyes were a little dark, and he wondered why Cheng Yunzhi stopped Bo Ruo from investigating the case.

When he arrived at the Yamen, Wu Xiang had not yet returned. Bo Ruoyou called Hu Changqing to meet with Sun Zhao. When the case was revealed, Sun Zhao’s expression changed slightly. Some old cases come?”

Sun Zhao did not delay, and took a few people to Neiku. Bo Ruoyou was not unfamiliar with this place. When Sun Zhao called the writers, he went through the old archives again according to the clues he got the day before. Come.

Bo Ruoyou and Hu Changqing said: “The murderers targeted children around six or seven years old, so the victims we were looking for were six or seven-year-old children. Now, I want to find it again.” After a slight pause, she said again: “For the sake of insurance, you can die at any age, and you can just be under ten.”

This is even more difficult than finding the record of the Zhaojiaban fire before. In the past fourteen years, we have to go through the files. Every year, many people who are abducted and children die accidentally come to report to the officials. Screening is required to avoid mistakes.

Bo Ruoyou said again: “The murderer likes to use children’s favorite things to coax them into no one’s land, and then take them away. They will not violently hurt them, but they will drain the blood from them, so the dead There are small wounds, most of these wounds are on the feet. Most of the deaths are caused by excessive blood loss, or there are other causes of death, but also a lot of blood loss.”

The more clues there are, the easier it is for everyone to screen. Bo Ruoyou is afraid of missing something, and he does not dare to block the conditions too much. But the case is the most recent, so the officials plan to look it up backwards. There is no objection, because she cannot be sure whether Ming Guilan was really nearly murdered back then.

Reading the files is a very boring work, and Wu Xiang is still outside the city, most of which are not accurate and powerful clues. The officials will find out the suspicious files separately, and then Bo Ruoyou will follow them to avoid omissions. After a busy time for a long time, I really found a few eligible cases.

“It was only thirty years old, that is, last year. Five children in and outside the capital have lost their lives. The youngest lost is five years old and the oldest is eight years old. But the murder case is okay, there are only two, one is four years old, and one Six years old.”

Bo Ruoyou marked the files in front of him, and said: “A child fell into the river in the summer and died. When he was found, his body was swollen and there were many wounds on his body. The person who was doing the post-mortem at the time—”

Hu Changqing raised his hand from the long case, “I was the one who did the post-mortem.”

After he finished speaking, he came over, because it was a thing of last year, he still had some impressions, “This child is indeed drowned, because there is a lot of sand in his mouth and nose, and the signs on his face are also the appearance of being drowned. It is just that he was drowned. There were traumas, especially on his feet, and he really shed a lot of blood, but I felt that when the child fell into the water and struggled, his feet were cut by rocks on the ground.”

While listening and watching, Bo Ruoyou noticed that the child’s home was in the south of the city, his mother was sick in bed, and his father was working hard, so he lost supervision and let the child ran out to play in the water. It seemed that the time of death was summer. Not quite like it.

She looked at the second murder case for the time being, “There was an accident on the fifteenth day of the last lunar month, and she was found dead under the ancient city wall in the southern part of the city. It was a fall.”

Hu Changqing immediately said: “That’s it. Although I don’t know how to do an autopsy, I can touch the bones. He is on the shoulder and side of the ground, and his bones are completely shattered. When he discovered that there was a large pool of blood under him, everyone on the ancient city wall They were all available, but later it was determined to be an accident.”

These deceased were all the corpses examined by Hu Changqing, and he naturally had the most say, and the detailed records on the visits of the yamen in the dossier also did not mention the children being coaxed and abducted, etc., and clues related to the murderer. There is no match.

She was a little embarrassed. At this moment, a government office quickly walked to the door, “Hou Ye, the county lord, the son of the Ming Dynasty physician came to visit.”

Both Bo Ruoyou and Huo Weilou were in discoloration. Could Ming Guilan come to the Yamen to look for them, did he think of something?

Bo Ruoyou ordered Hu Changqing to look at Neiku, and he and Huo Weilou went to the front hall to see Ming Guilan. Sun Zhao was dealing with the errands at the side of the office, and he rushed over when he heard the words.

Ming Guilan’s complexion was very bad. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night. When he saw them, he opened the door and said: “I thought about it all night last night. I did think of some details. I didn’t know the details. I don’t know what the murderer did. I didn’t explain it, but when I learned about the child’s death last night, I suddenly felt wrong.”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes tightened, and he stared at Ming Guilan motionlessly. He continued: “At that time, I was looted, and my consciousness was sometimes chaotic and sometimes sober. There is a detail that I didn’t pay attention to. When he brought me back to the ruined temple, he once touched my skeletal veins, from the blood veins on the side of the neck down to the soles of my feet, and put his hands on my veins.”

“I used that gangster as a kidnapper at the time. I just said that before he abducted me, he had to have a health check to check my health, whether I was strong, whether I was disabled, or whether I was really fainted.” Ming Gui Lan said with a deep gaze: “But now that I think about it, he seems to know the blood arrangement of a person, and his inspection like that is as if he is determining how to bleed a wound on my body.”

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help but brighten up Wutong, “Absolutely no mistake?”

Ming Guilan shook his head, “I can’t remember it. Later, when I studied medicine, I was still vividly aware of what happened back then. I had doubts about it in my heart, but I just thought that the man seemed to belong to a wealthy man, and said Maybe I really know how to heal, and I heard that kidnappers never kidnapped those frail and sick children, so I didn’t think much about it.”

Ordinary people who would have thought that a murderer would put blood on a child so cruelly?

Both Bo Ruoyou and Huo Weilou showed deep thoughts. At this time, Ming Guilan said again: “Besides, I also remembered that I was in a daze and heard a special voice. It was not what you said yesterday. A rattle, but a sound like a bell…”

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